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<br /> �AIdPi'A r ����.� .
<br /> ., ;��
<br /> . I.�'►AA,�DESCRIPTION �
<br /> • A aact of Iwd compslslnig adl of Lots One(1)�Two(2),Ttrree(3),Four(4)�Fivc(S), 5i� (�,
<br /> S�ven(7j.BiBht(8)and Va+cated Alley all in A1ock Twclve(12)�Kenwhan and Deckrer Additiad
<br /> . in the�City of Grand Island,Yi�1D�ounty.Nebnsira as rocardod in Doed Hook P�Faga 333 �nd
<br /> tho West Hplf of Va�cated Mas�roe St:+eet;BXCSPTINti THBRBFROM,a tr�ct af land de�ctibed
<br /> ' as falk►ws:
<br /> Beg�inning at ttta south�ast oomer of Lot Bight(8)�Ble�cic 11ve1ve (l�j,thm�x mm�ing uo�tcr,rly
<br /> along the tast line af said Lot Sight(8), a diatanoa of Sixtoe�(16.0) fa� thenca ninnin�
<br /> westerly cxf a line Sixteen(lb) fcet north of arnd parditel w the southerly line of sa�d B2ock �
<br /> Twalve(12), to a poiat Thirty Five(35.0) feet east of the west line of Lot Five (S7,Bloc�
<br /> Twelve(12�,thence northwesterly a distance of Forty Thrae aad Fifty�ix Hundredtha(43.5�
<br /> foet W a point on the west line of said Lot Flve(5�;thence southerly along the west lime of said .
<br /> Lot Five(5y,a distanve of Forty Two(42) feet, w the southwest corner of sa�d Lot Pive (S�; � '�
<br /> thaice runting easoerly along the s�outherly line of said Block Twelve(12). a distanae of Two
<br /> Hundced Sixty Four (264) feet to the point of beginaing. Said tract c�nntaining 1.63d acns _ _
<br /> (T9.�14.8 Sq. Pt.)more or less. ' `
<br /> �aa,aa�s�as�r���aa1
<br /> A tract of lan� comprising the Narth Half �f Lot one (1�, all of Lots Two(2), Throe (3), •
<br /> Four(4),Five (S),Six (6)and Saven(?),and Varated Allay all in Block S(even (11),Kemohan , .
<br /> and Drxker Addition in tho City of Grand Island,�Ha11'County� Nebraska as recardcd in Dood �
<br /> Hook F,Page 333,and th�East Half of Vacated 1l��onme Street; BXL'F�'Y'1N0 THEREFROM, ,
<br /> a tract of Iand descn'bed as follows: � , _.-
<br /> Beginni�g at the southeast corner of I,flt Seven ('n,Block Bleven (11),thence rwuting northerly "4--
<br /> alting the east line of sa�id Lot Saven('n,a dis�n�s af Tea(10.0)feet;tha►ce rnnaing westerd�y, o-
<br /> on a lina Ten (10.0)feet north of and parallel w the southerly line of said Block Eleva►(�ly; �:---
<br /> a d�stance af�One Hundred Ninety Eight and Three Hundrodths(198.03)faet,w a point on the G`�_
<br /> west line uf s�d�Y.ot Pive►(5);the,nce running southerly along the west line of said Lot Five (S�, :��--
<br /> � a distanoe of �'en (10:0)'feet, w the southwest corner of said Lot Five(�; thence nuu�i�n� >���-
<br /> easterly along the south:�ii�e of said Blxk Eleven (11),a distance of One Hundred Ninety Cev� '�;
<br /> and Ninety Five Hundrodths(197.95)feet,w the po�nt of begirming. Saicl tract oontaining 1.576 � �•
<br /> acres(68.650.6 Sq. Ft.) more or less. --
<br /> oinaava.i �
<br /> --� ...�..---�.
<br /> -_ia�,�y�_ •,i:�.- r;�(, i����1`• �3• - �Y' :.�r_51�! .'�tcl.,: ,5� .
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