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<br /> e���n►�at�:*u������,!n_�c = -
<br /> 1'HIS ASSUMgTION AOREEMBNT(this"Agtair�att")is et�tered�nW a�of AptI12'l,
<br /> 19�4� among CErTi'8R I.AND CaMPAN�� INC.� � (�llfm�nia s�pora�ion F"Buinn�v�').
<br /> W�UD1yEN ACCIDPNT AND LIl�B CO�'ANY, a Nebraska corpontion ("Wcadrnen°').
<br /> t�IIARANI�B MUTITAL LIFB COMPANY,a Nebnsbt aoipocatFan('Gwrau�tx")(Wuodmon
<br /> and GuarantaG ue nfarnd to oallecHvely as"Puncbaxr")and QRAND ISLAND PROPBRT[BS,
<br /> L.L.C.,a Maryland Iamitod Liability Comp�any.d/b/a Grand Is1�nd SWra Bquitiss('Asdgaea').
<br /> (3u�xaatx ia thc own�aad holdu of th�t ccrtain 51,700,000 Nonreoourse Pmmiswcy
<br /> I�`�d����r 8. 1�93 exxuted aad dediven�d by B�rca�wer (tt� `C�u�ant�IW�"�• ---
<br /> Waodtn� ir�1�m►�ner and holder of that cert�in 52,00()�000 Nont�eooiuse Pmmissory Note
<br /> dat�d &��� p993 executed and de�vveied by Botmwu (the "Woodl.t�sn Nabe').
<br /> The(iw�nlx�1�c�a�the Woodmen Nobe are refe�rod to coll�ciively as the°Y�Tote�.'
<br /> 33+�wea's oi�ligations under the Notes and tho �cuim�ts eaecuLod by Boraower in
<br /> � ao�ectiac �tb �ch Notes, including, wi��out limihadivn, the Note Put�chas� Agxee�eat,
<br /> Fnvir�nm�ml Inc�uaity Agc�eemeat, As�t of � and L,eases, and Subardinati�,
<br /> Noadistutbanoo and�►�m�►t AgcePment(cal��ctivedy,the"Docua�eats"),az�e�ecu=+acl bq tP�+t
<br /> otrtain lTaed of Trust, Ass�gameat of Reats, Sacurity Agc�oemeAt ancl F"rxwie Filing dated as of
<br /> Deoember 8. 1993 (the "Deed of Tmst')r�cos�od on �xoember$, i�3 ia ti�c�ffioe of Bna .
<br /> Register of Deeds of�Il Counry, Nebrasl�,lnstrume,nt Nwnber 93-�1�5T7,e�ucauubering the
<br /> real piuperiy de5cribed on the attached F�chi'bi8 A.
<br /> Bar�wer has a$c�ead w ttansfer to Assignee�I v�f iBorrower's right,tiite and iaLerest in -
<br /> and w tb.�`�'nut Praperty (as defined in the D�ed of Tc�st), subject to the lten of the Deed of --
<br /> Tivst� and Purchas�er has coasented to s� t�ansfer, pmvlded that Assigaee assumes all �-
<br /> obligations of Bon+�1� (the "Obligations") under the Documents. The Notes� the Deod of c �`
<br /> � Trust, the Naie Pu�sse Agraen�e�t and ths other pocumentts are heneby incorparated herein
<br /> as if set fcaith in fiili.lierein. ��'
<br /> �_�
<br /> . �.�..
<br /> NOW, T�R�T"rORE, in consideiati�n of We mutual ag=+eement�hemia oontaiaed and �:�t=
<br /> � other valuable consideaation, and subjoct to the coadiea+on�at the eacecution af this Agre�a�t ��.��
<br /> wilt noi immpair the eaisling lien of the Doed of Trus3. �x the priority the�of, €t is HF.�BY k�'_
<br /> At3REED 1�15 F�ISAWS: c
<br /> 1. Co�s�ru• Co�rririg L�abtlity and Pdo�ty. Purrt��s hereby oonsents t� the -
<br /> aansfar �ff the Trust Properiy from Bornnwer W Assignee; pc+a+r��d, i�u.earer, the Trust �, �:,
<br /> Property shall remain in all i+espectc subjoct to the lien of the DBed af Tsu.,�3. �Tothing hercin
<br /> �contained, and aothi�,g done pursuant hereto�shail affect the lie,n oiF�1►e Doed of Tiust, and/or =
<br /> Ol?2069.1 •
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