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<br /> �a�►ae� � 6waetxaia ot Envirar�entnl Enqina�ring does , h�rs�r . '. ��
<br /> certi#y tha� a cext�in aonrCrtzzatio�t lidh; fn �avar p! tha und�r- ,
<br /> — aignad �nd aqainst C�nter, 8tor� D�velopm�nt Cosparation, 180� Via�
<br /> �rriba, Pnio veraes Es�a�tas, C�lilps^rnia 9027�o an�a aataa sspt.u�- ,t
<br /> � ber e, 1993, on the lollawing-4��cx3.bsd pro�ty situated in HAll
<br /> County, and the State af Nebraska�, to-w3t: � � „ �
<br /> Z.ots 1-8, 8].oak 12, R�sohan 6 Deokar Additian arid
<br /> vaaat�d alley, North 1�2 0! Ipt 1, IIlacl� 11, and Lo�s �
<br /> 2-7, Hlock 11, and vacated Kox�oe 9treet adjacent to
<br /> Blaak li and Blook 12 a� Rervhan & DeWter Addi�kion end
<br /> vacate8. alley in �locks 11 and 12. •
<br /> .. The �2aine For eaid Lfen was �eaurded in the Regist�r of
<br /> Ue�e�1s in and fox Y�all County. Nebraska, on Septea�er 24, 1393, itt'�.:`�;';
<br /> �� . . .
<br /> _ . �.. Baqk 93-108276 and Book 93-108277, and per Neb. Rev. Sttf�d Sec.
<br />- 52-124 (Ref�sue 1988) is fully satisfiefl, relessed, and dio-
<br /> � � aharqed, the claim seaured thereby having been paid in full, and
<br />- the Reqister of DQeda in and for Hall County, Nebraska is hereby
<br /> _.� ,
<br />- -_�� aut��arized and di�rected to dieahaage the same upon the recar�., ,
<br /> - thereof in aacordanae with said statute.
<br />. �o
<br /> IN WITNE3S WHEREOF, the aYoretnentioned Release was executed
<br /> in tYa.e Clty of �i4�itLic� . State of �f/�d�J� , �
<br /> on ttie �3�0 day of ��d�� , 199�.
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