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<br /> A.L. ..
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<br /> — Tiie undersi�{ned Cru�tor(:) for and in contidersdon uf �••� N�*+ar.a Tnt r�y_ .
<br /> F�.�.- a.,a r�.±ii��, ianliatrs (5.1.34..�II,.__ .�) end at��r�o�ad � ,
<br /> �---� _ -- --, and vaiu�ble consideratio�,rhe resei t r�here�f is�eb►��k.tt�tiel�� �n �n h�rs:h snri�
<br /> and convey unw��U�S WES1'Cortu unlc�tions, Iac.,l a Colorndo coipocatian,Yvhose � �
<br /> address is Gxatnd Ielaad� Nebraaka ,its successors�a�slgns�lessces, � ,
<br /> iicensees end�gents a pe:pewel easemeat to cansavct,reconxt�et,a te.maintatn and —
<br /> remove such tetecottununlcadons facilldas. ln�ktding alectrIcal f ides, from dme ro
<br /> dm��as said GrAatee.rt�ay require upon�ovES.under and acrass the fdllowing described ..
<br /> - �— land which the Gr�ntor owns or in which tha Grantor has any interesr,to wic:
<br /> - (A part oP ttie SW� of the SE'�, Sectian 12, Townsizfp-ll-North,
<br /> Range-iG�-West of the 6th P.M.. Hali County, N�b�aska. ) A 10
<br />- foot wide etrip of land compriaing a part of Lot 2. x81 Retaii
<br /> Subdivi�ion in the City of arand Isiand, Nebraslca u�ore partic-
<br /> ulariy descrfbed asp
<br /> Beginning at a poin�t an the West line and 40 feet North of the �
<br /> Southwest Coa�ner of said Sautheaet Quazter(5E�) , �hence con- �•
<br /> tia�uing North for a diatance of 617.9 feet to the North line .
<br /> - � of Lot 2, thence East for a distance of 10 feet, thertce South �
<br /> para11e1 to the Wes t Line and 10 feet East, for a distanae of .
<br /> - 617.9 �eet to the 3outh Line of Lot 2, thence ��Test for a dis- �•
<br /> — �'' tance of !0 feet to the
<br /> ;;;, point of beginning.
<br /> ,i}ti', ----
<br />•�•A,.
<br /> SItuats�in County of Ha11 _S��� Ne. ,Grantee shall have the righe
<br /> _ of in�ss and egress over eutd across the lands of the Grantor to and fr�m the ah�v�. , , _,
<br /> �°"�;,;�>�l� descnbcd property and tEie nght to clear and keep cleared all�+ees and other obscrucdons
<br /> .;z�,• as may be necessary. __.
<br /> .s,; _ _
<br /> Grantec shall be responsible for all dam�ee caused to Grantor arisin� fram Grantee's —
<br /> �;� exercise of the rights and privileges herein�anted. —
<br /> The Grancor reserves the righc to occupy�use and culdvace said eusemenc for all pUrpo�� ��_
<br /> ri0t tnconsiatent with' the righta herein graated. �.,,.,
<br /> The rights�condiaons andprovisions of this easzment shall inure to the benefit of und be . ��'=
<br /> binding upon the heirs,exceators,admInistrators.successors tind assigns of the respecdre �-
<br /> �M14;
<br />- pames hereto. �.
<br /> �:,..�. � :'
<br /> [:s.-.:
<br /> ,�. ' Any claim, cont�oversy or dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be settled by �"�N
<br />;;=`�,�8 arbiu�tion in uccordance wIth the npplicable rules of the American Arbitration �_
<br />:;;; � Associat�on.and ju+d�ment upon the award nndervd by the arbitrator may be entzred in .�=�
<br />: ' �:� h anv court havina jurisdicdon thereof. The arbitraaon shall be conducted in the count� :��'�
<br /> �;`?"�k �' ; where the property fs located. . • `"�•
<br /> :�-,��. .
<br /> '���' Dated is 3� day of � 19_9�L_
<br />_ �,..
<br /> - .;.� ::�` .
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<br /> a'� Y��' Gruntor ;;"
<br /> "" " Nebr. Ce u el. Corp. ,'
<br /> `�;�y •�;;>.� Kevin Wiley President .
<br /> ��tr..;`a�;..�.��.� NOTARY ��`;
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