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-- .. . . .:i'7.'i`.13�g�� _ _,,. <br /> . ::r , , .. :-- ---- - <br /> .., . <br /> _ ,. --. <br /> _. .�� _.` � - - - _ <br /> ___ --- ---- .- , , --- �_.- .. _ <br /> - -- .._._ . <br /> ___--- __ _ .� <br /> ' � . , , . �, �, , ^=��vttc•. <br /> . R/ii �1�, 19429 �' ' � • � „ °, <br /> ,> <br /> .T.O. or li�T. ft 416'�56� _....,, � 1.Qi�i�i'��► • <br /> A.I„ �4227Q „ . <br /> . �'EAS�rrc��r .. ��� c�aa��, � <br /> . .� <br /> _ Ti�a undarsi�ned Granter(s)for and In�onsidecadon of �.� �°,y��e and <br /> � �,�, --_-----------____..i�ollars (S 1���:�""---^,,,��end other good <br /> �-_- ----,-. ,, -v �id v uablc can�td�cntia�i,th�e.:ccipt w:�cz���i� °�u��� ��wkd�;.3�d�hcecGy gc�,jt �. -T <br /> anci convoy unta U S WEST Commun�catbnt, Lic., a Calarada c4rporation, whose <br /> a�dress is c3#�and. island. Nebraaka ,its succtssors,asslgns�lt�sees, <br /> licensees end agents a g�pewal e�scmeat to construct,reconsav�t,a�+erate. maintalr►and �� <br /> remove such telecor�untcaaons facfUc�as,including elecarIcal facilitiea� from time to <br /> said Graatee,may require upon� over,undor and across tha folldwing doscribed <br /> land which the Grantor owns or In v�hich the Graatar has any Interest,to wi� " <br /> A 10 foot xide atrip of 1.and and a 16.� goot s�rip of lan8 aii <br /> located fn Section 25, T-11-N, R-10-W, Haii County� Nebraskas <br /> more particulariy'descrfbed as: BQginning at a pofsat 10 fe�t <br /> Sou�h of �he 3au�heast Corner of the NW�, thence contiinu��g <br /> North for a dis�anae of 10 feet to eaid Southeast Corner:;xa� the <br /> NW�, t'hence continuiag on North on �he East lin� .,of bhe 'N'W'�, ,. <br /> _ - ���--� fr�r a di�tar�ce of I3�0 f�et. thenc� cl�anging �o ,v��� Yfi.S fnot ,. • <br /> s�rip of iand and continuing �o �ht� Wes� £ox a d3etance of � � <br /> — 13Z0 feet on tfie North line of the SE� ef.:NW�, thence 3au�� <br /> - - for a distance of 16.5 feet, thence E�s�, 16.5 feet Sau��i,.and <br /> para11e1 to the North iine of the SE� of NW'� for a distance o:� , , <br /> 1310 feet, thence South, 10 feet West and parailel ta the East �',� <br /> line for a distance of 1313.5 feet, thence East �or a distance ��� <br /> of 10 feeb to the point of beginning. <br /> — = Sltuate in Counry of Haii .State of Ne. .�rantee shall have che right . <br /> of inRress and egress over aad across rhe land�of the Grancor c�and fr�r�r�p��y._ � __ <br />- -= dcscribed properry aiad the right to clear end keep cleared all orees and other obstruetions ' ,`„� <br /> gs may be�ecessary. � . <br /> Gmntee shall be responsible for atl damage caused to Grantor arising from Grantee's , <br /> exercise of the rights and�rivileges herein$ranted. <br /> The Granwr xeserves che righc co oceupy,use and culavau suid eusemenc foc ali purpo�� <br /> ��I' � not incoaeistent with"the righes herein granted. <br /> Thc rights,caadiaons and provisions of this easement shall inure to the benefic of and be <br /> bInding upon die heirs,executors�adnw�Isu�tors,successors and asslgns of the respecave <br />__ ' parties hento. _ <br /> ��.• <br /> Any claim, contraversy or dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be settled by — <br /> arbitration ia accordance with the npplicable rules oF the Ameracan Arbicracion ---- <br /> Associsuon, and judgment upon the awand rendered by the arbicraror may be erttered in �:.�_ <br /> uny eourt having jutisdiction thereaf. 'I'he arbiaradon shall be conducted in the cauntti �� <br /> »�;.: <br /> :� where the property is located. ��.=. <br /> �m._ <br />___ '�;;� Dated this � � day of �.�� 19�_ <br /> ��. <br /> _ __, ,,.,;, <br /> � <br /> ,'.i.. 4ri��* � <br /> •,ti �i'��' � <br /> rj"� Grantar <br /> ti �`r;�� Giadys V. SchoQi/Ownar rantor <br /> ti, <br /> ,�.,�:;,f: <br /> �•'•'� +. NOTARY �-J L� �=I� o�J <br /> � _:•��S�:t:r <br /> �k.,�_ ' =„,.'� � .i�r«.��, <br /> '; t�y,,�N��f'�� 1 I�Y�IPiill � <br /> r;t�t� �l�IKIE 0 Et80N \� � <br /> A�,:- 4.- .;. . �►0��64►Jd!19l 1993 <br /> •� ' - <br /> �„�;=���.• RECORDING <br />.-,. �ai��..p._�..t... � <br />--- -.e+eo.,.�tr.=" _M �--_. <br />-' a�r;si-i:',"`a:�t'" Q f►L R7 � <br /> .:�-t r ��:.�iz�S.� �o C1 �1 , � �, �n ,� � <br /> 1 `�d:� 0 '^'�^ m vpi ��'•r� -t= `'- =a { r° <br />, '�6,: C . i <br /> :� A � Z R = ,� ?� t-G�.�— �j ri 4 <br /> �� �� �� m N N � �L , y <br /> �r�� � ` � _ .. . ._ 1"�1 c i,'t N l <br /> . � }_.a I <br /> Y'. �a'� V{,• � ��.� : � o v I <br /> 1!� �M : ��' � r_ .. � r .� <br /> 1 � s t i'�' � � � � �° I <br /> � F-+ - N w <br /> '� J ` w N d7 0 ��• ' <br /> R •?. � �. 4% I . <br /> � i <br /> .,.x " .�• -. <br /> ^�� � �1 <br /> .r • <br /> i:. " ' .._. .. - � - <br />