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<br /> R/W � .294,�8 ��,�Iie`��.�i " .
<br /> _- - — J.Q. or. MST. l! �{11375a2
<br /> --- A.L. �i y�'Q � `.. .
<br /> � � �ASEn�cv�r t�a�y �
<br /> ThC undersigned C3rantor(s)for and in cansickratfon df rour�e�n �ndr�E Efa�h�y-
<br /> re and ,j3/'1A0. � D01Itt1�(� 1d83.i3 - ) and oshtr.good
<br /> .,�, -• - --
<br /> __, and val4�ble coasici�r�dor�,t��c Yccc:i t vvl�crcpf ys I�ceci�y acL°uativlr,dgcd,do l�cr�:by grant �
<br /> and convcy unto U S WEST Co unicatton�, Iac., a Colorado corporatlon,�vhosc
<br /> address is arand is and, Nebraeka ,its successora,asslgns,lcssees� .
<br /> Itcensecs and ugeat�a perpeWal essement to cqnstruat,reFOnaauct,operute,mainta.in and
<br /> remove such telecommunica¢ions fac�lIdes.Including e1�Ct�r,taal fac�lides.from a�ne cn
<br /> :- dma. as said t3rante�.may require upon,ovu, und�ar and a�ross the foltowLtg descr�bcd . .
<br />--- land which tha Gr.�ntor vwns or in which the Grantor has any interest.to wIr
<br />_= A one (1) r.od (16: 5' ) Wide etrip af land taore particuiarly
<br /> — dearribed as: Beginning at a point 1320 feet �est and 45 feet
<br />=� north of the Southea�st Corner of Secti.on 25, T-il-N, R-lO��t,
<br /> ��� Haii County, Nebraska, the East side of which shali be ad�acea�
<br /> � --- and pa�caliel to the East 1l.ne of the SW�,3E� and the NW�,SE'�
<br /> - and the West side ahali be 16.5 feet West, thence cantinuinc,�
<br />- for a distance of 2595 feet, ending on the narth iitze of Llte� = -
<br /> � NW�,SE�. Heginning again with a 10 foot Ki.de stxip of land.
<br /> more partiau].ariy described asi Heginning at the Noxtheast Corner
<br /> - of tihe NW�,SE� of said Sec�ion 25. the North Side of st�'ip b�ing
<br /> � parailei and adjacent to �he North line of the 3E� and the south
<br /> ei8e being l0 feet South, thence cont�.nuing West Por a dietance
<br /> � t of 1320 feet ta the Northwes�c Coxner of the SE�. All locatedi .•.
<br /> in Section 25, T-11-N. R-10-W, Haii Countpr Nebraska. .
<br /> ;�;•: .' •'' :;.
<br /> '"'� Situate in County of HALL �State of Ne. .Grtutt�e shall havc the�righ�
<br /> ____ of ingress and afqrtss over and actoss the laads of the Grantor to and from��he above-
<br /> described property and the rIgbt to slear artd keep cicared all ccees and other olutrucdons
<br /> as may be nacessnry. �
<br /> Gmntee shaIl be responsible for all damage caused to Grantor arisirtg from Grantee's
<br /> 3 exercise of the rights and�rlvileges henin granted. .
<br /> :� Tht Grantor reserves the right w occupy.use and euldvace s�ud eusemenc for all purpo��� �
<br />- ,r .. ' not incoasiatent with' the righta herein granted.
<br /> . The rights�condidons and provisions of this easement shall inure to the benefit of und bs .
<br />- binrling apon the h�rs,exeeutors.adminisorators,snceessors aad assigns of the re�pecdce,
<br /> ;'= parties hereto.
<br /> •. � -,�,;
<br /> _ ��,� � .._ Any claim� controv�rsy or d�spute nrising out of this A�eeement shall be settled by
<br /> -�� ��':* 2=� urbitration in uceordance with ihe npplicable rules of the American Arbitracion
<br /> •�;• :�, '�sr� Associadon�and judgment upon the award nndered by the arbitrator may 6e entered in
<br /> � �r� <<��•�' uny court havin¢�urisdiction thereof. The �rbitrarion shall be conducted in the caunty
<br /> ��,�°�,r'.� ,�� � when the properry is located. �
<br /> �, �"���,.; Dated this_ o�./ 5'�' day of ��r� �,,,_, 19�_ .
<br /> . :..,�° ,
<br /> - �;��,,.
<br /> ��;� 3���;;., � �.� -
<br /> �y� � Gruntor =
<br /> a�`�ti�,�"�!t�'�, Gladys V. Schoei/Ovner Gruntor _
<br /> '� .;.;. -
<br /> " The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me oa1 Apxil 21, 199�a, i
<br /> '�� �'%• b� G1aclys V. Schoel, a idoo�, GRANTOR.
<br /> . � f ,
<br /> �� "�''�• .� o y ci c
<br /> ' 1 " My coffiission expires: July 19� 1995. ����'�0��
<br /> � � c���►Q�tr� �. -
<br /> a. . RECORDING „
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