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.-!t ...!,� � . . _ .;��='"_ ' <br /> .a'� � • . . . _,._- <br /> - a�. � v - <br /> ---. ;, . . -- <br /> :« ,. ...._ :_. <br /> ' '_�3.�'� _ - _ _ _ <br /> - _ <br /> _ <br /> _ - _ <br /> - - ---- _ <br /> _- --- __ . _ A �t��3 . <br /> -r - - - - . <br /> , 9� <br /> ._ -�_ � 1�.Trnnsfer a�t the P�o��ty or a Reneflclaf[niercgt!n l3��rmewcr.If'.nli or,nny part af thc Froprrty or ae�y i�9terest in it <br /> is sold ar trans[erred(or if�benet�cinl Interest in&�rrowet ia s�Ss�i nr tranrfevrcd mx1 l3�r`awer Is nnt a i�aturaf�eraon)wiQ►out <br /> _�_ ,� Lernder's prior written consenl. L.eixi�r muy, ut its upti�n. ro�.flre immcd�te pay�nertc in fuil af ull �u�ns secural by this <br /> 6ccurity Instn�rntnt.Hcs.-�wer.ihis option�hall nat be exeeeise�t+y t.erxtsr if�exerclse is prohibital 6p fedaral luw as of the date <br /> — oPthis Sccudty Instcumcnt. <br /> Iff Lerder excrciK9 this optl�n,Lender ehnll givc&�rrowcc nodcd o6;�p�Jeration.'fhe noticc shall provide u perind uf not <br /> less than 30 duyF fmm thu dute the natice ts delivcral ar m�t�ad withJn•which 8ormwer must pay ull sum9 s�:c�ured by this <br /> - --_� Sewrity L�st�u��k►► P.sit►o::�et f�sit�tc�p�y tiic::c suras prlor to thc expirslir:n�f thi�pertexl,Lender may lnvol:c nny remedtes L <br /> �ermittod Ay Ihis Socurfty Ir�tiut�cnt withnut further aoticc ar demand�m.l�rawor. <br /> 18. �onroN�r's It ! �,R�pstate. If Bnrmwer mt�tts ��ertaln camdttians. Barrower �hall ha�e the right ta have <br /> enfarcement uP t4is 5eonr�.�'fstiuwent discontinued ut uny 41nn:prlmr tu,the eurlier af: (a) 3 dayR(or Fach ather periad as <br /> appllenble low may`�ptci`y for reinstntement) before r+ale af tha PropGn},•pursuant ro any power of rale contairtod in this <br /> Secariry Instnunent;or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing thls.Socuriry I��3m�ncnt.Those cunditions ncc th�t Borrowcr:(a)pays <br /> L,ender atl sums whirh thcn would be duc under this Sccurltp Instrumcnt mnd the Note as if rto ucceteraUon had occurred:(b) <br /> - ciurs any defuult of a»y other rnvenant� or agree�aents:(c)pays.nU cnpr,RSes iRCUrr+ad in enfaretng tteis Security.Instrument, <br /> jncluding. but aot limit�d to. ren.5onuble nttome�s' fees: a�i(d) take.ti suah•,nctivn as 1.ender may reasonably reqwre toa�ure <br /> that the lIen of this Securlty Insuument, Lendcr�righu in tho Prupeny tuttb Bomnwer's ablig�don to pay the sums secwed bY <br /> --- this Secur�ty instnunent shall continue Wnchunged. Upc�n reinsuuemaat,�by Borrowec. this Security Insutuneni and the <br /> i, obligations socured hereby shall remain fully effective as it'na ac�eleratl«n�.hud occurn�d. However.this cight to reinstate shall <br /> not npply in the case of accelemtlon under paragrnph 17. <br /> •- 19. Sale of lofote; Cl�wnge of Loan Servtcer.'fhe�.Note or a puri't�l interest in tke Note (together with this Security <br /> Instnirnent)may be sold orte or more times without prior tuuice to Bor�owor. A&de may result in o change in the entity(known <br />-�:- as the"Loan Servicer')Q�at coilects montl�ly paymcats dtv�un�cr thu Nats and this S�cunry Insttument.There alr,�may t�e ones -- <br />'.�, or moce changes of the Loun Scrvicer unrelated to a salc cyf tha Note.If tbrtne is a change of the Laan Scrvicer,Borrower will be <br /> givcn written notice of the chunge in acoordance with pan�rnph 14 nbuva and applicuble law.The notfce wiQ state the name and <br /> address of the ne�v Loan Servicer nnd the address to which payment�shi�rsld be made.The natice will also contain uny athar <br /> infortnatIon requir�ed by applicable luw. <br /> 2ti. Hawrdous Sub�tattces. Borrawer sh�il nat or permit th�t presence. use,disposal, storage,or mlease of aay <br />.,, Ha�dous Substances on or in the Property. Borrow�r shul!not dq, nur allow nnyone else co do. a�� thing affecting the <br /> a <br /> Propeny ttu�t is[n violadon of nny Environmental LaH�, The precoding ttivo sentences shall rtot apply to e presence. use.or <br /> '} swrage on the P[operty of sin�ll quuntitt�of Hozurdaas Substnnces t6ut nre gener�lly recognized to be appropriate to nomial <br /> residentiul uses and tu nuuntenunce of d�r Pco�rty. <br /> Borrower shaii promptly give Lertder written noAice of uny invc�sti;��don,claim,demanci,lawsuit or other action by any <br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involv ing the Prupeti}�t+nd any Hazardous Substw►ce or Environmenwl Law <br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Barro�vec leams,or is nati.1fed by:sny �ovemmental or re�ulatory authority.that <br /> - -- ' '-- ri� is SflsrQw�r sltu!!�+romptly take <br />_ �� ° ° any removai or other rotttaiiation uf:uiy Hut,n�3�us aub�+ta,-t:.�aFf.,cti:�g:,.�!'m�x necessszy. . <br /> all necessary remediul aetions in uecordance with 8nv�ronmenwl La�v. <br /> -. As usea in ti►is paragr3ph 20, "Hazardous Subntances" are thne�e�ubstnnces defined as toxic or hazardous subswnces by <br /> � Environmental Law and the following substances: ga.tioline, kcroserus, cxr��r flammable or toxic petroleum products. toxic <br /> '�, pesdcides anti herbicides,valatile solvents,matetinls,contuining a.tibesto:,or farmaldehyd�.and mdi�ctive materiuls.As use�in <br /> this paragrapli 20. "Environmentcil Lnw" means fa}..rul laws and law9 uf the jurlsdiction where the Propetcy is located that <br /> relme to health,safety or environmenuil protection. — <br /> . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borro�cer:u+r�I.�:nder furrther eo�ren�u►t and a�nr:�ti foUows: <br />- � :� Zl. Aacelerution;Remedies.I.ender shall Ai��a rtotice to 1Born►�cr prlor to aoceferatton followin�;Bormwer's br�ach Y <br /> - `" of any covenant or ugreement in th(s Seeurity Insl�unent (b►�rt n�nt prtor to s�ccelerntion under parngruph 17 unless �- <br /> , . n..:,.. •••-• <br /> �`{ a�+plicable Is�w pmvides othenvise).The notice�nll spoctPy: (n►dtuc default; (b) the nction requiced to cum the default; �:� <br /> �r (c�e date,not less than 30 duys from the dnte tho notbee is�iven rt� which the default must be cured;ertd �,__ <br /> �t�` (d)that fatlure to cure the defnWt on or befora the dute sp�xifi�d in the rtotice may result in eccelerat[on of the sums �;._ <br /> _°� �. ,. secured by tWs Security Instnunent and sale of ehe Pr�perty.Thu notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to ��:.- <br />:...•F • •<<,;�. , reinstate after acceleradon and the right to brin�g n court actton,t�assert the no��-existence of a default or any other �. <br />, ��,•:�,� defense of Borrower to acceleration and�sule. di the defaulE is rnrn cured on or before the date specified(n the notice, • <br />_ I.ender, at its optlon, may require immediate payment in fwll 06 uH sums secured by thts Security instrument without -•r•; <br /> •Y, � Etirther demand and moy invoke the power of sulo and any othcr rem¢di�permitted by applisable law. I.cuder shsill be ::•, T <br /> �s endtied W rnllect all eacpenses Incurred[n pursuinp�the remedbes pm►vfd¢d in thts paragraph ZI.includin�.bat not limited <br /> �� •���;,,:;, .,:5• . to,reasonable attomeys' fees end costs of t[tle cvtdertce. <br /> �j��;�q�;;;....,�-��'R: If the power of sate is invoked. Trustee bhi�ll record a tiot��ce of defuutt in euch cuunty in tirhtch gny part of the <br /> '�?;�:' Property is locuted nnd shali maH copfes uf tiuch noUce in tlne m�;xnner prescribed by applicable Iaw to Bore�o�rer And to <br /> ~.^" ��}� the other petsons prescribed by applta�ble la�►�.A[ter the time required by appltcable Ina.Tn�stee�hall give public notice <br /> �^:_--_...:� <br />�: i��"���'��:': oS sale to the persons and in the manner pravcribiod by appllr.abJ�s Inw.Trustee, aithout demand on Bornnwer.shall sell <br /> - _; �__.-•:. . <br /> ' �;�!�� '� :. the Peoperty At pubNc uuc4Eo:n to the hi�h�t bidder nt thc Nma end place and u¢n�er the tem�s designate�in 3he not��e o <br /> � ��!� '��"'"��;;:i', saie in one or more parcels and in any ordev Trustco detcrmfttux.Trustee may postpone sale of all or ar�y p�arcel oP the <br /> 'k�`:r'�:�,`._3� Property by public announcement at the tima and pls�ce of a�ny prnvioa5ly scheduled sale. Lender or 9ts designee muy <br /> ;�.�'.t�:,.�, purchase the Properiy ut uny sale. <br /> -:•�.. <br /> . ':�. <br /> :�::�. <br /> '.b����•.,`�'` Fwm 3028 9/80 <br /> ��:� <br /> . ',. .,:�-�:„,�., aopo 5��i 6 <br /> y�°�.�,ct;��t;,3`4� . <br /> � ... <br /> ..,ti:��:.i..:� . ... _---�._.� ., <br />- "-::�- ,. . ej±e^.T'it`i -a ., .. _ .._ . . _"^�—�'T'1°.'{��rnr7rv ._. . .. , . .. <br /> . -;,;. .. �. . . .. . ., •�i <br /> _—__` �..�. .. -. <br />�� t�S*. � .- .Y . ':;;, � . � ..- •::i. • <br /> . _ _ _ _— __—_- __ _- —__ —___ _ _- _ _ __ --- __ °_' -__ _ -_ _ _-_- <br />�.�_�- .r __'_,._ . .'�__ 7 -_-__ . .�..__ ._.__--_. ___.__ —.__-_. . ` __ . ._.____ ._.___- �_ _�— _ . _.-___ ____ __. '.__._ _...__ <br /> � <br /> ;� : -�-.;�_ - .�•.- <br /> ... ....._ „ . � t <br /> _ :�� �r'�,,.. . •� . - .. ' -. . .. :i: . '� � .. ° . . � dl � <br /> '1 uai.e :.�.`. . , � � - . ..- � ' .C dl•� � ' i ' <br />-_ � �._. �l • _•-� - . . . . .. . , <br />: �1�:,'i;�''�:'�,,�:y:,� � '. <br />-. ';-'�:��:•.. _.- L o�. v� : _ , V v <br /> r v, �"1.�.:�. :��.h.. � a .�y . . . <br /> ,��, :';; ,���. ., „ ` i�' • . . , „ <br />. h��`� _. ' , �I'� . .. ." ' . <br /> : .. .�".;�.. y ... _ � , , . • ,4. .. .. -- . " - • _, ., <br />_ :Y. �J . ��,.. • - . - �'�'' .. <br /> .}�� .N�i�. V • .:� .. . ` . .. - . . �Vp l4'�� .....' �. � � _. <br /> i .c� - . ,t ��f ' <br />.. r/ w�V � y . - n i. i .. . ,_. ��5.'(y'a . .. ' <br /> �, '• r '� . :�.� J l -. - .. .. <br />. �{ ` _. �v. - ,� . �'�` ' • ., ,, a:' �;;,,� .. � , .. <br /> ��� '-� !�1 " , .. �_`�--� __-_--_--_.._--.--- - — ._.-..- ... �..iu�,Y• �Y'.qK�<'� . �, <br />. . ', d' ., . - , - „ ��� � " ,�. . � ' , .. <br /> � ° � l: i' �. .. � � . „ . . . , .. . <br /> ,�� . � ' . ., _ _ _._.. - .�__._ ... _'_. ... . <br />