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<br /> 5. Afxxarrd or 1'�r��e�tY ins»�•flr�c�� �4:ut���s�e �dia�l b�e�, tiie iu��i�nvcnr.i�.t� �iow exislIng un c�rc�i'trs•rtr:tr.il i�n Ihk
<br /> �n�peny inwrcYl r�dnGtsi l�iss by tire.I�uimdy ini:tucfe�l withGi th�t�rm "extr�xk�l�:�ivcr��c" n.xl uriy�aher huz�nio,ir�cludin,�
<br /> Raxia or�laxiing.far which Lcndcr rr,�uircs fusur�uxr. 'Chfe�1n�utancb alu�i{�be mni�xainal in tho rmiwt�h atd fnr the pdiudt
<br /> th�4 l.endcr reqaircw. The insurxncc c�rrier pmvlding the ln�urxnce•Kh�►II bo�:husen by l�miwer subJect m i�enckt'e�ppmval
<br /> which�hril�xH be unre�n�hly withheld. It'&�muwar fiH�to�n�inwin cover�e described abovs, Sxr�der nry. �t l.ender's
<br /> �aption,�►t►taln cneer�ge to protecl i�ender'a right,�in ti�t 8�r��Kny in accanlancc with ppttgaph 7.
<br /> '�-"-'�-`-�-^- -----' AII IiiAYiiiil'��i(►ItilQ:i Yli1�f�2UCWAI!1 FGitII I1C Ill'LY�?iiMIfIC 10 Lcixkr ancfl shatt incttxie a stw�dud tnongags ctause. t.onder ,.''-
<br /> ahn11�uvc Ihe right ta hokt thc policics Qnd rcncwals.If l.encler rcqufas.B�rnuwet aiu�ll pmmptly give t�l�r atl r�cript��f
<br /> �tm�l premtums and renewal noticrs. In the evcnt af loss,f3umuwrr si�nll givc prompt n�ltce to the insurenne currier and Le��cler.
<br /> l.rnder may makc pron!'uf toss If nat m�c90 prc�mptly by Bon�x�vor.
<br /> Unles91.���dcr and&srruwcr otherwi�sc ugccc in w[it+ng.insurancc proccods shall br,upplied to restoretion or rcpair of�tw:
<br /> Ptapnrty dan�aged,if che rcstoration Qr repair ia eco��n�icnlly feusiblc und I.ender's securiry is not less�ned,if tho r+estor�Wan or
<br /> � -� rc��ir is rwt ec�nomizally feaslble ur L,:�xiee's+�.�utity wemld br, f�Yx�nai.the insuriu�ce pnx�eeds shuii 6e apptied to ti�e syms
<br /> _ se,cured by this 5ocurity Instniment. whether or not then duc.wlth eny excess pat�to Borcower. Ii Bortowtr ab�nd�ns tho
<br /> — Ptpp�rty, ar dnes not answer wifl�in 30 days u nollce from�[.end�r that thc insurm�cc curcier hua offcrod to setde n c(aim.thcn
<br /> Lrn'tiqr mny mllect the insuxanct pzooe�ds. I.endcr n�ay use tha proceeds to rcp�i�or r�tore thc Peoperty or to pay sums
<br /> secur�d�by this Sscurity instrument.whether or not then due.The 30�day peslad wiU begin when the notice is given.
<br /> G'nlubs Lender and Boirower othetwIse ag�ee in writing, any applicution of proce�ds to principal shail not wuend or
<br /> pa�{tana�th¢due date of thc monthly payments refemed to in Naragraphs 1 nnd 2 or chunge the artaunt of thc paymanta. 1f
<br /> . - und�r .._
<br /> p�raph ZI the Property Is ucquired by I.ender,Berrower's right to cuty insur�nce poliefes and praceeds result�ng from
<br /> dramAgq�tn tha Ptnperry pdor to the ncquisitton shull p�ss to Lender to the estent nf the sums Securod by this Secarity instcutnent
<br /> imma�tiqtp�y priar to the ncquisttion.
<br /> 6.�Oklrup�ncy,Pr�ervatton,Mainte�wnce and Protoct[on of the Prnperty:BorroKer's Iaun Appfication;I.e�asehotdg.
<br /> - _ Boma+vrrr is;{tWt occupy.establish,nnd use the Property as Borrowcr's principal residence within sixty dlys after tha execution of
<br /> �� thla S�ecurefy Insnument and shall continue to aecupy the P[opeKy as Borrouer's principal�esIdeace fur at least ona yer�r ufter
<br />:-���� thn dEtia•o�nccupancy. unless l.ender othenvisc s�rees in writing. which rnnsent shall not be unmasonably withhcld,or untess
<br />- -- extvnunting circumstances exist whlch are b.�yand Borrawer's controi. 8orrower sh�ll not desuoy. dvma�e or impuir thc
<br /> - P�apwrty; �ilow the Property to deteriorate, or commit�vacte on tbe Property. Bomnwer shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> . aation.on p�roceeding.whether civil or criminal.ls besun thut in Le�►der's�ood faith jud�ment rnuld eesWt in forfeiture of the
<br /> Pmpartv���o otherwise mater�ally impair the lien cr+eated by this Secudty Instniment or Lender's security lnterest.Borrower may
<br />- — cure seiab�n.datauit rmd minstate.as provided in paragraph I8,by cuusinB the action ar proceeding to be dismisr,cd with a culing `
<br /> thnt, im�T�ender's gc�od fiiith determination, precludec forfeicure of the Borrowei s interest in the Property or other crt�teriul
<br /> impt�irmrm[of the lien created by this Securtty Instrument or Lender's serurity interest. Borrower shall also be jn default if
<br /> B�moavor•during the loan applicuaon process,gave materially false or innccurate information or statements to i.ender(or failed
<br /> ta p�crvidd l,ender wlth any materiul information) in rnnnection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including.but not IimIted
<br /> ta.mpmsa�ntntions ooncerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property ac a prirtcipal nesidence. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br />_ Icrn�ahold�..Borrowcr shali rnmply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fcc tide ro the Piropeny. the -
<br /> I�oehold�c�nd the fee atle shali not merge unless Lender agrecs to the merger in wrlting. d'"'
<br /> 7.PtateMion of Lend�^°'s Rtghts in the Property.If Borrowcr fails to perform thc covenants and ugreerreents oontuiaed in �'
<br /> q�iR SESCU�i Instrument,or there is u le al roceedin that ma si nifirnntl uffect Lender's ri hts in the Pro �--
<br /> scu ty � p g y g y g perty(such as a
<br /> prooecding in bankruptcy,pmbate, for condemnution or fodeiture or to enforcc laws or regulations). then[.ender mny do artd fl:�._
<br /> a fun•�t�hatever is to rotect the value of the Pro ' ��,4
<br /> p y ne�,sary p perty and I.ender's rights in the Property. Lender s actions may ,,}^
<br /> inaludd puyin� uny sums s�cured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Insuument, appearing in wuri, paying ,
<br /> rQUOOna6lrs attorneys'fces ai►d entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under this paragruph =-
<br /> 7.Lendu�does not have ro do so. � -
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under t6is paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this -
<br /> :i' Security O�tstcument. Unless Borrower and[.ender egree to other ternu of payment, these amouc�ts shall bcar interest from the �
<br /> d�te oR disbursement at the Note rate and shtill be payable, with interest. upon noiice from L.et�der to Borrower requesting
<br /> praymann• ,
<br />__ " 8.•D9lortgage Iasurunce.If I.ender required mortgage insurance us a condition af makin�the loan securc�d by this Security
<br />��= — ._�- Inatcumant. Borrower shall pay the pmmiums required to maintain the mortga�e insurance in effect. If. for any reuson, the -
<br />`'s�- � mortguge�insuranoe coveca�e required by I.ertder lapse,�s or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> ��� obtein�coverage substantially equivalent ta the mortgage insurance previously in ef(ect,at a cosc substantially equivulent to the
<br /> �,'�,;' ' co�t to�8nrrower of the mortgnge insurunce previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by L.ender. If
<br /> � �-.-�`��. .. subbtnntially equivalent mortgagc i�surartcc coverage is not uvailable,Borrower shnU pay to I.eudcr ec►ch month n sum equul to
<br /> �;`�� � ` onn•twetfth of ahe yearly mortgnge insurance premium bein�paid by 8orcower when the insurance coveragc lapsed or ccused to
<br /> • �����` bo In�c�'ect.lrnder will accept. use attd retain these payments as u toss rcserve in lieu of mortgage insurnnce. Loss reserve . ;
<br /> Form 3028 9190 '�'.'i';�
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