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<br />� �.�—�_ C•. ' i • __ •• , fl . � ��' T 1�Iw / �_ J �J".- .
<br /> - �j-T i�iol'111/fr'OMNiI�WAAIIANTY QRRD �' �` iMh�M aM fMle�l'MtAP,IWNM4 MI.MIYI �f
<br /> --
<br /> __�L-1�__ _ _ ,; - , ___�._.._.r,_ _._..,.�__._. --..__ .,._�
<br /> ,! �140'�► 1LJ��[N AY TA�P�t�8�NT1�,�'6st �
<br /> � WALtACE DAYIS �nd M1IXINE O11VIS, Husbart� and 1tlfeo each 1n his •nd Aer a+n �
<br /> + rlght and �s spauxe �f each other '. i�
<br /> I ' ,
<br /> I . 7 ,
<br /> �l.
<br /> � " ' �nersim a�13ed tlt��r�ator wh�tb�x owt oe mo�rt, +t
<br /> inoanddlaatioaoi Eight Thousand Nine Hundred artd no/100--�________.____(g,g00.00)Doliars �
<br /> tee�ir�d hom reanteae,doe� gruit,bugain�se11 eoa�e�and contirm nato
<br /> u juint tensab gvith rlght oi qnrvlvors�ip.and not as tenaata ia aommon,the lollowing daarthed rer►1 propart,�r it�l
<br /> Ha�tB Com�ty, Nebraska
<br /> Lot 4, Lake Davis Acres Third Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska :
<br /> � � -
<br /> To have and to hold the above desarlbed premisea wgether with siI tenemeui�s,heredifi►mc�'s+��3 a�gi�• --
<br /> tenanoes thereto be1�n8�n8 nnto tbe grantees aad to their aseigne, or to the heirs and aaatgns o!!he snr�i�ot�>ai
<br /> them ionror... �
<br /> And�grentor does horeby coveuaant with the �raateea�uad with their assigns aa�svith�the heire and aei�s
<br /> of6lfte si}tvivor of them titat grantor'is'lawfnily seiaed of eaid premises:thet they ure ire�&om eno�brauce .�
<br /> � �x��pting easements and restrict�+�ns of record -
<br /> t�at g�raator�aa good right and lawfal authority to convey the samo;and that grantoi warrants aad wW da"Pttutd _
<br /> �the tttle to eaid premisea againet the lawfnl olaima of all persona whomsoever. � --
<br /> It ie the intention of all psrties hereto that ia the event o4 the death of either of the grantees,the eni�ro _ __.
<br /> fee�pl;e title to the real e�tste shall vest in the surviving grantee. G,'
<br /> 9�.,�. a �s9� �:�,_
<br /> Dsted .�
<br /> � ,Y•
<br /> ......!f{/.. �:'6:9................... ... .f'F. , . �;{G:�......... ........ �-'-r"-.
<br /> �y�,�r .�.
<br /> Wallace�Dav�s �M�e Dav9s :
<br /> :................................................. .................................................. 4�.4f:'�
<br /> }��cr�5
<br /> ................................................ ........ ......................... � ....... -_._
<br /> ST'ATEOF...N.ekx:aska.............. .....�.tt.....•-•-..day of.......�.t�.r................._...............,tg�. ...6ofose ��"-
<br /> On tliis.. • •
<br /> �...
<br /> sa. '1i;+�•.'
<br /> ..v..
<br /> • "'�'_
<br /> ���3s�....Canaty me, the mndersig»ed a Nofary Public, dsrly co»�muaionod mcd q�ralified for �-;;<:
<br /> _..........�.._......... . :,�,•
<br /> in said county,personally came..W�l.laa�..R,�yf�..and...M�K�t1�..QA.V.tS.,........... �"t%�:
<br /> ��.,
<br /> ..�......Hus��and..a�nd..l�lt.f.�............._...._...............................................................�........
<br /> .................»............................»..........................................................................................».. ;i
<br /> to nie knowm to be the fda»tica! person or persotts aahose �a»ae+s or nontes arrt !:�
<br />- (SBAL) a�sed to tke forcgaing i�rshs�ma»t a»d aeknowicdged SAa�xaeution tlMrao�eo $o �'
<br /> �?�r
<br /> ���� hu.her or tJsair volr�ntary act and deed. �:f
<br /> .;�,,.
<br /> ��AL WiMaas my i�nd and Notarial Sea!the d abovo writt¢�. �-'�i�
<br /> bT/►Ra���j� .a. .........1Vutary 1"nbdie �,,.
<br />' i� a' `/ My Commusion oxQises Nio..�{�......day af..... . ........................ tQ���...
<br />_ STe.TE OF............................::� .
<br /> Conaty ............................... � .
<br /> Entered on nnmericsl indez and f�ted fur seoord in the Begiater oi Dead�s Otfico ot a8id Countl+ !ho
<br /> ............day o4......................19......�et...........o'olook and...........minnta► ...........M., :.;i
<br /> � ,;�
<br /> and recosded in Book....................of....................atpsge................. � :
<br /> ........................... ....... I ,
<br /> �Reg.oi Deeda�
<br /> � : �.
<br />._ Bq .......................................Dupnty �i .
<br /> -� -�..�.-r. - - - ���:_._____-_ --_- ----._._.---__-__ .��. - -__�� - _____ �:T= �_. :�+:.__ :
<br /> ___. _. __. �_�.�.. ».
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<br />