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<br /> ' �° oiAE� 1iQ1! LOl�tl 110�TOAl3E C�1118t�1lA?xtxt (fHLMC), a oorporatios o:qsai+��n a� .
<br /> •x��tiaq uae�r tb� i�r� ot th� 0�alE�d Stat�s o! 11�sia�, bavia� �n �fttia� !or
<br /> t,h� Qondao� o! busia�s� �E 1970 G. Btcs�t. t1.N.. Ns�bi�oa. D.C.. ao�a�tital�s
<br />• �n4 :P�inti�t
<br /> Stendud ted�rsl Haak
<br /> � itp trus aad 1erlv�l attosney-in-laat• aad ia ik• nan►�. pinc�, and stead end
<br /> for its u�s and b�a�li�, to �a�aut� aad acicaoxledgs mli docun�eats with sespect _�
<br /> to hon« n�ortqaq�s s�rvia�d !or t�� under�iqn�d by o�d attornoy-ia-�act, whicls �;..�-
<br /> ar�e ouatoa�a�rily end reasonebly nec�ssery end ePpsogriate to ehe rei�as� o[
<br /> aortiqaqe, deed o! trust or Qeed to secure debtc upoa paymaat aaQ discharge ot
<br /> •�. _ �t �nort aaas. Qeeds ot tru�L
<br /> ,,. . .— eli su�s secwc�4 e.t►erebp. as Ev vma-La-faar-t�s--Y g - ,
<br /> or deeds_to aecure debe orned by �he uadersiqned and ssrviced tos the
<br /> uaderaigaed Dy saill attosr�ey-in-lact, wbether the undexsig�n�d ia aemed thsrefn
<br /> as mortgage� or Denelioi�sy ot, has becom� moregaqes or benetiaiasy by� virtus
<br /> o! aeaigrXaent ot sucla moxtgaqe, deed o� t�rust or deed to secure debt.
<br /> -- � zhs uaderaiqn�d qiv�s to said attora�y-i�a-��ati fuil ponss aad autltosi�Y to _ _ry
<br /> � h
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<br />`�' � ;�'�,s ` watii the oceur�ence of any ot the LolloMiag ,
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<br /> �. ' -ti�`
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