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<br /> �sa.-�u�enva�+a ww����nr p�sa „
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<br /> -_ -�._--�---��- - ----. . _�.._----�-------•�---_ _._ _ . ..�....,..- �------ ---._._..___.._.....�.����_
<br /> i47���ilid.��JD l~s A.Ix.�i`�7SLL�lic7� a7�N�r ,. _ -
<br /> THOMAS E. MIpDLETQN and YI�KI MYDDLETON. Htasbar�d�� �tn� I�ife eath in itis and her
<br /> .. aMn ri�ht and at spause., c�i each �ther
<br /> � � �harein�atl�d th�hrantox whM,ha one t►r��,
<br /> � 1n Eoap�tidera�ionoi pne Hundred Nlnety-N9ne Thousand Nine Nundred Seventy T�ree and �ro/1(�1�.-
<br /> (199.973.00) d+nlla�s
<br /> r�eei�ali�[ron►�r,�atea, doe� grUat,bu,gain,sell con�eg�uY aontirm nnta ,
<br /> a joint tanaat�wftb rlgbt oP anrvivoroh,ip��snd avt aA tenante in aommon,the toAaWing de�orlbed resl propert�ia
<br /> HAlL County, NEBRASKA ���
<br /> .��.
<br /> Lot Eightesn (i8j, Morningside Acres Sub���ivision, i,n the C1ty of Grand Island,
<br /> H�al County, Nebraska. � �
<br /> � ,;;.: '' .. . � �
<br /> . ��{1,:`(.;�. . , . , . ' '�. , . ;'� ��:
<br /> , ;�. . .t,�
<br /> �.��s; �
<br /> � ' '!h lss0e r.ue3 tss h�lt3 #he �b�v�de�rlhxa premises cogether with ali tenements,hereditamenta and appur- .
<br /> teaannc� thereto belongiag untu the gcanteea aad to their aeeigne,or to the heirs and moigna oi the snni�or oi
<br /> them tore�er. �•
<br /> And granto=doe�hdxeby covenant with the gtaatees�nd with their aetigut and wtth th4 heir�and a�igns
<br /> oi the�urrivor oi them th�t gru�tor ia lawially sefised af esid premi�a i that they are free irom enonmbranee
<br /> excepting e�sements and restrlctio»s of record
<br /> thrt�rat►tor hu good r�ght and lswiul euthority to conve�►th� eatae i snd that grantor asrra:►b sad wili defead
<br /> �he title to wid pramLes�gai:ut the ldwful cletme oi sll pereons whomeoever.
<br /> It b the intent�on oi'AU parttes hereto thnt in tho ovent of the desth of either oi the grantees.the eatire
<br /> Iee simple title to the resl estete ehall veat in the eurviviap�grantee.
<br /> Dated ��- 10 19 9�
<br /> .�:!�t��'!�?.................. ...��.���:�:................ _.
<br /> THOMAS E. ..................................................
<br /> S7'ATE OF...N�flI3AS�A........__ .......Oa tG�r.......��..»..day of.................:��t,�.t.,,,,,...,r9.�..��»,•befo►e =.
<br /> NALL .. y jt' -
<br /> � .... ».....»..».............._. Con�t »3e, tlie undcrsiyned a Notasy Pu6lic, duly comrnissioned wtd quaitfisd for -
<br /> �ri satd co�nty,personally came....T.HAJ�IA�..�n..MxAQI.�T.�?N..A�l1?..Y.��K�.............. �
<br /> ::
<br /> ..M.I.QI��.�.T.QI�...Hu���n.A..an�..4�1i.��e......................................................................_....
<br /> ..........................._..................................................................................................................
<br /> to +�se knoum to be!he idcnticat peraon os persons whoso aa»ie+s or namcs a�d
<br /> ai� � a�i.sed to tke fosegoi�g inaMument and adrnowledged the execulio»tltereof to bo
<br /> �� ��'� liis,lur or eheir voluatary act axd deed.
<br />- Witnuas my/iand a�d Notnrial Seal t/:c day u�td yea,la,tt above zuritten.
<br /> - ....����I:�[�(G[�•..}���,�QL�".1Votary Publie
<br /> MyConsmisston oxQires tJie................day of.........................._................., iy........
<br />- STA'1'E OF................... ..........:� �
<br /> Gonnty ................................ �
<br /> . Enterod on naunerical indez an� filed for record in t�� Rogiater oi Deeda OffE�s oi eaid Connty the
<br /> � ...: , .....dap of......... ............,19......,at............o'olook aad...........minntea ...........M.,
<br /> an�z�eorded in Boo�....................04....................atpsge.......... ....
<br /> +
<br /> ' .......................... ........
<br /> � , ��eo.ui�aads
<br />_ By .................. .....................DePat9
<br /> - ,..�.�. _....._..._ _ ____._�_____.______------.._..._____..__._.___..__._____.._
<br />.-,�....- - �=_
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