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<br /> Aca ���,�� to securo Borroww'e Narrx► '
<br />__ Marpaye or Uesa�nt ltusr(,•Mor�p�dry d ttre aame daes gAron by ths urx�letslpnsd( 1
<br /> ������wry�, NqR1dESt BANK NEBRASKA , NATIONAL ASSOCiATION , L -
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<br />� ol the s�rne dete canaring the piopany a'escrfbed!n the Mo�qa�e and located aG
<br />:,.: .
<br /> 4248 NEW YORK AVE �RAND IBL.ANO NE b8803
<br /> nq�ey.w.r
<br /> (n edditfoa iv the coy+anents snd qgnsements made tn the Martgaga.Bo�rounsr and Lendor,funhsr carenant and egiee�as tblJarra: �
<br /> :.;., `<��": f. �he w�o►d"NoiE1"Qs used!ri the Morig'age and thls l�dde�reAers to the Hame Equrry Ncxess Urte aqre�menL �,_r_
<br /> ��j'.°:�..,�•ti 2 Tho Note evldences an open end�e�rolving 1Jne of c�edit�greament beiwe�r►Borrower end Lender. The er+ror�nt stafedln the =- -
<br /> . , .R, M�ar��e ss tha prrnclpal sum of the lnd�a�ness!s the credlt lJmft!ar the llne of c�dl�A�I advane:es mede at sry tlme by ��`�.
<br /> ^� ' L,end�r Irr sexo n dance w i t h t h e t e r m s o f t h e No t e�and al1 irnerest on the advance�af►all be secrrred by tfie MaCqage� ��.�rY,
<br /> ` � f;�', a�;j` Horyeye�at no tlme shall the pdnclpaf amonnt of tha►ndebiedness secured by the Mor{qagQ not inc/uding sums advartced!n ^,
<br /> a, �w:.;;,,�.,,
<br /> � � ecxa+daan+�e wlth U►e moRgage to piotect the securtty of the Mo►igage�,euceed the stated crerlft llmft for the!!ne of c�dl� .,;��.
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<br />_�,� �s�:,��.U�;<..�', ',� �9tept $4, ._
<br /> ,.:. ��:'a:`� ..,.. `P I ., (SI a verrab�e rate of Interosi exp�ssed es a dally pedodlC rate e4us7 to 1/365 of an annua!rate of 2.oQ*+�o/b pJus +�:
<br /> �.. .���';; �. ' the"Urdex Rete�"
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<br /> •�t�;',;'.:;:':.. .,` �'iie daily pedodk rate mey Inc�ase H TH 91 DAY TREAa,rRV _ �
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<br /> ...,��1-r." .�,.•..� pe�+cenmge reta ot s,49 %. 71ro err�ual percentage naGs wlli asuer be more thsn 1 a_oa %. 7t►e d�Gy pertorllc :
<br /> ��5�{H",h: . r.
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<br /> •:,�•.•.,,.;�b� ..:��„ da!ly perlodk rate may inc�ase the mornhly PaYmem dua
<br /> . <u.�or✓_,t,kn::"..�; -.` .
<br /> '�'`�'`��"x"�"'"? ` � MpT/CE TH15 MORTCiAQE SECURES CREDIT/N THE AMAUNT Of$ .I:�AJ145 aND ADVANCfES��O�►Yet
<br /> �z,.:. ..� .::`� '�•, SUBS�UENTLII RECt�RDID OA FlLED MORIQAGES AN�!Ll�l1f�.
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