. �l::.l,.t. �."�S°�il::iii -�; 4,,.� ,4':'.'� �. �1�';. ' ,1�,i_
<br /> � . � '�"r� I� _..--.__ — _ __ _ _. . .� _ _' ..._
<br /> �,.� _.� . -��.�'�;_. .__.
<br /> '�
<br /> _ __ —__- ._...__._.
<br /> ...,. _. '__.___. . _- . .—. -
<br /> ___ -- _ . -_ _ - - 9�«. 3t1��':i8
<br /> �ec{i�eAt!tnaitligs In.4uruict coverage is rrot�vdl�ble,Borrowu shull pAy to l.ender each month a rum equal id.
<br /> � o t s e•t� w�el, ►of Q»y m r f l�mafg�C.iizsuranca Pr�n�iwn being�td by Harmwer when the iasura�tce caverage lepsed or ceaud to
<br /> _ � �x;i���([a;�,'lmx�e�,vit!�eccpe.vsa�an d rea�in t he�e p a y m e n t s a s n l o 3 s r e s e r v e j n t f e u o f m o rt g a g e t n s e c r a n c e. l.os� �crerve
<br /> p9ymerts tnay nn ionger bere�u3reil��t tho opdan o f L,e n der,i f mo rt g e g o i n y u r a n c c o o v e ra g e(�n G':c mnount ansl£or tice p t:s�tod
<br /> ��� � ttu�t L.ender roquires)proviQed by an Msurer approveQ by Ler�der agein tx�omes uvallal►le und Is obteined. Horrowcr shal)pny
<br /> the pr+�miums required to maintain.mortga8e insurack:�in effact.or to provide a loss nserve.until the r�yulremeni for mortgage
<br /> ' Insurance enda In eccox�an�x with any written agnemcnt bet.�esn Bormwer snd Lender or appllcable law.
<br /> � y��mpection.Lender or its agent may m�tke reaso�ab�e enuiex upan und inspections of tho Property. I.�adcr eha!!give
<br /> Bo�owcr notioe ac the tima of or p�ior to tn inspcctiun spccify�ng rca�anable canse for ehe inspection.
<br /> �''-�--- ----� ' �p. CQ����. '�i�o pn�oeds uf uny awap�or elnira for dn�nn��w,dlreci or oonsequcntiul. in connectiun with nny
<br /> condemnstiea or other taking of any part of the Property�or for conv�yance in liev of condemnatlon.ure hereby ussig�tc!and
<br /> - �hsl!!+e paid to�rnder.
<br /> - -- In 1he event at a total talcing of the Property.tha procecds shull be o�plied w the sumE secured by this Sesvriry Inst�unxnt.
<br /> �� whether or not then due, wtth nny exoess stid to Borrawer.In the event of u purti�l tAking of tha Property in whi�h the fsir
<br /> t
<br /> ''��, matkct vulue of the Prepe�ty immedistely ore the tuki�►g is equnl to or greatcr than•the amount of the sums secu�+ed by this
<br />_;�: - Socurlty Instrunxnt immo�lntely bcfore tha tokin8.unless Sorroc�er and Lendcr othetwise a cee in writing.the sums s�d by
<br />��� this Sxurlty In�M shall be reduced by tha amaunt af the pmceeds multiplted by t�o following fracdon: (a)tha wt�l W--
<br /> - aniouat of the sums secured immediatcly before tha taking.divided by(b)the fair market value of the Prope w�i hn�gfa�r
<br />�' before the teking. Any batansx shall be p�id to Bormwer_ [n th�event of a parllal taking of the Property '
<br /> -�; murket vr�lue of ttte Properiy immediately before tNa ttJ�it�g is las than the amaunt of the sums secured imn�iately befone the
<br /> tnking,entess Borrower and I eader ottnenvise a�[ae•in,vtn.dng or untes�applicable law otherwise provtdes,the pmceeds shult
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Se�c+dty Instrumant����hether or not the sums ere then due.
<br />�' If the Property is abandoned by Bor,�►tiv�r.or�if►aft�•natioe by L.cader to Borrower that t9�a condemnor offers to make an
<br /> . award or settle a cla�m for damages. I��wra f��t�I�tr�s p��cithcr to�r�tFon oi repairrof tha Property or o the sums
<br /> L.ender is author�zed W collect cind apply p ��
<br /> ',J: �cumd by this Securiey Q�spument,whzther or,nat�th�m duv. li�on vf raceeds to rinci ul shall not extend or
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower othrawise egrae_in.writing,any app p P P
<br /> postpone the due date of tha monthly paymeriu rES&ur�d tn is�para$r�phs 1 and 2 or change ihe amount of such paymenu. __-
<br />' �1.Hon+owcr Not Rdease�li Forbearunoe•BY Lnndcn'N°t a Watva.E�ctenston of the time for payment or modificatiom
<br /> af amortiTadon of the sums secumd by this Securiry Instiurnpnt granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> uot ope�ate to release tha liability of the odginsl�Bomotiv�r'm Borrawer's successors in mterest. Lender shnll not be required to
<br /> commence proceedings against any successor•in,uitc�sest ar.rofuse to extend tirae for payment or otherwisa modify amorti7atlon
<br /> of tha sums secused �y this Sacuriry Instrum�nt�by•�an of any demand made by the original Horrower or Bomower's
<br /> successors in interest. My forbearanae by Lens�ar In•ex�.haing any rlght or remedy shall nat bc a waiver of or pr�xtude the
<br />° ,.a exet�cise of uny rlght or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successors and ti*�igns IIcn�dt laint��nd Satieral LWblltty; Co-sigaers. The covenunts and agreementa of this
<br /> ,., ����
<br /> .�t�i-��.r-•��-�'�.= 5ecurity Instrument shslt bind and ber.efit tlt8 sua�sms and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions of
<br /> - �`�'y�? paragreph 17. Borrower's oavenants and a$r�sp at�fi �o joint and �arsl. !�n; BormwFr whn co-siens this SecuritY --
<br /> � ��,�.'��°,;��,' ` Insuument but does not execute tha i�'ata: (���s c�a��;SninB ehis Secur�ty Inscrument only to mortgage, grartt and convey that
<br /> v.,r,,y.t Bor�+ower's interrat In the Property ura�r cho t�t�s�c�f this Sacur�ty Instrumeat;(b)is not personally obligate�t to y the swns
<br /> �' ;�.� ,y.. -
<br /> < .,��;�'.. secured by this Secunty Insavmenti¢:�l io)agrees that L.ender and any other Borrower may s�z�ta extend.modi .forbear or
<br /> � zjv�`�' make any axommodntions with re�ard to th�tadmf of this Security Insuumeni or the Note w�ishout that Borrower's consent. �:__
<br /> ' ETd —
<br /> f`'��` 13.Loan Chueges.I(the loan secured by��th[s Security Instrument is subject to a]aw which sets maximum loan charges. �,
<br /> .. �� ''� ' ���,::.
<br /> r;��a � _ ��;':'�`;:, and that law is finally im�eapreted so that th$intrrest or other loan char�es collected or to bc collected in connecdon with the g�,�•-
<br /> ?�-���•; loan exceed the petmitted limits.wen. (a)u�►Y such loan c6arge shelt be reduced by the amount necessary to reduoe the charge - ,
<br /> i,:t�+r,��:.Y::••-�� .' to the pemii¢ted limit:and(b)efiY sv.c�s already coll� from Borrower which exceeded pErmitted limits will be refunded to .
<br /> � "" �,�,;,,....,,j�r: Bormwer. Lender may choose to rua�o this refund by reducing the principal ow�uadeflr the��te�r y�ent�wn�thuut any �:� _
<br /> �j:�:�$?�v,y.„�,g�« payment to gurrower, If a refund recluces principal. tl�e reducdon wiil be trea p P PA
<br /> ;� t,�Kc.x��:,. �.� prepaynient churge undee�de Note. .t•�
<br /> �'°� '�� �}`'" 14.Not[ces.Any Qauioe to Borrower pmvided for in this Security insuumemn shall be given by deliverin�it or by mailing
<br /> �:� ��1�
<br /> � ti.::�o-�� it by first class mull unless appllcabla law requlres use of another method. The Rnuce shall be directed to the Property Address ,
<br /> "� ' .y��:+_•:�::� or any other udde�ess Borrovrer desig�ates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sha11 be�iven by first class mail to
<br /> ; ,^� ����;� I.ender's address stated herein or a�other address Lender designates by nottce to Bomower. Any nottce provided for in this
<br />. ;, � ' Security L�strument shall be deemetl to b�ave been given to Borrower or[.ender when�Iven as providod in thts paragraph.
<br /> •�:+��,• 3everabllity. This Sacuriry lnswment shall be �overned b fe�eral law und the law of the
<br />. F.,.� iS.GOVernln$ L��1,
<br />. . ��•`i �`.�^.��iwt�..��t!.
<br /> , -��''�. �`A`�'.-- jurisdiction in whtch the Qroperty is locute�.In the Event that any provision or clause of is Scxurity Instrument or t e ote
<br /> '.i�'�.:::,.� :;:��(i_•'� conflicts with applirable Iaw. such eonfliM shall nat:�ffecc other provisions of this Security Instntment or th�Note which can be
<br /> '.a�°1�,'" ' ,�}r4;itii�' given effett without the conflictin�pumvlsion. To this end the provistons of thls Security lnsteument and the fYate are declnrdd
<br /> w,r...,`r'`�`:� W be sevetuble.
<br /> ��:; ,�r•�"'� 16.Botrnwer's Copy. �►rrower shall be given one sronformed copy of the Note�nd of this Security Instrument.
<br /> �`�� " " " 17.TrunsPer of lhm Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower.If all or uny part of the Property or any interest in it ,
<br /> ��'��� is sold or transfemed(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without '
<br /> � "''f "`V' I.ender's prior written�onsent. Lender may. at its option. require immediute payment in full of all sums secured by this ,�.
<br /> .;:�. ',t,. ,
<br /> ,;i�:1:, < Secw6ty Instrumertt. However,this option shall not be exercised by I.ertder if exercise is prohibited by federal Iaw as of the date
<br /> �•. •
<br /> �.t:%��„Y., of this Security Instrument.
<br /> • - ,�:�' �!���- If Ixnder exercises this option,I.ender shall give Borrower notice of aoceleratlon.The notice shall provide u period of not „
<br /> •� . ➢"` ' � "�� " less than 3d days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed withln which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> '' ��`Y��:�� •�;��°�:• Secudty Instwnent. Ff 4&mower faits to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender mny invoke any remedies
<br /> ��-;'`;,:.,�.;:i;;�.:�:•'. permittcd by this Securi2y Instrument wtthout fucther nottce or demand on Borrower.
<br /> `=?�,�; "'�;.;,;�;•.,. lg. Borcower's Rfght W ReJnstate. If Borrower mcets certain rnnditfons. Borrower shall have the ri�ht to hove
<br /> �..i...,�,.q,.;.��.,.^i .
<br /> enforcement•of this Security Insttument disoontinued at any avc�e prior to the earlier of: ta)S d�ys for such other period as
<br /> � �`'�~ "`�•j'="`��" i for reinszatement) before sale of CEte Property pursuant to any power of sale ronGunad in th{s
<br /> :�,:. :,;. :;,-; appucable law maY spec fY
<br /> '� �� - �• Securiry Instntmenr ur(b)enpy of u judgment enforcing this Security Insuument.Those wnditions are chnc Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> Lender all sums wh'seh then would be due under this Security Instrument ansl tfie Note as if no accelecation had occurred: (b) �
<br /> cures any default of any other r.ovenanu or a�reements; lc) pays ali exRenses inco►red in enforcing this Socurity Instrument.
<br /> � includin ,but noi limited to,re�nnable uttomeys' fees: and l�➢��such action as Lender may rcasonably require to assurc �
<br /> .�.o..� �n nf thie cPC.�riw [n wTnPTI,l.ender's rights in the Pto rty and Borrower's obli ation to puy the sums secured by i
<br /> ..
<br /> � Pe _�,. �--•_.. �_........._... ....,� .i,,,
<br />--�:- - ;-�,.-;a—=- - --- ........-.._.__ _.__ ---- • �..,...�... .»... ...- -
<br /> ' �:� ` this Security Instrurt�eat shatl eontinue unchanged. Upon ne�nstate�nem oy esorcower• ����� �u��v ' `
<br /> • �` ' " obligarions securcd hereby shaq remain fulty effeciive as if no acceleration had occurred•However,this right to reinstate shall I
<br /> �� 1 - `' • ��• noi apply in the casc of aaelerarion under paragraph 17. I
<br /> `"K''°r`'�`'�•''�'�`""� 19.Sale oP Note;Change of Loan Serv[cer• 7'he Note or u partiul interest in the Note (togecher with thi� Securicy
<br /> •y�e....;. '�,'. �
<br /> �=��•`" =�1-`��` [nstiumec►t)ma be sold one or�nore times without prior noiice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known � .
<br /> ~'r'''��'�^-'` tiSr �]►g"Loan Senricer')that colle�s momhly payments due under the Note sind this Stcuriry Instrument.There alw may be one �
<br /> .,,;�,�,.r,�.,;.. , n
<br /> '�"����'�'�'" �' �. or more changes of tha IAan Servicer unreluted to u sale of the Note.lf there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrowcr will bc I
<br /> �`"�'�'�� given written�ottoe of thechange in uccordance with paraBrnph 14 above and npplicable law.The notioe will state the name:uid
<br /> Y_.,'.. .. '..:.,,.�7
<br /> '� '`�� � ` " address of the new I.oan Servicer and the uddress to which payments should be made. The m�tice will also rnntain uny other
<br /> ;:;<',.��," :t+�_� Itcubleluw. I
<br /> � ' �{•.� information required by app
<br />. ?.v.�j'..:'. .'�?�{:.
<br /> „ , �r, ,.,t 20.Hat�trdons Substanee4.Borcower sh�ll not cause or permit the presence. use,disposai. ytorage, or release o uny
<br /> " 'F,i � HcvnMous Subststnccc an or In the Properry. Borrower shall nat do. �ur ullow anyone else tn do, anythin� affectin� the I
<br /> property that ts in violndon of;u►y�nvironmental Luw_ The preceding two srntences shull not apply to the presence. use, or �
<br /> ' �''�'�` . stnr.�e on Ute Property of smnll quantities of Hauudous Substanc�that arc genesully recognizeJ to be appmpriate tn normal
<br /> resldcnNal uses nnd to mvnten:u�cc of the Prope►ty. �
<br /> � " �JpO J o1 4 Form 30T8 9�80
<br /> ��� =��
<br /> v � _
<br />