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<br /> d+a�o+r'i_b��is�t1� 7n�pert�►ta!►�wid 6y p�bliacion of t��t Notk�s�st�exeT fiv8'ti�a,�oow ■�eet fa�fM oorroaieliw w�lr�,iM�M ''
<br /> -� .,r. �a1�f10q 14 IW �t Ir�4! IU d� �e►tptll WOr! tYWt�U��yY�i�{ifl' W IM8 il1J0,itt�a�6WA�+�p4Y��arw�n�+elieral c�iC4lat� �;1 QMt� �.-
<br /> . ;:;�;=.' couaty la+cliich ehe Pcopmy to be sokl,ia .�me.�ed.[Fpan.�tr.�7'rudlRe�h�H exRC:ut*�nd dr,liv+er t d�ad of�or� d ib�'�Idi . --
<br /> ���«,��,�.���;,, :.�s'... . Ptorrt�,m t�paroM�re��'9u,•��n ot eh�t Propaey a�r�t�Mwe�t nr reeiul df Got in t�+at drtil.in r�IMi�e�1�a de�tw�ii�r�l!M _
<br /> ' {wwr of wlt�s�te of thn wIa�rapeety.inel�td'en�►eni2s�ooaarniiy u�r aiailt�,per�onri deii+�ry aa�l��aW�al�M IylYt
<br /> r,r�i"`�.��;z�:�%,.` , ot D�Gwk Qd�I�i�Prb�tion ud pw�ia��oE��olia ot��wd tbs eoadMet of r+�,e�ll ooMeba�e Miw�6r1�wiiwu�l
<br /> �� , " � tompfiance aitL AYabt�nlu�it�tuly�nd canclu�ire e+videncn ot�uch coeuplirnce�n E�ror ot boaa Rda pnrelawm aad eao��wn��� °
<br /> �•'.: .:,,�:f;+. `�;,.:;� �aw iwd witbout nadoe.'17w'Frual�w'�Desd ebrU oper�ts W oonr�X ta th�purcfia�er,wltbaut ri;6t oti ndrwp+io4.•�►w�s'r.:rir.i:r
<br /> IW �
<br /> ' :�, '-r� �uU s�66 tit1�,iefMrai and cl+�be at TRww►�i�L aicee„on ia inarre�t aad af d�per�ar c1aGa3a�bY ar thrwek ar r�ed�r t►w,f��i M,.
<br /> -' tho wtd'Prt�pert�ruiduding�!1 such ei�ht�dde,intare�t aad claim In aud to that�old l�ropertr aoquired by'Crw�ar or��uoo�er�in
<br /> , int�rm�t euMeyuent ta the exeeutbn otTru�tao.Tswtee��s11�pplr ths praoead�of uls.f�'�t�to the co�t aad expt�oE�s�rd�r ab�
<br /> , ° pnwer nf�1e,a ae�'e�the eoet 4f ule,includin6 paXu►ent of Trwue'i feee actudlp incvrred;eeand,to p�yn�eat ot tLe nr�reid.' ,
<br /> � btlayce of the Actuat Mnount of I.oan plu�intere�t,u►d t�e hdince�if�ny.to the penon or perwns k�eQtitled tiwteb. __
<br /> Trwtora wiU pay tnd keep current the monthlp insulatenU on wy prior mottg�ge or trust decd and w prareat mr d�fsYlt tlNCeua�let: �,,:-._
<br /> Trwtor�hsrther �ree that ahoulci nnp deFtult he m�de ia tha pa�nra�t of any iiutal�aent of pri�,aipd ar u�7 iattre�t os tlse pri� _ _
<br /> /.��' mnrtgaRe o:trast detd,nr shot�ld enJr�uit be commenosd or other action takaa w farecto�e the prtor mostg�e or nuet daed�t�aa tLe ---
<br /> ' �mouat tecured br this Trw�t Aeed Y6�11 bccome and be duo aad ps�rabie iu CuU st nny time theresStar,at tho aptioa oE B�aaGeiar�and --�
<br /> 1 in�eoonluia�nith the AgreeaienG HeneEtciir�r,at its opdua,may pay the acbcduled monthly iaswl�aenu�n the prior mort�e or tru�t _,
<br /> .;.. dee$na�,to tha ert�n+t of the,�maunt w prid,become aubroaated ta tl�e riithts of beaefir.iary ideatifed in the prior mort�e or srvu _—
<br /> � • � deed.All psymenta msde by Benefictuy ou�he loan eecvred by ehe prior mortgage or uuat dead siwi!beu iateren at tiae 6n+raioe �8_
<br /> ' ;� chu�e nte being chrrged nndcr th�Agreement until pdd tm full. �u
<br /> � IE TrI28tOt VOItUt1�Tlly 6IIi�I SEII 0�COIlYOji tllC PtOpEttjt.in Nhole or in part,oc aay intereas in that Property or by wme a�ct ar meaa� .. •
<br /> ` � di�rest themaelrss of tide w the Proport9 without obtaining the wrIttea consent of Beneficiary,tbe�a BeneSciary;at ib option,mt� ''�`;`
<br /> declue the enwre balanat af the 1ou►phts intereat on tbe balance immadiately due and paynbla Thia optloa shall not�pp1Y if(!)tbe '';::
<br /> • eale of the Praperty is�eraiitted because the purchaer's creditwortluness Is eatisfacwry to Bene$cFuxy and(2)thtt piucharer,prior W �
<br /> ' ". th�aale,hw e:ecuted a written asaurnption a�eemeat ooatainiag terms prascrfbed by BeneficiaTy includiag,if eequired,an incre�ae in
<br /> ` rate of interest payable under the Ay�eement. ' �
<br /> _- " __ �►r,d 7'ruaten savenants fuith5illv to perforcu the Trust hereia created. �_
<br /> , �•:;`� ' BENFFICIARY,from tinx to ti�ae,may aubstitute a auccesBOr or successors to any Truatee named herein or acting hanunder to .
<br /> ' . , -� ezecute Powera created undrs.tl�ie Truse Deed.Upon agyointment aad without conveya�ce to the euccessor Trustee,eucoeasor Truata �?'
<br /> � , ehall be vested wfth aU tide�puwera.and duties confoned upaa any Trustee hete�naraed or acting hereunder.Each such appoinunent �
<br /> � aad eubatitutton.�hhalf be made by wrilten i.nswment end executed by�enxfioiary,containing reference to thia Trust Deed ead ite
<br /> � . ' place of recrrrd,which,�+hen recorded in thm office of the Register of Uaeds of tlie county or counfi�s ap vshich the Property w bita�t�
<br /> shdl be oonclusive praof of pmger appoii�tment of the successor Trustce.The foregoing power'of subadtution and the prace;�nre
<br /> therefose ehell not be exclusive of the power and procedure provided for by!sw tor the substitutioa of a Truatee or Trustees in the pltce
<br /> `�'��� of the 1'ruatee or Trustees numed herein.
<br /> ��� '
<br /> � � • The watver by Truaue or Beneficinry of aay default of Trustor under this Trust Deed ahall not be or be deemcd to be a waiver of nny
<br /> ' � othcr or similur dofaulta su6sEC�ueady occurring. �"
<br /> .�•4
<br /> .�;;�{`.;};`�
<br /> c� • 1'his Truat Deed shnll inure to uad biad the hetre,legatees,deviaees,administratote.executore,successors and asaigas of the pnrtiea
<br /> ' �� "�`� hereto.
<br /> � �i:{_ .
<br /> ,,,;+��` • The Trust Deed ahall be coma�UVed aarordiug to the Iaws of the Stute o�Neb�aska
<br /> � ,::or.;�
<br /> � � Truator requests thnt a copy of any Notiaa mf Defavlt und of any norico of sale hereunder be mailed to Trustor by cenified mail at the
<br /> ,��,. . . .
<br /> �, • addresa,es follo�rs:
<br /> . � . 2981 N. ST. PAUL RD. GRAND ISLAND.NE.68801 �. ...,�,,,,...,,».,,,,,,,,,.�,„„,,,„�,,,„,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,, �.
<br /> • � ���;:'t;?' � � ..........».»..............�.......».»... ..
<br /> . t.��`�,��r..il- . .
<br /> •• ' � Evidenr,e of euch meiling shnll consdhite evtdence of raceipt of that Noace. ��
<br /> , {.
<br /> i;'�
<br /> ''"� „ W!►erever the cantert eo requiree.singular words shall be construed in the plural and vice versa,and the mascuHne gender sball be i
<br /> ' � construed to induae the feminine and vice verea ;,
<br /> � � � � Il�i WITNESS WHEREOF,Zr�stor hes signed this Deed�f Trust on the day nnd year first above written.
<br /> r , �,. W[mess_1�i.. e n�� �_ �
<br /> Tnutor
<br /> Rlntmen - 4
<br /> .� �.. . ���:�. �--' --� _ TfIt6f0��1111II L• DDYAOiwana .
<br /> V
<br /> h �
<br /> . � . '
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<br /> t
<br /> , �
<br /> �, �--.._ / ) ss.: ACKIYOWLEY)GMF.NT
<br /> �
<br /> ' COUN'CY OF'»...�1.�.»..»...............�-»..) ,
<br /> ,; �. p RODNEY M. BECRSTROM '
<br /> Bet���:°�5���;���o�•�ally came.,»...»»........»....�......»................w»...w�.�»�.�..»�...»....».»�.»...�......aad ,
<br /> � �........,,.....,..M own to me o e the identid pereon(s)who efgned the fotegoing inawment nnd acknowledged
<br /> ' . ...................»......
<br /> z " the execution tltercof to be his.her c i!►eir voluntary act and deed.Witness my hnnd ond Notartnl Seal an.»»».Qft�l.7..�9�...........�.»»�..».
<br /> ���L�iMl M�Irl ���i,�� �il >C/ � '
<br /> ��� o�blie o[the 5tate ot Nebri�k� �
<br />