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� . �^• .�w1 .7YW:61�f-. .. . '::5.. •�71,,. '-t <br /> � i�+! ., ,. �.P- � . <br /> .� . �� �I� „ • : - <br /> :`� . - . _ _ _ __ <br /> �,�. __ <br /> : _ :� <br /> -- - <br /> .__ _ ____ <br /> -- <br /> __ <br /> 9�" �.o�� <br /> '�" -- -- p�ynxntx may�w tof�gcs bo`equiied.nt thc optlnn af lwcndes�ii'm�rtgagc insurancc oavcra,go(in th3 ru��ount and far tiic period <br /> -- --— thst l.ersdtr requiras)Qmvtded by a��inaurer approve�f by I.encier ogaln becnmcs uvrJluble cu�d is obtn6cx.�d. Aorrower eh�ll�y <br /> tho prcmiums requlred to mtint�fn mott�a,�e lnaur�r�co in effect.or to pmvldd e lou ceserve,until the requleement far mort�e <br /> iagar�uice enci�in�td�r�►v with Any wr�tten ng�eemcnt betwxn�rrowcr and Lender or eppliabte law. <br />�peetbe. Le�xier ar lte�em m�y m�1ce ceuo�uble enufa upon and inapecdoas of the Prope�ty. Lender eh�ll givo <br /> - -_-_ -- -=y &�rmv►er notice at the tlme af or pdor tA en in:poctian�spectfying c�sanable cause for the in�pecUo�. � <br /> - 10.Co�demndfou.The pmcaeda af Any award or cl�im for dxtnwges.diroct or conaoqucnti�i. in�u�ectloii w,t1►wy <br /> oondemn�tion ar other teking of any Qart of the I� for conveyatwe in lleu of condemnnlIon,are henby essigned atd <br /> FhaU be pnid ta l.ender. <br /> in�he event of a total tatcing of the Property.the praoad�shtll ba applied to tho suma sccured by this Security I�trumem, <br />��• whether or not then due. with any ea�cess paid to Bomower. In tho event of e partial taking Qf the Property!n whidi ths fair <br />- rtmrl�ct value of the Pnmerty immediatel�before tha taking ia equal w or gceater then the audoum af thc sum9 securcd by�his <br /> .�. _ Security lnsuument immatiQtely befon the taictng.untess Borrower and Lendtr otherwlae ag�ee in writing.ti�e buu�secured by - <br />- this Secudty Insmument shall be reduoed by the omount of the pmcexds muldpliod by the following frnction: (a)the towl <br /> - = arrwunt of the sums aaural immediately before the wking.divided by(b)the fair m�ulcet vnlue of th$Pcopertyr lrrunedlatcly <br />-;" before the t�ldng.Any balu�a shall L�e paid to Borrower. In Uu cvent of a psirtrtlal tnking of the Ptaperty in which the fuir <br /> marka value of the Property immtdiatety before the talcjng is less thAn tho aa�ount of the sums secured immediauly before the <br /> taking.unless Borrower acK!Lsnder otherwise�ag�ee in wrIting or unloas app�icable law otherwise provides.the praoeods shall <br /> � be a�lird ta the swns serund by thia Socwriry Inauument whether or not tbt sums un then due. __ <br /> •" If the Property is abaadoned by Borrower.or if.utter notice by L,o�eder to Borrower that ihe condemnor offc�s to make an <br />_�� awerd or aeitle a claim for damag�.Bonuwer faila to respond to Ixnder wlWtn 30 days after the date the notioc Is givcn, <br /> Lender is a►�thorizod to collect und np�ly the prnoeeds,ctt its option.eithar w restoradon or repair of the Pruperty or to the sums <br /> - secui+ed by thls Saurtry Insuuaiem.wheWer or not then due. <br /> Ualess i.ender und Bormwer otherwise agree in wdting. eny application of pmreeds to principal shall not extend or �- <br /> postpone the due dau of the monthly payments refernd to in paragraphs 1 And 2 or change the smount of such payraents. <br /> 11.Borrowa Not Relwsed;Forbearanoe By I.ender Nat A Waiver.Extension of the t�me tor payment or modification <br /> of amorti7adon of the sums secured by this Security Iasteument�ranted by l.endet to uny suocessar in interest of Borrower shaA _-- <br /> noi operau to c�elease the tiability of the origintil Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.I.ender shall not be required w <br />" oommena pra�eedings against any successor in interest ur refuse to extend time for paycnent or otherwtse modify aznottim.tlon =__ <br /> of the swns secund by this Securlty Inst�nt by r�eason of any demand made by the ori�inal Borrower or Borrower's �,T <br /> I ��� sueoesso�s in interest.Any forbearunce by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy shal!noi be a waiver of or preclude the � ,__ <br /> `°� I exercise of any risht or remedy. r <br /> h <br /> 12.Suooes�sors�nd Assfgns Bound;�oint and Several LiabilJty; Co-sigaers.The rnvenants and agceements of this <br />- Security Insuument shall bind aad benefit the successors and assigns of L.ender and Borrower. subject to the provtsions of � <br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's wvenants and agreements shalt be joint and several. Any Bomower who casigns thls Security ••' <br /> = Instcument buc dces not execute the Note:(a) is co-sig�mg this SecurIty Instnime:nt anty to mortgage.grant and convey that ��:�'=� <br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under the tem�s of this Secudry instrument:(b)is nwt personaliy obligated to pay the sums ��--� <br /> secured by this Security Instnuttent;and(c)a�rees that Lender und any other Borrower mny agree to extend,modify.forbear or "-- <br /> make uny aec�ar�cmodadons with cegand ta the tem�s of this Seeurity Insttument or the Note without that Borrower's eonsent. .. <br /> 13.Loatt Chatges.[f the loan secured by this Securlry Instcument is subject to a law which sets maaimum loain charses. '"� � <br />.�,� and thai law is finally inte�pmted so that the interest or other loan charges wlles�or to be collected in connecdon with the . <br /> loan exceed the permitted limits.then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount nea�ry to reduce the charge <br /> ;�':;+t • >� . „ to the pennitted limft:and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> ';sj Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the pr�ncipal owed under the Note or by making u direct <br />-r: payment to Borrowet. if a refund reduces princtpal. the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> a Qrepayment charge undcr the Note. <br /> - � � 14.Notices.Any nodce to Borrower provided for in ihis Security Instn�ment shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> •'"'f��%� it by fi�st cless mail unless applicable law requ[ms use of another method.The nottce shall be directed to thc Property Address <br /> �•�,. <br /> ..���c.�,�r",> <br /> ,.c,.,:... ar uny othor address Borrower designates by notice to L.ender. My notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail ta <br />- '`�-,��� Lender's addres�stated herein or uny other address I.ender designates by notice to Borcower. Any notice grovided for in this <br /> �"'���""�'��'�"'' S2curlty Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or I.ender when given us provided in this paragraph. <br />-,=���e;;�,aw�c;i�'�:_ <br /> ��' '� ' 15.G�overuing Law; Sevetnbllity. This Secudty Instrument shall be govemed by federai iaw ,u�d the IAw of the <br /> 4�'`�y�s,:�R <br /> ; Y.;w�,,.•., judsdlction ia which the Property is located. In the event that any provislon or cluuse of this Serurity Instrument or the Note <br />- . ' '•�.`�,»�����'" contticts with�pplicab(e law.such conflict shall not affect other provisiuns of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> sx • ,,,�. <br /> . xw., _ r.�.� given effect wi43►out the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instniment and the Note are declarod <br /> p�a•`:;:�..;,�;r:'` t�6e severable. <br /> •'"`°�-'w.=s%"'� lb.Borruwer's Copy.Borrower sha�l be given onc conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> � :5°�i:�t�r� <br /> ••Y i✓;�y1tA <br /> �+�'�^r.�u�lt�. Fotm 3028 8l90 <br />�- '�ZJ�.'- Pepo 4 ot 8 <br /> i!:?�,i <br /> " ��� k <br /> f.. . <br />� f• ��+1� +11.3.,� <br /> . .� <br /> _ �. . <br /> _ � .f� ', . _ __�Sf , <br /> . . � . . �� .�i.t' �:Jw� . . � <br /> � � . <br /> '`� .L� ' - J .l�t��/: r • •�. .� _ •,�,` <br /> ._ .— �.__ `— _ <br /> i�-{S ._�r �a� - . •:.� . .."—"._ . .-_: _'__-___. _—.- _.--_-. __'-__ ___ __..__ _._- __.__.- _�-"-` . ._ __ - �f.�•_ __—.-_ ... <br />