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, . . . � ,. , . F :-- <br /> �\ 17 � ..--- <br /> ._ ... __ _._.. .-..��.__ »._�-.. . .... _ <br /> .. .__.______..1�r�. _. -. . � ..--�_'_ <br /> . . .. � , ,• ' ,\. <br /> .. , ��+��{R�� � . . <br /> vtna�►11�d iM�M�,rcl•dbK 11�a p►yw�t ot tl�e'[IrY�t[e't ftN�actwlfy f�cure+ed,ud b e�crei � � 94 at <br /> tMt prin�i��t or tMe�o1e�t tM tlew o[tMie deelu�tioa at ddMdt,iot!r+woMbie�tforme� liea�a�pnrn�klei <br /> Ep��irw;(b)t�aii a+�sscw�e+i by 11�t�SecMdty�wtrunbMi�(e)wY exca�ta tliie pe�on a+'pa'�aa iefD+�y� <br /> Mk. <br /> ?�•Aiecatre�aoce. Upon payment of ali sums cocurcd by thts Securtty insfrument, Leader slsat!reque�t'tluscce to <br /> rcoonvc�t•1he E3•ope�ty aad c*�lt sunender this Securiry Insuument nnnd akl nates cvi�lem�iug�eix secur�l{,Y 1lds i+:+:wity = - <br /> l�naum�t to'Ytvatea. 7tustae shall e+econvoy the Propecty withont warranty and without chuge to the prrson or pen►o�u <br /> lagally es�tiAad to is. 3uch person or persc►ns shall pay eny nxordAtioa costs. <br /> ?.�d.�eK�11r�ee. l� its optIoa,rpay from dme to tin�ctmove�vstee aud�ppoint n ssx:cessor truske to <br /> en�y'�vetec appointed here�rndar by an�nstnunent cecorded in the aounty in which thts Secudry lnswment is rocorded. <br /> �Yitl�ouc�conveya�nce of the Property.t1u suaessor qustee ehall succeed m a�ll thc title,powex and duties rnnferred upon <br />, 7y,,ntee taec+eln and by appllcable law. __ <br /> ?A1.1t+nq�eet Yor NMket. Bonower requests ttAat copies of the aotices of defaulc and sale be sent to Hmmwer's ald�ess <br /> which i��thc Prc*perty Address• <br /> y�,; g��tp��eWrit�r j�trumenL If one or more eiders sue exxuted by Bomower and recorded togethee wlth <br /> this Secadty Instniment,th�covenants And agroements of eucb suci� dder shall be lacorporeuM into and shall amcnd nnd <br /> suppiemont the coveuants and egreements of thla Seciuity Instcunuut as if the rider(s)wen o p�ut of ihis Securlty InstrumenG <br /> [Check upg!lc�ile box(es)1 , <br /> �Adjustable Reue Rider �Condominium RIdcr �1-4 Family Rider . _ <br /> aGreduated Payment Rider �Ploaned Uait Developm¢nt Itider �Biweekly Payment Rider <br /> . ��Balloaa Rtder �Rate Impmvement Rtder �Sesnnd Home Rlder <br /> �X Other(s)[sPecifY] ASSIGM�IENT OF RENTS RIOER <br /> ��SI(iN1lN(3 BELOW,Barrower accepts uad a�s to the temis and covenants contained in this Securtty Instrument <br /> end in�rty rider(s)executed by Bomower unot e+ecorded with it <br /> Wimes�:: � �tness: <br /> ^^. � � <br /> (Seal) (Seal) _ <br /> •9o:rower STE N JERRY I�'10 •eorrowcr _ <br /> . - � r <br /> ' . (Seal) _ t�_ <br /> -aonower LISA I�IARIE SII�I 5 •B��""� � ,� <br /> STAT�OF NCBRASKA, HALL County ss: ' <br /> pn�g 7TM day of 7UNE, 1994 before me.the undersigaed o Notary Public ��i <br /> ' . duly ca�mmissioned aad qu�:+llified for said county,pe�sonally came 5TEVEN JERRY SIIrIONDS AND LISA mARIE � <br /> i <br /> . 5�f�ONDS. HUSBAND ANp WIFE to me known to be Uie �.,:r. <br /> id�KroS�eal persona(s)whose aameCs)ace snbsctibed to the foregoing insmwent aad aclmowledged the exerution thereof to n�:_ ' <br /> � THEIf?: voluntary act and deed. - <br /> Witness my hm�d and notarinl seal at GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASK#1 in said county,the ` <br /> dute afo�said. ��'-`. <br /> tinmica�r�tlP.][Rf1P_• �� � '� e- • ' _' <br /> ������«� �..�i��� �QX�J�� <br /> a��.KA� Notary PubIlc _ <br /> _.,..,,,,, !!�E�� �e t� REQUEST FOR RECONVfiYANCE `= <br /> �.r�. <br /> . T[� ' <br /> Thg undeasi�ned is the hot4es of the note or notes secuied by this Dced of'Ilust Suid note or notes.tu�ether with all <br /> oc�n indebtcdness secured by this Deed of 1�usG dave been gaid In full. Yau ate hereby directed to cancel ss�td note or notes , <br /> a <br /> nrid this Deed of'Itvst.which ara delive�ed beteby.and w reconvey. without waaanry,all the estate now held by yora nnder <br /> 9 <br /> t6�as Qced of 7kust t�the pe�son or persons Le�eti�r endfled cherecio. <br /> Data: r <br /> ' EYxm 3U28 9190 fpoge 6 oJ6 pager) <br /> � 1;;, <br /> _.�__ _ - -__ ' -- �7�7RV''2�'A�i"p-'}.wJld.�l�t.,•tC;rk <br /> �� 11.. -' -' ._1 y,� -_'� -__ — _— _ .:_ __-_-_ -_--- <br /> v _ __ <br /> F__ ,_ � .„ .. .. _ _ ._ ._ .,d2...i k..k.7a�'0.�. �.. : . ., . _ <br /> .. • . y <br /> --' Y--= . . . .�LYWfWiiGliRWfYi3Pi4'S31M11k'i�i}�� �R• . • . <br /> �. __c_ ^c . r L'^:. �� _. " �: � . <br /> --- — �c.�";5�7°G=T;m .,.. . 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