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<br /> . 7btala[Pyrm�at�! 122400.00 lNnelsutalm�ntpwA�ts -t.�t..._._.; 1._._4 .�io.94 �
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<br /> TfAB AEED OF T[ttJ9P�m.de thf, �� �y ot .�una � �Y 94 . ---
<br /> �� Genaro Gu rdiola Jr. apd�J�eA�aS► M. Guardiola. huabnnd & Nif_e as ioint tenante �
<br /> _,'�..., .. ,,,� � N�„����� 1122 E. 5tb Su Crand Islundi NEi 68801___ ,
<br /> �� TRW Title Insusance Com�anY —
<br /> ;;:�`;-� �-„ w������ 68Q0 CoI.].eraa B1vd Overlend Park. KS 662II �
<br /> as�+utee� Nd NOTI�!!�F�OtEdil NAbIf1D�t6�.T71R.whas mai11A8 add�r i� 2�19 N. 1�1ebb Rd.
<br /> , '+,:'r'� � P.b, Bms 1373 Graad Island. Nx 68802 ,i„ge�,g�,p,
<br /> �
<br /> ��" WITNF,89E'PH�Tevswis heseby heevarably,graat,bargain,Bell, and oouvoy to 7Yuctoo In tnurt,veitb poxer of atls.th�followlaY dr
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<br /> .�,,:�•:'� 'T,�:,?�1F; , �,- bats 9 and 10, B�.bak 7� Evan's Addition to tha Ci�ty of Graad Island, Hall
<br /> ���+•�:�'� ,�+ fiF�r;.: = Countq. Nebsaska. -
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<br /> • ,,•�--: -1, Rbgethar with tenemenfa,keredikunenta,ead oppurtenoaoee Wereunto belongins or in eaYwlrw aPPex�ainin6 and fke renta,feeues aad
<br /> , .. .. �. ... pm8ta thm�eoL � .
<br /> � :".,r.'t�".r•" ., 17tie cmhveyaace ie ittt�sded fot the pue�pae of eeeueing the payment to BoaeAolary of Tnmt�se'promiewsy aote of even date�n ebe =-
<br /> . '�:�{#-��;;.,..�:`,' amouat stated above ae"'l�utnl of�Peymentd'.Said'ToW oi Paymente"te ropayAbli+in tho number of monthl,y inst�lm�enb�ted above.
<br /> ;t;rf��,�ti�;;^ ;' `. The amount of the inatsitaent p�mente duo ott eaid losa ie etated abave.7he Eiret snd flnal inntalment ehalla s tlee E aaefld�a o i� --
<br /> �:;��.;, ,:rc;,. �• above.Pqyment mqq be made ia advanoe in aa�emouat at nny tiaie.Default ia mnkinb anY A� P� -._�
<br /> ;� � � �'t� and without notice or demand,reader t�e enti►o uapa[d 6alanae of eaid toan a!onoo dua and payable,teae any required rebate of charges. .�_,:
<br /> F�,�:r�,.: ,
<br /> �1�'`�i;�';.��,��;: .:�'�;� 'Ib pmtad the eecurity of thie Deed of 74tu+R�r oovenauta and agrt�es:
<br /> :.;,,IJ�.:•;�;•;:�':::�:' �-`
<br /> � . '•,.�,��. ...'a• ettucbure or impravemeat ���
<br /> :a;,�.
<br /> , i, . ,,.rr,•,�,i;;„ 1.To keep tbe ProPertY in goofl oondltiaa and eropatr,to permit no waate thorooll to oomploto any buildia8.
<br /> "':(`' : '. ' �"• being built or about to be built thazmnt En ecstoro Pron►At1Y aaY building,eteucturo or imprnveasent thexan which may be dam�gcd os ----
<br /> �;t , deatroyed;and to eomp�y with all iama.mdinm�oea.roguleUone,eovenante.oonditiona and roatndione a@'ecting the property. . ---_
<br /> ,. 2.To pey before deHnquent ell le�vfid tauoa and aesesements upoa the property:W koep tho property tlrse artd clear of aU other chargeM �v»
<br /> " �. � Uene or eaeumbrauoea dmpair[ng the s�cudty ot thlo Deed of Trust.
<br /> �:-:� , „ � 3.To keep eli buildiugs aow an he�e�Ec+r ernccad on ihe property descrlbed heroia oontinuounly inawed againat loan by fine or other -
<br /> _ „ harszda in an amowit not lese than the totnl debt secw�ad by thfe Deed of 7lruat� Atl policiee ehail be held by the Ben�ciary,and be �,
<br /> '�• .. - � in sueh compan{es ae the Benefieiary mqy approve snd have lose puyable flraL to tho Benc+ficiery ee ite intoreet mny eppear and Lhea %�
<br /> .. � ' to!he 94uator.The nn�ount oo3lbcted undnr etty inauranoa policy may be appifal upou ai�y Iuda�Gs�Ineea liereby uecwed{n euch otder ee °-��.
<br /> . f'—"�-�- --„ the Benoflciary ehall determtae. SuahapplfcaLEon by the Beneflcinry ehall not onuse diccontinunnoe of aqy prooeedfngs to forecloee thia
<br /> ..�'+��. • Deed ot7�u�t or cure or waive any defsult or aottae of default or iavalidate any act dono pnemu►nt Lo euch aoUoe.Tn the event ot forsclosure,
<br /> "•�,e:;_r .. '�-�r.
<br /> , ��,_ sll dghta of the Trvator in inaurenee�oHdos then in force elwll pam to ehe purehsaer at the tbracloeure eete.
<br /> , • 4.To obWitt the wrEtten ooaaent of Beneiidery before eoiling,aonveying or olhenvfse tt+as�aferring the Proporty or eay parc thereof ana
<br /> , , aoy euch eale,conveyance or tranefbr wltriuut tho BeneticSary�e writt�n aoneent ehall oonstitute a default under the terms hereof.
<br /> � b.To defend ei�y aetion or proceeding p�uporting to ettect t1�e qecurtty hereof or the�ighte or poweta of Benefidaey os Tntstee. .
<br /> `, � 8.ShouId 74u�Wr fail to pay when duo eny taues,aesesemonta,insurenoe promiuma,lfona,eneumbrances or ocher chargea againet the
<br /> . �> �c�ured heroby,�esall bo added�ta�undebecome paitpothe debt eeecured n thls beed cd7�ust es permitLed by loWe eate eet forth in the Aoto
<br /> ,3 . . 1T I6 MUTUALLY A(iREED THAT: .
<br /> � 1.In the event any portion of the pmpeity ie tqlton or daineged fn en ominont domain pmc�ecding,the enUre emount of the oward
<br /> � or euch porlion lhereof as moy be nem�FUy to fWiy eatiaty the obUgation secural horoby,ehall be puid W BeneRdary to be eppHed w
<br /> { eaid obligation. �
<br /> 2,$�aooepting payment of nny eum cecutcid heroby aftcer ito due dnW,Bonofieinry does not waive fts right W requtre prompt payment
<br /> - -- -- -- -- ._�_..._.�.�_�:�..��...
<br /> - --- . .,.....
<br /> :._ _._--- - --------- wnen aue oi an oinxr eumn w oecvieu 4r w vec.n.o ao,ow......o.......,....�;. ..
<br /> c:
<br /> ° 3.The'hvateo ehall coconvey nll or any paet of the property covered by thie Uaed o!Truot to tho pereon ontitted Lhereto,on wr[tten
<br /> ,�; �, requeat of tho TeuaWs and the Benefieiery.or upon eatisfactfon of tho obligndon Eocutod und writWn requeat Cor e�econveyonoe made by
<br /> . the Benetidary or the pereon entiticd themtn.
<br /> ,,�� . 091 C91(NB> �
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