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<br /> pra�wertY. Tl�o rerltsh In thir 9l'rtiuilr.�'a dee��1 c1uU�e prfoea hck e.iiieace et the trati� ot the etataaaN�u�+ale tlu�da.
<br />• '�ta�f a�ly t6e p�+ocieeds nt tbe ede i�tbe Ilerswlq eti�rt t�)te dl custs u�d rxpen�ds o�r��+ci�tMe�rw��t
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<br /> d tdt r'I�eiMni�ro�eiM of tlie wMe�t t6e thae of tYe�1eo{�a�dai ut dehult,wl�ble ottw'°a�'�'.tau a�p�nailbd .
<br /> by larr;(b)to all s�nra xecnrM by thb.riawarfty Inet�nn�aMi u�d(e)u��ezce� so tl�perenn or persorw Iq�tly�10
<br /> ti. ..
<br /> �• �r!'�• UP� P�Xmonc 4f all su�s aocured by thfs Savdty �mtrument Le�du sb�U roquea[Traqee. to
<br /> rcconvey tho PYUpa►y and sh�q surrender this Sa.�udty Insuumrnt �nd all ndtes evidenc�ng debt aecurod by thir Sa:ur�tY
<br /> Icistsument tu Ttuxtoe.Ttusta ahal!reconvey the Prc►perty wit}aut wsrnutty and without ctwrga to the ptn�an ar pe�rsons tegally
<br /> ertit�ed to lt.Such person or txrsona ahall pay any recordation cos4s.
<br /> 23. Sn6�Hute TnAS4ai. I.erxkr.at��ts optipn.. may from tlmo tn time rctnove Trnstee and appui�;a c�ucassor uvsta to
<br /> '' '•., emy Trustea appointcd he�eunder by un instnemeiitu�carcied In the oounry in whifh this Socurit�Insuuaiotiiti•is�recosdod. Withaut
<br /> `�� ``;�►v;�yance of the Pn►perty,d�sac�sor tjui���'it'�fi succec�l to it1{thc titlo.powcr and dadcs canferrekl upon,3Yuue�hereitt
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<br /> � u�blelaw. •: ; ,.
<br />,. e�rent for Notlaa.Borrovier,reque'sta:Wat copies of the notices uf default and sale 6e sent to Aorrowres's pddr�ese
<br />° , which is the Froperty Addces9. •
<br /> 2S. Rtder�to this 6aurity Inetcumait. If oae or mo�dders�ue exavttd 6y Bomnwer and�reoaMbd togtther with this
<br /> Savdty lnsuument.the covena�as and agmment4 nresch such r�der Fhall be inw.rporated fnto and shal)amaid�nd supplernent
<br /> the cavcnanta arn!n�roerr�es�ts of this Secudry Insuument ac if tho rider(s) werc a part of chis Socur�ty Instrument.-
<br /> (Check appiicuble box(a)j ' •
<br /> Ac�u�t�bimAKto Ricier Condomiaium Rider . 1�4 F�mily Rider
<br /> QrAduatod Puyment ttider . Ptnntied Unit pcvclopinent 4tidcr �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br />. �Itcx►n Rlder I_ Rato Impmvcnxnt[tl�fer �SecA�x1 Homo Rlder
<br /> V.A.Rfder thfier(r+)(�;pecify)
<br />� BY SIC3NINQ BELOW, Borrawer ucapts and ugrees to the term9 utxl covenants oonwi�!in this Securlty Cnstrument and
<br /> in any dder(s)exccated by Eorrower end recordod with it.
<br /> i�imGCSes: ___��i►��� ��� _
<br /> j -Borrowcc
<br />! ��� (�)
<br /> • —�� -Borrower
<br /> --— (SCaI) (Seal)
<br /> �• •Sortowcr •Borrowa
<br /> STA'l�OF NEBRASKA, H�L 13TH County ss: J�� �g94
<br /> The foregoin�ginstrumont was acknowledged before a this da o . .
<br /> by OOKA6D b. 601'iE AID 86ltT a. BOR3, B9CH 1M 8I8 AID�18!OO R10�t AMO Ae EPaOl�0 8bC8 0486A ,
<br /> Witness my hsu�d and notariul seal at d�D I 3LAND� NEBRASKA ;n said utuy.the date aforesaid.
<br /> My Commtssion Expires:
<br /> Nomry Publk
<br /> �CENE�I.IIOTARr Sqt�ot Mebt�t _
<br /> RAtiplr�,SMTH�i'F
<br /> Iy doa�.E�0.Wr.30,199s
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