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<br /> �V#A�r•�qNlk���i�A333Q��1TtON OF UNCOLN,the Benetiaiar�'aamed thereln. dtted Navember 14, 1989 �nd �cordid
<br /> ' ' �of fh�R�ot De�cta of �1 Cow�ty, Nebraeka .in BooB ,. � �
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<br /> 9�'r�ildt�ry h�i�uest�wri�if�s that this E?�ed of Recamr�yana be sxecuted snd delhrated es conflrmed by 1b andw�s�me�bslar,
<br /> :;; 4JOW 7H�REFOR�,�n consid�ntlon of�uch pay�nant and in accordmce wtth the►�quest of the 8sne�aj��ri�m�d t1��rMn,th�unda��»d a
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<br /> � �•.•ILot 6, Bli'�ek 1. Southern Acres�.Addi��tbzn�ta the C�ty of Gratrd Isla�xdy Rall
<br /> : . Cauutle� A+�°;b�c'aeka. ' ' . ' ', ',
<br /> . ,'� . ,,
<br /> OJ1TEp: June 9. 2994 TRUSTEfi BY: . • --
<br /> . F. Ro�ahewaki• Chairman b CEO -
<br /> CO NT1l pF� LANCA� j ss. On thl� 9 th_day.of June , 19 94 ,bebro the •
<br /> undenigned,e Noia7 Public duty commfasioned�nd quallfl�d for said
<br /> CoaMy.p�sonsllycvma T- F Roschawaki. Chairacan 6 CEO esTnsstee,tomeknwmMbetheideMicalper�onwAbso _
<br /> narn�is wbsuib�d to the toreQoing inshumont and acknawledged the exea�ion thereof tm ba Me voluntery ed and deed of Baid Asaodatton es =
<br /> wWt TnttOw. -
<br /> My commisslon eo�lros April 1 . 19 96 . _.
<br />- . �
<br /> . Notary Public �
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<br /> This is to certify that tt•�e�bove named Trustee has bsen ce�uested��w�iU�9
<br /> � to execute the torega{��d ot Recomeyance end Ais edfon tn dofnp so is
<br /> � rarifled and confim[od 7►all respects.
<br /> _ . .... .� . �
<br /> _ gY . .
<br /> COUNTY Of LANCASTER ) �' On thia 9th day of June , 19 9� boforo ma,
<br /> tha undaslgnqd,a Notary Publtfl in and br safd Coun4�r potsorfatly
<br /> aetne i. F. Roechaweki of First Federel Saving�end Loan Assodation of Lincafn,to me
<br /> per,sonatty kna�ta Os the �hairman b CEO and idontioai person whose namo is effaofl to tAe above bregotrtg
<br /> InxttumaM a�d acla�awiedgea�zcQ cxa�uthr�lhereof to be his votuntary act anA deed as such otReer. end tAe votur�ry act end deed ot the
<br /> wid Firt Fadecbl•.S�vtngs ar.d Loan Assor,�;ean of Unoote.
<br /> My commission exptres Apzil 1 .19 96. , .Natary Publtc
<br /> (� 1fENfP�1 NOTAAY•Stw ot M�b
<br /> �� JUDITHA.!(LINKb1AN
<br /> '�''�:� 61y Ccmtsa.Exp.Apnl 1.1596
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