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<br /> Wf/H TME POYYER Of SALE.thr lorowNq d�w�d ruopwty boK�d in ths County ot '
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<br /> 1�` ., . TOGETFIER with dl Ouildinpi,fixturss�nd improv�rrn+►t�now or htnatt�r K�ot�d tf►w�on�nd NI dphtaot•w�y.e�rwntt.te�ta�iruuN.PtoAtt.
<br /> ;,,�. . Irtoom�,t�nNeNnb.Mndiwraem�PAv+�q�o��pW+rbna�on.royMtin.and min�rr.oN.Oa md w�tn dpht�tlurouMn b�ionaln�,uam0 or��joyed
<br /> . with uid I�nd ot�ny p�rt tMnot,�nd th�Natmsta�d or eMritr int�rab.it�ny.wfiah int�n�h are h�reby retNaod and wdwd,�mR�all of whiah.
<br />�, ;t�'f � inctudinp npbawnsnta u+d�dditbns thento shW b�d��md to t»ati�d rMrtdn�part of tM prop�rty aovand by thts Tnatt Osedt'm+d a0 of tir
<br /> ' �` farpdnp top�tMr vritA eaid propaty e�herdn ntsmd to u tM'Propeety.'
<br /> - .'Cc�.,'•��- t_•.,
<br />-, t. r ti;�.. .
<br />.a ,.�:.;� �3,; - TO SECURE to L�ndu the repsrmnnt of Indebt�dnos�evid�na�d by Bm�ow�r'�note dat�d 06/08 ,19�A mp�tlNr
<br /> "' •' ' with�ny a�d di ron�wats �iikntlont,and sxt�natons th�root�nd sub�dtudons ot�xohaop�s thanfor,ll+�nin nf�rc�d to aa tfa'Nots'1 in tM
<br /> . � .{ , dncip�l wm of • 7 S b00.00 .topetha with iM�nst at the�ate prorld�d tfi�rein,with a Efc�,ud m�turlty.If
<br /> �, ��,��r,•,�,',c�_•- , P
<br /> j;l:
<br /> '�',.�' �. n o t s o o n e r p a i d.o t 06/08/ ,1 9 99 .�n d�s n e ud t y for sn y futun advanceo thst m�y be m�d�Dy t�:onr,�ea to Bortower
<br /> `�'� �'7�t . trom tlm�to tlms end es saeudty tor tAe p�ymsnt of any end�II oihet ind�btednss�ot the 8ortower to the Lendn whtoh may anlam�dt�ot taid wnu
<br /> • •."1��'���.. ° not to�xcssd in ths eaprapst�e wm�qud to Mues times tho ortgind odnolpsi�ount of th��bove►ectted Not�.
<br /> • BORROWER oownants that Borrowsr Is bwfuUy seissd of tM Propsrty Mr�by oorrv�Yed end hn th�doht to yrent end oomey tfa Potptriy,that tM
<br /> ,.��"�,,;�f�t�+,�;' • . Property b untncum0erod by sny mortp�ps,tru�t deed,oontnot to purohue.or othenvise,except tor e
<br /> � '_-.��''y`°,;;,%';r�'t, .. in lavor of '
<br /> .. ;����;`;'r � on wNoA ths unpaid b�lenos on tNs dat�doee not exo�ed� . Botron�►er oovenente M aaep4q�dAh ell the termt
<br /> �; ,, .�� •� �nd provfkons of sny yrior moetpeg�,tn»t drsd or eont►aot to purohsss.upon ths Prop�rtV and to m�ice dl paymsnts tMreon laefors they E�oome
<br /> i. :,;f: . .. .!` d�itnquem. !9 no oama o►smount E�insetted In tlds pmaprspA,tAen @onowsr oovenarrts thet thero�ro no ptiot it�no ot enY kiro4 up�an the Ptopsny.
<br /> Borrow�t ftttetroroavenent�to wane�tt tnd d�fend ths dd!to tM Ptop�ety apdnet dl a��itns end dem�nd�.
<br />,_ _ ° �::�rh:. ' . �
<br />_ . ,�;,��l ,; eorrawer ei�d I.�nd�t tuetMr eovenar►t mnd apns�s tollow�:
<br /> �i����:, ' •
<br />_ ' .' - 1. Bot�owu�hslt prompUy pey whon dw the pdnoipd�nd interost on ths indebtedns=s ev{d�need by t!u Note.
<br /> ?' ,
<br /> -� ,. 7. At ttac an d�p b�foro they become delinqu�nt,8ortowsr ehali psy dl taxo�end speatd��sssomsnt�levied or asse:oed sgsl�t tha Properrty.
<br />� or�ny p�tt tMroof.and etl texen,tevtes u�d aesessnant�IeNed upon tM�Trust Oeed ar ths debt wMoA it seeuron.
<br /> -�. �
<br /> - — -- -- �
<br />-- -- - ---- ----
<br /> .,�z� ; ' 3. Borrow�r ahMi ke�th�improwm�nu and buUdinpf,(t eny.upon ths Property inautee.w�m s oompnny or aor�aniva.ppro.ai 6�i:w��aoi..irc '
<br /> u►rrwunt not I�se than tM unp+id b�tano�on tM indobtedne»s�aund by thSs Trust Deed wiH�e etanderd mo�¢pap�ctauso wSth tase payaWs to i
<br /> T � �! ,• . tht Lsnd�r. Bonower shMl detiwr�aid pofloy or polioi�s to tM L�ndsi. I
<br /> l * ,"•.••: • . 'r
<br /> ,�.•�• :.. . r in th��wnt of�los�,Borcovnt sNU plw p►ampt eoUo�W th�imttr�noe oerr[�r�nd the lender md fiis�ptaof ot toea.it the BAr�orrer ts�ot otMtwiee
<br /> irt d�fautt,tM 0orrowar n�sy Neot to�p�y tM imurano�prochd�to roprr o�np��o�tM drn�psd ProOerty.(f eaonomiodiq feoatbte.end the seouAty �
<br /> .�+ ' of this Ttutt OMd woWd not bo impdad. it th�8orrow�r t�in dtfwtt or alwt�not to np�ir or roplaee tM demepd 7top�ery a►rq�ir or npl�oemsnt
<br /> ' ,, " woutd tat�eonort�ioeNy f�adble or th�aastritp ot tNs Tru�t D�ad woWd b�imp�ired then the ineutanee prooeedt shall be�pplied to tM laft metu8np � °;
<br /> p�yrt�eim du�on tM Noto. If tAe insuartw proceods�re tn excsss of the totd amouM due on sdd Nots,tho exoees eheq 6�pdd to tM 8or►owsr.
<br /> ' m
<br /> i; In�uane�p�oaa�ds for ap�fr or repiscan+rit ohMl be plaasd in�sorow with ths land�r and dlshurted by Let�der dudnp a upon eomptetlon of euoh
<br />,,� � �, _t` " ' rap�ir ot npbaMmnt. If tM Lend�r moqutn�eftl�to th�Prop�rty by sxtraletnp fU powor ot eale,toreciosun or otRorwise,in oadsf�oUon of Me
<br /> ;� -��: � , ind�bt�dmts s�urod Mr�by,i�whot�or in part,thsn�I tipht,tids ud tnterest of tAe 8or►o�ner Fn end to euoh tnaursnoe popoy o�polides shall patt I
<br />�' t� .'.: : :.�.••' to th�I.�nd�r.
<br /> �"- ° `f�`�?��•• � �,;�f,�., BorrowetMqdepoaitwith�end�r, I
<br /> <, . ;:s;.- �. ior ths purpos�of providinp�fund tor tM Oaynwnt of Ux�e.�p�d�i ns�aments�rd 1+auranas premium�. `
<br /> _ � ~�'�,� �t on M�daas that payrt�M�ucs di+�on th�Not�.ert Mr�ount�yuM to tM t�xa.asusae»r�t��ed ineuru►os pramiumo mxt Aus(�II es atttnat�d by I
<br /> f t h s L a n d�r.lsis�m o u n t s�t n a d y d e p o�i t d thermtor l dfvtded E y tM�wmb�r ot p�ym�nte on the Note Nat wlll�eeomo due pdor to the dete whe�suoh
<br /> � • wui».anss�nts and iaaurancs pnrtitcros wHl bseoms duo�nd payeb�e. Seid furtds wiq be he W by t M Le n der in a no Mn t otao t be a r inp eaarow
<br /> � ` �ewnt for th�purpos�s atloAA abow. If th�eewunts of tMs�d�posib en aot suftioient to pay texe�,ea�essmonto and trouruwe premlurtes as
<br /> ney baaarte due,ths 8onower ehali upon ro4ueat.peY Lertder the emount neceeeary to make up the dericiency.
<br />