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<br /> •Thr uiid�niQrt�l h�rtbY rpLn�ai�i�thM dd t�r d�riMtit a�e w�ou�e�fe�7'ruri tHM�mN��A�M'19�M t�/�1 Mw�i+�w�l1�Mu MM�iM1
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<br /> tM wN«+yiM+►�v wRn+.Ma�w+:�r«o ehrc w.o..YNowiwti 1+�s�►.�'.wf rxwww in a+w�l.n ww�ert«�.�w �
<br /> ��M� �«nwMs��f 1M hMtiAnf'f�wt O+wi. , . ,
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<br /> T►ils TlIwT t!!Ra ir n+.i.ur.�++w•+ •r�mr �.1r,�,.,rr.rw e«w�.�u»rruN.r, � ' . � ..
<br /> Toda 1 Hanriah���l� (Jrndw..MA HraY�Ni��_ h�trkatiA �n� Yi�.� �
<br /> �� IhaM�"rorraw�t'J.
<br /> wbos�a►�rep�ddr�es h_l 72,_„1 Hanov��_I.anR,�-.G�R�..,LI],aIItL .]��?rt�{�, 6880 .
<br /> MM!Iw'ffw �ank Natiy{�j,�/��L�O�... �ibs �1�brL • .qwdn'TnMw'f.�nd 1M
<br /> �N���TMf���f ,�,�I��'jQ+��� �„�nn�s►�n+�� MI Ill�lp�1�9t{��„ 17fiR A�rn�� QMA�f�
<br /> O�ha, Nabraska 68102 � ���ebra�n�Ca.
<br /> h1M�{I�"��i1dN��.
<br /> �OR110WER.in aon�W��Won af tbe I�t�dnw�Mnie naft�d ad tM au�t h��in osa�pd 4�vooablv 9r�ntA�nd aonwy�co Tnnt«.In tnNt.,:
<br />- WITH THE rOWEIt OF SALE.tM toMo«M�0 d��orpv�Y fooa�d in tM Cauntp ot �a�l .Sua of N�M�:
<br /> Lot 3. Block 4, Bel Air Adclition. City of Grand l(sland, Hall Gounty,
<br /> . Nubragica.
<br />_.;� — •
<br /> � TOGETHER W�Al+ait buiidinpr.Sxtur�t aed imPtuv+ms�ts now ot Mnattet snoted thenon�nd vl dpht�at•wa�t.��sement�,roirt�,ipuee.�tofttr.
<br /> - inc�.t�n�lwrti.lronditrn�ntb P�+��Yss.�rt��k�s.�oyattla.�td min��d.oil,pn and wat�t Aphts thtr�uMo bNonpinp.uaod ot snjuy�d
<br /> ,� ��id��t�d a�ony part th�noi��nd ths honustud or rrtarttd tnurssts,it mrry,whiah Intaroatt aro Mnby role�s�d end weiued,�nd�II of whkh, _
<br />_ �� inaludiry�npt�awaMs�nd additlom tMnto�h�N b� dNrt�ad to b��rwi�emNn�part ot tlie prop�ny aowred by tAit Tnnt.flNd:�nd r!of tM
<br />= f��Mi toY��r with�aW prap�nY w hsrdn rehmed to u ttro'Props�" =
<br /> �i�'°�{. TO SECURE ta lrmin th�ropaYmsr►t o!tndsb�udtieti avidonaad bv Borrov�et's aots dsted .19�l�.top�tM� _
<br /> ' j wlth ony md pi1 oOrNw�f�,modifloaMom,and lxnMtons th�reet und subltitutiom o��xohanpes tMrotor,ih�rain t�ternd w es tM'Not�•)Fn th�
<br /> pdnc(pal am o!� '� 5 1T a�i g .topsfMr with int�re�t at tM r�te provked thtt�tn,wltA�tlnM rtutudty.it
<br /> - not soornr paid,of . 18 �8 .and u security fot any tutun advances that m�y be mede'by lendes to Bortower
<br /> _:.y Rom Vrtui to tha• b s�cudtY tor ih�payment ot�ny nwi�+tt other indebtedneat of the Borcower to the leeod�r whfoh mroy.eriss.�ii ot aoid suma _
<br /> ;; ���� not to�xcad in�tfN sp�tpat��sum equ�to xe�ree drna th�odynel pdncipd rmount of the ebove roaited Note.
<br /> ' i
<br /> ��'' �r`� HORROWER cov+e��that Borrow�r is IawWlty seited of ths Proparty hsraby comeyed and has t!u dpht to ront�nd oonwy tAq Propsrty,�hat ths
<br /> Prop�tty ts uronaumbersd by uhr�wROsp�.trust And,aontreai tu purohese,or otherwias,ex.oept tor e af irak Deed of Ti uet :
<br /> i�-
<br /> in fwor oi FirsTfer aninA� Bank j�:-
<br /> ' on wMoh tlt�urt�aid balenc�on tAfs d�u does oot�xaeed f 7 S�491_�6 . Bottower eovenmte to comply witA dt tAe tetms ,
<br /> •• ud prmri�tora of any p�ior mortp�pe.trust deed o+oorrtnnt to pu•ahsae,upon the ProDeety�rd to make dl paymente thenon beforo tRey be�orno �
<br /> • ,S' ':'.
<br /> °�,.•' defirquent if ao mme or etrauat is i�rted in tfd�paaapraph,then Borrowmr�avanante thet thero are no�xior lien9 of pny kirtd upon the Proparty. �
<br /> 8omwe�turths�eownsr�U to wmmt ond detand tho tltl�to ths Nropsrty apa;r►ut e1f dQrta�rd demands. i
<br /> � �
<br /> t
<br /> .. .
<br /> �` eoaower end lerde turtiw cownarn�nd asrae as ta+;towe:
<br /> •':-*`�� ' - 1. 8otrowo►cfia�il prompttY Pnl►when due th�DrinciDal snd iRterost on tho i�ebtodness evide�ed by the Note.
<br /> x.<; •
<br /> - .-r,;. t;:'p?:.:_-�
<br /> ' ' - 2. At Isat ten dWa befors d�W becoms deGnquen�Borrow�r ehi.li poy et!raxes end opeal�l oaseasmente lovied or assesaed opeinat the Froperty,
<br /> ' `I�'',• ' a,�,,,,n,�e�.raat.u,d aU te�cp,�evies end atstsuneMt te�rad upon thta Tntst Oeed or the debt whtcA it securea. �
<br /> =_-_ '•�.m�,.nq,_ _ ..
<br />- +��a:..�•'.. . t'
<br /> �-c7• .�.:�:. .-t�:�:�' ..
<br /> y;�e�5�,ayc.;yn.�� 3. 8onow�r sh�N k�ep tM impravsmsnt��nd buitdit�s.if eer�r,upon the Property ins�red,with e eompany or eompaniee epproved by the londer,for
<br /> ti°��,� ••'��;a�.¢�9,:. an ae�eourt not bss tfNn tM u�patd bata�on tM IndeDtWness sxurod by thio Trust Oe�d with e standmd mortpeQe ct�se with losa peyebte to
<br /> _ � tM l�nd�r. Borrowa sh�M deliv�r aId OoltaY c►Potir�ra to ths Lender.
<br /> `� y.�=i~
<br /> �� � In tM�vtnt o!s toss,BorwwNSh�9¢v�tNGS�pt�sot�¢s to�e infun�ne�oar�tn�nd ths Under and fits a proo}of loss. It th�Bormwer ia�sot othsrwise
<br /> ° ��,+ � in d�iwtb tM 8ortow�rm�y N�at to appty ths fmurne�Rroce�ds to rop�ir or npbc�M�d�m�p�d Propsrty,ff aoonomfcWy t�asfEb.�nd ths*�curity
<br />_ .,���'`.f�, o!tHt Tnut Qwd wouid nut b�tmO�ind.If the 8arow�rb ia d�fautt ct�tsots eot to nRair or npt�a�tho drnsp�d Prop�riy or ropair or reptacement
<br /> .�:, wouid rtot seonaria�lly t�ari�M or tM steu�itV of tRb T�utt Qe�d would bt impaind tMn tM insurera�proa��ds�h�{I b��piiad to ths last msuttirip
<br /> ;�i�k,,,,.,�' psyrtNrts du�on tM NoU. tt tM irounnc�proe�ods �n tn sxcsfs o!M�totN�mount du�or t�td Note,tAs ezeao�hatt bs pdd to tM BorroNnr.
<br /> 't�= ,�s (naunne�procwds tor ropalr or npt�a�nt sh�M M pi�nd tn sscrow wltA the Under�nd di�bun�d by lend„durinp os upon compbUoa ot euoh
<br /> ' ' �}�Y�- npak or npla�ment. If tM I.sndN�cquins Utl�to th�Prop�rty Dy exetettUq lu pown of eels.toredosuro ot otN�rwtn.in saUsinottoa of iM
<br /> �� �" ''+ tndapt�dnat acurd lwceEr.in whot�or in part.tMn�!I dphL dd��nd inter�st c!tM Bonower in and to such insurinae poUoy or poUdes nh�fi paas
<br /> to tM l�nd�r.
<br /> ' T ,._ 4. For th�purpos�ot provldin0�fund for tho payrn��of Uxa.apsc[��as�asments wl tnsunne�prerNuens.Bonawer siiali depo�t with lender,
<br /> � � on tfit datas thst p�ym�nit srs dua on tM t�tc3�.ae snw�nt equd to tAs texe�.aassam�ntt and insurarta�p�emium�next dus tntl ea ear.mated bY
<br /> .:; tM t�nd��.lo»��ount�dr�adyd�paatt�d tts�t�for)dirided Oy tRe numbet ot pnym:nU on tRe Note tAat vriq Qeccmo due prtor to the dote r+ihen aueh
<br /> y� ,;;� .. , , taxn,entssm�nt�ard In�urM+cr Dnmiuma wiU baome 4u�and payabte. Se10 tund�will Qe hetd by the lendet in e non•interest Eeenrtp eacrow
<br /> ecaouM for tiro purposea sat torM abovo. tf tM emountf of thess depoaits are rtot cuflietent to pay tsxas,osaessmonte end inauronce premium9 us
<br /> , . '�i
<br /> Me�trecome due,the Borrowo�ehsil apan requsst,psy le�de�tho emount necesae!�I to make va the deticieney.
<br />