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<br /> --- - ---[SPAC�.:A�OVE THIS�FQK R:ECOItDII�C�DATA�- -- ••--
<br /> NOR"ICC OF DEFAULT_ 9�,,., 1�5i�`�,� � —
<br /> — TO WHOM 1T MAY CONCERN: �
<br /> �lou are hereby natified that Douglas C3.Lane and Aebra L Lane.husbau�d aud wlfa,Trustc�rs,did
<br /> � � on ar�about I]eamber 2S1,19$8�make�e�ecut� and dalivar ywto Co�es�al F�depat B�utk; a Feder•�l -�-
<br /> Savit�� �n1� fl+�/a Commerciel Federal Savia� and Loa� AssociaHon. as Trusta�� a Deed of Trust
<br /> wher�in;s�+�d:'�'uua4ors conveyed the follovv3ng-descn'bed resl�proI�eriy:
<br /> _-- �t'ILirteen(13),Black Thne (3),Vall�y Vtew Suhdivision,6eing a past of the North��ne
<br /> TlYOUSand 4ne Hundred TLne (1103.0��Feet of tlbe East Half of the Northeast Quarter
<br /> (EI/2 FJEU4)of Section'l�venty Taro (22),Tauvnsbip Eleven (11)Nort6� R�age I�TIne (9)
<br />- — - West of the 6th P.M., Hall Couniy.Nebrasta;
<br /> --.. -- - -. z as r,�curisjr fnr�nepaymsnt of a loan w►hich the Tn�aiQrs obtai�aed from�:k�trst Federal Savings aud Loan
<br />,,�� Asswaiation of�incoln,Beneficiary of said Deed b8 Treu�t whloh was recsyrded oa December 3'0�1985, in =
<br /> the�fflce of tl�a�Register of Deeds a�H�►11 Coungr,N�bm�aka, as Document No. 88-10'l060.
<br />'.'�1 � On or about January 3,1989,First Federal:�avings and Loan�Assoaiatioa of I3ncoln,as BeneSciaiy�
<br />- as�r,�iaed all of its right,title and beneficial intar�t fut the Deed of Ttu�t.to Commercial Federal Mortgage
<br /> Corp�ration. Thc Assigament was recQrded oa 7anuary 24, 1989,in the offia$ot the Register of Deeds
<br /> ,
<br /> • ' of Hall County,Nebraska,as DoCUment No.89-100366.
<br /> You are further nctf Hed that there has ec�ured a breach of an obligatton of the Trustois for which
<br /> the Trust properiy was com+eyed as security,ta-wit,that the Trustors have failed to pay the BsneficIary
<br /> gayments whfcb.were contractually due from December 1,t993,through this date,tagether with intenest
<br /> :' accruing therecn.
<br /> You are�urther notified that the Tn�stee has elected to declare the entire unpaid princip�al balance�
<br /> ` together with interest 4�here�an,at once due and payable and has elected to sell or cause to b8 sold the real ,
<br /> grogerty described in said Deed of Trust to satfisfy said obligatiou. _
<br /> `'�'�-=-�;.'�� DATED this day of June, 1994. '
<br />- ,_,-,��...:.�...;.� , .
<br />- ��; ; COMMERCIAL FEDERAL BANI{��Federal
<br /> ��" Savings Bank, f/k/a Commercial Federal
<br />.
<br /> ,� �,;- Saviugs and Loan Association,Trustee
<br /> BY
<br /> ulia A. Hershiser (�1 058)
<br /> �:.�.�.t:. .:-•. • . For FITZGERALD.SCI�IORR, BARMETTLE�t
<br /> :'45;;` �-'-`�; &BRENNAN� P.C.
<br /> �'������� 10Q0 WomaD�en Tower
<br /> r�i?.��a::S;
<br /> �'�{`'.�" VII131I3�PT�DtSSHA Q�1VL
<br />_-�tiu���--�. (402) 342-1000
<br /> '� ' ) �.
<br /> �. Tlie foregoiag instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public, by Julia A.Hershiser on
<br />_J, ,
<br /> this�day of June, 1994.
<br /> '' Notary Pub c
<br /> �.��;.°�- . ��tM�N111�
<br /> '�H--,.s. ,��r:�".
<br /> '.Y=. '
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