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-�� i . .._t ._,�; . . �.�A= . <br /> . _� ' ''J y . �.z� <br /> —_ . _ ... -- - <br /> ,._�. -�--� <br /> — , __—. — <br /> ..— '+ _'__' __ <br /> .� <br /> . . .h....i _. <br /> _�'����...""�. <br /> . . . �. °��'� 1(��5 <br /> �� � 5. H�erd'or !'ropRtty Ye�umnce. �iurr�wer stwll ka� tt►e i�nprovenxnta t�oVr existing ar hereafcu ere�ted on ttx <br /> E�rop�rij+ in�ured a�ai�ut luss by firo.,ius��rds lnctndcd within tf►e tem�"cxteixie�cuveraga" mid nn�r wher ���itw�i� <br /> Floods ar flcx�ding,for whicl�I.cnder.tequirea insuru�co.7hi�inwru�cc stutl be mtitrt4itxci in the ntt�:nts atd fot'thc perio�da <br /> thut l..e�ler requirrs. 'Thp Dnsurar►eo currier provEding the insura�ce�,hvil b�c�hosen by Barrower Fub,�cxt ta LendeR s appmval <br /> which shall not be un�ras�n�bly wi.thheld. If eorrower i'�ile ta m+�i�4in oovrrage ck�cribad abovc, l,er►der n�y. K l..e�nder'a ,. <br />- ���-__ _ ,--__ _ , aption,abwin coveraqe to protect Lc�viet's dghta ln thc Praperty in acc�rdance with pura�n�ph 7. <br /> Alt insuranct policte9.�nd renewnls shutl be aeceptable to l.,endcr and elwll include a atar�i�rd morrgsge ctsuss. Le►uier � <br /> shall have the right ta hold thc policies and nn�wals. !f Lender reyufres,Borrowcr shall promptly giva to Lsnder al1 recelptr of <br /> paid�aretniums�tnd renewal notices.In the cvent bf loss,Honower sha11 givo pcpmpt notTtte to the insuranae caMer uad Lender. <br /> i.cnder may make proof of loss 3f not mnde promptly by Borrower. <br /> Unless Lcnder uiM Borrowcr othetwise agrec fn writtng.ingurance proceods slialt be applied to restoTatian or repai r of thc <br /> _ Property dnmuged,if tho restorntion or repair js econami�tpy fcasible und I.ender's scrurity iF not Iessened. 1f the cestorsdon or <br /> nepair is not economIcally feasible or Lendcr's security would be lessened.ti►e insurance pr000eds Eh�ll be applied to thc swrw <br /> secured by this Secaclty Instrument, whethcr or nat then due, with nny exccss paid to Borrawer. If Borcawer a6andons the <br /> 1'roperty.or dues not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insur.lnce carrler has offered to settle a clnjua�,then <br />•^i . Lender muy colloct the insurance proceeds. Lender mny use the proceeds to mpair or restoro the PropeRy ar W pay sums <br />-- — secured by thi�Security Instrument,whether or not then due.'Fhe 30-dAy period will begin when the notice is given. <br /> Unless Leuder and Borrawer othetwise ugme in wrlttng. uny appiecation of proceeds to pdncipal shall not extend or <br /> - pastp�one tlte due dste of the raonthly payments referred to in paragraphs l and Z or chan�e the amo�mt�f the�ymen�s. If <br />'����� under paragrupb 2I the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to any insurnncc policies snd pracseds resuldng from <br /> damage ui the Property prior to the acqujsition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Sec�uity Instcumant <br /> _. immodiutsly�rior to th�acquisttion. <br /> `; 6.Oav�pancy,Presetvatioa,Maintenpnce and Proiection of the Property;Bormwer's I.oan ApplfcaUon;Lasehold9. <br /> Borrower shall occupy.c�tubfish.and use the Propeity as Borrower's prirtcipa!residence within sixry duys after the execudom of <br />' this Securicy Insuumem and shall continue to occ�!p�t5e Property as Borrower's priacipat res{dence for at least one year aRer <br /> the dute of occupancy, W�less Lender otherwise a�s in writia�. which consezt shali not be unreasonnbly withheld,ur unless <br /> extenuaung circumstctr►ces exist which are beyond Borrower's cuntrol. Borrower shall not destroy, d3m.gge o� impair the <br /> Property, allow the Property to deteriorate. or commit waste on t�e Property. Borrower shal! be in default if any forfeiture <br /> uct(an or proceeding. wheUier civll or begun that in�.ender's goad faith judgment rnuld result in forfoitur�e of the <br />- �. - _ = Pmp�tsy Qr�thenvl�m3tcrie�ly i�n�+±�ir thP IiPn cre�r:u-�d by thic Security Insuument or Lender's security inte�,:. liorrower may <br /> - <br /> cure such a default and provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a culing <br /> , that. in l.cmder's gaod thith detarmination. precludes fArfeiturc o€the Sormwer's interest in the Property or other snaterial <br /> �4 impairment of the lien cc�euted by this Security Instrument or Lender's sc;curity interest. B�om�wer shnll also be indefault if <br /> r'' Borrower.during the loan applicatian process.gave materfally false or inaccurnte infornunion or statements to Lender(or failed <br /> - ta provide Lender with ang crwterlal information)in connectlon with thc loan evidenced by the Note, including. but not Itmited <br />= �o,representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the P�operty as a principal residence.If this Security Instn�ment is on a <br />: leasehald. Borrower shall comply with all the pravisions of the lease. If Horrower acquires fee title to the Pcopetty. the <br />, > leasehold and the fee title shull not merge unless Lenrler agrees to the merger jn writing. <br /> 9.Protertton o8 L.ender's Rights in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements wncained In <br /> this Security Instntment.or there is a legal proceed'eng thut muy si�nificanUy affect I.ender's rights in the Praperty(such as a <br />-_ proceeding in bankruptcy. probate. for wndemnauo�or forfeitum or to enfurce laws or regulutions).then I.ender may do and <br /> ,,,, . puy for whatever is necessary to protect the value af the Property und Lendcr's rights in the Property. Lendcr's actiions may <br /> � !• include puying any sums secured by a lien which has priortty over this Secudty InStrument, appearing in coua. paying <br /> " ;,� reasonable uttomeys' fces and en�sring on the Property to make repairs.Atthough Lender may take oction under this paregraph <br />- 7,Lendes does not have to do so. _ <br /> Any amounts disbuASed by I.ender under this paragrnph 7 shall become additional debt of 8orrower scxured by this a� <br />� ��; h" "�-'.�'• Secudty Instrument. Unless Borrawer and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amoants shall bear Interest from the R` <br /> ��_ ..,:,. ,.��. <br /> '��- �, ,�� f,. date of disbursemant nt ihc Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from [.ender to Borrower requesting a= <br />_ .,,���.:-..;r•. payment. p,-_- <br /> ��:��y t;_�"��i�'� S.Mortgage Iasurance.If LenJer required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Sec�rity - <br /> - a� " Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to m�intain the mortga�e insurance in effect. [f, for uny reason, the <br /> ' « . � . i mortga�e insurance coverage required by Lender lapses ar ceases to be in effert. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> y,:�:, ` _ <br /> ,,:., �� . .• obtnin coverage substantially equivalent to the mort�;age insurance previously i�effect, �t a mst substantially equivalent to the <br /> :,�;� �,'?�-r � �` � wst to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previous�y in effect, from 3n altemate mortgage 9nsurer approved by Is-nder. If <br /> ' � substantially equivalent mvrtgage insurance covernge is not available. Borrower shall pay to Lender each month u sum equssl to <br />• one•twelRh of the yearly nnortgage insurance premiu m being paid by Horrower when the insurance cuvernge lepsed or cea+ed to <br /> �,'k�•! � � be in effect. Lender will a�rept. use and retain these payments ns a toss reserve e� lieu of mortgage insurance. Lo� rcserve <br /> ' , � Form 3028 9190 ' <br /> ',k�� ro�aois • <br /> : I <br /> , �, t.. _ . -- .,. . � , . . •` .,� ^�;-,-�--.-....---...,..-.. ..�._._._ <br /> . -a,--_•_— , ,_-••_-_-7-r-- <br /> �.� , � <br /> ._—. _— . __—__ . -—_ __-_.-._ '--,_ _--. ____ __-._. __- - -- ___ _ _- - __ <br /> . __-- _. _.- _ _-__- _—-._ � . _ .. � -.-.- -_ _ _ _ <br /> -- ._. ..�____ �.. :__ . ._'_ '_. _ _._ ..____ _._ .. _ - — -_ _ '_._ <br /> .,�,.__ _._. _ __._ - :.__ .. _. � __"- __.'_. __- _ ._-__ _ _ �_'_ �_.___ .___._. <br /> �, .. , � .. ' ' ... . u • ' .. . .. .. , ` ' '. t�.• " . <br /> '1 . . .. - . ., . � ' .. <br /> . } . .. .. . . � . '• . .. . . . <br /> , .. �� . ,. <br /> !II.. ` " . .. ' _ ,. .�� . -� - ',�.� .. , . ..1L'.af.:7�' .. • .. <br /> r ' ' °�. . . . , .. . .�.'��d�,�7,�•ditU�� . . " <br /> .i�.fZtix1��.�<��J4;':✓' t) <br /> . " �'�� ... - . . J •N.;�\' { . . . <br /> � '�.�4',.G}�+;'a+�r�. <br /> . . , . <br /> . <br /> ., • <br /> : . <br />