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<br /> � 17.T�tnsfer ot the Prnperty or a Bencflcipl lnterest in fier�nwer. If all ar any part of thc Proprrty or uny imcr�t in it
<br /> Is Fold�r tcnnsfcrnd(or iP t�lxneticiul intcrc�t in Borrower i�+sold ar trar►sfcrred nnd Barmwcr Is not a naturnl person)without �_
<br /> l.,endcr's prior written cons�nt, Lc�idcr may, ut its aptlan, rcquirc immedtatc payment in full of ntl bums Kecurcd by thi.9
<br /> Sec�udly Instrun�ettt.Howcvcr.this avilon shall nnt bc cxerciscd by L.e�►dcr if excreirc is prohibiteti by f¢deral luw as of the data
<br /> nF titis Security Instcuntcnt.
<br /> If L,ender oxcrdu�this optian, l.etxler shaU gIvo Harrowcr notice af ucccleratian.Th�natice shali pravi�da��byf��
<br /> les�thun 30 duyK irom thc dute thc n�tic�e is delivrral nr mailed within whirh Borrower must pay utl �
<br /> `---.—.__--� Security lnstmmrni.iP ti��rrnwer feilK tc►Q;►y th�se sums prior ta the expiration of this periad. l,crtder mny invake nny remedles r_
<br /> ; permittecl by this Scsudty insuutnent vyfthouf furthce notice or demund on&ircuwer.
<br />_,z,� -- ; 18. �orrower'H Iti�ht to RdnstAte. if Barcc►wer meeu certain condidons, Bc�rmwer shnll huve the dght to twve
<br /> � enfur��entent of'this Security Insttument discontinueal at :u►y time prior ta the eatlier of: (a) S dnyK (ur such other pedod ns
<br /> ur�uant ta un wer af s�te containad In this
<br /> nppl{cuble Inw rtwy sperify for rcinstutemcnl) betare sate of the PmpertY P 9 P°
<br /> iSccurity Instrument;ur tb)entry af z9 Judgment cnforcing this S�curity tnstrument.Those condttions are that Borrower: (a)pays
<br /> j Lcnder uli �ums which thcn would be due undcr this Serurity instrument nnd th�Note as if no accrleratlon had occurred;(b)
<br /> L cures imy defniilt oP any ather cuvenants ar ugrecmcnts: (c) pays all expenses incurt�ed in enforcing this Secudty Insuument.
<br /> including,but not Ibtita!to.reasonuble attaraeys'fc:cs: and (d)tatces such uctiun as i.ender may reusunably reqtum to assure =--..
<br /> �' thut the lien of this Secudty instrument. l.cnder's rights in thc PropeeY su►d Bormwcr'�s obligatian to pay the sums sccw�ed by
<br /> � this Secudty Instn�ment sh�ll continue unchunged. Upan reinstntement by Borro�ver. this Socunty [nstrument and the
<br /> abligutions secuc�cxi hereBy shall mmain fully effective u�if no ucceleratian h�cl occurred. Hawever.this right to reinstate shall
<br /> cx
<br /> noi upply i�the ca.+e uf uccelamtion under parngruph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale o!Notei Ctwttge af i.oun Servlccr. The Note or i+ pariin! interest in che Nute (tagether with this Securiry
<br /> Instrumen[)may be snid one ar morc tim�without pr�ar natire to Sorrower.A sule mny result in u chunge in the entity(known
<br /> as the "L.pan Servicer")ti�t col�c�ts m�ndi�Y Payments due under the Note nnd this Security Instrument.There also�rtsiy be one
<br /> � or mom chunges of the Loan Servicer unmlated to a sale of the Note. If ihere is a chan�e af the Lo;u�Servi��e�. 8arrower wii!bc
<br /> given wdtten notice of the chan�e in acoordunce with paragraph 14 ubove and applia►ble law.The notice will stnte the name and _
<br /> • ;.�. ..• 4 s�ddress of the new Laan Servicer and tlie uddress to�vhich Fayments should 6e made.The natice will ulso contnin any other
<br /> � '� information required by Applicuble luw. —�°�-
<br /> M„ �,f y _ Zp, Hazar+iou�S�bstane�..w.Barrower shall not cuuse or pecmit the prer,ence. use. disposal, stora�e, or release of any �_
<br /> Hawrdous Substances an ar in the Praperty. Borrawer shull not do, aar allaw uny ne else eo do. anything affectins the �
<br /> ,_ ,� Property that is tn violatian of any Envimnmenta l L aw. T h e p r e c e d i n g t w o s e n t e nces shsll not a p pl y to the presence.use,or
<br /> �""�'�F�" � �tora�e on the Propeny of small quantities of Haiardous Substunces that ure generally recognized to be appropriate to normal v4
<br /> - ��� ' residenti�l uses and to maintenance of the Property
<br /> '� '�`-:^', �'� Borrower shall promptly give l.ender written notice of any tnvesci�ation,cluim.demand, IaN•suit or other action by any �J
<br /> ..,,`�',.,
<br /> ''f`•'��' ''' "'�y govemments�ll or regulatory agency or privute party involving the Propecty and anY Hazardous Substnnce or�mirunmental Lnw �,_�.
<br /> ..tt,:�:•7;.::`i'�..;tia".:
<br /> ;�'�`•'+�-r� '+ � �,.�� of which Borrower has actual knowlatge. If Borrower learns,or is nonfied by any governmentul or regula►ory authority, that :,�,?_
<br /> �'' ,,� �,;;.'`• �y rz�oza�ar othCr rc�eclistiQn of nny H��Ardous Substance affecting the Property�s necessary.Borro�ver shall promptly take ,� �.
<br /> �wr.,.�� �'.✓�,k all necessury remedial actions in acrnrdunce with Environmentul I.aw.
<br /> ���nr�:�„•^' As used in this paragrnph 20, "Hw.ardoas Substances" am cho�c substances defined as toxic or huznrdous subatances by �-?"
<br /> ���-'.4...,.� .,��,., �' [�n K;
<br /> (;;�;;,�.;���;f:;•� ;;��x Environmental L.aw and the followins substunces: ga�coline. keroscne, other flummable or toxic troleum�roducts, toxic
<br /> •,;;�;.',:,.•,. •`� ' pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materinls mnwining asbestos or formaWchyde,and radiaactive matenals.As used in �'�s",,-
<br /> ��:�;�l�':.�'': . .,,�.::. .. `t;:r�,:=:
<br /> ,� t � thts pamgraph 20, "Environmental Iaw" means fcxleml la�vs and tuws of the jurisdiction where the Proper[y is locat� that ;;,`!
<br /> -'•l'•>rr:��'' t' `�`'c..''.�i:' .
<br /> 'i:a.•�1L.,' .. C�•(.,� •�
<br /> , �-:��`;..,r.�{:,�,,Y..�:;:r:.!;., relate to health.safety or environmental protectlon. �`:;„:
<br /> .�.�,��F'��t�:�;,�f NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcrwed Lender further caven:uit and ugree as tolluws:
<br /> {I�;�� 21.Acceleratton;Remedtes. I.ender shail gtve notice to Borrower prior to uccelerntinp fol[uwing Borro���er's breach
<br /> ''"�`'��'�`"��'"�"'� of uny covenant or agreement [n thts Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under purs�rnph 17 unlPSS ;., �
<br />- '!�"'"�^"""'F°"'��''�' uppUcable law pmvides othenvise).The nottce shall xpecify: (a) the default:(b)the action mquired to cure the default: +;`t,;r'
<br /> ,��,Wt�„..,..,,: ;t"* ;.
<br /> 4�, .. .•�.�3 (c)a dnte,not less than 30 days from the dnte the notice is given to Borm«�er.by whtch the defuult must bc cured:end
<br /> �;�`:�v{:.�:.. � �, ,
<br /> , � (d)that feiture to cuer the defuult on or before the datcs specit4ed in the notice may r�sult in acceleratfon of the sums
<br /> :�4'���' °..�-`�+�-'. secured by thir Secudty Instrument rand sale ot the Prnperty. The notice shull surther inform Burron•er of the ri�ht to
<br /> ��t��Ik(f'�.
<br /> `"�'{�,�.•`�� reimtate after uoceleradon nnd the rfght to 6ring a court actton to assert the non-existence oP�default or mny oti�er
<br /> .,. ,�.r►:.��..rw�`z'�,.
<br /> ��`•;��f�.��r ����.� defense of Borro�rer to aacelerntion and sate.[f the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the natice.
<br /> � '��;�`.:�/'��:•r••.{,�:,� Lender,ut its option, may reqnit�e immediate payment in full of all sums secured bv this Security Instrument wit6out �:
<br /> '" ���t�• _::C:�,_ further demand and ma invoke the wer of sate and any othe�remedies itted by upplicuble law.[.ender shall be ���
<br /> r�...� ..�� y ��
<br /> ;•. '�' _ + �Fy'��:�4�:;;: ent[tled to rnllect all expenses incurred In pursutng the remedies provided In th�is�para�raph 21.includin�,but not![mited ���'
<br /> ' `" "`"���"���`i�''`� to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs o6 titte evtdence. ��
<br /> t��':�,�:••-',;..,,.;.i;.:.;
<br />::•r. -�+M•.: ?;;s:.�;�{.S.� If the �o wer of sale is invoked. 'Prustee shall record a natice of default in each cuuntv in �vhtch any part of the
<br /> {if+;,�. �... �i� .{¢u �
<br /> .. ;,,����� i: ,::�-•,;�; Property is I�cated and shall mail rnpIcs of such notice in the manner prescribed by upplica le luw to Bocrower and to
<br /> ��,� ,�. �c:,,��,•,; the other persons pmsc�ibed by app[cable luw.After the ttme required by applicable law.Trustre shall Qive publtc notice
<br /> '.�. y���^ ; ,�-, . o f se le to t h e p e r s o n.s a n d i n t h e m a m n e r prescdbed b y a p pticuble luw.Trustee,wtthout demund on Borrow•er, shaQ sell
<br /> ���+�C`��.'��•:�' � ?'r?'� the Pmperty at publte auMion to the hi�hest bldder at the time and place und under the terms des i�na t e d in t he no t ice o f
<br /> � ��'•�';''°"' sale in one or more parcels and tn m�}'order Trustee determines.l'rustee mey �wstpo�te rs+{e of al{or any pnrccl at the
<br /> ' �*.��i ' Property by publte announcement n8 QF�e time and place of a�y pmvtouslv scheduled sule. Lender or its d�si�nee may
<br /> , ��''•4�. ,.:-�1, put+chase the Property at r,ny snle.
<br /> � �`j,si�����t.��,��. 'L
<br /> ' X�}�.� ~}�'{'r:..� Form 3028 9180
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