__, __
<br /> __ __ _ _- _ __ __
<br /> -- - �
<br /> _ „ , ,
<br /> � C.) _ �•
<br /> ,. . . .. �,� - , . �q . ..i:,__:
<br /> , _ . , .. . .� .
<br /> „ 94-� �c�� „ . .. �
<br /> llt�tvw AI,L 11�i sY T�st titL�ST�s �
<br /> VI�REAS,dl of the iadebtadna��ccund by tbe Tnut Deed�oceaated bg► .
<br /> Couatry�id�a Ac�Inc,,T�utoc to t��',�a(Q��.Ti�uua�,for�l+o banretit af�
<br /> Q`1Z1�T�i�T!! A7'IONAY-BAN,_,OF GHANU L4LANl1 tllE bafll�id�f�t fMncled
<br /> thaan,d�ted Juty 23, 19a7 and filed Jr�y?A, 19t7,ia tbe Oflioe of tiw R+eg�tar of Deeds
<br /> of H�tt Co�uay,Nebra+ks,u Lut.No.87-1Q4362, hu bea�p�id,and s�id ba�au�►has
<br /> req��ta!in wrlting thit thia Deed of A�canveymca be exea�t,ed and ddiverod;
<br /> NOW,T�REFORB,in cons�derttian of ea�ch psyn�ent ln accorda�xx with tt�e
<br /> ceq�t of the be�tci�uy munod tfraroin,i�i�e uscle��i�d,�T-�st�do�s tr�th�:o .
<br /> �t�8nu�t.rantsa.rde�se uid recanvay to thc pa�son or pa�ona ent��ted t[e�eto aU
<br /> the icat�st md eswte derivai w said Ttustoe�y os thraugh aeid Tnrst Deoa 3n t�te
<br /> fa�w�meg c�ed pran�ises,but only as w such premisas; .
<br /> �'he I+lorth Ont Hundc+ed Sixty F'rve(165j Fc�e��f the North
<br /> H�lf of the Southwest Qouter of the Northacst Quuter
<br /> (NI/2SW 114NW I/4)of Saction Nuie(9),Tov�m�ip Twelvo
<br /> (12)Nortb,Range Nine(9)Wast a�the 6th P.M,in Halt
<br /> C�untY:Nebrasim��cceptin�tlut part thercof haetof� . , _
<br /> � , corivayed for hiBhwaY�wposas:und � . .
<br /> . . The North Half of the SoutMwest���rtrter of the Nortbwes�� �
<br /> Q�a�er(�vii2swiiariwiia�ofs�;emzv'uMe���),
<br /> � ,Township Twelve(12)North,Radge Nu�.t���1lest af the - _
<br /> � 6th P.M.,Aell County,Nebra.alca,accapfing the North One . -
<br /> Hutbd�Sixtj+-F'nre(16S)Feet of the North Half of the • -.-
<br /> Sauthwe�t Querter of th�Northwest�uart�r `
<br /> (Nl/2SWl/4NWI14��f Section Nme(9),Township Twelve -
<br /> , � (12)North,Iiange Nrae(9)West of the 6th P.M.,excepting R=-
<br /> that patt thenof theretofon comeyed far highway �G,
<br /> PuTP��� ��_
<br /> . � �-
<br /> to�t�er wlth ali building�,fixtures, improvements a��t appurtenancea belongi�g to stecfi . :._
<br /> pr�ciises. �:-,
<br /> Datai this 2nd Dsy of �tuie, 1944. f
<br /> �..�
<br /> I'=��
<br /> J
<br /> JA ���`
<br /> TRUSTEE
<br /> STATE dF N�fltASKA ) �'`
<br /> ) �� -_
<br /> COUNTY OF�ALL )
<br /> On t�iis , � dsy of�_ -19..94.
<br /> t�efore ma the wtaersignai,a xotuy rablio awy commiss+o�sna qualiSea for saia
<br /> C'.owny��ersanuliy came r.�.+� p_ naa�u� .to me ic�wy.t�be the
<br /> identieal pesaan whose name is subscn'bed to the foregoing instrcament and n�nowtedg�d
<br /> *t�s eva.,,.�:.,�a:�ae�:..laal�iclhm�.»�Iu�sfa.,r set a.�.1 ansra
<br /> ...� ....��...►�.,�.. _ � ���� -
<br />- v�rm��►�a�a xo�t s��a �►�d ca�c�,�ne
<br /> aate aforesaid.
<br /> ' My Commission expires: !o, /9�0
<br /> �• cr!`.��
<br /> ��,��� NOT UBLIC
<br /> �yrR i!�
<br /> t
<br /> c
<br />_ �
<br />