:� .y
<br /> :_ -
<br /> _ . _ -= -- —
<br /> __
<br /> _.� � — _ - _
<br /> — �_.��_ � -
<br /> . '� ��11�IU1 f "A"., � . , ,. -
<br /> — — ,� P�ra�l��1`a '��,"n i"`"��.. •. ' _
<br /> ?1w 4��L Qn11 N�lf of ths. trulh��wt Qttwrksr (Qt/zSF.if4) �1 Spctdon 'fawaty ElphS.�
<br /> . �203. ln ToMnr.hlp i�:�lve rfx�) North. Ri�nge Y�n (!0) 6Jent of ths bth P.M., H�ll
<br /> - --__— Gcur�CY. f1eE.+rAetk�. •
<br /> „ ParceL Zs '
<br /> A p�rt ot !OK Norlht�sl t�iurtqr ot Nu Hqt�llinett qu+�rtpr nf SncEtan il�,frty iln� (Jf��
<br /> lawhtblr hKlrr ll;� Nortl�. p�npn 1�n�(10) NRS! pt IIN 6t1� P.N.� Ilall Cnu��ly,
<br /> Nebt�:k� d���rlbN as fallaw�t peqlnnin� m� the 5nrtlon I.tun �pn,) tnet►real vt the
<br /> 1/�i corn�r brt�eeai S+�ctlon�.,a11 nnd �t� la��nshlp 1'!, tlurll� itenyn IU Nnst. ttmucn
<br /> SoutN 1G9.� tsuEi QDa��ce Suui,l�s:f dnpr�n� 51'. Mn�t ZJ�.A` to�t� ruuuinp tUen�e �
<br /> --— -� , f�orlh 1 dn reR•fN' F.e�t. 1J2 trel !a lt�n !1m•lh llne ul eelA Snstlou �I. laro�sblp
<br /> . 17 North. �myr lU Uott, rw�nU�q Wienco Nurlit U9 drtqr�ns J�'� f.nst nlnn�and upon '
<br /> 4he NorU1 l(oe pf lal�)5nctlon ii� 7.JS.1 Ieet W the plece of b��ylnninp.
<br /> A tMC1' 00 l.Attp ��F{I`RI51N(i A PAfit Qp 11tH NDR1H iIALF OF illl�
<br /> tbR71t11�'St pUMT6tt ►�,)� AI�p p�pT di t11E ND117H1tE87 QUlUft4R OF TI!$
<br /> I�Rt{I�I1S7 QUM7�l1 �t��F.si On 5@C'f1VN 1itllitY-ttHHe Ttml7.5lI�P 11iE�YE
<br /> ---`-- 112) ►bi17N� tlAfl�r3H Tf:N (10; pGSI �F 71iR 611t p.M.• tUl1.L WUNiY qEb4NfKJ1
<br /> AM� bOR PltflTxCUI.At{I,Y t�i',Sp1LBfld AS FULLAqS�
<br />•- BRt3IHNl1� A'C 1H8 t�ll71MF.S"f Wf►NEn UF SA1D �tr,� iNIi��C@ EASTEIU.Y AUOtIG --
<br /> .- AND tllwON tliFs NGlitlit 1.IN6 Uf 511ID Jlil� A plSf �� OP OItE iNUUSlU1U SEVEN
<br />-- IIU��dRBb BII7IJX-711l16F (17�3.0)F@6I�7118N(:6 8 �09� M /► pISTANCH OF tlliltE
<br />__ ��UHOh�p SdV�kIY-11R7 (372, FF.BTt 1iif�ti[; N 80"by� E A pI&TA11C8 0� SIX
<br /> lIUt7U11 t1 tiEVpNtY-F.Ic�1( ANU 111U iF.NlitS ��'�C.?) i'F.@T� 7HEf1G8 S 0 31' E
<br /> � A D15TAHlC� A F SxX lMIDR[q SIXtY FLVB A�p) fiBVfitf 74tiIH3 (669.7� FEE7�
<br /> �,` t1i�N4'� g D�"a ' 8 /1 dlStl►NC� (1F a{tii�Q l4UN�11E[1 �lG?itY-SGVCN N�d 51% .
<br /> iBttTitS (387.4� F� i tltcNCE S 64 y2' � A UISiAMCf UF EIq1IY- N]HH AND
<br /> R7lli1 tHHTiiS (D92A� �E&t III�NCB S 99° Ol' B A DISTAN(� pp Fp(JA IIIIFIIHtEC
<br /> Sd�N1Y-kIGItT NfU I[7t17Y-�r0 tillNpllFD'illS {q�Q.A2) F�HT iD 1► POINT ON
<br /> 7N8 EAS4 I.INE OF SI►�U �nh.f I�EY,�t 11iF1tc:� b0 �q� R A1At+4 rN0 Ui�o11 7t1E —.
<br /> . ' BAST I.It1E OF S/11D 9J1J?� NF�J A DiSTAtIC@ UF 7ifltl:f llUtibriHa TNtIITY-ktGlti
<br /> �338) ceer rn ttta sotjt;iFtiST U(titH�F1 UF SAlb � NFS� 1'IIF.NCE S Oq° 40'
<br />. _ 1� AlAttti /1Np UPUN I11E SUUIN 1.xN� OF SA�[l ft�Y Ni:� p �ISTANG& UF ONF.
<br />- - = tiUNp��d �IF?Y SIX ANU S1:YfiN1Y-1'1Y& ItUNUtlEb1I1S (156.��) �Eerr 11tCilCE
<br /> - - N 48 '��� M A DISIAt10E 0� 7fJl) FIIRn)i1�6 FIF]Y-EIGIIT Alin .11lIRTY-l1�RE�
<br /> 11t1ttU{1�DIti3 (x�8.33) FliF.T� 111CNCR N 72° �t3' tt /l bIB�ANCE o} SGYEf� ttUN-
<br /> _ = nnenailFil►?Y-FIV@ IU{Q 111IIt1Y-"ttJt) IIUIdUItRd?NS (:135�32 FF6T� 1tiEt2Cii
<br /> ~. _ N �� d0 M A b1SIlUICif OF FIVE lIUMN:�U� I10fl7Y�T1W ANb Nlft�iY-EIG11!
<br /> ��� llllNpltEp?11S �42.98) fEL•I �»errcE s a9 .��� tf !1 bI87A11CB OF QHH tIUN•
<br /> ,��--��
<br /> �—�---=---s Drikb FIP71f-Tpo /111U TNEF� Y-FIY6 lpJtttril�0]ItS (192.?S) f�F.I.1 T1it:fICE
<br /> � - _ __ 8 S�� dT! 1! A t2i�iRtiC� t3r hit�ii iiiitit�nNU s&v�ttt7-FIY@ A►R� PxVE 1FNii{S
<br /> � �N �8i5.5) f�ET�tttB!!C� S 89° 3 ' !1 A bISSNICF. UI' V}�P. itltltUABbi FI��JITY-
<br /> N2N� qf1R FIVfi TElIpiS •(lOS.9� FBF.T� 11i�M:E N 69° 37� N A DISTNiGB pp
<br />� SIx iN11DIt8D Itp 11Nb SlX1Y-'NUR ifUNUhF.U11iS (602.Gd) f�Ei` IIIEttC�
<br /> , S 69� 3�i� 1f A DI5IANC$ pp q.�q�r �������p gjxlY-FIVB AND S�VE1t TflNrifS `�
<br /> (R6y.y) F$Et� 70 A !'DINT ��l1 ?il$ MP.STFdl�Y 1.1N& OF SAID H�• . �
<br /> t11BNCR I�ri7tlEti�.Y AWNCi ANU UtoN YH� llf5tF.Al,Y A.INE OP SA10 ttlt!�j A -
<br /> nis7NtC� oF oNB t111t►snti0 51xi1f-NiNE ANU taAIY-PiVB HUftlkl�biF S (1t�69.�5 =—
<br /> FE&7 tq t}i8 tmlNt OF BHGINt12NC3 -°
<br /> Parael 3: ' ���
<br /> A lsre! o! 1snJ aorptl�►aR • per! ot tLe ItorN�u�st ryunrter (tlNl) o! Soction iveatr- ��'r.
<br />�_ '[hce� (2�). iovn�6lp Txel�e (lZ) ItortL. R���pn 7eo (!0) Nent.ot tho 6th 1'. lt., Ooll `'.:ty
<br /> Cum�ty• tiabtsekw• nnJ �►o�a p�tticulMtl� daacclbed nn fnitownt' . `�_�;
<br /> . � -.�._.
<br /> t1e61nofna •et � pnlnt oa tLe nout6 Ilne o[ onld Nqctlweet.t�un�ttr SNN{),aeld pnlnt
<br /> bef.��� oue 7lwnoend /!ve QunJrad Sov�tt eud Four Ifuodcedthe (1�50I.06) Leat eeet at '"°
<br /> • H�e aouthw�et cota�r ot veld tlottUweet que�ter (tif11){ N��ace nntnlaR natthetlr,
<br />- pnnAlel �lth the wont Atae ot nald tin�tb�ee! ynnttwt (HH�). e dlatm�ee ot Dne
<br /> ? � [eet lheuce �•l��i
<br /> tlwus�nd Fl�a I�undteJ�iott -ll�na auA IIlat »llve ItuqltedHio (1,549.65) t
<br /> 1 9 �.,
<br /> tunuins ertterlr, pnrwlta� witb tUe oa�tl� lt��e ot neld NurN�ve�t qunrtet (Ittil). "
<br /> a Jl�teuet oi Cne 2l�nue�aJ qfu�tf-8ts eud ►!vn 7entl�n (I.U96.3) [���1 to s potnt r:�
<br />, on th� •��! ll�u o[ eeld Hettl�vew! quntter (llNt)� tb��ae conutus eouthsclr. nlo��a
<br /> _ nod upon tD� •eee llne o� estd Ilotthwee! t�untter (ttR1). n .1l�twnce ot ow Thoueend '
<br />-� tlw liond��d Portr-qiue nn.l„Fqtt�-Tvn ihmJcedN�n (1;547.�i2) taet !o t��e eoutheeet �
<br /> � '"�r�'a coa�at ot sriJ llutUwmnt yuettet (IIN�)i tQance tunnlnR ueetetly n1nuR wqd apn�� tDe -
<br /> eoutb ll�te o[ eeid Iinethaeet q��n[tet (IINO. w Jintn�we o[ Ono 9lwnnwad 8ev�uty�•
<br /> "r'� tive e��d toety-Fvur lduedredtl�a (l.Ol3.h6) [eet to tLe pnlnt o[ beefm�iag
<br /> A trocE o[ Iw��J c�r�prlsing o pnrt of tha tlorChwent
<br /> punrtor tNHI/4) of &ecClon ?wenty-'li�too t�l). To�c��ahip
<br /> 7welvo (l2) Notth, ilnnga Ton (lU) Nest oE tho'Gth P.M.,
<br /> itell County� tiobrnnxn, nnd mote pnrttcutnrly doncrlbuJ
<br /> eA: Ileylni�[t�q ot Che nortl�wont aor.ner of: nalJ tlorti�-
<br /> � wofl! puArtec (NNI/�1/t tAvnce runntnp enaterly� olong
<br /> ond upon !hv �wrth 21no of snlJ NotthwR�t p�nrcet
<br />- (Ntil/�). t�ellntnnco o[ Ono tl�ou�nn�i Five unnd�RJ Soven
<br /> and Faurtoan iRnutrJthn (I,S0y.i4) foett thenco [ut�nt�+g
<br /> noi�tl�erly. (+�rnllal �rU:li the aent l.lnn �f n»id Notth-
<br />- vos! piiattar tHWt/A), a dlqtnaco o[ 7'wo 'IUonannJ 5lx '
<br /> ',.,,.,.���:�: ttundtvJ '[wonEy-Ntno.and Twunty-5ovon �IUnJreJtl�s f
<br /> � tZ,629.27) Ectot to n'polnt on tl�e aouUi llnc� oE onld I .
<br /> �- �A�i°�...�°,- NOtt��MQAL (�)tIC�Qt (NNI/41t tbvna� r.uoning Mar+teCly, �
<br /> ����� oload o�sJ upon tNa aouth t 1nA of: anid qortl�wonC puorter �
<br /> 4��i�
<br />.�; i�iiiii�i. o rttaennce oE ono iti�u�nnd rtve tlundrnd l3oven
<br /> - � •����';� nnd Pour ItutnlralCl�r+ (1.507.0A) f:oot �..+ lha nouthwoet
<br /> cornot oE nnld Nnrt���eqE tAtor.�et tNtil/7)t thence run-
<br /> �� ntuy noCtNarly n1unN o��d upau �t�n went 1 tne of. the
<br /> Nortl�wonL Ol+orter (1tNt/4), o dlnr.ence �f two yl�ouun�W
<br /> 'Slx ttumlreJ 'tt�lrty-�nur aml PlEty»Ono IIu�sJradU�s
<br /> .
<br /> (2�G��.S11 �aet to thn pnLnt n[ Negtnntn.' �
<br /> ` Yercni 4: �
<br /> .
<br /> ihe Enst one-IuI[ (�y) ot tl�e ItectUenet qaatter (RH�t) ot Sec!!on .`
<br /> Itierty-Tvo(28). ia iotinehip Taelve (L2) tietth, Roene Tcn (10). I
<br /> We�! ot tl�e S1�tL P.It.� wnd tt�e Hen! ene-AnLQ (N�j o[ tl�e
<br /> NotlUeent Qnartee (fUS4) �nJ tUe Rnnt hne-I�nlf (Ry) ot tUe �.•
<br /> �„y: � , ttottiw�nt Qnortcr (kH4) ot Sectlon 7ve��ty-Tuo (t2), !n Tnvnn6�p • ��.
<br /> �a'��� .,�`i j , . . Taalve (Ix) rinrfh. R�nae 7en (10) Vn.nt nt the fitA t'.�I.. Hnll ��'
<br /> '"�J3 9`�'�',?i"• ,' �
<br /> �� ,,�E Coetnlr. peLeenkn, �
<br /> ; :�
<br /> "� y'�'" � -----
<br />