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<br /> �.—.---- 17.�mfer at t�e Propaty or a Beneticixi ioixrat�.-.Barm:.:s.!f a!!orasty p:rt uf'the Property ur xny intereat I'h it �."
<br /> is cold ar tmnsfcrrc�(oP iP e br.neficlal intcrest in I�orr��wer is sidcl ar tran��fcrred a�xt Ak►rrawcr is not a nAtucai�cnk►n)without
<br /> I.CRtSfP�a pi�Iar writtcn consent: t�eader may. nt itF artinn, rerynirc liu�uecltce?e paym�:nt in fidl nf uU �1.ems secureYi by this
<br /> Security instnrment.Hawe.ver,this optlon sh¢!1 not l�exereisal by�.cnder if t;xen:lne is prohibitod by faltcul Isw�g of thC d+ite
<br /> nf thls 5ecurlry Instrutnent. �
<br /> If L,e;1d�r exercises thls optlun� Lender sholt give l�onnwer s�otico a�acceliratinn.'['hC nMlcee shatl pravide a periad nf nri:
<br /> levs than 30 daya from the�to tha notice is delivcnd or rosa�lal within which Horrcr�ver must pay rill sums xe�ural by thla
<br /> Secuilty Instrument.If Barrower fails to pay these sums pdor to t�e expiruion oP thi�period,L�ender rmy invoke any ranodia
<br /> RermlUa!by thix Sa:urlt Instnuue�rt withaut further not�ce ar demanct�n Borccrwer.
<br />_ -.�`— -, ➢8.�8utruwa'K �Li 10 �r;u�w:ir. jf I3or�ower nx:+;cr; ccriyln c:oucllduyu� 13�ui�wcr shait have ttte ri�L tb haec .
<br /> onPorcenient d tbis Securtty�fnstntmer►e dleoonFrhued at any tlmo prior to the earlkr uf: (a)S days (or such other�peciod�
<br /> i Appl[enble•isr�r'�wy r�pacify far coinat�te�nent)before sale of the Proper1y�ursuant to any.pawer of salo cont�inad��� thia
<br /> 9ecurfty instntmeat;or(b)entry of a judgment enforctng this 5ocuzlty Tnstrutnrirt.Those conditians sot th�t Bortowec:(a)p#ys ,
<br /> Lernder all nums which then wauld bc duc unrier this Security lnanurnetst ei�d the Note as yf ta ssaeleratton hW acxumed; (bj
<br /> - cures any dafnult af nny other wvenants or agreenaents;(c) pays all oxFc.mses incucred in enfarcing this Secudty In�rumett�
<br /> ' including.but not limita!to�r�at.gonable uttarna�s' fges:and id)takca such ecflon�es Lender muy'n�somtbly�qulrc to x�wnc
<br /> -' � that tire Ife�i of ti�ie Securlty InsU�uux�zt, L.ettdee s rlgt�ts in the Properry arrd�3orrowcr's abli�an to pay tha sums sccura!by
<br /> this Securlty Instrumeat shall continu�c unchanged. Upon rcfnstatemcnt by &�rrower, is Securiry Inst►ument and the
<br /> �% obligatians securcd hercby shall remain fully effective as if no eccxleradon tuid occurrai.However.this right to reiaatato shall
<br />- not apply in ihe rase of uccelerndon under pacugraph 17.
<br /> .- l9. Sa1e of Note; Change o!l.oan SerYlcer. The Note or� parttai inteneat in the Nate(together with thia Security
<br /> — ' Instnunent)may be sold one�r more dmes without prtor notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> -- es the"Loan Servicer")that co!lecta monthly paymenta due under the IVote artd this Secvdty Instn�ment.There atso may be oaa
<br /> -- — or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of tit�r Nute.If there Is a chac�ge of the Lonn Servicer,Borrower will ba
<br />-_-�T given written notice of the change ln accordance with patagraph 14 above and applicable taw.The notIce will state tiie name and
<br /> '' address of the new L.aan Servicer and the address ta whict►payments shv�u'� be made.The notice wnll elso contain any other ,
<br /> - infor�m.ation required by appllcable law. . � . :
<br /> - ' �AD.Hazardaus Snhs�. Borrower shall qot�use a�x�mut it��pPaenae, use,.disposal, storage,or refpnse:oF uu� ,
<br />- ' H�4u9 Subst�nc�an or in the Pcoperty..Bmrrower s.h�Ii �zos•tlo, i{or ullow aaqone else ta da.;,anything atlfectin�.'tht ;
<br />:��._ .���;"�.: Proyx.rty that is in Vialadpn ok'.any Environmpnal La+x. T9�s:�pzcxx�t3.ng two sentenoes slist��noi�appl�to th�pmse�►r�,��se,or •. '
<br /> storage on the•�apez�Y of small'�jllAllpil2S Of�IIa28' IY�OU9 S�OfiIflIIQC3•tf18t 8ID $CAC�B���I fCG�b$fl1Y,�f1 LO 3b8 BpptOpTlatQ 1Q AOit118I � .''
<br /> `�����.� residenti�i uses and to_maintenance of the Property. ' � � � � .
<br /> ;�'` Borrower shalt prompdy give Lender ar�tten nonce of any investigatiori,claim. demand. lawsuIt or other action by any
<br /> . � .,�,v,;,.
<br />;�+-�� �oveminemal or regulatory agency ur private party involving the Property and any�iazardous Substanix,or Hnvironntental L.aw
<br /> -- of which Banower has actual knawledge. If 8drrower leama.or is notified by any�ovemmental or regulatory authodty, that
<br />'��;� any removal or other remed[atton of uny Hazardaus Substence affectt�g the Property is necessary, Bonower shail promptiy take
<br /> -. ell nacessery remedial actlons In accordance«+ith Environmentsl I.aw.
<br /> , _ - _:
<br /> �� � As used in this pata�reph 20. "Hazerdo�us Substances" ure those substances defirte�as toxic or hazardoas substances by
<br /> Envlranmental I.aw and the following substances: gasoline, keroseno. other flammable or toxtc peuoleum pr�oducts. toxic
<br /> p�ticides and herbtctdes,volatile solvents,mater�als containing asbestos or farmatdehyde.c�►d rndioactive materiuls.As used in
<br /> � this paragmph 20, "Environmentcd Lnw" mcsins fodernl luws and laws af the Jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> E� relate to hcu[th,safety or environmenwl pmtxtion.
<br /> " NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.&irrower und Lender further covenant and agrce aw f�llowa:
<br /> Zl.Acceier+rtiont[temedicx. I.cnder xhall give nntice tn&��r1nN�cr priur tu ui�oclerattun G►lluwing Borrnwer's breach
<br />- of any co�c»ant ar ogreement in thi� Sccurtty Inctrument (but nut pttar to urceleratton under parograph 17 unlcss
<br /> applicable lew pmvides utherwtse).Thc nutice shall specify: (u) thc dcfauiti (b)tne nctton required to cure the default;
<br /> � (c)p dntc,not Icss thau 30 doye irnm tho dute thc nottcc tx given to Borrowcr�by whlch thc dctuult must be cured;und
<br /> �� (d) that tWtlun�tu curr ehe QePeult on or befi►m the dAte specfQed In thc natice mAy r�sult in aaceleratlon oi tbe sums
<br /> secured by this Socurlty Iatitntment and sale of the 1'roperty.The nuttce ehull further tnform Borrower ot the right to
<br /> ' re[n�tate atter soceferatton and the HRht to brinA u court action ta ussert the non�exi�tence of a default or any other
<br /> ' detense of Borrower to aoceteraUon end�le. If the default is not cwed on or betore the date speciQa! in the nottce,
<br /> Lencler,ut fts option,may requ[re immedtate payment in full of atl suma secured by this Securtty Instcument wtthout
<br />-� further demand end mey invoke the powcr of sale and any other remedies permttted by ppplicable law.Lender shall be
<br /> en39iled to collect nll expenses incucred in pnrsuing the rcmedies provided in this paragraph 21.including,but not limited
<br /> � to,reasonable attorneys•fces and oosts of Ntle evidence.
<br /> • It thepower of sale is tnvoked, Tn�stee shtill eccord a notice of detnult in each county in whfch any patt ot the
<br /> '�..��.�:� Property is I�ted and shnll muil copies oi such nottce ip the maaner prescr[bed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> �c. '`�,..t,;� ��.'�r"' ttte oiher persons pr+escribed by applicnble law.Atter the time required by appltcabie taw,Tnistee shalt give public notice
<br /> `�e •' �'e �' of sale to the petsoas and in thc maaner prescribed by epplicable law.Trustee,wtthout demaad on Borrower,shaU seU
<br /> ', �"�'� the Pcoperty ut public eucHon to the highest bidder at ihe time and place and unde�the terms desip,nated in the notice of
<br /> � ��`���;�-:; sale i�one or more parcels and in eny order Tn�stee determtne�.Trustee may postpone ss�le of ail or eny paccel of the
<br /> �� ''�>;���•��'�'• I'rnperty by public anttouncement at the time and place of uny previousty sche�uled sale. Lender or fts designee may
<br /> .fi�,;.'� pu�rhase the Property at any sale.
<br /> ' �,��'i. *°�'fs:
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