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<br /> i�c�iitlA Ur tta�►sferrod(or if a txneficial intc►'ent ln Bormwrr is ac�ld ur trnn�ferrdd ruuf Bue'rowc.�is not �pstuta!per�on)withoui
<br /> I.enJtr's vriur tirrittGU co►►se�it. i.ei�dor may. u1 �te upti��n, rec(uire i�nnt:,cliatc payiY�rnt In fuli uf �II suu�s sccurod 'by tMs
<br /> �curiry Instrument.Nnwever.tl�is a�ptian 6hall n�t be e.rerclscti by 1..crxler if excrci�cc is pmhibited hy fakrnl s�w aK qf tMie d+ree
<br /> of Ihii Security Inun�mem. . �
<br /> If[xnder exerci�this optfon.l.a�dar Ah�ll�tve Aornowpr notiae af aooe��tfun.The notioe.�ii�vide R period of uat
<br /> t�th�n 30 cl�ys from the data the rtotice is d�l�verod or crwxilod wlthin w6ich Bnrtower must WY +�t +���� b!'�j�
<br /> ,r,e�vdty inusrume�t.if Borrnwor fail�to p�y tM�c�umc priar W theexpirwtton of thi��eriad.Le�k�'�mry invake rey na�dw
<br /> penmiuod by thia Sa:urity instrument with�ut fi�rther naticc ur demand un��mawer. •. ;
<br /> 1S. Borrower'e Rybt W Rda�te. IY HarrawGr meets cerain r�rx�itfona, Barrowsr siuiR twve �i�n ri�i� w i�w
<br /> enfomement of this Saudty Instniment dlnoontinued at�ny dme pria ta•the arll�er o#: (e)S daye (or dnch otlior perli�d �
<br /> applicable taw may spocify far reinstateme�t) befnre salc of tho Pcnpeny,puraUant to �ny pow�r uf�te oorM�hed in�t►it
<br /> 5ecudty InsUua�nr.or(b)entry of a judgment enfae+cing this Secudry Inst�ument.Thox wMidone ara that�ioerowu:i+�)P;Ys
<br /> Lender all sumg which then would 6a duo ur�der this Securiry Instrunn�nt wxl ti�e Note as if rto aooeleutton hd acwrn4d� tb)
<br /> cur�any default of any other,covenanta or agrecuunta; (c) pays all oxpenses tqcurnd in enforcing tbls Sxwity In�uumeaM�
<br /> includJn�.but not limtted to.r'easonable auomo�rs' Pecs:and(d)takcs such action as I.eader mny rca9onably require w ewuce
<br /> th4t the lien of thia Socudty Instnunent, Lender s r�ghts in the 1?mperty and}3orrower's abligation to�u►y the sumi aavrad by
<br /> ihis Sec�dty Instrument shall aonaaue uachangal. Uport reinstaumeni by Borrowar. this Sa�nry Inateu+na�t luid the
<br /> . oblfgadons seau+cd herd�y shall t+einain fuliy effacxivo es if ao acxeleratton had ona,t+ed. How�ver,thIs right to reinstMe shatl
<br /> not apply in tbe case of a�elerauon u�ader paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale o!Note� Change of ieoan Se�rv�ces. The Note or p partiW inurest ln the Note(together with this Socudry
<br /> � I�strument)mey be soid ona or more tlttaES without prior notice to�otrower.A selm may resul4 ia a change in the entity({anown
<br /> as the"I.oau Servicer")that collcxts manthly paymeuts dua urrder the Note and this 5ecurlry Lastrument.7'hem also mxy he one
<br /> � .or morc changes of the i,nnn Servicer urmetated to a snle of the Notc.If thcre Is..�.ehange 4f dte I.oan Serviar,Aor�+awer w1U be
<br /> � 'given w�3tten notic�e t�f tiie chanSe in accordance with paragraph 14 above and{��piecebla taw.The rtotice v�31!statc the t�anf
<br />`�r.: ; :. add�+ess of the new_[Aian�Servtcer und tha add�s to whlch paymenta should t�made.The not�ce will�Iso oantain a�y otl�er
<br /> inforawtlo�i uoguired by applicablelaw. • '�
<br /> 1A.E��ardous 5qbatunce.v. Borrower shaU not�use or permit the preseac�. use.d'esposal. stort�e. or�elease:of any
<br /> Hazardous Substanoo�an or in We Property. Borrbwer shall not da, nor al�nw anyona elso w da �n�y.thing affec�ing the
<br /> Prope[ty that ta in�io1u13on of any Environmental 8.uw. The pretedin�two sentences shall not appiy ta iha presence, use, or .
<br /> storage on the Prope�y of smalt quantittes of Hazardous Sub�tances that nre g..nera.11y rerngni�d to be:Appmprisu to nom�al
<br /> restdential uses and to maintenance of the Froperty. �
<br /> Borrnwcr shall prompdy give Lendor written notice of Any invesugatlon,claim.demand, lawsuit or other actiok fip,eny
<br /> govemtr�ental or regulatory agency or privnte party involvins the h'roperty suid any Hazardotts:9ubstanco or Environu�nt�l l.uw ,
<br /> af which Borrower hsis actual know(edge. If Borrawer leams,ot is aotified by any govemMCnta!or mgutRtory sutt�¢y,,�lhat ,; . �
<br /> t��y removal or other mmedindon of any Hnwrdous Substance affecting the Pmperty is neressary. Bornawer shall pro tiy talce .
<br /> s!!�ssr;r�ta!sMions in err�rd�rsce wi�h Hnvi�anmental•Law. ' '•� �- : � _
<br /> As used in this pacagrnph 20. "Ha�sndous Substances" a►te those substaaces definod as toxic or.hu;�ardous su��anocs by• �. •
<br /> F�nvironmental L,�w and the following substences: gasolana. kerosene. other flammable os toxic gCtratewr�produ6ts, taxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.vulatile solvents.materials containtr�g usbestos or formaldehyde,an�isadioa ve.mxterials.A6 used in
<br /> this paregraph 20. "EnvironmeaW I.ciw" means f�deral laws aad laws of the Jur�sdiction where ih��'c�naperty is located thet , .
<br /> relste to health.safety or envlconmental protect�on. �
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lender fucther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Acceleration;Raned[es. Lender shall give notice to Borrower pdor to eocetera3ton[ollowing Borrower's breacb�
<br /> o!aay covenant or agreement in thia Securlty Instiumeat (but not prior to accelera2lon under paragraph 17 uW�ss
<br /> applkable Iaw pmvides otherwLse).Tho notice shall specify: (a)the defaultt N)the ao¢8on required to cure We detaultq
<br /> (c)a date,not less than 30 days t�+om the date the notice is giver to Bormwer�by whicb the default must be cure�and
<br /> (d)that tatlure to cure tl�e defAUlt on or before t6e date specifted in the noNce may resvtt ta aaoeteration of the sums
<br /> securtd by this Secucity Instr�ment and sele of the Propeety. The nottce shell t'urther intorm Borimwer of the rlght to
<br /> rdpstate atter aaoelerxUon and t6B right to briag a oourt uctton to assert the non-exfstence ot a default or any oUser
<br /> ddense o!Bon+ower to ncceieratton and sale. If the default is noi cured on or before the date speciHed in tho notta,
<br /> Lender,at[ts opHon,may requfre tmmediate payment in fY�ll of sU sums secured by this Securlty Imt�ment withoat
<br /> further demand and may invoke the power of sale und any other reiucdies permitted b�r applkable law.Lender shsll[�
<br /> entitled to cofleet all expenses Incunrd tn pursuin�the remedfes pe+nvtded in thfs paragraph 21,indim��but not ltmtted
<br /> w,epasona6le attorneys'tees ond coste ot title evidence.
<br /> I[t6epower of s�ale is invoked, Tnutee shalt record a notice ut defitutt In each oouuty�i�n n�c6 any pa�t oi tha
<br /> Property ts I�cuted attd shull muil eopies oi such notice ia ttm meaner prescribed by apgli�bie !aa tn Borrower and to
<br /> the other petsons prescrlbed by applicable law.ARer the ttme required by appltcuble lmw,'i'rustee shall give publte no�[oe
<br /> of sale to the persons und[n the matuter prescribed by upplit�ble taw.Trustee,�vithout d�end ua Borrower,s6a!!�ell
<br /> the Property at publfc nuctton to the highest bidder at the ttme und ptace and under the terms d�ted in the�otloe ai
<br /> sale tn one or more pacoeLs and in any order Tnistee detetmin�.T�ristee may postpone sale of a!D or uny pue+cel of the
<br /> Propert�by pubtic annuuncement at tlte time artd place of any prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may
<br /> purch�.�e ttu Pmperty ut uny sale. _
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