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<br /> '�CiBTHER WTfH aU the impravemente now or hec�fter e�+ectod on t6e pr�rtY,�t!all ca�entents+'�ppNtte�aoeo.ad-,
<br /> tixteuas nnw ox� t�ftcr u put of the property. Aii repI�cements and aa`diiiaus sf�ati i�S;�r t,s: wvtr:�r! tsy t;}; �:l:;
<br /> 1nFtnimcnt.All of thc foreguing is rcferral to in this Sscurity Instnunent as ehe"Pcopeny."
<br /> BQRCtOW�It COV'�[JANTS that�3orrowcr is tawfully seisad af tl�c estatC ile,eby wnveycd n�u{lias tla�E9b1rt t��{�raiit utx�
<br /> eanveX the Property und that the Praperty is unencum5ered, except for encumhYa�x;es of recurd. qorrnwer warrnntx unel w;1)
<br /> dafend geneaally ttie title to the Property against all clutms sncl Qemaixls. sUbject tc�uny e,nnenmbranees�f rttord.
<br /> � THI� SHCURITY INSTRUM�NT canlbines unlform covenants for nadotaal use und non•u�ifamn covcnantn with limited
<br /> vari�tfona by jurfsdiction to wnstituta a unifom��aavriry inetnunent cover{ng c�al property.
<br /> UNIFORIuf COVENANTS.Borrower und I.endcr covenent and agree as fullows: �
<br /> 1.P�ymtat of Prtncip�l and Interesti PrepNyment �nnd Lnte t;htuges. Borrawer shaU promptty•p�y wi�an dua the
<br /> pri�xipat af and intarest on the debt evidencecl by the Nau and any prcpayment and late chtuges clue under the Nate.
<br /> Z.Funds fac Taxas and IasurAnce. Subject to applicable law or tu a wrItten walver by Lender. Borrower Khnll pay m
<br /> . l,ender on the day manfhiy payments are due+uider the Note,until the Note is paid In full,a sum("Punds")for:(a)y�eatiy tnxes
<br /> and assessments which raay.attain prlodty over this Security inam�ment as a Uen on the Property;(bj yearly leasehold paymont�
<br /> or graund rtnta on the R#�party,If any;(c)yearly ha�ard or pmperty insurnnce premiumg;(d)yeurly tlood lnsus•ance premiums.
<br /> if w�gy; (oy yarly mortgaga•d�1�i�iance gFeiniums, if eny; anst(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender. in nccarGtnco with
<br /> tho pruvislanA of parngraph S;in;1i'eu nf.the payment�of mortgage insurance pn+miums.Thaso itams ure cu(led"Escrow Item�."
<br /> [.rndor may,ut uny tlme� callect ahd hdld Tlptde i1t a7i amount not to ex�Ceed'tFie maximum.amount u londer for n federalty
<br /> nlrtal mortgage laan may require for Borrower's escrow accowi4 undar tlie fe�eral�lteai�Bstuto SnttlEUnont Proccdures Act of
<br /> 1974 ar amcndod from dme to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seg.("R�S�A");unioss anotder law thnt applies to the Funds
<br /> �ets a tc�.�cr timmount. If so. Lender may.at aay time,wllect a�xd hotd Fut�ds in�an amount not to oxcaed the lcsser umaunt.
<br /> Lcmler tnay�tin�ele the amount of Funde�de�ce on the basis of c�rrent�ta nnel r�sanable esdmates of expendim�s of fumro .
<br /> Eiccraw Itcros or athenvise in accotdanco.with applicable law.
<br /> Tho �'unde xhal) be held in an inatitudon wltose depasIts are insured bq a federal agency, jnsmimantality. or entity
<br /> (including I.endcr.if I.cnder is such ad�insdtution)or in aay Federaf Ho�►o Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay tho
<br /> Racntiw Item.r.Lender muy not charge 8airrower for holding and applyin�the Eunds.annually analyxing the escmw a000unt,or
<br /> verifying the�'scrow Items.unle.gs d�+r.mder pays Borrower interest on tha Funds and appliaable taw permits I.ender to make such
<br /> n charge. Howevor. Lender may require Borrawer to pay a one-time chazge far an independent resil estato tax reporting sorvico
<br /> u�secl by l.cndcr in connectton with titis loan, unless applicable law provldes otherwise. Unless an ugreement is mado ar
<br /> oppltcuble luw rcquires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be re�ulred to pay Borrower any intorest or eamin$s an the Funds.
<br /> &►rmwcr und 1 ender may agee in wr3tin�. however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. i.ender shall give to Borco�ver.
<br /> witl�nut churgc, un unnual accountiag aF the Funds. showin�credits and debits to tha Funds and the purpose far whtch each
<br /> �(���g���+py�uin,T�e F��nci�nre�1«leed as additionat security for alt sums secured by[his Securih+Instrument. , _
<br /> If tho Putxlx Iteld by Lender exceed the amounts permtttod to be held by applicahla law, Lendar shall aocount to Borrower
<br /> fi�r the cxreso Nunds In accardance with the requir�ments of applicable law.If tha smount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> time i�Mri kufticfent to psty the Escww Iteras when due.I.ender taay so not;fy Borrower in wrltins.and.in such case Horrower
<br /> ehall pAy ti�l.cndcr the umount neoessary to make up the deficiency. Sorrowsr shail muke up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> twrlvc monthly paymentn.ut l.crtdcr's solo dtscretion.
<br /> U�xm payment !�t full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument, I,ender shall promptiy rafund to Bonower any
<br /> Funds held by l,ender. If.under pnrugraph 21,I.Bnder shali acquire or a�ll the Praperty,Lander.prior ta the acqu�sitton or sate
<br /> ot thc Pa�}xny.xlutll i�pply uny Funds heid by Lender at the time of acqutsItion ar sale as a cralit ngainst tha sums secumd by _,�
<br /> thiA Security Instrumcnt. _-_
<br /> :4.Appiie�tion ot 1'aymenw.Unless nppticable law provides otherwise,all payments re�eived by Lender under paragrapha -
<br /> 1 utx!2 ehuil bo appllcd: fir�i. to uny prepayment charges duc under the Note; second,w amounts payabla under paragruph 2; _---
<br /> thirQ,te�intcn�t dUC;Piiurlit.ta prirtcipal due;and last,ta any late charges dua under the Note. "-.
<br /> 4.ChArKe!ti I.Icnv. 8arrawer shull pay all taxes, assessments,charges,fines und impositions amibutable to thc Property C�._.,
<br /> which muy atic►in priorfty iwer this Security Instrument. and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. Borrower shall pay ��;.
<br /> �,.m_.
<br /> du.�e nbiiguHur�y fn We mi►nner provided in priragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner. gonuwer ahall pay them an time directly �;�_�
<br /> to tho perti�m�iwcd puymcnt.8orrowcr shall promptly furnish to I.ender nll notices of amounu>to be paid under this paragraph. e�:
<br /> If Burrower mukcs theso piiymcnts directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish ta Lomier receipts evidencing the payments. �-=-
<br /> �rmwer siu►11 pramptly dischurge uny lien which has prlority over this Security Instrument unless Eorrowor:(a)agrees in
<br /> writlnB t��the pnyment of'tho ubligutinn securect by the lien in a manner acceptable to Londer; (b)contests in�ood faith tha tien �r'�"�
<br /> by. or dofendv u��inst enfnrcement uf the lien in. legai proceedings which in the l.ender's opinion aperate to prevent the .•i;;t"':
<br /> cnfon:c�ttent af ihc lic�r ur Ir)xccures from thc holder of the tien an agreement satisfactary to Lender subordinat�ng the lien to Czsc
<br /> tMx Securtty Instn�mtnt. If I,�ndcr dctermines tFwt any part of thc Ptoperty is subject to u lien which may attain prfority over `"�'�'`
<br /> thix Security(n�tn�mem, I.ender muy give&�rrower a notice identifying the lien.Bartower shail suN�sfy the lien or t�ice one or ��,��
<br /> more af tha ncti�my set Ii�rtN uhuvr within IU days of the giving of notice. ;�•`•s�
<br /> Form 3028 8l80 �'`'
<br /> 1'�1!.
<br /> Papo 7 of 8 !r�`'-
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