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<br /> �RII
<br /> � � �etrs�a•s aggn QF Rg�4H�t�Y�N�S . ,
<br /> Ar�d R: Haaak, Attarnay at ,Lax, Trus�ee a�d (�z�tor, in
<br /> pertormanca o� ar�i� trust an� by virtue a! tha poxer �d autho�ity ,.,
<br />_ _�--_ _-- - _ � g�.rre�z i�z a;zc3 b;�- �►��:1� i�aBtiL�tiei3C� �d ia� comaideration ot Oac L+o?�`!�� �
<br /> t$�..00) and other goa�S and valunblp cond�eration, receipt ot wbich �
<br /> �.s he'reby acks�arrl�edged, quitci�im� and recoz�veye to the person pr ,.
<br /> perso�d'e entitied thexeta, dr�at��, the Lol,lo�ving descril�ed reai ^
<br /> eetate tae defin�d in �,,,,,R,�.Y. S�tat. �76-x0i) fa Ha►17. Couaty,.
<br /> NCbr�aeka:
<br /> s A tract of l�rfd eo�p�iolry a p�Pt of tht Northw�t ow�t�r <MM1/4) ot fectian Twmy-Thr�t t21), '
<br /> � Town�hlp Twlw t12) North. R�A Tan t10) iN�t o! the bth 7.N., Hatt Caunty. N�Dcask�� �nd ��
<br /> �rtteul�rly d�scrtbd�s fotlaas=
<br /> f�' N�s'dr�d�i�and Fou� Hudr�dtht t1�907.0�) f�sste�nt'ot cht s�outhwest eortMrbof�sa d Nxih�st
<br /> Aw�ttr (NMt/�r)i thenc�e n�miro rorth�rty� pralt�l with the w=t lin� of said Northwat awK�r
<br /> �NYt/4), �dtet++�o}�Thaxrd fiw Nu�dr�d Forty-Mim and&ixty-Eiw Nufdr�dtAs t1.549.df) faet;
<br /> ��- � tA�ne�rumitf�aaterlY. p�ralbl with tAe wutb ltne of aid Morth�eut Ou.rter (Mii1/i9. a ai�t�ne�oC � -
<br /> pne Thaw�r�d Min�ty-8ix anct Fiw Tmtt�s �1,OP6.5) faut to�polnt an th� east lirn of s�id Morthwst
<br /> O��te� tMW1/4); th�� nmirq sautM�ty� atonp and�pon tM eat lin� of wid Northwst�rar
<br />— (NYt/4), •dlsance of One Thauaend F1vs Hudred fo�ty�Ntns md forty-Tro Mu�dredMs t1.'S�9.i2) te�t
<br /> to tM southan�t corner of esid Northwpt O�wM�r (NYt/4)= thence r�sminQ wtatetly�tap an�!�or�th�
<br /> — aoutfi tin� of �id Morthw�tt�rter tMW/N, a dlsiarw of On� Thousand S�wntY•Fiw�nd Fo►ty-faur
<br /> H�dredths (1.02'3.66) feet to the point oi bepimirg.
<br /> - _ - A tract of lend ta�prieing e psrt of the NoKhrest Gw�ter �t�tl(4) of Seetfon Twnty-Thr�e (Z3).
<br /> Tawn�hlp twtve �12) North, Rripe Ten �70> Ytat of the bth P.N., Hdl County, N��ska� nd �are
<br /> partiwt�rly deseri6M ea:
<br /> Bepimirm st the northreat corn�r of sald MorthMest Quarte� (MYi/4);thence vur►inp east�My, alap�nd
<br /> — _ upon th*north line ot said NQrthwest awrter tMYt/4),e distsnee of One Thausirid Flvs Htsdrod Swan
<br /> . - -, _ . • ��y,:t..n xudredths Rtt5�7.t4�feet= th�ce nmi�soutAerlY. p�rallet with the�est ltn�of wid
<br /> - -- Ncrthwst �rter �NIIt/4), e dietanee ot Two TAow�nd 3ix Hind�ed Twenty-Nine end Twnty-S�r�f `
<br /> �; Hudredthe t2,b29.2T) faet to s point o� che sauth line of eaid No�thwest Clue�ter tMY1/t)= th�ne�
<br /> ���„_` ns�te�p ueste�ty, alarg end y�on the south line of�aaid Northwest GuaMer t171t1/G), a distanee of One
<br /> - Thau��rd Five.Hu�d�ed Saven end iau Nund�edths (9,507.06) teet to the sauYltwest carnev ot s�id
<br />-=���:��wa qorthreat QuertRr tNYtt4); thenee rumfny eorthe�ly elan� ad qaon the tias¢�line of the Northwst =
<br /> ���x+�� OwMer(NY1/dA.a distanee of Tro Thandnd Six Hundrad Thirey-four 8nd fffty�ane NurydredtRa(2,63�t.51) ���
<br /> `��%� feet to the poir►t ot be�imipg. -
<br /> °`� This reconveyance 3.s made in full satisfaction of the obligation
<br /> �! secured by Che Trust Deed recorded on April 3, 1990 in the Office
<br /> - of the Regf.ater of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as Document No.
<br /> 90-101758, pursuant to Ne?�r. Rev. SGa . 76-1014. -
<br /> , � Grantor executes this inetrument as Trustee and ie not to be `_
<br /> :, held liable in his individual capacity in any way by reason of this
<br /> iastrument. q�`�
<br /> m_
<br /> i:,�,,e<�,
<br /> � BxeCUted �,,.,^L�, . 1994. �;��
<br /> -
<br />_ �� �o_J�C _�iK�.�t � _ `�r
<br /> Arend R. Saack, Trustee .
<br /> � STAZB OF NRBRASKA) `'��
<br />'��; iiEC038DERS MEMa: '
<br /> ) ss. � aW: .:
<br /> COUNTY OF BAI,L ) � g, it�,ot Deeds •
<br /> i� The forogoing instrument was ackaowledged before me an this ".;t;�
<br /> ,� �y pf , 1994 by Arend R. aaack, ',;
<br /> �� Truetee, to be hi voluntary act and deed as such Trustee. ':i.
<br /> _ � �10J�31r�fN�MNN �,rS{-.
<br /> � N ��+..
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<br /> _� '� C� c/� � �
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