�'�' , , c�k'�7t';7 ' [ t��ix r'i ;'.} i.� rc.�1 �� .. .. . , t -
<br /> `.ti1 -.i' � 1 .t:. h�Nj . •���{` �J7���2Sili�,7:li�Y y � ��- � � 'u -:.
<br /> � ' . �� .� T� N1��+� as i�i L- {•�{\���t��_ �_ _t_. _i��l`�S._ .
<br /> ..� r. _�,'�� .. . _' �...,..... __ — _
<br /> . . ___ -.._._. . .__._ ..
<br /> . �� .
<br /> _--
<br /> _. �_____� . . ,. -. ._._ . ... . . . .
<br /> -, a
<br /> - -�€����.��..,,����,.the Fiinds sh�lt be hdd ia an itxtiluN�n Lhe dep�th ot�sta�wlli�h_!r'�
<br /> -- i�nsuted or guac�nteed by t E�eder�l oc statt agency titK:ludin�Gender If Gender is:uch an tiaaNtution).iRnder�h�ll app�tY
<br /> _ ��, _ +_,i� th.e FunAs tu�r,►y sa4d tnxc�,a.�seasments,insuruMe premiuma and ground ri:nts.Lcndcr tnay not char�e for so holdieg �
<br /> _ _______ and applying the Funds.�nalyaing�Aid�ternttnt or vedtying and compflii�Q s�tid assessments and bil➢y�unless Ltnder .�
<br /> - psy�9orrower.interest on the Funds and�pplic�ble law pemnit�Lender to make suah a charg�e.Be►rrower and Lend�r 1
<br /> m�y��e ia writjng at the tinae of execution of this Iked o�Truct that intarest on tl►e�uods sh�tl be p�ld to Ba:ow�er. �
<br /> �und unkss euch a�i+eement ia m�de nr appltexbla I�w rrqniea cuch intemt to.t�paid.L.ander ehd!not be irrquira3 �
<br /> ta p�y 8oeru+Mer u�r intecest or earningu on th� Fund�. i,snder�hdl Yive to Boaower. wlihout cfiate.an �nnu�!
<br /> �.—_----_� eren�zx,tH�B af the��nds shovrla�credtts end debits to the Funds snd the purFc�se for whicb e�ch debit to the Fund�was � .,
<br /> mad'.The Fands are pled�ed�s additlonU socutiry far the�am�ucurcd by this Deed otTcwt. �
<br /> - -- - If the xmaunt af tlte FunQs held by k�eader.together wlth.t1x�futuro monthly i�stalimenb of Funds psyabk prlor to
<br /> ;;• the due dntes of tuxss.�ssessments.irau��nce pnmtuln�and.ground e+enta.�haD excced the�mount requirsa te pry txid
<br />_,-„ — . tt�xes. ��sessment�,insur�nce pxemiums and�round rents as they fall due��uch cxcess�h�ll be,at Ba�cawar'�option�
<br /> :-!�' etRher pm�r►ptly repaid to Boaawer or credtted to Bonower on monthly tn:t�llments of�und�,(f the amount af tho
<br /> Funds held by Lender chatl not bc��Pitctant to pey t�ucs,aisccsmems.insurmca premiums and�round tentw Ai they fill
<br /> due,Sorcawer�hdl p�y to Lender ony amount neccssary to make up the deflclency in an�ar moro payment�u Lender
<br /> I'' I mayrequfrc.
<br /> Upcm payment fn full of All�ums cecured by this fked of Trust,l.ender ihult promptly reli�nd to Borrawar any
<br /> �unds hetd by Lendcr. f!undcr paragraph i 7 hereof the Pcaperty ia sald or tha Property is otherwisa acquired by
<br /> ; L.endcr,i.ender ih�ll apply.no I�ter than Immcdiatrly prior to tha sale of tho Property ar its acquisitton by Londer.aay
<br /> Funds hetd by Loeder nt the time of spplication na a crcdit a,gpinst tho sums secumi by thfs Dxd of Trust.
<br /> �� 3, A��lcstlaa c!E's�r�ts. Unless ap�lirable !aw ptov�dos athorwise� all paymen�s ren.iraf by [rnder under .__
<br /> - the Nota and�aragrapha 1 nrtd 2 hereof sbalhbe Apqlied,�y�GtAt14f,fitst•iq�payt{��nt,pf ar�eixtnts pAy�{�le to Lender by
<br /> Botrower under paragraph 2 hereof.then to interesY payable on the Narte.and thcn to the pdncipal of the Note.
<br /> 4. Pebr Maet�ea and Deed�oi Tr�t; Ch�rsai Llma.Borrower shcill perform all q�Boreower's obligatlons
<br /> uader any mortgage.deed of truat or other ucutity agreemeAt with a Ilen which has prlority aver this Dad of Trust. -
<br /> includtng Borrower's covenants to makc payments when due. Borrower shnU pay or cause to be paid all ta$es,
<br /> assessments and other charges,ftnes and imposttions nttdbutahle ro the Property whtch may attain a priority ova tt�is
<br /> Dced of Trust,and leasehold payments or gmund rents.lf any.
<br /> ''^� " 5. Maurd Insunina. Borcower shnll keep the improvements now ezisting or hereafter erected on the Property
<br /> insured ugatnst lass by ftre.hazards included within the term"extended coverage",und such other hazards as[.eccder -
<br /> j `��'�+'�;�_ • may require and in such amounts and for such pedads as Lender may require.
<br /> .- r-�*�� =;��u. '���ncn�a�ce carrier,�nc►yiding the insurance shall be chosen by Bonower sub�ect to Apyroval by Ixnder;provided.
<br /> •�,.; .;;u,�. '� that such appmval shal!not be unreasonably withheld.All insurance policles and renewals thereof shaU be in a form ?
<br /> �,� �� �y?,���„ acceptable to Lender and sh�ll includg,,�ptandard mortgage clause in favor of and ip,�:fpr�pc�ptable to Lender.
<br /> ' l�+�t�.,;;!�' ; Lender shall have the dght to hold the poltcies und renewals thcreof,subject to the terms of any rnortgage.deed of trust
<br /> '��"• ''' �c�,:�.rc, os otteer secutity agreement with a lien which has riori over this Deed of Trust. �'`'
<br /> f,.,�� P h' -
<br /> ' •��f s` '-'' �'� I n the event of loss.Borrower shail give prompt notice to the ansurance currier and Lender.I.ender may make praof
<br /> ,]lur • �� �' `_==
<br /> . �7,� �ti"�'� ;,.',' of toss if not mnde promptly by Borrower. �a ;__.
<br /> ?..,'.. �{`�"��"��.�:. [f the Property is abandoned by�orrower,or if Borrowe�.fails to respond to I.ender within 30 days from the date
<br /> �:::':,�•. <<�.��.;��ir s � T
<br /> ,���f'�.•r,•:._ : . • nodce is mailed by Lender to Borrower thot the insarance carrier offers to settle a claim for jnsuraace beneRts,Gender 9s
<br /> N,�:�:s.;� E::
<br /> -- ;,,,;„,^.;�,�.�.+f authorixed to cofleM and appiy the insutance proceeds at Lender's option elther to restoratton or repair of t6e
<br /> �;, :':,�r:;x';:�;�; Property•or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. �
<br /> � F `�„�'�i�;',j� 6.;PepervaHon and M�tnten�nce of Proparty; Lais�hold�; Condomiatumsi Pl�aned Unit Dev�lopmenq. Bor- .- .
<br /> ' y�•'; rower ahall keep the Property in good repair and shail not commit waste or permit impairment or deterioratton of the '.
<br /> � '''` �� Propetry and shall comply with the pravtsions of any lease if this•Deed of Trust is oa a leasehold.If this DeM of Trust is
<br /> '• ��tc.`�:•�°��'��:;�. u .a pni ��n� �n¢Qr�ni}�1n ot a plan �d 4nit d ve 4p eq�,�orrq�e�t,�hall.��forn�all gf.Qqirower's obligutions under ..
<br /> � ' K�'���ir��j or so�e�ant�c�eatl�i�'or�Ker��a't�'Can'��i�'a��n or planne�,.u�ifi�l�lopm�rt.the bY-laws..a�td. .
<br /> ,r+ t£t��,:) t�� � f' � �fl
<br /> 'N'.�'� �'�;'4� reg�.�t3onsoft�te'con ominiuiriorplenh itniideveloptnea't.'an constttuant$dcuinenb. . ••
<br /> • , �'r�`�;w_.:.�±``�;�:�, ��, 9: �te�Non o!I�dee'f Sgc�ulty.If Bor�rower faily to pect'ortq the covenants ar1d agreements contained in this� .
<br /> � N
<br /> �;' ` � '��'`}s'� ��'G�Trust.oc ffr�ny actiob oi pioceedT�ig ts commenced wt�ich materially Affects I:6dder's interest in the Property. � . `��1�
<br /> :':'.;7f`?�'.:;;
<br /> t= ' �?��� then Lendet.at Lender's optlan.upon notice to Borrower, may make such appearances,dtsburse such sums,including
<br /> ;-��'i' �"'•� " reasox�ati�e attorneys'fees,and teke such action as is necessary to protect Lender's interest.If I.ender required mortgago +r;
<br /> , '�.�,. _;, :,"
<br /> .;�� � Insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Dee�of Trust.Borrower sha11 pay the premiums requtred to ,
<br /> `:�••. , . malntein such insurence in effect until such time as the requirement for such insurance terminates in accordance vrith
<br /> ' � ��'`�'" ' Sorrower's and Lender's writtea a$teement or applicable law.
<br /> � ��'�� �� Any amounts disburced by Lender�ursuant to,this �aragraph 7. wtth interest theceon,at the Note rate,shall
<br /> ,l. .:t.��".- : �
<br /> - ��� "� '- beoaar�}e ddittonhl 9�debtedne�s of�orrowe�'Secured by t�t��is Deod of Ttust. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to
<br /> Y:Y".9'.���.._. .`. .. f��� .
<br /> ' :a�:�.. :..•:', otAer�term�of payment,such amounts sh�ii pe, ayable upon notice�from Le`�der to Sorrower requesting payment
<br /> .�.:'..L�t`...�...... , -� r
<br /> ;:L..: ; , t1�er�of.Nothiag contatned 3n thts paragrapb�'T sii l tequire Lender to incur any expense or take any actton hereun�ier.
<br /> -z.,�.,,.:: 8.Ia:pectton.Lende�may make aE'cau"s�to be made reason$ble eatries upon aad inspecttons of the Property.
<br /> �`; '� � '��'' � pmvided that I.end�r s��all`gtve'Saecower notice prto!to a�y"su¢h inspection specifyfng reasonuble cause therefoz .
<br /> }��:�'��` �`' related to Lender's inttrest in the Prcoperty.
<br /> �'��:``,T '��' 9.Condemn�tNon. The proceeds of any nward or ctaim for daerages.direct or consequentiai.in conaectton with
<br /> ' � � any condemnutton or othet taking of the Property.or part theteof,or for conveyance tn lieu of condemnatton, are
<br /> ���5� ���"��'�--�•'-�••: • • hereby assigncd end shall be patd to Lendcr.subject to the tetms of any mortgage.deed of trust or other security agree•
<br /> - ''� '�� � �« ment with a Iten whtch hm prlurlty over this Deed of Trust,
<br /> . 10. Baeowes fto! Rela�ed; Forbe�saaoe By Lender lYot a w�ivu. kastension of cne cime ior paymenc or --`
<br /> i;����- •�.•. °•�. �'.: Y modi8cutton of amortizadon of the sums sscured by thL�D�eed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of
<br /> • ���c.,��i,� .,�'�a�•,;; Borrower shall not operate to rcleusc,in any manaer.the liabillty of the original Botrower and Botco�ver s successors in
<br /> '"`•`�""''�`-'�'rr� ' tatce+est.Y.ender shail rtot be rc �tte+ed to commence roceedin a tnst such successor or refuse to extend ttme for a
<br />- .� ,;.,� ° 9 P SS 8a P Y-
<br /> :;;�:~� �•� �•. :�.._
<br /> � ment or otherwlse�r►odo4j�amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by rcason of any demand mnde by the �
<br /> �.ifa:�i.•': '4;:.•_-
<br /> '�`���= ��•'� � � originai 8orcower and Borrower's suceessors in interest.Any forbearance by Lendor in exercising any cight or temedy
<br /> r�:;
<br /> � �+��.i;:°;5;���.;;;^�?`,:' hetennde�,or otherwise afiotded by appitcable law,shall not be a walver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or
<br /> .,,^�.,.. .�;�`�1r'•,�- t'emedy. '
<br /> �"�'.�.�,;""r� ;;• ll. 5ncea�on �ad Ar�ipu Honad; Joint and Savenl Ll�biliq� Co�sl�ten. The covenants and agceements -
<br /> �'= '���� .�'��' herein contained shall biacl.and the rights heceuader shall inuce to,the respective successors and assigns of Lender und
<br /> v;;
<br /> Borrower.subjeet to the pt�uvistons of patagraph 16 he�eof.All covenants and ugreements of Borrower shall be joint and ' .
<br /> � ;, ,,.,�� several.Any Borrower who w•signs this Deed of Trust.but does not execute the Nete,(aJ is co-signing this Deed of Trust
<br /> �'' " o ' nnly to grant tutd convey that Borrower's interest ia the Property to Trustee under the tetms of this Deed of Trust.(b)is '
<br /> .. , ,. � .
<br /> � .
<br />