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<br /> -. '�' ,�;,� condQmnuNon or othcr tukIng of uny p.�rt of thc Pm�riy.or for conveyanro in licu of�candcmnadon,urc hereby agsjgnrJ and
<br /> __— shall be paId to Leadcr.
<br /> — In the evcnt of a tatal tuking of thc Pr�apcAy, th$ proceeda shnll b�nppltad ta the sums �ecured by this 3ecud�y
<br /> - instiumen�whethcr or not then due.with ut►y cxcess pald to Borruwer. In tha event of u pattiat tak,ing of the i'roperty fn
<br /> — which thc fair muricct value of th�Property immedIotely befotr,the mking is equal to or grenter than the amount of tde:sums
<br /> - securcd by this 5ecurity Insuumznt immediutely befare the tukln�.unless Borrower c�nd Lcnder otherwise ngree in wridng,
<br /> the sums�secnrcd by this Security instrument shall bo rcduced by the amaunt of the proceeds multipliod by the following
<br /> - - - fmcti�n: (o)the towl nmount of the sums secured immedintely 6efore the taking,divided by(b)the foir market vnluce of the __
<br />-_ - - Prope�ty immediutely beFore the tnkIng. Any balanco shall be paid ro�arrower. (n�he event of a partlal wking of Ihe '
<br />__ Ptoperty in whlch the fair murket value of dte Property immedintety before the taking is I�s than thc amount of the sum.g
<br /> secuied immedIntely before the tuking, unless Ba�rower and l.ender othenviss agrec in writing or unless appltcu6le luw
<br /> •� otherwise provides.�he proceeds shnll be applied to[he sums tiecured by thjs Security in�trttment whether or rtot�he sums are
<br /> then due.
<br /> Ii the Property is ubandoned by Bormwer.or if.uf3er nodce by I.ender to Bamo�ver that the cortdemnor offers to mui:e
<br /> -`" an aword ar settle a c(aim far damag�,Bormwer fails to�espond to Lender wlthin 30 dnys after the date the notice is given. 6____
<br /> l.eader Is authorized to rnllect und appty the proceeds.at it�option,either to restoration or repu9r of tlte Property or to the
<br /> ��; sums secureJ by this Security Insuvment.whether ar not then dua.
<br /> '' Unless Lender and BaTrawer othetwise ng[ce In writing,uny ppplicasfon of proceeds to princlpal shall not extend or
<br /> postpane the due date of the monthly payments refemed to in parngaphs t und 2 or change the amount of such payments. —
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Refea.s�d; Forbearance By l.ender Not a Watver. Bxtension of the time for payment or "�`
<br /> modlficudon of sinwrtizntion of the sums secured by this Security Insuument�anted by Leader to any successor!n i,nterest
<br /> � i� of Barrower shaU not operste to retease the liability of the original Bomower or Bocrower:s successorx in interest. Lender __
<br /> -��,��, �;�y shall nut be rcyuirul to cu»imence proceedings against uny successor in interest or nefuse to extead ame for payment or �;-
<br /> �J �3 otherwise mod umorti�adon of the sums recured b this Securi Inswment b reason of an demand made b the ori inul
<br /> " �•r��, �y Y �Y Y Y Y � �-�
<br /> , �rx;x�'�,�',,�`. Hwrower or Bortuaer�successora in intemst. Any forbearance by L.ender in exercising any d�ht or remedy shull not be a °�,�
<br /> � - waiver of or prectude the exerclr,e of cu►y�ght ar remedy.
<br /> " ����,t � 1L Successors and Asslgns Bouad;Joint and Severul Liability;Co�signers. '[he covenants and ugreements of this •,;.•:
<br /> %' +. Security Insuument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender nnd Borrower,subject to the provistons of �`"
<br /> s ., ,:. ,��....
<br /> s�,�,�;. ,i`;x paragraph 17. Barrawet�s covenants und ngreements shull be joi�t and several.My Botrower who casigns this Security
<br /> ,���'��-�. • r�'s Insmunrnt but docs nat execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security lnstrument only tQ mortgage,grant and convey that
<br /> • ��:�,�,,��:��'.
<br /> ��,�,.�.,• �•.{•:: Borcorierk interest in the Property under the tem�a of this Security Instrumenr, (b)is not personully obligateJ to pay the sums
<br /> _���,..�:{ ,t:,.,.,:� secwed by this Security Inspvment;and(c)agrees that l.ender and any other Borrower may agee to extend modify.forbear
<br /> ;,,�; ..,.,;.,�_ or make any ucrnmmodatians with �egatd to the tertns of this Securiry inspument or the Note without that Borrower�s
<br /> :a�.,�,;. :....: . "''.�; consen�
<br /> '��*���; ' "•�:_�-•_ 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> t�?�'�%ux"' ;J.j;'�, charges,and that law is finaUy fntecpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coltected or to�e coliected in connecaon -
<br /> �Z",,,;�f;,�; ; ;^<.',f,t: wlth the loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan churge shaU be reduced by the ama�nnt neoessary to reduce
<br /> 4�;;:±. .��,�•.•... the charge to the permitted limit;pnd(b)uny sums alceady collected fi+nm Bo�rower which excecded pertnitted limits will be . .
<br /> �'����"���`.�;;;'";�; `" '� refunded to Horro�ver. Lxnder may choose to make this nefund by reducjn�eAe principal owed under the Noie or by moilsing a '
<br /> 'f:�,.��• • ..
<br /> �,p��,;�:.s;:;;,;;; •F�•' dLect payment to Boirower. If u refund reduces principal,the reducdon will t►e treuted as u partiul prepayment without any r,'
<br /> ' � � '�;;i';;s''.,. " pmpaymen[charge under the Noie.
<br /> 'j�``+;'�'=�••�'•.,',:":.`� 14. Notices. Any notice to�oao�ver provided for in tWs Sectuity lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> - ���€��i��'.�i;�: mailing it by tlrst class mail unless applicable law requires use aF s►nother method.The notice shnll be directed to the Property .
<br /> �,. •
<br /> •-.�:n:�r ;-..:.� Address or any other addr�ess Borrower designstes by notice to Lendet My notice to Lender shall be�iven by first cluss
<br /> � �►�Nddr�w+�^a�..
<br /> I,q';ti,� mail to L.ender's addmss stnted herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borcower. My notice pmvided for
<br /> !��j;��"4.�t�4<<.t;��' . in this Security Insnument shall be deemed to have been given ta Borrower or Lendcr when given as providcd in this „
<br /> •.�}x'� �4,.;:•.::,<.u, P��Ph.
<br /> � /5 �y�.'`;,,.:..' �. .
<br /> ���7,�.;��f5 t�' IS. Governtng Luw; Severa6iltty. This Security Insuwnent shall be �ovemed by federal law und the luw of the
<br /> "�;�*'��';���; jurisdiction in which the Property is tocated. In the event that uny provision or clnuse of thix Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> , '�'�� ' °F+ conflicts with rspplicable law,such conflict shall not nffect other provisions of this Security lnstrument or the Note which cart
<br /> �����'� be�iven effect without the conflicting provision. 1b this end the provisions of this Securiry Inswment end the Note arr "
<br /> ':+ �i'�_ ..r.�. .v:.: ,�
<br /> ��f �'�i`�'��� �"���t decla�+ed to be severeble.
<br /> '� , I6. $orrower's Copy. Borrowor shall be given one conYarmed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. ,
<br /> '���"''r{��� ����'' ' 17. 7YAnster oPthe Pro or a Beneflcial Interest in Borrower. If all or an �rt of the Pro n or an interest in
<br /> ;•:•, -�:•, ..•.• . Pert9 Y P Pe Y Y .,
<br /> • • it is sold or trnnsfcrted(or if a beneficial interest in Bomower is sold or l:ansfetced tuid Borrower is not a natura! petnnn)
<br /> ``'' t`,_�^;r;:, _.,.. without L,enderk prior written consent,Lender mny.at its option,require immediate payment in full of till sums secured by
<br /> = ' _�:y..= .. this Security Instrument. However,this option shnll not be exe�ised by Lender if exercisc is prohjbited by federal li►w as of
<br /> „'� �,:• � � tfie date of this Security Insfitment.
<br /> ` ;,:,;:" if i.ender exercises this option.l.ender shall�ive Borrower notice of s�cceleiauon. The notice shall provtde a period of
<br /> , r�.�%,:,:.��: not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay ali sums secured by this
<br /> :•f• �:�: � Security Inswment. If Borrower fnils to pay ihese sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender muy invoke any
<br /> - �� -� " "` remedies permitted by this Security Instrument wethout further nottce or demand on Borrower. "
<br /> .''i',.:. :"";��:.,. 1& Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets ccrtain condidons, Borrower shall have the right to hnve
<br /> '''�..^' �•�"'" enfarcement of this Securiry Instnunent dlsconttnued at any time prior to the earlfer uf: ta>5 days(or such other period as
<br /> •.iaa ��..;
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