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<br /> -------------- a:undcnu�atlon or othcr talci»g of nny part�f thv!'�u;�cny,or!'oics�iiv�yenct in li�u of�nndcnnnntiiin;�r�hc�+n:b}��s�1��
<br /> shall bc paid ta l.cnder. ,
<br /> In �ho event of a total taking of the Property,the proceeda sliAll be appAed co the �um�securrd,�Sy this S�:ueily �
<br /> Insttumettt,whether or not then due.wi�h aoy exce��d to Bamnwcr. In the ovsnt of�plirtial t�kin6 of thG I'roperty in •
<br /> which thc feir market value of the 1Pmptrty tmmedi�tely bcfom ehe takin�is equal to o��nater tlun ihe txm�unt o6'the'awtl�t'
<br /> stcured by tfiia Sceurity G�suument ImmailrteIy befare the Wclrtg.unlenr Bomower Nr�d I.ender athecwira apa in wrici�..
<br /> the sums secund by �his Sacurity Instr�ment shall be i+educed tvy the em�ount of thepxaceal3 nwGipliod by the followina
<br /> - - -� fraction: (a)tho total amow�t of tho sums sacured immrdiRtely i�ePore ti�e t�I:in��dlviS�:ci I,y(L)tha fair m:.�et vatue of!h- . . .
<br /> Property immediateiy before the.taking. Any balence shall be paid to Botrawer. Ia the event of a pastid t�kjn�of the
<br /> Property in whlch the fatr market value of the Property immed€atcly before the taking fa less then ti�e emount of the aums
<br /> Eecu�ed immedlately before tho tWcing, unless Borrower and I.cnder otherw6se agree in wdtLt$ar unless uppticable law •
<br /> — otherwise pravIdes,the proceeds shttil be applied to the sums secnred by this Secwity Instrument wlusthat or not the sums az�o
<br />__— then due. • •
<br />-- I�tha Praperty is abandoncd by Borrower,or if,aRer nodce by L.�nder to Sor�awer�hat the coa►demnor offess to mQke
<br /> -- � an award or settte p claim for datnagcs,Borrower£ails to respond to Lender within 30 days after d�e date the naticc is gtven,
<br />— Lender is uuthorized ro collect and apply the proceeds,at.lts option,either to restoration or repair of the Ptoperty or to the
<br /> ,y,'� 's1�u'na seeured by this Securlty Instrument,wh•siher o�ni�t thcn due. . . .• , �
<br />-�?.'� • � Unless I:�xder and Sorrower othe�nvise�c�ee In �writidg,any u�fi�atlon of prcae�eds so;p�incipal,. tia4f,'ndrektend'dr. •
<br /> ,,. . . ,
<br /> c $ --
<br /> ,� }►astpone'ih�ilue date of the monthly pnyments�iaf�rrod:to in�:par�Lg�P�as t and 2 ar thaitg�thc.Ar�punt raf 51��?r�ptix:mea�ts��� ; ,: �
<br /> :°--�;� ;-�t
<br /> � .i#..r'�or•rower Not Released; Fbrbear�wcc �y.'l.��der Nbt a Wpiver. E�tte��iof� Q�t��:�tiriie foi�'''p�ment ar
<br />,._t,� ,��•.•� � rr�t�difietition af amortizadan of the suma secured by this Securlty Instrument granted by[.en der to any successar i n I n t e t+e a t
<br /> -= "'"�"•''"" �of Boirower shnll not operate tn relenFS the liability of t�e ariginul Borrower or Borrawer's successora in interex�L.ender _
<br /> -- shnll not borequired to commenc6 praceedings a�ainst any saccessor in interest or refuse to extsnd dme for pnyment or
<br /> ' otherwise mod3fy cunortiwdon of the sums securcd by thia SecurIry Inatrument by reason of any dcmand made by the or�glnnl
<br /> Borrower or Bomower's successors in interes3. Any forbea�ance by L.ender In exercisfng any right or nmedy shall�ot bo a
<br /> waiver of ox preclude the exercdEe af any right or remuty.
<br /> e
<br />- 12. Successors and Asslgns 8oundi Jolnt and Reveral l.4�bilityi Casiqnere. The covcnunts and ugrcements af�his
<br /> r',�. Secudty Inswment yhall bind und benefil the xurceASUr�nnd aRSigna of l.cnder iind Bormwer.:�ubJect to thc pravieim�4 nf
<br /> pnrng�ph 17.Harrowcrk covenunte and ng�cmente r�hall he Jwlnt and scvcrcil. Any 8arrnwer who co•aigns thlx Security
<br /> Insuument but doc.r not axecutc the Nate: (n)ia cu-signing this Securily Instrument only ta mnrtgage,grunt mtd canvey thut
<br />_ HoNawcr'x interext In thc Fmperty urtdcr tho tcrma aithis Serudty Instrumcnt; Ib)IK not perxnnAtly�htiguted to pny tha eums
<br /> hecur�d by tt�ix Sccurlty Instru�nent:nnd(c)ngrces that Lensicr und any athcr f3ormwer muy ugree to oxtend.mcxiify.fc�rbear
<br /> or make any uccc�mmadationa wfth rcguN ta the tcrmR uf thls Sccurity Inwtcument ar tho Nnte without thut 8arrawec�
<br /> con�ent.
<br /> I3. i.v�in L'h��es. if tita lo�t;ecui--�S by ttds Security la�tststrr�t# 3x xtib,�eti Se s !a!� wts�Ch sei� tn�xi�um loan • _
<br /> ct�argea.und that law ix finally interpreted xo thnt the interest or other loan churgeN collected or to be collected in connecdon
<br /> with the loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shalt be reduccd by the umount necessury to reduce
<br /> the charge to the permiued IImit;nnd(b)any sums nlready collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limtta will be
<br /> � refundul to Borrower. Lender may choose ro make this refund by reducing the prIncipal owed under the Note or by makins n
<br />-- direct payment to Borrower. If A refund reduces principal,the reductlon wlll be treuted us�purtial prep�yment without any
<br /> ; � �, prepayment chnrge under the Note.
<br /> p � 14. Notices. Any nodce to Bomnwer pmvided for in this Security Inswment shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> .,,;, mailing it by first class mail unless appltcable law requires use of another method.79te notice shall be directed to the Ptoperty
<br /> ° '°`� �� Addmss or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any norice to I.ender shell be gtven by fust class _
<br /> . ,. 1.•,: ,.., --
<br /> ;- �� ' mail to L.enderb addmss stuted herein or uny other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any noHce provided for ___
<br /> - > :.�.��`'•�.�;.�„� in this Security Instrument ahall be deemed to have lxen biven to Boirower or Lender when given as provided in this _
<br /> r;. �5�:.,
<br />-':.��, � � �.� �g 1 5 p Governing Law;Severeb9lity. Th{s Security Instrument shail be govemed by federal taw and the law of the �
<br /> ; ,r� r�q� jurlsdiction in which the Properry i�tocated. In the event thut any provision or clause of this Security Insmiment or the Note �
<br /> t� , `y!«:ti contlicts with upplicable law,such conflict shc+ll not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Notc which can e�•��
<br /> �S•. •�;��,..•F . .�. `:..:. be given effect without the confltcting provision. 7b this end the provisions of this Security ]nstrument nnd the Note tu+e e�___
<br /> �
<br /> �x:��.,
<br /> •-'`��;i ,;�'�'-�. >�. declared to be sevetable. R�=
<br /> � ..�� ,..;x:='`-�"`�=''' 16. Bvrrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given nne conformed copy of the Nate and of this Securlry Instrument.
<br /> " '' � � 17. 7tunsfer olthe Property or n BenetIctal Interest in Borrower. (f all or any part of t{�e Property or any interest in ���=�
<br /> ,�.�.... , _
<br /> � ' it is sold or trnnsferred(or if a beneficial interest in Barrower is sold or transferred und Borrower is not u natucal person) 1:;,-:__
<br /> ' �..'R°:.: ..:: without Lender�s prlor written consent,l.ender may,ut its opuott.require immediute payment in futl of atl sums secured by ,•
<br /> „1" r :?����-� ~ this Security InstrumenG However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohiblted by federcil law as of ,
<br /> � �•�•. " tho date of this Security Insuument. �
<br /> s ", If Lender exercIses this oprion.Lender shall�ive Borrower notice of ucceleration. The notice shall provide a period af
<br /> . .�;• � not less than 3U days from the date the notice is deltvered or maiied within which Borrower must pay all suma secured by this '°
<br /> y►��• �-•n�. ,_ Securiry Insuvment. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,l.ender may invoke nny
<br /> , . . remedies pennttted by this Security Instrument without fuRher notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> • � �� 18. Sorrower's Rtght to Reinatate. If Borrower mcets certain conditions, Borrower shaU have the right to have
<br /> ': � enforicement of this Security Inswment discontinued nt any time prior to the eartier of: (a)5 days(or such other petiod us
<br /> � ` Singie Famiiy--FonnEe Mue/FYeddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT-•Unifortn Covmunts 9/90 qx+x�4��I b l�Xes!
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