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<br /> 'flXlG�'PHn4i WITti nll tha im�roecmcnts nc►w nr hereatYer erected an tho praperty,anc�ali ea+eRttent�s,uppurtenwoca�.
<br /> "� ,._,,�g� und flxtures naw nr hereaR�r a psut of�hc pmpeny. All roplxccments and adclltlons ah�ll slao bc covcr�ed by t,hls�urity
<br /> - --- --- InsuumenG AlI af tho fongatag Is refar�ed to in this Secutfty Instrument As the"Prc►pe�iy."
<br /> HOAROWER COYENANTS thac Bormwsr!s lawfuliy eei+�ed oP the estate hanby conveyed and baa tha dQht to,gnnt
<br /> un�!convey the Pcop�ny and thet the Prapexty is►�nencun�bei+ed,except for enrumbrancts of reranl. ,�onmwer wurant��nd
<br /> w�ll defcn�generally the dda to tho Pruperty ag,ainu�11 ctdm.+�nd de�nuids,subject to�ny cncumbr�ncxa ot necand.
<br /> �—__---_=� TH�S Sp.CURITY INSTRUIV(81VT combines unifarrn wvenanis For nptIonul uso ttad non-unifi�rm Covenants wIth
<br /> tlmitat varlst�ons by jurisdicdon ta constituta a unifom►secudty insuumeni cove�ing e+eal pmperty. `
<br /> -,� UNIFOItM COVEiVANTS, Hoaower arui Leader coveaai►t end agee as follows:
<br /> �, } 1. Payment ot Principal aind Iater�t;Prep�yment and Lxte Chsr�ea. I3oirower shali promptly pa when dua tl�o
<br /> al
<br /> y princIpal of nad inten�st on tho debt avidenced by tha Noto aad any prepayment and Iate chazges duo under tha ote.
<br /> - 2> Fund�f�r 1iu�es And L�sur�nce. Sabjxt w Applicabto!aw or to a wrlaen wuiver by I.cnder,SoROwer shall psy to
<br /> '-''�" I.ender on the day monthly payments are duo uc�der the Note,until the Note is paid in fu11,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yaarly
<br /> "�'� taxes aud asseasmenta which may attein priar�ty over tbis 5ecueity Iasnuu�snt as a lIen on the Properiy;(b)yearly lexaehold
<br />_:; �ayments or ground rents on the Property, if any: (c) Yearly hazord or pmperty inaucai►ce prcmiumst (d) Yearly tlood
<br /> _� �nsurance pnemiums. if any:(e) yearly mortgage iasutrutce prsmiwns.if any;and(�anY swns Payabie by Borrower ro
<br /> Lcnder.in accordance with tha pmvisions of paregrnph 8,in lleu of tho payment of mortgage insurauce premiums. These
<br /> items aro called"Escmw Items." I.ender may,at any ttme.colle�t nnd hold Punds in an amount not to eaceed the m�x�rpum
<br /> _ amount a lender for a federatly related mortgage loan may t+equire for Borrower's esctow account under the fed��1 Real
<br /> Estate Settlement Pmcedur�s Act of 1974 as amended from tIme to time,l2 U.S.C.$26Qi et seq.("RESPA"),unldss:arittother ..
<br /> law tbat applisa ta 2he Fuads seta a lesser amouaG If so,Lender may.ut any dme,coHect�and hold Rinda in an amnunt nat ta �, .
<br /> exoeed the.Ieaser:amoun� Lenc�er may �attuaate the amount of t�ut�Qs due oq tha:4asis o#'cui�nt data..and a+aasonable ��., _
<br /> estirpatas Of expendiwms of future Escmw Items or othenvise in accordapte wIW applicAblC law. :
<br />� ' The Flu�tds ah�U bo Aeld ire aa insdta�dou whose deposits are iASUred by a federnl agert�y,.inslrt�mentality,ar endty ,
<br /> �� ..,' � (including I.endes,iY L,eaaer ia auch ai►institu6oa)or in eny Fedecal 1-Yome Loan Bank. I.ender shAll apply if�e Funds to pay , ,
<br /> �
<br /> �� ��,. the Eacrow 1¢ems. I.ea�er may not charge�qmnwer for hold'eag and applying tha blinds,annuallg analyzing the escrow
<br /> ,;,.,, ;,.�,;t 'f� • uceonnt, or verltyiug the F.scrow Items, unl�ss Lender�uys Borrower interest on the�nds and upplicable!aw pertnits .
<br /> ;;,.,,, i�.,;= Lender to make au¢h u ehatge. However. Lender may regui�Boaower to pay a one-timc charge far aa independeat real .
<br /> - ,'t i.�t„'�t�;1't�' eatate tax reparting sarvice used by L.ender in connecdon with this loau,unless applicable law provides otberwiae. Unloss an
<br /> �r��.�,�...� agreement is mude or appliceble law requtres Interest to be paid,Lender shall not be cequired to pay Botrower any interest or•
<br /> +� ,.,:;{�;;�{v ri.
<br /> y.��,i;t� ����.,,�, eamiugs on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wrlHng,howover.that tnterest shall be patd on the Funds. Lender
<br /> b:;,ti��� •w��+t shaU give to Bonower.without charge.en aw►ual accountin6 of the Fuads.ahowfng crecfits nnd debits to the Funds nnd tha
<br /> � t���,,.� s :'M` �• Pu�pose far whlch each debit to the Punds was made. The Funds are pledse�as uddidonal security for all sumR secuned by -
<br /> s�.�: '� ' : thls S�ct�rlty�ns�mpnt. �
<br /> ,'`�y�``.';z'�;',, � If the Funds he�d by Lender exceed the amoun�s permltted to bc heid by applicable Inw. I.ender ahall account to '
<br /> ,o�.p, Bonower for the excess Funds in accotdance with the requ�t�ementx of npplicuble luw. lf the umount of the Flinds held by
<br /> �` � "��'�{�'" Lender ut uny time ix not sufficient to pny the�.scrow Items when due,L.ender mny so notify 8orrower in wridng.and.in
<br /> *����x�"�������� such cuse Borrower shall pny ro Lender che umount nesesRar�r to make up the deficicncy. Borrower Rhull make up the
<br /> . ;y.�,;..,.�-..,..•. �..L
<br /> .,.��•�;,.;;• . ::�,•�;. defictcncy in no more than twelve monthly payments,ut Lenderx sole discredon.
<br /> �';�;�•�;j,�,..;:,�:.;;.i;,:r Upon ps►yaeent in full of ell Fums secured by this Securiry Insqvment,Lender shall prompdy refund ta Borrower uny
<br /> Funds held by Lender. if,under paragmph 21,Lender shall acquint ar sep tha Property,Lender,prior to the acquisIdon or
<br /> ��"'�`6�"''`'''�:''`'. sale of the Prnperty.sh�tl apply Any �nds held by Lender at tho time of acquisition or sale as a credit ugainst the sums
<br /> � • ,: :�
<br /> - ":'•109k'�"'°`-,'..`:�'. '� secured by thls Securir�Inswment. _
<br /> -� ~�����'�M'�"" 3. ApplicatMn of Payments. Unless applicabte tuw provides othenvise, all payments reccived by Lender undor -�
<br /> � .��,x,�• . P B�P PP Y P p Y S P Y �
<br /> . � ara hs 1 and 2 shall be a lied:first,to an re a ment chaz es due under the IVote;second,to amounts a ebie under
<br /> - :`4.;::; paragraph 2:third.w interest due:fourth,to princtpal due:and las�to any late cherges due undar the Note. `
<br /> M���r_����_� �� ° 4. Ch cs; L[ens. Bomower shall a all texes, assessments, charges, fines and im s[ttons attributable tv the =
<br /> _ ,."``_`'r�':`�:'" • Pra which ma attain dori over this S�uri Instrument.and leasehold a ments or und rents.if an Borrower
<br /> - •->�..... . -•' r. � Pe1'�Y Y P t3' �Y P Y 8� Y• I:
<br /> ,,,,.,�,,,.�. . :,,.; shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borcower shall pay them on _
<br /> '� ' d?�e di�cdy to the person owed pnyment. Borrower ahatl prompdy furnish to Leader all no6ces of amounts to be paid under �
<br /> '���'`"J' this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments direcdy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing =
<br /> • :•�;:'`` ` the payments. �'
<br /> �`� " Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Securiry Inswment unless Borrower.(a)sgrees n
<br /> `'' � �« in writing to the payment of the obligadon secured by the lien in a marmer acceptable to Lender,(b)contests tn good feith the ;
<br /> � •`�`'� ' lfen b
<br /> ;:,, � _
<br /> .'�`:�: � ,e�: y.or defends e ainst enforcement of the lIen in,le al roceedin s which in the Lender's o mion o rnte to revent the
<br /> . - � '°i��.. • enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an�ement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien i;
<br /> ' ?'"";�;;;;�;.;' � to this Securiry Instrument. If I.ender determines tl�at any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority
<br /> ���'`r��'�'. over this Security Insmimen4 Lender may give Borrower u nottce identifying the lien. Borrower shall sausfy the lien or take �
<br /> ''•c�"'"� one or more of the actions set facth above within 10 dnys of the giving of notice. '
<br /> � • 5. Hc�aaM or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now exisdng or hereftfter erected on the [
<br /> � - Prope�ty insured against loss by t ue,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including f
<br /> , � floods or flooding,for wtuch Lender cequires insurance. This insurance shall be muintained in the amounts and for the �
<br /> . .�
<br /> - Form 30I8 9/90 f puRe 1 nJb pnges)
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