., „ . {��(, , �•'1'� y'�j�' ,;;�1,'ti 4Y�i�`� --- ... - --_
<br /> �!�2ih - r. l+b�.t � .t , . ..� . __ - —
<br /> , .
<br /> i���9'�I � i r 1 - �f2fiv. fd ial, Y'e?I., '----
<br /> � �� +� a� -�� f. . .-
<br /> �{I.����.i:...y��� ?..�. ����i��:i..i•;"—_. __
<br /> ....,...:-- — - ----
<br /> ,o.�e.:_.________�- --._-� � --.__._ -- ._.._ .__ _ . ...--_•_---.__-___ �
<br /> .�� --� ..r___—_ �r ��
<br /> �.,. :,,s;�� •
<br /> --•� , . <��� „ . • • . ���• . .
<br /> -. - a7.'€ra.-�ci 0� ..,-xa4y or a�el:1 dr.t.,.�st frs la.��:.if d#ar �re ssf�Pecrie:eq cs��►tne�iat la k
<br /> �.�, is said or trensfernd(or if a be+xflcid intrnst in Borrower ie eald or trrn�Eemd atxl�arrowra iu iwt�nNtural pernort)wNh�wt „
<br /> },F��;" L.end�r's pelar written cansent, Ixnder m�y. ut its optlun. rayuira i�iiu�tt!#�tu E►aiyn�r�t in fbl) �►f NII xumr Necuro�t hy, thlR
<br />_;<:;;,`` f;;�s Srcurity lnstrumcnt.Hnwcvcr.tbis undun eltall�tut bc exci'ciscd��y l�:suicr if�xar�sc!s�ruY�ildt�d by li•�.icwl I�iw�i+'��111��•d��r.
<br />�.�;;t� ;��r ; of this Security Inetrumcnt. • •
<br /> ��':;�`�"'�°`°r`'`''� If I..ender exerclss,�tMa crp�ian, t,aruler c;haN givc&�rmwer rwtice of x�ccleratinn,The iH�tic�rctu�Q pr�i�i�N Ikti��!��i'm+!
<br />__:�� z les9 than 30 duys fmm the d�te'�.noticd is delt�+ered or maflod withln whi�h&+►mwer murt ��ry rll �unu+��ur�w! hy thi�
<br /> _:_;t;,, Sccuriry Instrurnent.Yf�nrrowet��1�1 b pily tlltSC 6UIlt.9 piI01'lQ(MC CRrItY1I(►q qf Iltis perl��l.lRtxk��nwy Inv+�ka wty reaxMlf�
<br /> `' permittad by thi�Security�nstrumcnt withaut tV�rther notire ot ck�rw�xl�m Bnrruwcr.
<br /> .x•���;;i� 18. Bormwer's Rlght to ltelttst�tta If &�rrowcr moetR certuin c�TM.ildoi�v, rinrniwc7 nh�ll lurvc It� rlNhi 1++ hNr�n
<br />--;:,,� i;t enfar+ccment oF c�is Secudty instnunent disconttnued ut uny timc ptt�r to ttx.euiicr nf; tal S d�yK lor �uci��di�rr prii�ni�w "°-
<br /> ��• applicablo luw may specifij for refnstatement) befare sul�ot the P rty purnua�x t�� �ny puwtr �si xwle �r��lixrl In Ihfy
<br />:�;;��;�:
<br /> ��:,�;; SaurIcy Ins�rument;o�(b)entry af u judgment enfi�roi►�g thix Secu�fty nstrwt�tt.'Irase�v��xiltli►nN�ro th�l li��rmvwtr:(MI pryM
<br /> �:;,:='�t��i: Ixnder all sama which thRn would be due under thia Soctltity Inslrumcnt a�ndr the Nnto ax if�x��xtieleraHon h+�l ��.tiutradt lhl
<br />:-;,�:,;'' cures any default of any other mvenants ar agrecmenfa; (c)payR t�ll cxpanscw irnurral i�t cnfi�reing thly k�utlty IiattunMnN,
<br /> F; �...
<br /> �'!�r ;�Vt�y includiag.but not Ilmlted to. reusonuble attome�s'fces;cuxl(d►tc�kcs auch uetYun�v i.c�xler may rea�►�uth�y reyulm iu Na�uro
<br />-_';''�.1. '�„�: that the lien of this Secu�lt ' g pe Y ' 1� I�Y Y
<br /> >-�•�?�r• �;�.::.F,, y instnnmcnt, Lendcr s ri hts in thc Pra et u�xl I�rruwcr x obtl adan tu thc c+unt+tic�:unvJ h
<br /> lt'iY(:i
<br /> '"''.�i, thia Securlty lnstnrment aha11 oondnue onchangal Upon reinswttmem by fk�rn►wer. thip Security MYtn�nx�d ��KI ttK
<br />_;�;,;;;, obligations secured here6y sh�ll remai�fully effective as if m�ncceterution had occurrcd.Hnwever.thla r�ght to r�Jn���te�h�ll
<br /> .�;�:�� , not epply in the c�se of uccetfrndon under paragraph l7.
<br />.; t, t:.:.
<br /> ;�;..�.. .{;.�•.k 19. Sn!!e o!Nate; Change o! Loan &rvice�. Thc Nate nr a panfai interest in dio Notc(tugcthcr wfth thly tirturlty
<br /> -,°�1; �;�a'���} Instrumenq may be sold one or mom times without priar noilcc to Borcnwer.A Fulu mny rcrutt(n n rhai�to I►�Uio��nd1y IktM�wo
<br /> ��'';;,' :•:;�;��r`� as che"Loun Servtcer")that coliecta manthly puyments due under tho Note nnd this Securlry lnstrument.'IYrcra ulxu n��►y br a�b
<br /> ::��,�� "�i;�,,,� or more changes of the Losu�Serviccr unrelated to a sale of the Note.[f there ts u ch e of thc l.�ixn Servi��cr. B��rmwcr wlit!+e
<br /> su
<br /> :'•''�i '` �iven wrltten notice of thB change in ucoordanae with purogrnph l4 ulwve atxlupp1ic�Y e lpw.The noUce will xwto 1h�nunir W�d _____
<br /> '.; a��,.�;. � address of the new i..oan Servicer and the uddress to wfiich payments shauld bc madc. The notiee will ldyo cont�i�i wry oUKr
<br />- ��,�� t n,��;��,�k� infont�ation required by appiicuble lew.
<br /> ''•�•�•� 20. H�ardotcs SubsWnces. Borrower shul! noi cuuse nr permlt the presence, ttsc, disposal. stornge, or rete�sc��f imy
<br /> `.r �'�,I�i��;��,�Hr.
<br /> ri�,_.�!
<br /> <,,. '•' �.,,:•:;, Hazacdaus Su6stances on or in the Properry. Bormwer shall not do. nor ullow nnyn�eo elsa to da, unything uffectinK 1be
<br /> �""'��};r Pmperty that ia in violauon of any Environmental Lnw. The preceding twa sentences shail not app(y tn �he prcsence.u�c, ��r
<br /> � � ?�t,� storagc on the Property uf smali quandties of Hazardous Substances thut are genemlly necn�nircJ m be appn�priute tu u��nnul
<br /> ,;; ;��r� residentlal uses and ta maintenance�f the Pmperty.
<br /> ' �;a�r':Sf� . Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice uf:u�y investigat(nn.claim,d�m,�utd. Inwsuit�r other nctiim by nny
<br /> ��`� ?;!��,«r�.i��°;I(�, � , governmental or regulatory asency or privato pArty involving the Property and uny Haza�dous Substunrc or�nvimnmrntul l.uw
<br /> ��;r.�.�:;�•r;�::::,t. —
<br /> ;.,,,�r���,;,;�:,;�;;�,�' of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Harrower lear�s. ar is notified by any govemmentut or regulutory uuthurity. tNat
<br /> ;;#i�.,�,,.};,,;�}���;;� ,l � any rcmovel or other remediation of nny Ha�ar�doua Subswncc uffccting the Prapeny is ncres�ry. Borrower shull pmmptly tukc
<br /> t ry` i�*��3���,;�s�,, ail necessary remedial uctions i�ncwrdanc�e wfth Enviranmental Lnw.
<br /> �L t�� �,91L„h`!�,.'n As used in this Qaragragh 20. "Hazandous Substiuues"ure those aubstances defined us toxic or hu�rdoua substances�bv =,_
<br /> �y'�t� ��rti�, {,r���`���'� '. k3nvinonmental Law and the follawing snbstances: gc►.soline. kerasene, other flammable ur toxic petroleum praducls, t��xfc
<br /> ,�� ��.,,,,{ �`;8-r pesticides and herbicIdes.valut�le solvents. muterials contuining usbesros ar forn�aldehyde.und r:idtoactive materlals.As used 1n
<br /> �..��.��!M!>�;'�§." this pm�agraph 20, "Envimnmentul L.aw" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the poapeety is lnratud that
<br /> ' �s�;�:'�;�ii�`::�AY;'�•'n:`,' relate to health,safety or environmental prouxtion.
<br /> ,. s;,;,;;,,,..,
<br /> '�Vi�' '�''St��Zyi �+.ti NON-UN[PORM COVENAIVTS.Horrower and Lender further covcnant iuid a ree as follo�vs:
<br /> _ :,�_' .�s'';:'c,�{5;��)1'fit � Zl. Accelerationi Remedicq.I.ender shall gtve nottce to liorrower pdor to nccelerattan follodsinR Borro�ver's br+each
<br /> � �:; �'�:<°.i,='r%�!.�i ot uny covenant or �ment in th(s Securi t y I�ustn;ment @ut not prlor to aoceleratlon under parlt�ru ph !7 unlecq
<br /> _ ��u;,;�;ti;k:,;.`•�:�t�' ',�� appticable!aw provides otherwise). The notice shnll�specify: (a)the detaultt(b)the nction t�eqnited to cnre the dduult;
<br /> .:�,,�: ;la�+s.,..;1�:� (e)a alate,not less than 30 days from the date the notice Is gtren to Borrower. by whlch the dePeult mast be curedt und
<br />- �,�4;,���";:.;,t,r,��. � (�that faiture tn cure the default on or before the date specit7ed in the noiice may result in sooeleration of the sums
<br /> " ••��" :';?�tN �;�'��! s�cured by thts Securiq� Instrument and saie of the Property.The notice shall fLrther inPorm Borrower ot the �ht to
<br /> - :�•• �`'.'�'�`r.t...='�"c reiastate after aoceleration and the right to bring e rnart ection !o assert the non-existenee af o defuult or any other ----
<br /> ��''`r�"�' �� � defense of Borrower to aoceleration and r►We. ll the detauTt is not cured on or before the dute spectfied In th�nntice,
<br /> . -'ry _:n ��.}{t.... - _- -
<br /> �.•y�:rt'�d.•:i'.;;..(,k,� Y
<br /> ::r���ri�,!,:,::;:;.ii.t� Leader, at its o tion,ma uire immedigte ment tn fult ot all sums secured b thtx Secuet instrummt wiihoat
<br /> i�..����:�.:.. P Y re9 PeY !' tY �e
<br /> ��• �,,;��:::,.;:;,��;� Porther demand and may invoke the power o!sale and any other remedtes permitted by npplicable law. I.ender shali be �.,::.
<br /> �• ' ;•�, . �•�,;•�•,;�•,►•j; endtled to mllect all expen5es incurred in pursuing the remedies provtded in this pura�raph 21.incloding,but not limited ��:
<br /> �...r;..:.�::tY•:� + dr",T
<br /> to,reasonable attomeys fces and costs of dtle evidence.
<br /> �..�,', ,f.;j,;:,4r�lr,:l, . �•'_
<br /> • If the power of sale is Invoked,Trustee shall record a rtotice of default in each county in which any part oP the �'�
<br /> '� � ���������':;i'�� Property te located end shal!mail co lea of such noitce in the munner resc�tbed b u lirable taw to Borrower und tu
<br /> :�'.:.; a,::.:;•,bs,,;�c P p Y pP �..:-
<br /> ,.,� the ot�er persons prescribed b applicable law.After the time reyuired by appltcable law.Trustee Rhall gire publlc nottce �"-�``•
<br /> �� ,� ����: �:•.;;;.ii of sAle to the
<br /> ^ � �;';�,�,,., persons and in t e manrter prescribed by appllcuble taw.Trustee. without demand an Borrowe�. shntl sell
<br /> �� "� : • :;,f� the Property et public auctton to the htshest bidder at the ttme und ptace and under tl�e terms designuted in the notice ot �
<br /> • ��.��.� . �.� sale in one or more parccis and in any ordcr 1'rustee determiney.Trustce mny postpone sale of all or any punxf of the
<br /> �� � � ���ti Property by publte announcement at the time and place oP any prnviously xcheduled ,ale. I.ender or iLs desl�tee may
<br /> `..�,�, � purchuse the Property at any sale.
<br /> , . •
<br /> � . �
<br /> +� Form 3028 9f90
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