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_.�� . . ; t�i 7r.;. �,�.q.,s..�.:a.•r� Fr�r.,-;: . �, . . . ' - . . • ._ �'., . u..o. <br /> ��� c I t} �*�• . '�!t _- — <br /> Clyk• — <br /> .�/� , ...�: _ — _ _ .� _— "____ - _ - —_—_ _... <br /> - � .. ,` �-�� ��_ .� -- - _ - -- <br /> - _ �_ - <br /> , - - � ; � . . .. <br /> . r� r= as�bn.. �_� <br /> _ __T . • ��7�T���F.A�L�-�� � . � � - <br /> t�M��r-au�.w�w����,,�r.�t���-�x.a c.�> �4"�.i���.�� . <br /> - TE{IS J1DNS"Q'A8�3 EaA?E�i E�1DER iy imado thls 7l�H d�y Qf �7�, 19'� �uad 1�inootpcntai tnzo and�11 <br /> - -- - be doaned W�met►d�nd s�plem�ent tho Mattga�o,L►ocd a��t ot Secutlry L�eed(the"Secntity Jn�Frua�ant")oi tbe nere�o�ivera bp <br /> tLe andex�ip�ed(tDe"Boea�awe�')a wcurs 8oemwvcr's AQjwtabk[tate Nuw(the"Note»)�W — <br /> �11L �L�i�'iAL+!�i1'1'A� <br /> (t6e"tandct')oi�he e�me d�b�ad caverla j tbe ptopeety dtacr[bed ia fhe 3eoutltr 1�um�eat ad iocaoed a� <br /> � �-------=J �4 �a�4�, st`"�i 8i'i�1 Y�3iiiiv� fi= 6680Y � , _ <br /> t�wb/ <br /> `� THB N01'E CONT�IINS PROVISIONS AWOWING FOR CHAlYOES IN THE INTEREBT AATE AND THE <br /> � MnNTHLY PAYMEM: THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE BORROlNER'8 INl'EREBT RATE CAN <br /> ii <br /> CHAMGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM RAT'E THE B�RROW�R NDU81'pAY. <br /> =* . <br /> =;�; ADOITIONAL.00VFI�TANT3.In additlan to the cavenaata andagreementam�de la tbe Secudty Imse�eat,Baaow+er md I,eader <br /> /� Sntlxercovmanta�agieo�a follows: <br /> A WTHtF.4T RATE AND MONTEII.Y PAYMBAIT CHAN(3E4 <br /> Tt�e note provides fa aa Initial intareattataof 5.800 96.'11ie Nota pmvidw facluaaesin��e fntetess <br /> tate and the tmnth►Y P�Y�►ts.�a follaws: <br /> 4. T,N'IY�REfi'f RATB AND idiONlYiI.Y PAYIVIFNT CHA�NOFS . <br /> - (A)C�e Dates <br /> � .; ,.� . Tde iatenstrate I wlll pay may ch�age on the&st day of � ,19 95 .and onthatdayavery 6th month <br /> � �.,',.t,.., . <br /> „ WereatTcr.Fach date on which my interestrate coWdcL�age is catteda"ChiageDate:' <br /> . :;+.:....: :... ..: (B) ihe Index <br /> :.;�,�, ''y'`• Begitmingwtth thc fitstclwnga interr.sttnte wIU be basedon aa Iadxx.11ie"Iadwc"is the weekly auctlofl averaga <br /> ���'' , .� (inveat�nt)aa 6month ae�suc�►bills�es m�de svnt'f�ble by the Federal Raserve Boaid.11ie most re�xnt iadex fignre svailtble�a oitho <br /> � r 4" ' .� <br /> �i'�u''�;rf�i�`• , due 43 days before eachClvagE DSts ts called the"C�ntlndex." <br /> �,.:..�;. <br /> �:.;'.;;j�r'<`�:r:ti.,;;��'� 1f iha indes ls no Iongeravaila6Ye,thc Nou Holder wW chuose a new index tvhich is b�ed upm companbleiafoimadon.11�e Note <br /> �,. .. ; r.t,����,,.. ose <br /> .,.°:a��.��t,��t��{,� . Y� Holdetwlll give me noflceof Wis choise. <br /> �.�N r- = (G� Calcu4tionof C�nges ]ITD 'D�ffi(� <br /> -` ,� ,. '�,,�,'; .° BcfomoacjtCltangcDxic.inGi�fotcHvl�w�li�ilvuLit��y�icwl�te�.it�x5c�a�i�B t,e�gif�( 3.�'l5?.s'3 ° ° <br /> •.,- .:�� � to the Cun�eat Iade�c.'ll�e Nou Holdep aW th�n nound tho nsult of thls addidon w thc nearest one�eighthof one pGrceatage poiat <br /> y ,. uaea <br /> `p.°- � (0.12396).Subject to thc llmits stated in Sectton 4(D)below.this m�mde�l amouat w1U be my new interrst rate�mtil 1he aestChange Date. <br /> � :."� �.''� 'Iho Note Holder wiAl qfifiendetetaodne the amountaf the raonthlY I�Y�ent t6atwould be suffiatentw�ay rtLs u�dpr3acip4l that I . <br /> �:��'.:-: . . am axpoetedto owe at the�ungo�au in full on the�uaturtty dau at my new fnte�st ratc in sub�taadallY�PaYa►eatg.lbe resultof � <br />- t,r ;.,,.;;,;��}., tbis ealculzttoawW be the uew emount af my monthlY PaYm��- '° <br /> . 'r. , :Z�z;t`•.�i �• �� ��S OII lIItCIC3L RBtC�$C5 ° <br /> , ��''::,. i F^f_ <br /> . .,.�,,:� ',.,��:;.,:.�,1. , �. <br /> . " .... ,`,,.. .. 11ie intet+estrate I am nquired to pay at the ftrst Chaage Date will not be gt+eaterthan 6.250 Yb or les9 thaa 4.750 9�.Z!►a+a �1 - <br /> ' after.a�Y iatenest rata wlll never be iacreased or decrease�on aay sIngle Chaage Datc by more than 3/8 perceataga pointa�0.7S09f) .�. <br /> ' . . fi o m t h e e a t e o f i a t e n s t I h ave b e e n pa y i ng f o r t he p i e c e d i ng s i x mon t h 4.My i n t c r e s t e s u w W n e v e r b e g r e a t e r t h c a 1 0.S O�i. �.�,. <br /> .. . (� FSeetive Dau of Chaages �.;,: <br /> : ,, . ' ' My aew int,ensttate wW become cffecdve on each Change BaYe.I will pay the amonat of my new mamthlY paymeat ir��niag oa the �.�� <br /> „ fi�st monW1Y PaYment date eftarthe Chaage Date unW We emouat of my manzhly payment changesagatn. -- <br /> , , (E�Notiee of Chaages �j�� <br /> '�e Nota Holder wW deliver or ma�l to me a aotiax of any cheages in my inlcn;st rate and the amount of my montWy�aymeat befon <br />�,. ' :;;.,�� ;;',i;s.; tho effudve date of any change.lLe notice will include infmmntiaa m.quired by law to be given me and also the tttle aad tciephone <br /> � • :•. '::`�.�'; � number of a person who wUi aaswer any quesdon I may hnve regarding the noflce. <br /> . 'r�`�'�.i,; ., <br /> � •;�}}�, B. 1RANSFFR OF'li�PROPFRTY OR A BENFFiCIAL,IM'FREST IN HORROWFR :. <br /> . :t. ''� <br /> .��;. ' �' . . LJaifomn Covenant 17 of the Soc�uIey 1a�uument is ameaded w read as follows: <br /> � . T'ranafer of the property or a bant$aial interest in botmwer.If all or any pact of tha propetty or any interest in it is sold or uaasfemd <br /> • ' , (or if a beneflcial iaterest in Borrower•Is sold or tRn.gfernd aad S�nowcr is not a naun�al peeson)without L�cnder's prlor wrttten consent, <br /> ; Lender mtry,at its opdon,tequire immedtate puyment in fWl of a19 suQns secured by this Securiry Ia�ttumen�Lender also s?nall not exee+cise <br /> .� thts ogtiva If:(a)Boaowet causes to be submiued to L�eadet info�on t+equited by Leader to evaluate the iatended Kansf�ree as if a new <br /> � loan ware being made w the transPeree;and(b)Lender reasanably detetmiaes that Leadet's security will aot be uq�aind by the loaa <br /> assumgiloa wd Wat the rlsk of a btrech of any covenantor agreement in thL4 Secutity Iastmm�xn�is acceptable eo L.eader. <br /> __ �.. . �l�r,, To We exant peemiaed by applic�blc law,L�eteder may chargc a reasonable fee os a condidoa to Lcnder's cc�ansent to the�oan <br /> . ;:, se <br /> � c . ' `,,,. at�mpdon.Lender may also require tbi�rtr,an.�feree to sign an a�p8on ngreement that is acceptable w i.eadet end that obligates the <br /> '�. ''4��' te�nsfene to ka nll the oad a <br /> �. P P��� S�ment4 made in the Noie and ia Wis Secutity Instmm�ea�Bonowet wiU candnue w be <br /> t " obligated tmder the Note ond this SecurIry Insttument unless Ccader releases Bon+ower in wrtdng. <br /> If Leader exercises the opdon to t+equire immedI�te payment in fiill,Lreader shaill give Borcower nodoe of acceleradon.'Ihe aotioe <br /> � shnA grw3rle n pedod of aot less thaa 30 days ftom tlea date the notice is dellvered or mniled within whfch Borrnwer must pay all sums I,, <br /> � ,. ' secnred try Phia Seeurlty InstcumenG If Battowet fails to pa�y thesc svms prior to We ea�piration of t6Ls pedod,L,ender muy iavoke aay �- -- <br /> _ ! remedles pemnittr.d by this Securiry Iastcumene without firc�her aotIce or demnnd on Born�wen � <br /> . BY SIaNINO BELA Bonower accepts ead agetics w the teems and covenaats containai in this Adf ugtabie Rnte Rider. ; <br /> •7 ' t (Seaq (Sea11 <br /> _e�� _e�� <br /> � - (Seel� (Sen�) , <br /> � ' -ea�ow�r -emoww <br />°� � � /sig„o.�r��o,�ty! <br /> . ; <br /> , <br /> , " � MULTISTATE ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDEFt-ARM 6-2-Singte Family- j <br /> ' . Fannfs Mas/Freddie Mac UnHorm insuumont Fonn 3111/3/85 EG3033(REV 03/83) <br /> .. �. <br /> � <br /> . <br />