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<br /> - �owErc o� A���rra�r•:x . ..
<br /> KNOW AI,L M�N HY THESE PRES�NTS, that I� ths underefgn�d,
<br /> - i�9ABEL RANK, �f. Grand ielur►d, HAl'1 County, iveb�raska� have ma�,
<br /> constituted au�►d appointed r�d by �heae prasents do make, aon°
<br /> ;.�__�T��, stitute and appoint my son, KENN�TH E. RAt�K, of Grend Islan�,
<br /> - Hall County, NebraskA, my true ausd lawful Attaxney in tdct, for
<br /> _ me and in my name, and to my use, to recei.ve ail monies thAt _ ,
<br /> might be owing to me, ta ex�ter my safe depo$it box, to mAke
<br /> `" �• deposits and withdraw�l,� �rom my savinga aaaount, to mt�llce
<br />� deposits and writ� ch�oka o�i my checki.r�g aacount, to endozse
<br /> }�a ChHCks qf all kinds, to redeem certf�icates of deposit, all �
<br /> �, , typss of t�onds, includinq all .qovernmenti obliqations, ta invest
<br /> �'�;i fun�is belonginq to me accozdiag 1:o hts best judgtt�ent an8 dis-
<br />"� � cretiont ta exeeute aontracts, leaseg and ger�erally managR any -
<br /> � . �� real and personal proper�yj to se11 and convey any of my per-
<br /> sonal.property and any real property which i may owa or in which
<br /> � i may own an iatea+est, includfng but not limite8 ta the real
<br /> � pro�rty do�cribed as: . -_
<br /> •� Lot 3ix (6), of Jones Additfon to the City of Graad Islan�,
<br /> �,.�. . �all County, Nebraskaj .
<br /> � . and in connectinn wi�h such sales, to execute deeds, bitls of
<br /> v��:::' ;��`;; �`y:' sale, and do ariy and all,other things necessary or inoideatal
<br /> .ti .,'.�. ;;.:�;, to t3ae sale of any o� my propertyj to collect acaounts receiv-
<br /> +�..;��-:�r��-y able and pay creditors; to receive rents and all other fux�ds,
<br /> � � A"� � ''•'��*' 'F � �O execute and si in behalf all le al documents needed in•
<br /> . ��:�"�'�;'.�}�.�... i-•„r 9n mY g L
<br /> s:�,-.t,,'�'v� �;� the managemen� of my affairs, including the execution and siqn
<br /> � ';��i�';�. ' ing og federal and state income tax returns, estimates and
<br /> _ �.. -.- dec2arations; to sgsc�.f��a].ly ea��r�A a]:i government checks.
<br /> - �, ._: ;,�3, ; .- _
<br /> . . �. „ �: drafts for Social Secur3ty benefits and insurance and Medicare
<br /> �'��:: ° ��"'' +.' ' bene£its, or intexest payments due �to me, and to manage my
<br /> ' . .. � " � ' pzop�r�y in every respect; to secure a:rd provide £or me any
<br /> _ _._ meda:�al care or treatment, hospital or skilLed-care%nursinq �
<br /> � �� ���� home care and treatment, as may be ne�ded by me in the sound
<br /> - � � discs�etfon of my Atto�n�y in Factf hereby givinq unto my Attorney
<br />- '�� ' ' �� �' in Faa� full authority and power to do everything requisite or
<br />��.. , ,.,.�;,,.1�..., ::. necessary to be done in the handling, conserving and managemRnt � -.
<br /> : ..�����;,�;�;;ti:,! � of my affafrs and estate as fully as I co�ld or might do psrsonally,
<br /> �` � � .,�� hereby confirming and ratifying all that my said Atto�ey in Fact
<br /> _ •• �- shall lawfu�.ly da or cause to be done hereunder, with this Power _
<br /> " „ ;.� .� of Attorney to remaia i�n fu1.1 force and effec� wnti.l modified or �:__
<br /> , revoked in writinq. �his Powar of Attvrney shall not be affected �;_-..
<br /> _ � , in any manner by my disability, i.t being my iretention that the -__
<br /> " '� . authority conferred by the terms of this Pow�er of Attorney sha�l �--.
<br /> ; � , be exercisable notwithstanding any disabflity or incapacity on ��==
<br /> �: :su�.�. �., . .
<br /> � mY Part. •.---
<br /> _ ,.� •�',,:
<br /> ,, ; ,.„.,:,
<br /> '����•�� WITNESS my hand this ��_ day of � , 1989.
<br /> , . - ��,..� .
<br /> , �,t� ,.
<br /> , ,r' .
<br />-.I. �,.«=.. ' ��2.��1.Q.K� ��GLV� .;
<br />-�• „ �� MAB�L RANK
<br />_� ; ..
<br /> 'j � „ STATE OF NEBRASKA ) t�
<br /> _ . � ss.
<br /> -, ��;' " „ ' COUNTY OF HALL I
<br /> i
<br /> �� On this � day of , 1989, IaeEore me, the '
<br /> �� undersiqned Notary Public, er onally came MABEL RANK, to �e
<br /> ` � known to be the identical er on whose name is subscr3bed to �
<br /> �he foregoinq i.nstrument and acknowledged the execution thereof
<br /> ` ., to Be her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> �- ,` � k� WITNES� my hand and notarial seal the day year first �
<br /> � set ft3rth ��dV�. �
<br /> � .. �" I .
<br /> � � , Not Pu c !
<br /> � . I
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