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<br /> --- ' �'4''.�„Q���l1�i�r RE•RECaRD�`C'��t•�Q:�l1`�i�
<br /> --- -- {. ��MlMI Q��rM.LrnWr ly Mnby a�4pn�0�tl comp�nwUOn.�rarAf. �M�pM��d o�ha payrt�nq or relld lMrsiTlnr"PraNd�"l�n tonn�etlon rntA
<br /> �T� tOnd�infµti0t1WP11qtbklnp6ithlpropftty0fpiqiMfMf.orforconri�l�nalntl�uotto.�tdamnxtlon.lend�►�MIID�enUttedNlt�opttpntocomnNnc�.���In1u�0
<br /> - -- - profecul�tn�nownnrm��nyacttonorprott�dlnps,t11d�111�1lIfOb��RtqIWtOOqkr4flYCCf00f0111iMOrNpNTM1inC00MGtlOtlwiUltYC�l�tfnpM0�11UQlntn���
<br /> -- �,-r-�•,...� aor�M any patlon o1 tiul�wqily is so Ui�vn q�dartt�p�d.L�rxh�shail hsr�Sh�opiiuo.iu Iti GBt�:+sd atr:oivt0 tl�roPAn.to 6�tQty GU tutfi PtOCCdO.11t�►AeAutling `_ ---
<br /> �.,•� *� . 2 th�»lromalteoatimOap�nspinCUt��dbylUneonnachonw�tDtuoDOrocetds.uponanyinGaOttdnea�eeeurQa�u�hyandmwcAOrQpaa6mdumay4�t�rmin�.ortp _
<br /> appty au�veh Pross�af.ana wch aeducuan�,m tha roatorm�on ol tne Prope�ty upon aueh eonauion�aa Lone�r may datermme Any�ppta�pen o�Drac�eAf to �!�v�=='=:"`:`__ =c_+T .
<br /> �''° ' " �i tnd�EtidMU ah�ll rtotut�n0 or poftpon�tht qu�qst�ot�ny Aayment�undu ths Nota.or curo anydefaull thfrwnder ar�orounCm ��R.-.;.,_ -- - �•- ��
<br /> ,.,�y��i�.. ,...;;:y:'rr T. h�iatn�MKNyIMtN.tnth�wsn1o18arrowsr'�IUluntuperterm�nyofthecovsnmteh�mnarmnte�nypaymmt�nQu�rtOhu�bY.artl�nyacl�flahanor � ' �!��::.x.:�::
<br /> ,�:?_r;=,:r ;t;;r,� f�IproCad�repCO�+�naMwhKbmabnsityllbW�LtnOtY�u�tusstintn�Dro�rq.LanCam�yfmpownd�tcnl�on.butwdnpuloDl�pat�onto0ow.snOwfiDOUlrtopc� _�� __��`_�---
<br /> '�'"'"-%�'" �" "�'�T tO0JOp11�11dYQODBpttOwp�00W11h0utt�i�ft�npQOttOw�ift0(II�ny001tQthO11,C0�0ySCtwhiChth�00itOW�iht�tQtNQOuU�t1ltOCOtOAT�ylItO00tfly01t111/tCiA •-n��=—=-__
<br /> � GaYmsMta��rytoprolectlh�aocurUyn�reot.8orrowuahdl.�mm�Citteryupondem�nathorNarbylanEer.p�ytoLanGerallcott�and�wpen���ecurr�OanOtums ER°=:-.�,;.-,n.-,.___ __
<br /> �;,^ �;' �apud�dbyl�n0�r�nconn�cuonwitntn�fx�rc4�bylend�rotl��tOrspofr�prlphb.toyotDawuh/nttrastiMteontltM��t�provttltQlnlh�Not�.MMRbihRllG�atldsOto ���E:•,Y�•
<br /> :. �'''� ,
<br /> �' tM tnd�bt�dnatt tsCUred hu�0y l�nQ�t��att not�ncur�ny penonalluDfldy bacause o)�nyM�np�t may do or om�t t0 Qo huaunAn - --
<br /> .. � . :;S�h. .---q"[:_ .
<br /> ' 0 Gc:r.a of QtkutL T�s foHornnfl cholt consluato nn mra+�of deleWt under m�e Oaed ol T�uat. • . • . :r!F�(..
<br /> ' ': �.+ ."`^ ,•,:•`s� ~ p) ft�Iw�topayanymst�lim�n/oipnncipalonnlerutoranyotneraumaecureQnaroDywrtertOw.orladuntopaywhsndu��nYO��o:�oQebtedno»of u '-°���Am��'
<br /> ,. . eauow�r tol.�nd�a !�r'� �
<br /> _ ,. ._. _ :_�!.�'��.
<br /> � t0) A Oreacn ot or Cetaull unaor sny provwon eonta�aea�n tho Note,en�a Dae4 of Trus�.eny doeumont wh�ch socuran tnq Plo�e.en0 anV ot�er .
<br /> � ., �rtcumDqnt�upon M�Propurty. • , . ' ` ' , •
<br /> �
<br /> , . (e) AwritotaRStutiona+�ttae�mentoranys�mda�procoesehallDeontoredega�nst8orrowarwh�chahallDecomoal�8nonlrtqPropartyoranyOOrUOn
<br /> � � tOSrso10+I�termt t�n�in: '
<br /> � (a� Tt►er�tfliU oe hled Oy or agamft Bmrower an nct�on under any Drexnl or lutwe fedoral.3tate or othor�tatuta,ttw or reputaUOn retntmp to "; �
<br /> � p�ntruptty.InwlwnryolotMrrotiellorGemore,mtbereahaltbe�ppomtaOanyUuatee.receweroniqmtlatorof8orwwerorofUlman�rDailaliheP�oporry.or •• ,
<br /> /� � " � , �. tn�unts.�swes or prol�t�tntreol.or 8orrower ehall mako any Qonarol ass�4nment lo►tha benaht ol eretlitard . '�'•
<br /> (�� Th�p��.tansfet,acfignment.Comeysnce ot turihor oneumDrance ol atl or any patt ot or Any mtBrest m 1�o Drupprty.ort�or rolunUniy or ��f,;•
<br /> , � Invo tun t an h.wrt hou l l Ra aap r qaa wrrt t a n c o n s e n t o t 4 o n d a r
<br /> '� �� �� (q Il9wrawarlanolanmqirltlual,th06s1e.irenafar.855�gnmOnt.COnvByancoorencumOmncaolmmol�nn�percentatptacorpe�aUan►its
<br /> usutAuMo�sWT�ndmg atock ot pf p putnarompi--De+eent al pertnersh�pmteresu
<br /> B R�Acesi�qilODUaOf�Qtttql6UihoerenlolanyErentolOetauttlandcrmaydeclaras�tmde0tedresssecuredharebytobeduoao0p�y�DleanOMe . ;!"��
<br /> ; sime sANI lAtrtupen bQCDme Ouo and p+�yable wdbout any presentment,dem8n0.protest or notiGO ol any kmd Thproafrer lo�fler mey. Gf�•�
<br /> ,`-y,,.}.
<br /> r " (a) Oam�nOthetTivateeerereisetnePOWEROFSAtEgrantadberoin.endTmsteeahau�hereafeercause8oarower'slntereatmtnaPropartyto00atd '���j,•' ';
<br /> ' ., , ertd ttq proteEOS to 00 C�striDUteA.all m the mannet prov�da0��tAa Nebraaka Truat pea0a Aet. � . ,
<br /> ^ (0) Elther m peraon or by agen4 wrth ot w�thout bnnn�ng any aUmn or proceetlmg,or DY a�ecener appomteA by a coun 9nQ wdhout rogard to lhe i ��• , ; s��
<br /> adequaeyofUS6eeunly.enteruponandtehepoSSessionott�e�aparty.oranypartt�ereol.�n�taoHnnameOr�ntnenamoatlheTrustoe.anddot+ny8ctew��ch + l,�'�;
<br /> ` � it deems nteesanry or dei�abte to preserre the vatue,marAetadbty or rantaDibly ot the Property or paq thereot or�Merent tberem.mcteas81tf9 meom9 •'C�.1�.
<br /> therefromorproleettRBeacuntyhereotanO.wdlforwdhouttaMtnyposseaaionotthBProperty.suofororolherw�a9coQecllh9ronta.�s8uesandprahtBltMreol. � �r.1�.�;•��' �
<br /> IntluOmgthosepaatCueenOunpa�C.andapptytbeaeme.tesscqslsandexpensesotoperatannnaeollecponmUutlmgnttornoys'Ieos.uponOnymOebteancss ,_ ,,.ct.:,,,,,'
<br /> ' � 68CUrod hereby,all m sue�order�s lendet may datermme Tn�enterm�upon and tek�ng possesswn ot Ine Propeay.the colloct�on a1 such�eme.�sS�ASO�� �,;;; . ,
<br /> ptotdsanGt�oappbattontAe�oolaealore5aid.sha0noteureorpaweanydelauuornot�ceoldefau8naceuntlorarmvahCateanyactdo�e�araspon50toauCh f"'.t;, �'�?�
<br /> tlalautt ot putauiM l0 6uch mtico ol Gotault en0.notunthstand�ng the conUnuence m possossion o�Ibe Vruperty or tde colteCUOn.rece�pt and eppl:CaAOn pl ;,;,�f�.• . , ' i
<br /> ' ,� ronis.�SSUMOr protds.Trustoo ot Lendar ehatl ba em�tlaA toexerc�ao avery ng�t pror�0ed lo�m any ul the loan�nst�umenls or by law upon occurprtze,cAany r�ti,?. '• • v�:� r
<br /> . ' r�,.:+;'� erento!deUult,mCludmg tne ngM toexercisa tha power ol�ata.and
<br /> �: ; ,;���t�:.:;-:
<br /> • �:''.:i��� (C) Commenca ttn actioo to forectase this Deed ot Truat es a mortgaga.appoint a recerver.ui ipocd�catty ontorca any ol ihu covenants ner�pl. . . �•-f:,:���
<br /> ., '•'r�;:... �j•
<br /> � NO�BmtOy�tfel�CONert@OupOno��efe►v@CtOTrubtBBOtL¢OtlCnS�nlendeClobeexduSrveOlanyot�etremeUyheremo�Dy�ewOrovqftdOrpe�md�etl,GuteaCnsnOUtro �_'��y�
<br /> _ _ t�u}gpy�,,a�,an�w m�ddrt�on to uvory other remedy piven hareuntler or now o�heroaltdr e■�stmg at�nw o�m eqwty or by stetuto.an0 may be eae�c�sed coneurremty. ��� �•
<br /> � ;� fndayonaenpyorsucceas�vety .
<br /> �i,• t �_.�
<br /> '" 10 Truefe�.Tna Truftee may reagnat any arno w�lhoue cause ano lonaer may ai any hmu anu w�inou�cause appo�m a succossor or subst��ute Trustee�rusiee `�
<br /> � i+�'
<br /> � - 'rr��•'• 6hY11 f101 D!ItaGE 10i�Oy(0130f 00Ma�0 Uf1185L dUB t0 QC�tOpdhlB fl@g1�8tllIC@ Ot Wdllul m�5CO00uCL�t�f7 ShdU t10�bd IQUWteG t0 idke 011y DC1101�ul CO�OBU�011 W�LR1b0 }1
<br /> � . ���;`" enlotcemCnt 011h�i Oeed ol Ttust un1eS!mAemmhed.m wntmg.lor al�tasls.compensaUan or @xpnnsos whith may De 8asuuated t�erewd� In aQdihon.Ttu6tee may ` .�
<br /> �!- �.,ri, -' bBCpmlipurCfalOrat�nysalaa�thePropOrtyqutliciatorunqerthopo�reioflategruntaOhere�m.postponethesateofallpranypaUOnulthoprop0rty.asprowde04ybw. ... .
<br /> ;�•'� ��� or aell the Prapedy ae a�wbote,or�n eeparare parcets or tota ��. '
<br /> �:_'.;,:..�, r;� ' . f7�•�
<br /> �•.'�•• ``;%+�''� It. RYtYt�Adri�lCM.UpOa r8qu851 Of BO�rowe�.Lendor may.at rts OpUOn.maYO adtlAronal an0[ulutv advanceS ond�eadvancos to 80r�OWCt Such advanCB�BnC .
<br /> . ',':.'�'
<br /> �'�,�5�t�;• reaOvanC60.w�1D mtetost Ih8�8on.shall be sCCUreO by lbm Deed of Trust At no t�me shall fhe Wmc�pa�amouM N tno mtleb�edansa se/pured by th�s Dead o1 Tru6t.not m• ���'� , �+
<br /> � .� etudingsumsadvance0to0+o�eGthosacuntyotlh�e0ee0otTrua�.exceedtheongma�vnnc�pa�amounesta�nOhorem_o�t nt a .-- - .wh�theve��9 �' f�� ,��
<br /> - � 9rcater j .. , '�
<br /> . 12. MIKSlb+MOUS Vro�blons. E
<br /> a', , ., . �
<br /> = t i' � (a► 8oamrN NOt Rtittted.Hxtonswn ol the Umo lor payment ar modd�catbn ot amuiUtatan ot the suma secured by 1�i6 Oeed of Trutt grpnte4 Oy I '"�� _
<br /> �. LOndOt toany auceessor m mtewst ol Borrower shall not operate to reiease.�n any mannei.the�iabildy ol tho ongmal florrower nn0 8orrower's auecCaao�s m C s �;�
<br /> _ IntCresl t.lntlerbhal►notberequire4toCOmmeneoproceedmgsogamatsuchsucceasororrefusatueatenahmoto�paymantorothorw�samod�lyamortital�on I -
<br /> i•��� �� • ot t1�9 tum3 B@CUreO Oy th�a OeeG ot Trost by reason of any Onmands ma0o Gy fhe m�gmal 8orwwer ana 8o�rowe�'s succusaors m mtorust •
<br /> ' ii. .. l ,..',
<br /> {b) LendN�Vo�ren.WdDOUta1f0U�ngIbBUeb���tyotanyothmpersonliablB�orthopaymentolanyobhgnt�onherainmenUOOOd.anCwrth0uta11eCUng � ',"
<br /> - �1 l�e Ufn ortnargaol tMn Daed ol Truat upon any port�on al tho Properly not fnun o�t�eretoturo�eleasod as sewrdy tor 1hu hdl emount ot au unpa�0obl�gadons.
<br /> ' t `` �� L@1f00f T�y,ItOrt1 Urt�O t0 Ut11B 8n0 w�ihOUl nOUCB(�)te1BeS08ny pBt60n SO Iiab10.ln)@�t@ntl th6 mBtUnty ot Ulie�0ny Ot thOldttnS Ot Uny Suth Od��2Uptri,(�a)
<br /> �� -� ypntotAlnndulgenCe9.1�r�Ieleas8orreconvey.oreausotObereleaaeGOrrewnveye0alanyumoatlontlersupl�unyanypa�ce�.po�honoro�IqltnOPropCtty. I .
<br /> � (v)NkOM��loaeetnyOtherorntld�bonal6eeuntyloranyo0hgatanheremmonuoned.orl•�►mawecompoaiUOnsorothuiarrangumontawdbdebto�smrolalipn � . _
<br /> irk��� • " tneroto '
<br /> ; ,�;,•.;;;;. . ,
<br /> ,?;!•����:,�� tct fo�eannc.br�.naKNot•wa11N�.A0ylOtbCB�enC9byLBnd¢tu1@RetttS�ngenynghtorrOmadyOOreu�CB�.OtOthBtw�5eUI10�CBO0yQppliCObIP c��;
<br /> .1r�•�;.L " .
<br />- .S':.•°�. Iaw.tnallnotbeawaurBrotorpreetuOeMOexeruseofenysuchngntorremeuy Theprowmroeniolmsurenceoithopaymentotta+esorotherUCnsorcht+g8s 't•r
<br /> � - by LBnQOt thOli not 00 4 w�nOr ol LBnder's nght to eecelorate the matunty at tne m0ebte0ness aeewed by tms Oeed ot Tru�t i �``_� -
<br /> � (C) Bueettlo»�nd AsWpns Sound:Jotnt and 8wen1 LI�bIt►y;GAtlOnO.Tho Govenants and 9grOemunte�orOm COntB�nOd Sh1��b�nd 0nd 11M ngTtt i
<br /> ' ° �� heroundsrtAall inure to.the respeebva 6uetesaors and ass�gna ol LenOer ano 8otrowe�.aub�ect to the prov�swna of paragraph 8(o)he�eol AII eoveaaniti aod . .
<br /> ugrCOmBntaolBDrrower6halibe�oiMand6overat ThecapdonsandheaGmgsolthoparagrepbsottbisOeeAOiTrustaroforconven�oncronlyontlptflno�robe ;
<br /> � uSCt!t0 tntErPlnl u�Ont�un�a ywv�e�o��s 6e�cut • �
<br /> I .
<br />_ I� J (d{ Rlqu�fltOf�lOUeH.ihBpert�eahe�ebyrequosttherecopyofanynoticeoldoleuqDe�euMUerandecopyofanynotaoote8lohereunderD¢m�dedio
<br /> , . { BacDpaitytOth�60eadolTruatattheeddre6saeUoN�nEaveinthemannerprosa�DedbyaDP��tabteiaw E■ceptloranyothornopce�equuWunOeroDPt�cabte i
<br /> I.�- , ) �awto be pwe�m anothor m�nner,any not�eo providoG lor�n th�s Oeud ot Trust shan be gwen by mad�ng such nouce Ey cert�l�ed maA edd�ofeod�O tnt•other �
<br />•-t, paraef.at tho addreas aet lorth ebore � � '
<br /> . � ,_ Any notoee provMed lor tn tht�Oeed ot Trual nhali ba deemed to havo Deen grven to Borrower o�lender wneo g�ven m tho mannor de�ignata0 nero:o i
<br /> , ,} .:�„:`; p� Ies�ctbn.lendermeymakoorcausotobomadareawnableenlnesuponantlmsD�ueneotf�oVroperty.pro��deOtAatlen6erel+ellgne8arowe�
<br />_-��� , 'i�.,'� .'•'�,'`c.'::��.':s�;.�t notlp prlot to any 6ue�mspachon speafymg reaaona0lo c�use theretor relatod to LenQer's�aereat m tho Property �,5 _
<br />=�,1 ., r�..�•;. ..�i�.:>':':S;.�S
<br /> t-?�;.,�•�_� (g) Q�CpltWytllp.UpOnpLymB�tOteIl6UT36OGUrBdbylh��DBe001Tru91.1@aQet9helltequ@stTtu6t@OtOtCGO�vOyth@PropRtIyO�CH�s�t9UffOndO� �
<br /> thlsDta0olTruatan0a11notesev�0enc�np�ndebtodnosssocure0byt�1e0eodWirui/toTrustooTruateeahnllrteeonvoythePropO„yvatfqwtwarr�nysnd �
<br /> i • wftrout cAarge to t�o penon or portons tegafly entdtad theroto Sucb person ar�arsona eT�alt pay all coats ot racordution.�t anp i
<br /> (h) pa�pn�l►rppMty�i�CttdtrApnprKM.�►sadditlonat88euntytorthoyaymentottneNotoallhxturee.equ�pmeM.endotRfrptKOnalOroperHusad
<br /> att
<br /> �n eonnoct�onw�th tne realaetatew�mprovementa located tnareon.an�nof otherwnse decla�e0nr deamed to 0o a part ot tno raal oeta e[acured neroby.ana11 bir
<br /> �;. suD�oCtto�6eCUntylntBreattnfaJorolihoLOnderundP�t�qNehraakoUndormCommare�alCoOft Th�s�nstrumnntshaliboeonslru[qasaSeeuntyAgreement •
<br /> under satdCoGe.nnd Iho Lendor shall�are ull Ma n8hta and remeAfosot n snCUrodperty urtKCr sa�tl CoCo�n addn�on to tho nqi��an;�eme0�escreatetl unoer
<br /> S_ . 7 , and eceordcsd fho lender Durau�m to th�a O000 ot Trost .
<br /> .;:.;ti Y (�) $l1NONY1y.�OtIMOV6ntthOtE�yptOn90t1011M{OQOOOfT�uStCOn111CiWith00P��CaDIO18wOr9rodOU0tedtnvOUdOrOihQrm49unent0�CO0010.suCh
<br /> _,_ . u�.......w....�u..�....�wr...e�mnr.�uv.anntnthn . .
<br />.,,sv� .... ...."'�. -'--.�_.
<br /> ��'1� con111etorinvanmryanannotatreamaomarproaa�u��e.+�.��=o.�oo..w....e......A.:r.:a:...a:...:=a.,-s.^'--r:=..__.......__....--- - - -, -
<br /> ;:,.� 1 �sne tbo Drovlatons ol Mo Dend ot Trust ana�he Note ere deciarea to Do snverabto ,
<br /> .'��• � �� � " ' Bortower bas ececu[eo tMS Dead o�Trust tho date wntton abova 7 � �
<br /> _ ;`�i:, �i�~ '�— /�� �
<br /> � ,,d, . � .!�..�'� .,_,_ _� — ------- �
<br /> . TheOd4Y�e J� RObb eo`�o���� �'+�dd i�obb
<br /> A Single Person
<br /> ]� • Borrower
<br />_�i ..
<br /> :f.�� �
<br /> .. ;
<br /> ; � . :t,. . , ,
<br />- , ��' �
<br /> , � ' � � ' �
<br /> . .. f
<br />