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<br /> jifr;.� _
<br /> -- -___---- _ - - —- -. _ - -- --- -- -r-
<br /> Pnt(t[cm S
<br /> � USUA•FtinliA � � ���
<br /> Form t�mHA�27•l NH 9,U����
<br /> (Rev.�•90) �
<br /> A6:A1.E9TATF:MOB'1'C:AGF;6'qt�Ni�:f�itA:iKA
<br /> -- —---� 'CliiS MOit'CUA(iL(s made�nd cntcrad Intn 6Y�4A,3� �'��Rr����A� �11►iA� � _---- -
<br /> _.�s..::�T �t�*•LIV,A,Li,_ELuahatid�.and�Li�. _� _ ._ �
<br /> cc�Idfing in HaT.T, ,,,.._Councy,Ne6ralc�,whose po�t ofl�co addross f�
<br /> - � _.v _��,�2 �e_ auAnY� HT+'� �an. nn�TE�Ei�r **� � .Nebr�uka GJifL?3.._,
<br /> - heretn called"Borrower;'and the Unitcd Statc�of Amcdca,nating through the Fnrmccs Homc Administntdon.UnIced Statei
<br /> Departmonc of Agc�culwra,hereio caUed tha"Government"s
<br />- WHBRBAS Borrowtr la indebtcd to the Govcrnmonc,as ovidcnced by onc or more promiasory nate(a)or�isumption
<br /> -, _ Agreontent(a)or any shared appreciadon or recaptuce agreement,hureln cnlled"note,"whieh hne been�xecuted by Borrower,
<br /> ia payabla to tha order of the Government,nuthodz��acceleradon of the entirc indebtedncna At the optton of the 4ovesn- —
<br /> " ment upon any default by Borrower�and i:dc:cttbed as followa:
<br /> _--- �----� - � A�mua!Rete Due Date of Ftnal �
<br /> Dnre of Intlruma�t PrlactpatArnount o Int�reat I►rstaUmeat
<br />-- - - -- June is, 1994 $48,32�.�Q 3.75� June 1S , 1999
<br /> ; '
<br /> �«�::. _
<br />,,r ��il�;��
<br /> . �,,,
<br /> ' R
<br /> •�'�, _ , (The interest rata for dimited•resourse farm n�vnershlp or fimited resovree operadnyt loan(s)aecured by this instrument = _
<br /> °
<br /> ^•F-� may bo iacnased as provlded in the 6anmsrs Homa Aclminiatratton�eguladona and the note.)
<br /> _ �''z� And.ttat+noto evidencea a ldr,at 4r►_lRarrrnver,ard the Covemmont,at an time.ma assign the note and insum the a
<br /> " �,��"i7� ment thereaf pursuant to the Qon:olidatad farm and Rural I?evelopment Aci or Ticle V of tha Housing Act of�949 or any
<br /> ,':� uthor statutc adminiatcrcd byt thb Fermeta Home Admitiistration.
<br /> And it is tho purppse and intent of thia instrument that.among other things,at all cimes whan tha note is hcld by ehc —
<br /> �,. " Govornment, or In the event the Government should assign thia instrument without inauranae of tha nocc, thSe fnctrumont ----
<br /> - ahall seeure paytnent of the notao but when thc note ia 6eld by an insured holdcr,thie inetrumenc shall not secu�e pay�nnnt
<br /> of the note or attnch to the debt evfdenced thereby.but as to the note and such debt shall coasticute an indamnity mortgage
<br /> to aeeure the Government aga�net loss under ics inaurance contract by reaaon of any default by liorrowert "-"
<br />-- And thia inauument also secures thc recapture of any in tcrest credit or subaidy whieh may be�antcd to the Borcowcr =-_-
<br /> , by the Coverament pureuant to 42 U.S.C. �1490a,or any amounts due uader any Sharcd Appreciatlon Agrecmcnt/Recap• _-__
<br />_ ture Agreement enteced into pursuant to 7 U.S.C.200L i____
<br /> - NOW�THLRfiFORE,in contideratlon of the loan(sj and(a)at all times when tlie notc is hcld�y thc Govcrnmcnt,or --
<br /> in the event the Government ehould assign thia inacrument without inaurancc of the p�yment of thc notc,to aceure promp� —
<br /> payment of the eote and any rcnewals and extensions thcrcof and any agrcements contained thcrein,including any provision �
<br /> for the payment of an insurance or othcr eharge,(b) at aIl timca when thc note is hcld by an insured holdcr,to sccure per• �'}�
<br /> formanco of Donowar's agccemont herein to indemnify and savc harmless tho Goverament against loss under its insurancc };;
<br />= eonaact by reason of any dofault by Borrower.and (c) in any event and at all timus to secum the prompt payment of all )�•
<br />-- advnntea and expenditures made by the Government,with interest,as hereinafter deacribed, and the perFormance of every '���
<br /> " �; � ��' covenant ond ag�eement of Bonower contained hcreln or in any supplemcntary ag�cemont, Borrowcr docs hereby grant. �
<br /> � �;Y':�,:� - :' bar n,sell,conve and assign,with gen.ral warrant ,unto thc Government the foilowin ro ert situatrd in the Statc of
<br /> . „ 6� Y Y F.P P Y
<br /> a
<br /> ra -
<br /> «d
<br /> Bl�. -
<br /> H ,
<br /> �4 Nebraska,County(icsj of .
<br /> - r.
<br />�? ` " The South Half of the Southeaet Quarter (S1/2SE1/4) of Sectinn One (1) , '
<br /> � ���`�x � Townshi.p Nine (9) NortA, Range Nine (9), the North Half of the Southeast
<br /> • '�;�;������ Qua z'te r (N l/2 5�1/4) o f Sec t ion One (1), Towns hip Nine (9) Nor t h, Range .
<br /> '� � ;' Nine (9) and �t�e North Half o� the Northeast Quarter (N1/2NE1/4�Qxcept
<br /> � �
<br /> ��:;�• ' 1��;�� �� �f the East 60 acres thereof and the East Half og the Northwest Quarter :�,
<br /> �;; " , .� (E1/2NW1/4) in Section Thirty-five (35), Towicship Ten (10) Narth, Range �
<br /> �r:v:
<br /> �• " '; r<t,',�;��<<��'�: Nitte (9) Weat of the Six�h P.M., all sub3ect to first l��n��o�`�ret�
<br /> '°�s��i r�'''�' � National Bank & Trust Co in Aurora, NE �m t ev. -90�
<br /> �. ��:: .
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