- _� (;Ris`�?•`'u 'om,•r ,. � ., .. • . -
<br /> =•`�,�'..
<br /> --- �. . .d - ,..
<br /> -� � — . , _ _.. .�__. - - -- --'—'--_-----_- -. . . —
<br /> _ ' ' -s S^ .a�..� __�Ii�t��'��_.
<br /> .�' ' �+., ... ;C r��..a.� -_
<br /> ._.�� ^ ,� — -- °° � ��—
<br /> _'�.__ -.at.._�i_ .. ' — _. .
<br /> _-���,,, � . . 9� �o��:�� , -- -
<br /> aad homeetead exem�tian and any eurviving epouoe�e marital nr dietribu-
<br /> - tive ahare, and all other aontingont righte in and �o eaid pxemise�j arid
<br /> --------w---� A].1 fixturee, imprAVemente, build�.nga, and the plumbiag, heating,
<br />- -..---__-__ -- �
<br /> — veatf.lating and lighting syeteme and equipmen� therei�a� all of� Nhich �
<br /> eha1Z be caaetrued and coneidered se afffxed to and part og the real
<br /> `' esta�e.
<br /> � All of the foregoing eatate, property and intereot her�by conveyed to the _
<br />_`"` aaid Truatee ie hermia�£ter collectively referred to ae the "Proparty." _
<br /> .y�. �,.._
<br />_.�� TO HAVE A1V�? TO HOLD the samo unto the said Truetee, Truetee's suacessare
<br /> and asaigns foxevor, IN TItIIBT HOWBVER and WITH POWER �F 3ALE hereby expresely
<br />�1 , gran�ed unto the eaid Trustee, Trustee'a succeaeora, and aseigne for the
<br /> . purpose of securings .
<br /> . ,� ta) The paymeat of Trustor's just indebtednesa to Beaeficias�/ in the
<br /> '� pri.ncipal sum of Three Iiundxed Seventy-Five Thousand Dollara ($375,000.00)
<br /> , , , ,r .�..,:'; for money borrowed, with intereat thereon, all as evidenaed by and in atriat
<br /> y�"�� accordance with the terms of that certain promiasory note hereinafter called
<br /> ti ,. : ,:��...� p y 1(�;:�
<br /> �,,,. ,
<br /> - � : Che "Note", beariag even date herewith made a able to the order o ____
<br /> �,i."r.�.�---,,:._�..:�'
<br /> � .��%::����;•:+i1• ��� Benef iciary, executed by Lonnie D. Davie, and praviding for the payment o �-_:-
<br /> .��_--.
<br /> �r���� - .
<br /> ;_.,�i'�`�,.�t�Fh�;. eaid �.ndebtednePe�in iasCal�ents, subj�ct to acaeleraCion of matur ty on �_
<br /> default 3n 'the a ent of asa inatallment of principal or interest or in the �.�,r.
<br /> �Ay'�'ti�`�'�'��;.� ���`� performance of an covenant, agreement or warxanty contained in thie Desd of
<br /> , : Y ,� -
<br /> ,��� ��;w.
<br /> � �:�t�G�t r��Vr.' TX'ii9t j G:�__
<br /> #� �`�` t '�� ` Arf�r�anae of each agreement, covenant aad warranty of Trustor
<br /> - � {b2 Ths g_
<br /> ., �T - �,� eYF �•, _
<br /> ,� R�,a � •.. here3.n contained or aet forth in the Note or any agreement or instrum�t�� �. "
<br /> r..;, `"?'��';:;.f. ex�cuted b Txustor in connection with the indebtedne�s hereby securedj �,nd ; -
<br /> ,�.��-.f��:, .� Y _.
<br /> ',�N��S.�+;._:,'�Y;f... �. `�"":
<br /> ;*;���''�i°'<•r..�`.;'�ti• ' tc) The payment of any sum or sums of money wit h in tezee t t h e r e o n w h 3 c h t;w;;::
<br /> ,� .t,.�,.f4�ti�.. a ,�„t . ,1i:<
<br /> .' �;,ti.•. ��.;: ��. may be hereafter paid or advanced under the terms of this D�ed of Truet. r_, .
<br /> . ;1i. li4a:�S�•C'�.�G�fiik�v:}, ��:_..,.
<br /> �'"`�'�",i`?F�f�f'��}�c,�� NOW, THEREFORE, TO PROTECT THB SEC[TRxTY OF THI3 DEED OF TRUST, Trustor
<br /> :i��;:.
<br />�i ;�%?es•:1�.:..,���y.:.,T,.,_ , .����:
<br /> _ •�..�;.�t.�fi;:,1�..,,;�y does for Truetor and for Trustor s heirs, representatives, ve�►dees, ,�,;;
<br /> - �,�,r��, ,�.�, aucceseors and asaigna, the ownera of eaid Property, hereby expresely
<br /> ;��:�:
<br /> ••` �';f;!�`.���;,4�.' covenant, agree and warrant to and with ths Truatse and Heneficiary, and
<br />:�_;;�� �� their successore, v�ndees and aseigns: �-
<br /> n
<br /> ,..._ ,
<br /> .', •¢�;"%,
<br /> '`�"`" That the Trustor hexeby covenante and agrees, to the extent ,`
<br />� :...y'', .
<br />-•, �� '. � j �' rom tl whea due the principal and .-.�t
<br />-- > ;r•+<�'-�•�'�'� ermitted law, as followa: (a) to pay p P Y
<br />`, r . ,,.,.A:�: F P bY �,,;�..
<br />_.,���;,, � �- `�'��� ��'�;'� intereat and other sume of mcney provided for in the Note and in thie Deed of .
<br /> "' �• `���;��' +t''���'. Truet j (b) to promptly pay before delinquency all taxes, assesements and : ;;,;
<br /> :, ,,,, yt
<br />= �'``' --�1��`��• "� o t h e r c h a r g e s i m g o s e d b y ].a w u pon the pro perty, the Trustor'a interest :;".,�,,:.
<br /> �.�::-•:���.. �• .,�,-.
<br /> � �fi�s;��•;�`; � t�sein, or upon this Deed of Trust or the Note; provided, however, t hat in „�;,;:
<br /> ` ���i`�`'�-�" �� tk�e event of any change of the law providing for the taxation oE deede of �.��„_
<br /> �".,� ��:�:;�.:..:.;' ... �:;;�
<br /> :��: „ �_;; . t�uat or debta thereby secured ao as to affect this Deed of Trust, the entire
<br /> " "' � indebtedneee seaured hereby ahall at the option o� the Benefiaiary become due
<br /> ' "�� � asxd payablej (a) to keep the above-deacr3.bed Praperty and the improvements
<br /> f�..� ',. . � � ..
<br /> ,�ti'�'���;�. � theaceon in good conditien an d repa ix an d n a t t a c o mmit or suffer waete
<br /> � :�;��j;�:�K�' tihereof, and exaept as authorized in any ach�dule aa�nexed hereto and forming �-�>_:
<br /> '�'''`��'=' •` : � . a art hereof; (d) to maintain and delivez ta Beneficiary policfes of '.::;r;;
<br /> ` '�i�.:;.: . . . ;. . �. I� '.,�:
<br /> � ���3�� - ' " insurance agai.nat euch hazarde on the buildinga and improvements now or
<br /> °,. ' �..>..b..,. _...�.�,:
<br /> �',�,:�� hereafter located an os cenetituting a part of the Property as the Benefic3a-
<br /> � �'.';. �" , ry ehall require, in euch companies and amounte and with such lose payable
<br /> .�.�:���:i.'�•: �.
<br /> - ".�;�:;��;;.;;;. , clauses as shall b�s satiafacto to the Bene£iciary; that in the event of ,
<br /> -. ,,��;;�r�...'. � loss, Beneficiary is expreasly authorized to settle or compromise claims ,,`;;;;
<br /> ""'��''� under said pol3.cies and the proceeds thereof aha11 be paid to the Benef iciary ��
<br /> � who may apply the same or any part thereof on the indebtedness aecured hereby �� ;��;
<br /> �����'�'�' �-"��;��� � � or toward �he reconatruction or repair of sa3d buildings and improvements or �>i,!;
<br /> � J`-�_ rat�asa same to the Truetor; (e) to pay any lien, claim or charge againat the I�,,;..
<br /> ' ! /L� Lw I Af1 l_. .
<br /> ''`; `� � pxoperty which migY:t take precedence over tne iien nereoL j �... �� Y�'J --•- ;
<br /> ,..- ,� .. - ��� `�•;e�.
<br /> ��`� ''' �`- � ' demand all legal expensea, title searches, appraieal or attorneys' feea
<br /> "��`-� `•���'=��� reasonably inaurred or paid by Seneficiary to aollect the Note or foreclose
<br /> _. �j�,�::i:as;`:�`f;..
<br /> -- '��`+���� �::�a���:- or pxate+cti the lien of thie Deed of Trust; tg) that in the event Truator
<br /> �_:r..�: _ .
<br /> �� _������`"���'���" �" ghall fail to comply with the proviaiona of ta) through (f) above, the
<br /> 'Fc'�'•'`�:- =`^��' : E3eneficiary may expead such funde and take euch ac�i.on as is n�ceasary to
<br /> ��k A ' ��'=����"'- �cemedy auah failure and all sumr� paid by the Benef iciary pursuant hereto wfth
<br /> "�r��`; intereat at the rate hereinafter provided shall constitute a lien upon the
<br /> ��, ���<.,..;,•:�:
<br /> �'�"����•�' � Pxoperty, ehall be secured by this Deed of Truet, and ahall be immediately
<br /> ;:,. . ,..,; . I
<br /> ���'�� due and repayable to the Beneficiary; (h) not to aell the Property or any
<br /> ,•.y.
<br /> ?- : I
<br /> r-• r 1
<br /> ' I..
<br /> • .� �
<br /> � � �
<br /> . ° � . . ' - . _ .. . _ _
<br />