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<br /> G.AS.�i(iNM4�N'C O�I,�:ASF,�3,Upon I.e�xlcr's royu�ct,Borrov�rer shail A�.�l�n to i.o�xier dl le,�ea,pf the
<br /> . Property�nd wll Kecurity deprn►it�mwfe M cunnectiun with lae,ses af tlee�Per�erty. Upon the eisl�nma�t.Lader
<br /> sh�ll he�ve�he ri��ht tc►uxxiify,exte��cl or tCrmiru�tc the�xlstlnR lcuse.v aud ta executo new Ieases, in l.endcr's sole __
<br /> dlsintion.As used In�his p�rngrnpt�Q.lhe ward••Ic�se" atwl!meun•'suble�se"if the Satitrity Inatrumrnt is on
<br /> e leasehold. •
<br /> Bort+nwer absolutcly nnd unoonditIona{ly assigna and transfers to Ixnder a!!th@ rents und r�evenuc�("Rcnta")uf
<br /> the Prop�rty. rcgudless of to wham the Rents oP thc Pmperty urc p�y�blo. Borrower avthorfus Lenda7 or ,
<br /> Lendcr's agents tu collect the Renu.and agrees that cach tenant of the Property shall pay tho Rents to I.ender or
<br /> I.ec�er's agcnts. However.Borrower shall reaivo the Renu until(i)Lender hes given Borrower natia af defiwlt
<br /> pursuant to psuragraph 21 af the Security Instrument und(�iy Lender hoa given notice to the tenant(s)thut the Rente
<br /> aco to be paid to Lertder or I.cnder's asent. Thi9 aal�nmeqt of Rcnts constitutes an zbsolute assignntent und aot
<br /> nn tissignment for additional security anly.
<br /> If Lender givcs notice of b►�each to Barrower:(i)nit Rents�eive�by Romowcr shuU be held by Borrower
<br /> us tnistoe for the benefit of Lender only.to be agplIod to the sums secu�+ed by the Security Inauument;(ii)Ixnder
<br /> shail fK;ertt�ticd to cailcct artd re�eive a!!af the Rents of the Pmpe�ty:{iii)Eorrov�er agm�s tltat each tenant of tt:t
<br /> Pvopetty shall pay all Ret►ts due and uapaid to Lender or [.ender's ogents upon Lender's wcitten demand to the
<br /> tenant; (iv) unless applicable law provides otherwise. eli Rents collected by Leaider or l.ender's agenia shnll be
<br /> appl�ed first to the costs of takirt�oonuvl of and munaging�ftr:Propetty and cull�ns the Rents,including, but
<br /> not limitod co, uaorneys' fees. rcoeiver's fees. premlums on r�oeiver's bonds. repair and maintennnce oosu,
<br /> insurance premiums. tuxes, assessments and other charges on the Propeny.und then to tBee sums secured by the
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument:(v)Lender, L.ender's agents or any judicisilly appointed reoeiver shall be liable tu acoount for
<br /> only those Renu actually receive�l; and (vi) Len�er shzsll be entided to have a reoeiver appointed ro take
<br /> possesslon of and manage the Pruperty ancl coilect the Rents and profits dedved from the Property without any
<br /> showing ns to the inadeqeuicy of the Property os secu�ity.
<br /> (f the Rents of the Property sre not suKcient to cover the costs of tnk�n�rnntrol of and munaging the
<br /> Pt�ger;y sas!of rn!!e!'ting�t Rents 2�y fimds expended by Centler for such purposes shall become indebtedne.cc
<br /> of Borrower to Lender secured by the Secur�ty instn�ment pursunnt to Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> 8orrower repmsents and unsvat►ts that Bore�nwer hos not eaecuted any prior assi�n.ment af the Ren�s und has
<br /> ,noc a*.u9 will not perfarm any aa that would prevent Lender from exercising its ri�hts w�der this paragraph.
<br /> i.ender, or I.ender's ugents or a judicialty appointed receiver. shali rtot be r�equiz�cd to enter upon, take
<br /> wntrol of or maintain the Property before or z�3er giv:ng noiioe of default to Borrawer. However. i.ender. or
<br /> Lertder's agents or a judicially appaint�d receiver,may do so at nny ti�na when a default occurs. Any applicution
<br /> of Rents shttll not curc or waivc an�r default or invalidate any ather right or remady of Lender.This assignment of
<br /> Rents of the Property shatl tercn'r�x�e when uil the sums securpd by the Securiry Instrument are paid tn full. . _
<br /> I.CROSS-DEFAULT PR(DVISION. Burnuwer's defauit or brrach under any note or agreement in whioh
<br /> L.ender has an interest shzitl be a bre:sch under the Security [nstcument and Lender may invoke any of tt�e�eutedies • _
<br /> permftted by the Securiry Inswment. � -
<br /> BY SIGMNG BELOW. �arrower accepts and agrees to the terms and ptuvisions rnntained in this 1-4 �-
<br /> Family Rtder.
<br /> (Seal) (Seal) _
<br /> D L A -Hurmu�er -eorro���er
<br /> •�l/ csea�) (seaU
<br /> FLqtENCE ROZ L -sorrowcr -eorro�ver
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