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'y°` �- <br /> �. - <br /> 1 <br /> , T•� <br /> � ._t�� <br /> -� ' . . . . . _ ..._ ___' ._ ...�.. ...-• <br /> �.ffr � 4 l[t_�_.. - _ . . __.._. .- -_ _--- <br /> .� ,�` �� ' _ - .___ - <br /> � � g4� sa.�8 ., � � , <br /> �{'T�.```��� ' 1Z.Succe��orsamdA�di�awHounO:lointanb6ovesalI.i�bility;�a-Siifaor�.'fLocavenrnterndaRtuemer�tsut <br /> - --- 41�is 5eourIty In�trumcnt eiu1D bind and'benofit tho succaNOre�nd �s1Rne ui I.�onda��nd Barrower� eubkct W Ykie <br /> provlelane o!p�rt�r�ph 9.b.�crowe�''e rovenaru snd�,�eemenu shait!x�jnint and sevaral,My Horrorver w�Q co�ti�tu <br /> —°� thIs gecurt�ty Instruxnems but does r�t orooute the Nota:(�)�e co sl�nin�thle Soauttty Inetrument onl to mortpae,�raae <br /> ana aonvey thtt Hvrro�rret's jntete�t ta tbo Propertp under the term�at thiv Saaurity Iturtrument��bj le aot peeeo�ully <br /> _. � oblipted to paY the eums seavrad by thte Sacurity Iaetrumetit;and(a)��reee ttut Isendee and my other Bonower m�y <br /> ------- -' a�cee ta o�nd�modity.�orbenr or mdco�y aax�fi�tr�3oclatiA�wltU raga��i tn 41►o te����t t�ia�c�ueity I�..�uracnt or � <br /> the Note wlthout that BorroMer's ooaeent, <br /> - 13.N�Ioa�.Any aotico to Borrower provided ior ia thia Seourlty Inatrumont ehail be givea by delivozta�it�r by <br /> '�� � raailing it by tirat olass msil unlme spplicab2e law raqulrae uoII oi anwhar mathed.The notice ebdl be dIreated to the � <br /> - Property ABdreee or any other addrese Horrower deAlgaatea l�p nAtice w I.ender.Any notiee to Leader sha11 bo glven by <br />'�"�`�' flrst class mail m Lemder's address eteted�herain or eny adde+�e Laadar desigaetee by not�ce W Battower.Aay aottce __ <br /> „ provided for in thia Soourin►Instrumeat ehall be deemed w beva bees� givan to Borrower or I.ender when givca ae <br /> �, . pravidod in this parsB�P� <br />-/` ,��,,7 ,1i4,4�O�erninf Lew;Sovenbllity.This 5ecurlty Iastrument eha11 be governod by todonl law and the law a►i the. . _ <br /> ,�.�5:w j�����w ch tb,e pi,op�rty;s locatod.Ia the evant that any provIsIon or alause oi thie Seeurlty�Ipstsu�aei►��or�he � <br /> :� Note�co��te�v�th.�ap.�llcnblo law�sucte contlict ahalt aat aiteat othar provIsIoas oi thiR Secuclty Ins2au�eint Ur tb�Nbta•. <br /> A�� -�� . rrbio�t can!�b�VeA ettcatwitAnut t�e conilicdr,g provI�ion.To this and the provieiona oi thie Seaur�tU�etruirient an8 the c_:.-- <br /> :�� ',f�;� .,��� ; ., Nutaaredoolerodta be aevarabls. ' . . `d���n�?:: <br /> _ �:h;:' • • = <br /> ,� � t•'„ . I 3,lBorrawar's�apy.I3arrotver ahall ba given one coAformod copy of thie Security Inetrumea� __ _ <br /> 16.AssiaamoAt oi�.eate.Borroaer uataonditionally assigns ead transfere to Lender a11 the rents and revanues of _� <br /> the propettq.B�orrower authorizcs Leader or Lender'e agente to colleat the rents ead reveauea ead hcreby dtreate each - <br /> � teneat ot the Property to paY the reate to Les►da►'or Les�der's agents.However�prtor to L.en4at's notice to Bonawer of <br /> Borrower's breach oi nny coveaent or agreertieat in the Secur�ty Iastrumeat�Borrower ahtll colleat ea�!receive all ronte = <br /> ead reveau�s of the Property ae trustee for tho beneftt nf Leader and Bonower.Thia essignment of rants caaetltutee na =- <br /> abeolute�esignmen�aadnot sn�seigament toredditional eaaudt,y only. --- <br /> . <br /> If I,euder gtves n�ttce of braaoh w Borrower:�s)ell rente received by Bore+ower ehall be hold by Borro�ver eA tn�stae � <br /> -; fof��ii ai I,c�r as:ly�w ba apglt«�tn the su,re seaurcd by the SecurIt�r InetruMent:(b)►der eha11 be eatitled to <br /> - ___ _ _ <br /> :, . , <br /> colleat aad receiva all oi the rento ot the Propeny;and(a)each tsnant of the Pewporty shalt pay all rente due�ad uapatd to <br /> Leader ur I.cador's agent oa Londer's writtea demand to the tanant. — <br /> 4. Borrower hea not executed any prtor aasi8nment of the ront8 ead hue not and wilt not pertorrt�nay nat that would -- <br /> preveat Iaadar irom exercIeing tte rlghte under this puagraPh 16. --- <br /> L,es►der shall not be requirad to enter upon�take contro!of or maintain the Property baforo or aftec giviag aottoe of _�_ <br />' breach w Borroaer.However�Leader o�a judtate{ly agpoiated raxivec mey do so at aay ti:ne there ts c breach.Any =__- <br />- applicadoa oi rents ehall aot cure or waive aay deiaultor invalidate any other dght or remedy ai Lender.Thie assigamaat ;,;:�_ <br /> - �,,,,;:, ., oi ras►ts oi the Property ehall terminate whoa tho dabt secured by the Security lnstrument ie paid in tutl. '- <br /> �.. - <br /> � rt NON-iJNIFORM COVBNAN'TS.]9orrowet and Lender further coveaeat aad agreo as follow� �'-+a' <br /> er uires immeditte a ment in fuil uader pan�raph 9.Loader mtY �"�;�_` <br /> 17.Foreclosute Proccdure.U Lead rai P Y <br /> iavoke tha poRC�r of e�le and any othor ra:aedies parmitted by spplicable law. Lender sball be eutitled to � "�=:� <br /> ;,. :'�,y f collect all e=peases iaeurred�n�pu:sutn�sho remedies uader t6n�puagcaph 17.iacludins�but aot limitad ta, "�,,_.,+ <br />- � reaeozuble attosreys'�ees aud coata of titleevide�.co. f�.�- <br />=A, ,;� " ..,' ,y.,:, <br />:��� • <br /> ' � ;� r:,. Yt the power of sale i�iavoked.Trustee eh�ll record a aotice of default in each couatq in wliich aay part of <br /> • �"'`'�Wt��� the Properiy le loosted aad eh�il mei!copies of suah aottee iA the m�nner pnscri6ed by �pplicable law to � <br /> ' - ��� ��,�s�-�'�' Borrower and to th�other porsoas prescrtbed bq spplicable 1aw.Aiter the timo required by apglicabie law. __ <br /> ' r��=��?`�;c e h a l l v e u blfe uotice of sale to t�o persoas aad ia the manner prescribed by�p�liaxble law.Trustee. '"?��_. <br /> --� �����''a� � withou dem�d oa Borrower. ehalt sell tb�o Property at publ�c auctioa to the hiEheat bidd�'at the tiiae aad <br />=°:�,,. h!,S�'�rt_;•, : . <br />-- '���,���f:;.., r placo and uadet the tetana deslRaated in the aotice of salo in oae or more pueels aad ia any order Trustee <br /> .,..,, �._ determines.Trustee m�Y P�PQae salo of all or aay parcol oi the Property by pu�lic annouacemeat at the <br /> ;�`'::;-�: .Y time and placx ot eny previously saheduled ssle. Loadar or ita desianee na�y purchase ttae Property at aay . <br /> ''�s,- i��, ��� eale. <br />_� �.. .%k:".•r�ci9,i, i� ' � <br /> � ���N�G;,;r�,���r, Upon reeeipt of psyment ai tho prIce bid. Trnet�e slull deliver to tha pureheser Trusteo's deed <br /> � �r��r:' .,. <br /> - N l:.'•�• '' <br /> • �q�f�-' �• .'. -� ��([I� tD4t!) vq.4 0�e tNtldC� <br /> - �'n;,."'7�,: �.�.: / • ,r„ <br /> �i���y��� <br />_. �ti.i J:y�:� ' <br /> W..�•_....w.,. <br /> ��..�'1�%.: . <br /> . _ , <br /> . <br /> "'• � _'"" _"'...._"__ <br /> . .� "_ <br /> _� 'L"ML i .-Q�li�... ��„�r,e-r.rur-_^__... ♦a... . . . ! .._. <br /> .�_ .=i. .. .�''' '.I��.�qP��.�MM�'�1i�!1�►!��'ry#'r°rlkh' �+?�vAG�Iy,'��S4R:.''�MSR��`1�'.,�•� . . 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