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<br /> ':.,: +, , .
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<br /> , 'y'r.�t»I'f-M°M, .arr . _
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<br />— �� 4. Fire.�laod aud Othor�I4a�rd Yraeuranca.&rnower sbell insure a1l Impravomcnts an tha Peoperty,whethar -
<br /> _ -- now in oxtetence or aubsequ�mtly es�eottr.d�againet any ha�erds, ceawilties,and coatiagenoies,inoludIng fire�for which
<br /> - Lendec requlrea i�i�rance.Ttd�lneutuice oh�ll be�maint�tned in tho�mounta�d�or the perIode that Lender sequiree.
<br /> —= _— Hottower ehall aleo Is�aure all iinprovements on t}�e Ptoporty,whethor now in extstenco or eubeequeAtly ereoted.s�inst
<br /> " loee by iloods to the eatent tequired by the 3ecrewy.All Inaur�ace ehtll be catried wtth compantaa approved by i,ender.
<br /> The tasutance polictes and any raaewtls ehail be held by L�mdet aad eha11 inoludo loee payable eleusea ia favor of,utd in
<br /> ---_� s PorrYt�ceeptable eo,�.ende,. � _
<br /> In the eveat of lase�Borrower ehall gtve L,ender ImmedIeta aottce by mail.Iaader msy makepraof oi laee if aot
<br />-_ made prosnptly by Borrowcr.Eech ineurance aompany ooncerned te hereby suthorized and dIreatod to malce paymont —
<br /> !or euah loee dirootly to Loaden�Inatead oi to$ornowar and to L.ender�ciiatly.A11 or any part oi ti:e iaauraace proceeds
<br /> may be applied by Iander.at ha opiton,either(e�to the rcduction of the 9ndebtedaess under the Note and thia Seaurltq
<br /> ',. Laetroment,firet to nny delinqueat amouata applied ia the order ia paragraPh 3.and then to PmpaYment oi prIaeIpal.ar �---
<br /> �: (b)w the reetorattoa or s�epair of the dameged Property. Any applicattoa oi the proceeds to the priaeipel ehall not
<br /> ; ext,end or postpnne the due data of the nnontlily paymente whtch are nferted to in paragraph 2,or ahange the nmouat of
<br /> j such paymente.Any excess ir�suraace procceda over an eaiouat requ�red to pay all outstauding indebtednesa uador the
<br /> Note aad thia Saeurltq Inetrument shell be paid to tha eadty legally endttod thereto.
<br /> Ia tho event ot foreolosuro oi this SeaurIty Iastrumeat or other taanster of titla w tho Proporty that eatiaguishes the
<br /> indobtedae�ae�e!1 e�ght,tttle and interest of Horrower ia aad tolttsuranx policias in forca shall pase to tha purebnsor. ` _
<br /> S.Occupmey.Presarvatioa�Maiateatnce aad Protectioa of tbe Propariy;Horrower'a Lflw Applieation; ��
<br /> � `j, ' Leaseholds.Borrower�ahall occupY,establish�aad usa the Pmperty as Borrow�r's�rinctpal restdance within stxty days °�f:;;;,.
<br /> � t . �.: �•.�. s .,.. ; . ��
<br /> . `:!�'�' after tho execution ai this Security lastrumeat end eha9a ooatiaue to c�aupy t2►e Praparty as Bbrrower's prisneipnt ���
<br /> .;f '��:;•. , 't+rstd±�nc�for at l�et ane yoar aftar tho date of occupancy, unlass the Seoratary determinea th3e requiremant ivlll cauae -=:�
<br /> �.; '" +`.,.n'','..r�:•;�r•. ' �:�4'-
<br /> ,v v u d u o 3�a r d a h i p f+m r B o r m wer.o r unlass exteauetin g clrcumstaaces e.xiat whieh are bayand Borro�ver's caatsol.Htrrrower �"
<br /> ' +�: .,�:..� a'�aU natify Londsr oi aay exteauadng circumstancea. Harro�ver ehall not commit wasta or deatroy. d a mnge or � �=-.
<br /> t,;, .1' •�.,;�:}:., r - _.
<br /> '�:!;,r, ;. �,r,;'i'��;�,�. � , � subetantially ahnnga t�se I�roperty or e11ow 4he Property to deteriorate.reasouable wear and tear etteaptad.Leadar may
<br /> ,'f r,�r.?+..��`�r.�,; ;nspoat the Property it the Property is vacaat or abandoned or the loan is in defavlt.Lender may teke reasoaable aatioa �:.;;�"
<br /> '` *���.•��`��`k"� to tect and e auch vacant or abandoned Property.Borrowor sha11 also ba ia dafault if Borrower�durtng the {-
<br /> :r��:,rf'�:�;�.�s�,�i�;r�'�{;'r;i Pl'� Pr�'
<br /> t�/ k�ti loaa a p plicattoa p m c e s s�gave materIellq faisa or inaccurate iniormattoa or etatemeats to Lender(or feiled to provlde �
<br /> - :�,;Y.,;��N-. :.�,,�;�� = Londoi�witi�i�q.�ei,�ria1 infarmat�an)in canaeciion�ith the l�t$�i�d by t he NQte�;nc l�,�t�Qg�}urt na t I im l t e d t o, ���
<br /> �.�.�;��, ;, ...t�,:. repreaentattoas concem�ag Boreower's occupaaoy o!tha Property es a principal resIdenco.If tlus Seeurity Instrumeat is
<br /> , -'����� . � ;;;:.'r;� on s leasohold�Borrower ehell co�r►ply with the provieIons oi tha lease.If Borrower acquires tee tttle to tha Propetty.tho _
<br /> '� ` �a' leasehold and fee titlo ehell not be merged ualesa Lesider agreca to the merger in wrltIng. =--�
<br /> �. ' �..,•.. ;:�td.::,.. _
<br /> �.�,:°a; a.�f�:'r.. [:=�--..
<br /> �,;«�::u.��� ��'� 6. Cbar:ea to 8ortower aad P:otectioA aT I.eAder'e Rijbts in the Property. Borrower shall psy all ;__:
<br /> ?�,�i..:. .r�:.i�.,..i;.:•
<br /> �., governenesstal or ntunictpal ohuges,tinea and impositione thst ere not includa! in paragraph 2. Horrower shall pay :%r;,
<br /> .i��"�"��K�'`'x��, sha9e oblt dons on time dirastl w the eatity whtch ie oaed the yment.K fejlure w pay would advareel aifaat _
<br /> ' w.�..,-^•�:.. � � Y � � y
<br />- �"`""'"'� L�stder s intenet in the Pmperty,upon Lender a requast Borcower shell promptly turntsh to I.andet teceipte evidettcing
<br /> " "" �'�'".,..`• theae paymente. �,-
<br /> �' :,fi;....:;..�a..._
<br /> ;,-;:
<br /> , • �f���t;.-:;: 't' Ii Borroaer teils to�neke these paymeate or the paymenta requtred by paregrap 2.or taile to �
<br /> vt•�:,�.::.,,,:,�,,: h pertorm aay othar ,
<br /> ;.r.•r•
<br /> ' " .,�;.��, .� covensats aad agenemeata�ntataed ia thts Socurtty Instrumeat,or there ie a legal praeeedIng thnt may eignICcaady
<br /> � ,���•.�•�.� :�. �• a{foat Lender's righto ta tho Proparty �such as a praceediag ia bankruptcy,for condemnadon or to enfarco lawa or ,
<br /> �,�*�,,��;�-��•�� regutatioas�.tMn Lender may do aad pay ahatever is neoes�ery to protect tha value of the Property ead Lender's rlghts
<br /> y t�i1.��c�,'a_'+��: in tha Property,iacluding payment of tases,he•ratd insuranceand other iteme mentioned in paragcaph 2.
<br /> • '� -��,;.:-- ,�,�a. ' .
<br /> !'i �1..,t: :w, •
<br /> .,�;^:,�. `� � Any amouats diebursed by �.ender under this paragaph shall become aa additionel debt af Borrower and be .,�
<br /> ...,.�r�c:.� .
<br /> ..+�V.- , ' secured by th�a Security Insuument,These amounts ahnll beat inter�t from the date of diebut�ement.at the Nota rato,
<br /> 11 ,,,
<br /> �"..,�%'; � , and at tlae optioa ot Lender�sball be immediately due aad paya b le.
<br /> �'�``�� • 7.Coademuet�oa.Tha proceods oY any aaard or claim for damages,direct or consaquential,in conneation with
<br /> _:.,,;,.� ..., � �.
<br /> �,�; � � any eoademaatioa or other tskiag of any part oi the Property,or for conveyence ia place oi cxmdetnnadon,are hereby
<br /> �� �� essigncd aad ehall ba paid w I.euder to the exteat of the full amount oi the indebtednrse that remeias unpaid uader the
<br /> :', ;, ' Nots end thia Securlty Instrumont.I.euder ehell apply such proceeds to tha reduction oi tha tndebtedtfess uAdar the Note
<br /> ' .,. �.:�.�. ,� � end thte Security Iasttument.firet to any delinqueat amouum applied in the order provided ia paragraPh 3,aad then to
<br /> � : � .� � 'a' ptepayment of principal.Any applicatioa of tha proceeds to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of
<br /> - �4p(� (O!1=) P�p 0�f O (n{lltlt� .
<br /> i'. .
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