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yi`�� �`�...������.Y��hTr:�:d'a'"',S1�mssy' M _�� ��� �'3�.,f ,f�' AIt r�' ' --__� i �'... <br /> ��7 <br /> _ �, i �r� <br /> —.'_ _.. __.� ::��"=� - -- _ ----_ - _- --- - -- . ---. . .--- _ . .- <br /> • • <br /> 9`T� ��a7�/� <br />-- -- — T6�: ,'i,�.;y .E�ufl�.�: ti�tA ��� a�� fr��ti;ut����� �ta::. d;.�,:�;�;; :,,c insurc3 by it�'�I :;g:r.^} Inctnm;-nt^!ir:, nt•er!�� <br /> -._ ��;,z,.-::�,� (iur,luJ�n;; I::rrd� L,•�idc°r i:,�,�iih ou irtidintinul ur iu:�n,y f'c�t;ra! ll+r,u�Lu:�n I�an�. 11•ivler tih��il��p�+ly tlx�Fi�n�tr:•tn E��tp the <br /> l�,+ruw It�.ms. Leixlei in:ty�x�t ch��rgr Borr��wrr for holsling and,�nniy�����nr t�u���,unnueUy nnaly�ing thr,c�:r.i�u nc•tix��int,or <br /> - vcrifying thC ESCraw lt�tx�,;,unlrss l.etxlCr pryh liiur��wer interest on the Futxls Gnd uppliwble law permih�l,r,ixir.�w tu�kt�such <br /> a chiuge. Huwcvcr, Lr,ncl�r nwy r��yuire Hnrcow•er to pay a ont-time charge for un indcpcnJent rcal e�tutr.tnn,re�iM,rtl�t ae►v�ce <br /> u�r�i ny t.ender in. �,•nnrxctiun wltii tfiis tnau, miless upplicuble !uw Nr�lvi�rs otlserwl�e. Unle« un µgrrc.ment iti,msuio �r <br /> applicnble law roquires intertrt to be peid, Lencler shalt not be requiroci to pny Horrower any intertst nr aarnip�F �n 11t�t F�nds. <br /> — &,rrawer und I.ert�icr muy u�;reo in writir+g,hnwevcr, that inrem►t shall be pafd an the Furuis. Lender shull givcs tu T.I�mmwar. <br /> ' '�__--__--__-_� wit'v�.rut ci�mgr, u�► ur��uui ucwuutiu�of t�i� Fwx1y, s�iuwing c:.:Jit:.uud d.LE2a to ttt;,i�unds and thc purpn:.•:i�,r�•�hi{;h P"�'h <br /> the FwHls wps made.The Funds uce pledged as additional r,ecurity for all sums secured by this Security In�trvr�tt;n[. <br /> - If thc Funcfs Held,5y Lxnder exexai the amounts petmittetl to be hel�by applicable IaH�. Lender sludl aca�unt t<t.�3naower <br />— =° for the excess F'uixJs in fxccordance with the rcquirements of appliwble law. If thc amount of thc Funds hsld bv l.r.nef�r at a��y <br /> ��� ti�i�; is not suf'iiclent to�ay tho Escraw Items when due.Let►der may su notify Barrower in writing, such case 13�nower <br /> shnll pay to I.endcr the amount necessary to mafce up the deficiency. Borsower shall ni�tke up thc dotir,iencSt in no ►.nqr�;than <br /> �}•'t cwolve n�nthly payivan�ti,1t Lcnder's sule discretion. <br /> �� Upa�t payii�ctit. ii�..t'ull of alt sums sccurcd by this Sccuriry Instmment, Lender s1iaU promptly refand to li�n'rowqr uny �_.._ <br />��. Funds hcld by L:nder.l�,undcr paragraph 2I, Lender shall acquire or sel(the Propcny,I.ender,pr� thc acquiritiqp,or sale <br /> ot'ih�Priiperty, sh��ll apply any Funds held by l..ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the�sumh sccural by <br />�'J. thiy Security]nstn►ment. ' <br /> , 3.Appliralloo u[Payment9.Untess applicable law providcs otherwisc,all payments rc,::;ivcd by Lender under rar�graphs <br /> l tmd?. Fh:�ll Ix:apnlizd: first,to any prepayment charges duc undcr the Note;second,ta:u:�ounts Fa�abls under gar:igraph 2: <br />_ third,to inteckst tiur.�f���rth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Chxrq�s; L.ien�. Borrowcr shall pay all tuxes,�ssessmcnts, chargcs, fines and impositions an�ihu*.abla co�hc Property <br /> whir,h may attain preerity over this Security Instnimem. :utd lwsettuld payu►cula u► g►umid �ents, if F�r;. L'arrou'cr shall pay� - <br />_ th��;e ohligutions in ttN;rnanner pravided in paragraph�,or if nat paid in that maru�er,Borrower sl�aU pay tlie�m�n tintK direcNy . <br /> ' to th�;p�rsan owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fiu�nish to I.endr,r all notices of amounts to be p:►id undar*nin par.�graph. <br />- � +�'. u �. (f Borrnwer mnlces thr,se payments directly.Borrower she�ll p�•om�tly furnish to I.c:nder receipts evidr.ncing thu p�yments. <br />'" Snrmwer shall pran�ptly discharge any I'n�:n u•hich has prior�ty over this Security Instrument unloss 8onou�vr:(u)sErees in <br /> ,e�,r;;'., •Y:.:. writinII to the paynu:r,c of the obligation securi�3 by the lien in a manner fleccrtable to Lender:(b)contes:s in IIond faith the licn - <br /> by, or defends ugc►ix�st enforccmcnt of the licn �a, legal proceedings »�hich in thc Lcndcr's opinion vper.ita w prevcnt the __ <br /> ' � cnfercement of thc li:,n: or(c)�ecures from tP,c hulder of the lien an agrccment satisfactcry to l,cndr,r subordinnting the licn to _ <br /> f • ��%i}F-�� this Security IRStrw��ent. If L.en�ler determines that any pxrt of th:Propeny is subject to a'.ien which may attain pri�rity over <br /> '•�b�. � � ' this Security In��trumr,nt. Lender may give Borrower a nncice identifying the lien. Borrotiyer�.tisil satisfy�tha liun ��r tctke ane or <br /> � ���"='�' `•��'� more of the actionr set furth above within 10 days of the giving of nodce. <br /> A ,.-�,�•�- <br /> ��.�J°:.;{ . . ,- � T'.; 5. Hazxrd orr Ptopertv Insurance. Borratitier tihall ke�p thc improvements now existing or heniifter crcc[cd un the <br /> "a_;�=�'_'•:_ _, __ .• Property insurcci apainst less b,y fere, ha•r.ards included within the te�vn "e�cended cover:tge" and any other h�rr,ards, including ___ <br /> -!cr.,+�� �,• ;.;<-- floods ar tloodm�, tor which Lender rcquires insuranre. i ni� inrur.ui�e�naii oc �usiui:u�:cu i�i it�c a�iwitnis u�d `,':,�•�'::�ri��' <br /> � '%••*'� ` '�� that [.cndr.r requir�s.'Che insurance carricr providing the insurance shul}h; �hosen by B�rrower subject to U:nder'.approval <br /> `��''�"�°� _ ` � which shull not bw unrt.asonably withheld. If Borrower f:iila to maintnin covcragc dcs;ri:�ed above, Lcndcr muy,at Lendcr's <br /> , .�.,... <br /> aption,abtain coverspu to protect Le��dcr's rights in the Property in acrordanc:with para�raph 7. <br /> .;�,�. •' • , All insurance poli�:ies und renewals tihall be acceptable to Lender:►nd shall inelude a standard mnrtgago c:lause. Lender ��:. <br /> '_''� shall huvc thc righ�tohul�!the policics and renewats. !f Lender rcyuires,8orrowcr shall protnptly givc to l..�ndar all receipts uf ��'-� <br /> � . - ' paid prcmium:;nnd mix:wul noticrs. In thc evcnt of loss,Borrower shsll give prumpt notire tu the insuranGe rarrier and Lendcr. 6^�°° <br /> -, .�,. �,..,.,. Lendcr may malcr proof of luss if r.::�made premptly by Borrowcr. "' <br /> ' �,_::. <br />:1 �... , : Unless Lendcr und Borrowcr othcnvisc�grce in writ�ng, intiurance pracceds shull be applied to resturation or repair of thc L� <br /> '„�,,,;,,.,. ., , ,_ ,� Properiy damaged,if the restoration or repair is economically featiible and L.ender's sccurity ts not Icsscned. If the retitoratiun ur <br />`� „ . _. repair is not cronomically fe;LSiblc or Lender's.stcuriry would be Ie�tiened,the insuranee praceeds shull be applicd to the sums �•�� <br />�f � � ' ,. , secur4Yi by th�y Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Buttuu-er. [f Burrau�:r abandons the <br /> •�r�� • - Propcny, or dves nut;►nswer within 30 d:iys a notice from Lender that the intiurance canier has c�ffered to settle a rlaim, then <br /> �.�`�� :�� � .. .��'�" L.ender ma c�ilcct the insurance roceeds. Lender ma e�.: the roceeds to re air or re�•tnre tha Pro urt or w a tiums <br /> _;.����.�.•..� � . :.> 9 P Y p P �' y p�y ' <br /> .,...;, ...:..4.. . . secured by this Socusiry (nstrument,whcther or not then due. The 30-day prriud will bugin when the notic�is�iven. <br /> .� ,..�.�.�..�,..-., j.,�,_. URICFS [.cndet and Borra�ver othenvise a�ree in writing, any applicatiun of proceeciti G� principal sh;iU not extend or <br /> s„ ,, po:;ipnne the duu d:►tc ut thc manthly pay�mcnts mfcrred to in paragraphr: t and 2 or chim�e thc amount of thc payments. lf <br /> ' - -� undr.r paraIIraph?1 thc Property is acyuircd by I.endcr, Borrowcr's right to any insurance pi�li4ics und prvctx'�ls rcsulting from <br /> ' ' • d;unc�IIe to du:P,ropr;ny prior to th�acyuisition shall pass to Lendcr to the cxtent of the sumr�..ecumd by thi>.Security Instrumcnt <br /> __ : immediat�:ly prior to thc acquisitit n. <br /> 6.Occu�ncy, Yr�ervatfen.Nlaintenunce und Pirot�rtion oP the Prope�-ty;Bornxi�er's Iw►un Applti:atEon;Lcascholds. <br /> , � Bor�ower shull occupy. �wtablish,and use tlie Prc�peny ati[iorrower's principal retiiJcnce�vithin xixty daps after the execution of <br /> this Sccurit� Insuununt and shall continuc ta cxcupy thc Property as 8orrowcr'ti principal residcrn�o tiir at Icast unc ycar aftcr . <br /> � ' the Jate of occupancy, unlcss Lcndcr othenvise agrccs in writing, which ceinsent �hall not be unrei.sunu`�ly withhcld,ur unletis <br /> . `y;n�2 -' extenuutin�t circumstanccs exist which are bey��nd Borrowcr's control. Born�wer �hull nut d�stroy, damuge or impuir thc <br /> �,� Pr��party, aRow the Pniperty to dcteriurate, or commit waste on the Property. Burrnwer �hall hc. in default �f any forfeiturc i <br /> Y •ictiun or proceeding,whethcr civil or cnminal, is bcgun that in I.endcr's goi� faith judgment cuuld result in forferiur�ol the � <br /> t; . Property ur othenvise matcrially impair thc licn created by this Security Instrumcnt ur i.cndcr's��curiry intcrest. Borr��wcr may I <br /> cur4�uch n dcf.�tult and reinst�tc,ay provideJ in paragraph 18, by rausin�_the action or procceding ro bc dismissed with a ruling � <br /> that, in l.ender's guoJ faith determination, precludc� lorfciture of the 9orrowcr'� intcrest in the Praperty or utlier m.ucrial <br /> intpr»rment uT thc licn createJ by this S��:urity Instrumrnt or Lendcr's security inter�st. Borrower tihall al�n be in default if ; <br /> Burr�*u��r,during thc loan applicution prucetis,gavr mxterially false��r inaccurate informution ur statements to Lcnder lur f•rilcd <br /> - to previdc L.cnder with any matcci:il infurmation) in connection with the loan evidenced by thr Note, including, but not limited <br /> ; � to, represcntations ronccrning Horr���vcr's occupancy of thc Property as a principal residcncc. If this Sc�urity Instrumrnt i��m a • <br /> _ � Ici�huld. Borrower sh�ll comply with ull thc pnrvisions uf thc leasc. H' Borrowcr acquires fcc tul: to thc Property. the I <br /> Ietu+thold and thr fcc tit le sl�all not mcr�c unleti�Lcnder agrecs to thc mer�cr in writing. <br /> • 7.Pratection of Lende►'s RifiCats in the Pn�perty. If Borruwer fail�to pertbrm thc covcnants und a�rcements contuincd in � <br /> ,y_ th'tt.3ccurity Intitnuncnt, �u[herc iti a Icgul procecdin�that may,i�miticandy affect Lendcr's rights in the Pro�scrty (yuch as a <br /> prtc_ecling in b,mkruptcy,probatc, for condcmn.itinn or forFcitum ur tu cnforcc la��vti or n�,ulati�ins), thcn I.�ndr.r may do and � <br /> nnv fiir wlutever is necess:uv to vrotc�t tlie valuc ot'thc Property anJ Lender'ti rights in the Properry. LcnJrr'. action� may' � <br /> include paying any sums �ccurcd by a licn which has priUrity uvcr th;s Srcunty Intitniment, appearinL; in court. paying i �- <br /> i , musonable attomcys'fees and entcrint�un the Prupeny to makc rcpairs. Althuubh Lendcr may taltc action undcr this par�graph <br /> � 7,�sndcr docs not havc to do so. <br /> ' � Any :unounts disbur�cd by Lender undcr this pnragraph 7 tihall bcromc additionui debt uf Bonuwer �ccured by thi� <br /> _ � Sccurity Instrumcnt. llnlcss 9orn��vcr:mJ Lendcr agrce tu uthcr tcrms nf paymcnt, thesc amounts tihxll hcar intcrest 1'rum thr <br /> 1 date uf disbuncment ut the Note rate and shall bc payahlc. with intcrest, upon nutice Irom Lrn der tu Borccnvcr rcquc�ting , , <br /> � �;y <br /> � mant�tort�egc Ansuruncc. !f Lcndrr rcyuirctcl mort�agc imurancc ati a condition uf making thc I��cm�4�ura1 hy this Sccurity � <br /> lntitrument, Boy7nw�:r sh.�ll pay thc premiums rcyuired ti� maintain thc martgugc in�uranre in cffcct. It'. tirr any rca5on, thc ` <br /> mi�ngagc insur,mcc cuvcragc rcyuircd by (.�ndcr lapses ur!'C:ts�s tu h� in cftict. Bnrrowcr shull pay di::pmmiutnh rcyuir�d tu � <br /> � oUtain ruveragr tiubstantially cyuivalcnt h�thc mu�7gagc intiurancc prcviou�ly in ci'fcct, at a cust subtit:mtially cyuivulcnt t�i thc <br /> {�,;.;�, • cart to ��irmwer of tlic mc�rtgage iasur�nce pn:viously in eftect, t'rnm un ultcrnate mortgagc insurrr approved by Lcndcr. If ` <br /> _ �'.'�;�_: � <br /> , ,. <br /> � � Vnpo I u�•1 Form 3028 9I90 � <br /> y. \ �. <br />