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<br /> Q4," 1�a�'1�1.
<br /> �✓
<br />_ ------� tiurr�iwer sh;ill p�rn�►p�ly �,ivc l.cndcr wriUCn ��,�tic��uf uny iuv��titipalicu, �•I:�iu�, dcfu;uxl. laatiuit ur uiin� a�ii���� ; .;ry --_-
<br /> --
<br />�-'��-�� Kuvcii�w:utal„r f��;;uL�tniy ag.•nrq ur Ei[ival���.uiy� i��w,lvin�,i�.,�Pi.:,�,ity;aud;iu!�I1:•��nl�nr,tiuh�r.mrt�ur I�nvirunw!•nl;� I:nv - -,,
<br /> nf whicb. fi��rruwi:r(iati ucur.d 1�nuwtcil�:c. If I3�urowcr !r.�niti.ur'tti nuiilicd hy uny}�uviruntcnlc�l ��r���}uL•dnr,y auduuily. Ih:�l —
<br /> any rcn�Wat nr ot4r.r renxYfistion of any liazarduuti Suh,�un�c a(icctiug cl�c 1'ru�xiy,y iti ncr�titiary. 13�nu�u•r�•�liall��ruinplly tukr
<br /> ' a11 ntct:::«r}•remedial actiuns in accur�lance witli Envire�umcntal l.:►w.
<br /> Ar uud in this p:�ragr:tpfi 20. "HaiarJuuti Suh,taucr." :�rc thu,c�ubtiCmccs d�fiucrcl as tuxi� ��r liar.nduuti�uhtil:m�c+by
<br /> Envimnmental l.aw atxi the following substances: g�Miliac, kerou��sc, u�hcr Ilammablc ur tuxic �mtrulcum pr�klu��ti. �uxic
<br /> -�__-- [k�,li�i�.l�:s aud hcrbicidcs.vrd;�tilc>nl�•cnts, nr.�tcrialti c��utainin�aslxsti�s ar ti,nnaldcl�yde.and radivactivc matcrials. A�uKtil in
<br /> tM9 par.�raph 1U. 'Gnvimnmental Law` me:iu:� f��l��a! I.�w, aud lawti uf tlic jwi•.di�ti�,�� �:li;;rc tlu !'ru}�2rty i•, Io_.�����1 ih�,r
<br /> relate to hcalth,sufety rr.enviranmentul prute�:tion.
<br /> NUN-U[VfFORM COVENANTS.Borr��wer and I.,�nder fLnher rovcnant anii ngrcc a�tiiliuws:
<br />`i` 21. Aceeleration;Remetiles.Lender shr�ll Rir•c noticc to&►rr�►wrr priar to ucceleratic�n folluw B�fk►rru�rr'v br�wch —
<br /> of any corrnsint.or aRreement in thk SecurEty Instrument (but not prinr to acceler�don ande:r M►ragraph 17 unlrs+
<br /> sppliwblr law prU�•idcs ntherwitie). The n�rtice shull s�ify: (al the detaiu�t; (bl the action requircvl to cvre:he defrul�;
<br /> !c)n dyte. nM less ths+n 3(1 d�vs fmm the date the nuttce is�;ir•en tn fsorrower,by whi�:h the defeult mutit F�e eund:wnd
<br /> •[ s ci�ai in th:natire n�sY r�ult in acceleretiUn of Ihr �ums �,._-
<br /> ti da e
<br /> o�i ur be[o�e t e
<br /> o curc tlxs dr.C��dl IK
<br />£; (d) that failure t t _
<br />= secured by thiY Secur(ty Int.trwnent �ue�f snle of the Pruperty.The notica slwll furttier inturm &�rn►wer ot the riKht tu
<br /> reinstAte aner aecelers�ti�m.und the �iF6t to brinR a court i�ctlan to u�sert the n�n�exi5tence of a defs�uU�+r any other ---
<br /> de[ense oi Bort�o�ver to a�Yeie�ation and sate. If the defa�dt is not cured �m ur brCore the date specitted in the notice,
<br /> I.endr.r, at it�aptlun, mny require immediate puyiu4nt in full of�ill�ums r��currd by this tiecurity Imtrument witlN�ut
<br /> furthc;r dr.ro»nd and may ittec�F;e the Ex►wcr af�ule r�nd any other rcniedle�.permitted by appli�ble law. I.en�ler shall t►e —
<br /> entfil�:d to call��ct�II expenties iireurred ih pursuis�the remedtes provided in this psiragraph 2l.inciudinK,hut nut limited
<br /> to,rea.5annf�le atLarneys'fees und cosGS ot title r.vtde+tce.
<br /> I! tIK:pc►we�•af saYe is invoked.'1'tvster,shali rrtord a notice uf dePauii iu euci►cou�ity in K:�ich any part t�i ttr
<br /> Property is lot�tad.:txtd stwll mail coptes of such n�Hice in tlie manner pr��ribed by upplicable law to Iiorr��w�er and to
<br /> the c►thcr pr.r.wna�rttic:a:rlbed by appficnble(aw.A[ter the time required by applicable law,Tnistcr.shall Rive publie nofke
<br /> of ssle to the persorn und i�t th�:mrnner presc:ilxd by appllcuble law. Trustee, wittwut demund on f3c�rrower.shull sell =_
<br /> the Pro�erty at public Aactiun t��ihe hiRhest bidder ut the time and place and under the tecros designa.ted in the notke af _
<br /> • •1= rule in one or more pant�els :nr.d is any ordcr'1'ructee determines.Trustce ms►y �ntponr,ss�le of all or any Pstrcrl�►f the _
<br /> ''� Nmperty by puhlic annuunce�nt ut the time and place uf uny prevtuusly uheduled yale. [.cndcr ur its designee may
<br /> purcha.sc the Property at any sate.
<br /> _ U�n receipt oP paymert mt the pric^� bid, Trustce shall deli��er to ttie purchaser Trustec's deed conveyln� the _
<br /> �1rm�,a�ty. TFie recttals in tt+.e �"i�tce's deed shull be prima Pacic evicltiixe of the truth ot the stutements m�de thereiu.
<br /> 'I't�xt�shall upply the pmct�efn of the sale in the follow�i�;order.(a)to all a►s�ti and expen�:ut exercising eht►ww'er uf
<br />- sale.and ti�u sale,inclvdink the payment of the Trustee's Tcc�s actu�lay incurred,�mt to exceed the� of 5Q.00 or� `�c
<br /> of ttle prtn+:i[111t:unr!�nnf oi ine noie ai ii�c iiu�c vi ii.c ucci:::ai::,.-.�:.'`,:�s:::,::::�!'°-�....`°°° tP Mt��rnPUC'�xr n��rnnfite�) ,
<br /> •'�' by law;(b)tQ all r.�.e�ts securcd by this Security Instrument;and(c1 s�ny mxctss to the person ur persons Ic��lly entitlal Su —
<br /> it. � —
<br /> 2Z. Keconveyance. Upan �-ayment ot' all sums secumd by this Security [nstrun�ent, I.�:nder shall r.qu�Kt Trustec to
<br /> ►�eeonvey Qir, Propeny an�i shtili �.:rnnder tltis Sccurity Imtnunent und ull nutes evidencing debt securc�l by this Srcuriry _
<br /> Instrument to Tru�.tce."frustcc slta:l rccom-ey 2hc Propcny���i:hout warrsat}and without rhargc t��the person ur persons Icgally
<br /> entitled to it. Such perse�n or peisons shall p�y�y recordation costs.
<br /> 23.5ubstitute Trustee. Lendcr,at its�puon,may from time ta time remove Trustec:end �pFoint a successor trustce t��
<br /> anv Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the cuunty in which this Security Instrument is recordcJ.�Vithout �,_,_
<br /> cn.�bj�ance of dic Propeny, the successor trustce sha(l succeed to all the titic.power and dutics c��nferrai up�n 1��astee hcrein �•�._.
<br /> an,i h�applicablc law. '_""`_
<br /> 24. Ittc�u�t for Notica..•s. Borrower requests that copies of the notices af default and s.�le be sent to Borcower's nddress __
<br />= which i�.th�1'�rqx.�-"�Address. �"-
<br />*° 2S.Rlderx b;Chi�Secudty In.strument..If one or more riders am executeci by Borrower:u�d recorded togeth�er with this �_
<br /> i
<br />. Security Inu�vmeiis.the covenants and agn:ements of each Such rider shalE be incorporuted into nnd�hstl amend and supplement ��;
<br /> tho covenan�ti and agreementr;ef this Sccurity Instrument as if the rider(s)were u pait u f t his S��curity Tns trument. ��1:
<br /> .,a:�.
<br />' Cluxk• hcablc box cs)� �'!=�':
<br /> [ �r�.. � � �,_:
<br /> �Ad,jut:a�Le Ratc Ridcr C�Condominiurn Ridcr C7 1-4 F:smiQy Ridcr ��'
<br /> L�Graduaie�Payment Rider ❑Planned Unit Devclopment RiJer L_�Biweekly Payment Rider � �"_.�,
<br /> (T�Balloon Rider []Ratc In�provemcnt Rider ��Sccund Homc Ridcr -`__
<br />- ';�V.A.Ridcr ❑Othcr(s1[s;pecify] -
<br /> T�
<br />. . � .
<br /> j,
<br /> ».jr
<br /> ;��: HY SIGNING BELOW,Burrower accepts anJ aLre��to the terms:►nd covenants ccmtainud in this Security Instrument and � �
<br />' ��;�v»t''u+ in any ridens)cxccutcd tty Burrow�r and recordcd with it. F
<br /> Witncsscs: /J�� �'
<br /> Cf/''� (Scal)
<br /> �th K. Tweedy eormµc� I
<br /> I�
<br /> ' -/ �
<br /> � / /�
<br /> ''' _�/-/l���LC/�/Q c.� ��.C�X lSca!) I
<br /> •�^�� '"`� Pntricia A. lrweedy �
<br /> - H��rroucr I
<br /> :'r `� �:�:�=�•�:5'�
<br /> e,F�>� ttkr�:° lSutl!
<br /> s � n....,:, lScal) i .
<br /> �'! � ' •' Uurrnn�r
<br /> .� ',..�°'�Y•��_'� -I3ur�o��rr
<br />°_ .,�
<br /> ; .� S 1'A'f��DF NEpRASKA�, . Adams County�ti: '
<br /> 'thc furcgoing in�t�umcnt was ucknowleJgcd t�:ti�r�m�tliis 26th da}�uf Muy , 1994
<br /> ; by Kenre�th K. Tweedy and Pt►tricia A.�reedy, husband and Wife •
<br />;,� �, Wiux�,my hand aixi nutarial,�al at Hastings, Neb�eka �� in s•� Cuunty thr Jatc atiircaaiJ. ,
<br /> r �
<br /> My�ummission Expires: f�`15--�y �� _� � lE- LL�.�.1. 4-
<br /> ��+��M1�1 n �ary F`unhr �' .
<br /> d . � Mftlics6�� ' ,
<br /> '-.�.,,�'..
<br /> 'q.,-�``';. . r;,,n��a ` OZ8 9(9D �.
<br /> . . . '"� �
<br />