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<br /> —�` xee�Y i(r�}Nh,�� _ .
<br /> � ..,....�y,� ��w,:.... -
<br /> �s., — — .
<br /> •- ' - - � – – --- . _ _,
<br /> �� . _ �_
<br /> -i .- -----"�-- '-. ._ . – .
<br /> _._ . . . .. _ _ -- - ---- -._._.. _. . . – _.._.. �—
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<br /> 94-�.osc`r�►.�
<br /> .— �� .�• 'll�c Fut�ti •hati h�: iirlJ in :m intiiiluuun w•I�u�,c de�x�tiitti arc i�i.�er�t1 h}� a tc�lcr,�i aEcixy, iirriunicur,+iiiy, u� ���t�ij --
<br /> ', -��^'�'.""^�^'� (iuclu�iug IAiklcr.II IRIIIICI'Iti yll:'Il:lil lli•lllUf IIUI)ll1 lil Jliy I'��I��.d 1(��u��I��:�u Il:wl.. I.ciulrr�L:il! :�,pt y tii�•l'uudti tu p:ry rt:i• -
<br /> _° —_----°— Gxruw Ilrm�. I.cixi�:r u�sy uot dr.�rgc li+�uuw•cr tiir i�uldiu�:and:i��p!yin�. thi�l�uitdti. ;mnir.illy:�iialyii�i� ihr�•ti•ruw acrnunt.��r
<br /> vcrifying the(:�cruw Items.unle»Ix►�der pays FA�rr��wcr intrrr�t un thr Fund�a�xl appficahie luw pennit�I.rixler t�i nwkc such
<br /> _ — u charge. N�iw•ever, l.e�xler nw�rcquere Ei�urc►wer tu puy u nrK•tinx:cliurge fur an irnle�x�xlent rra!�,tatr tax rr{x�rlin�t se��icr
<br /> us�l by l.cn�ier iu r��mxctiuu w�ith this luan. wilerti applicuhle I�w pr��vi�lcs ulhcru�isr. Uuletir an agr�tiuknt iti i�uJ�: ��r
<br /> a�licable law rcqutres intrrcst U�t+e pai�,1.Lender shull �x�t hc rcyuiral t»pay Burrowrr any interc�t�ar cxrningc on tt►e Fundx.
<br /> � F3�ur��.�•er ui�Lcixlcr nuy aFr�Y in�tiiit�n}�.I�uwcver. th:it iuterc.t tihall tx:pa�d o�i the Fwidr. I.ender tihall give tu F3��rruµ•rr.
<br /> withuut charge, an annual accuunting u!'Ihe hu�xis, tihuwins cCCdlls;�tx1 debtts to thc Fu��lti u�xl t��e�•u��.e�x i�.r w+�i�i� ...::+ =-
<br /> -- debit t+�ihc Funds was macie.The Funds arc plctiigecl a�:►dditional securiry fur all sumy�ecure�f by thes Srcurity hi�.tcumrnt.
<br /> i If the Funds hcld by l.etxler exeeed the atuounri pcnnittetf[u tte held hy applicable law,l.etxler sh;all uccuunt t��Hurruwer
<br /> ;��: for the exccs.fuixl, in:kcordunce wuh the rcyuirementti uf applicable law. lf thc amount uf dtie Fuixiti I�eld by L.e�xicr ut�►n}•
<br /> �inx is not huflic:ient to pay thc Escrow Itcros�vhen duc.Lcnder may so notify Burrou•er in�vriting, a�xl. in sud►catie Burruwe�•
<br /> ' shall pay to Le�xicr the.imount necessary W make up thc de�icicncy. &�rru��•cr shall make up the deficicncy in nu mure tha��
<br />- twclve nwntlily payments, at I,endcr's sole discretiun.
<br /> � Upon paynxnt in full of all surns sccur��i by thiti Sccurity Inscrumcnt. 1.�uJer ,I�ull p�uriipily r�.fur.,d to Burraa:cr,my _--
<br /> � �° 1=uncls held by L.e�xler.If, uncier parr��raph 21, Lertder sh:ill aequire or�ell the Pniperty,L.�nder,�r�or t��the acyuisition or sule
<br /> � of the Property.shall upply any Funds lield by l.endcr at tlie time of acqui,ition ur sale ati a creclit against the tiums tiecured by
<br />'�� this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> '�� ' 3 ' 3.Applic�tl��n ot Paymen�ti. Unless applicablc law proviJ�s otlienvi�c,all payments nccived by LeMler un�er p:uagraplis
<br /> _ 1 and 2 shall be appli��l: G�at, to any prep:tyment charges duc under the Note: secorui, to amauntti payab!e under parag�aph 2:
<br /> third,to interest due; fouRh,to principa!due: and last,to any late charges Jur un�ier thc Notr.
<br /> • 4.('I�ae�!e�; l.ieac. Borrower shall pay all t:uccs,assessrricros. charLes,fi�xw and impo,itionti attributable to the Propeny
<br /> which may uttuin priority over this Sixurity lnstrument, and lc:�tie{iul�l �a}ments ar ground rents, if any. Borrowcr titr,sll pay �
<br /> these abligations in the manner provicfr.d in paragraph 2,ar if not paid in tliat manner,Barrower shall pay them an time diroctly
<br /> ��; • t�the person nwcd payntent. &�rrow•ershall promptly fumish to Lcndcr:ill aotices of amounts to be paid under this paragrnph. __
<br /> If Barrower m:ikes these paymenu diratly,Borrov•er shall promptly fun�i�h a�A�:nder r��ceipts evidencing the paynrents. �_.-
<br /> � ^ Borr�wer shaQ promptly discharge any lien a•6ich h��priarity over�hi�5��.:�ity Instrument un(e5s livrruwer: (a)agrees in
<br /> �ar•��`;y;���z��-1-' wr[ting to the paymem of the obligation secured by the iien in a manner acc�:�k�".�tn L.ender;Ib►cont��._s i:i good faith the lien _-
<br /> �d,r;�:;'�; by, or defends against enforeement .�F the lien in. Iegal prcxc�s�fings which in the I.ender's opiniun cr:rate to prevent the
<br /> �.,......,....f.. ---°
<br /> t•'' ' enforcement of Ihc lien;or(r)se��ur�:s irom the holder of thc lica an agrcct:�ens satisfactur}�tc�[.enJer<<x�rdinating t�e ien to
<br /> . �`,' ��'4': '' �his Security Instrumcnt. If Lender�a�ternunes that any part of the Pmpcm: i� �ubjcct co a!::n whirh raa�� attnin pnoriry over
<br /> ,� ,.��': �` —
<br /> " � �`.�'�"�'�`°'' �� this Security Instrument. I.ender may give Bono�vcr a notice idencifyin�, di:i.:�. &�n•o��•.:.:�all satist�- tI��lien or t:tke one ot --
<br />� ri :r�'���'�r�'�•z •` �..
<br /> , ;�wt;::: �: - morc of thc actions�+.�t ti�rth abovc within 10 days uf thc giving of noticc.
<br /> • L:�•"�"•� • ' ' .S. a-L�s�rd or Fa�ope�ly Insurrnce. Bonowcr �hall keep the impm��emrnts now existing or Itcrwtter ercctod on the
<br />#�__ :��.�.Fik�._.`_. �.~_ p£�rx.�v :a��rc�t a�ainct lo�+ bv fire_ hazards included within the tenn cxtende:�cuvera��" and any other ha7ards, includin�
<br /> - =.-,F`rT:vi�•� r - --
<br /> • �, ;;; • floods or tlaxling, fur which I.cnder rcquires insurancc. This insur.�n4-��liall be ni�intam��in the amounts and for[i�c perioris _�_
<br /> �l. ;�._a. ...� _,.. ,.
<br /> ,. �,,. •,�� ,, that L.ender requirc�:. 1T3e insur.�nrc carrier providing thc iusuranrti shall be chasen by Borrowcr tiubjcct to lsndcr'ti approval
<br /> � `' which shall not be unz.w::;�`:�ubly withheld. If Bi�rrower failti to maintain cmrra:se descrihcd abo�•e. Leender may, at Lender's _
<br /> ��f��'ri`'a,.�•, �:.,, • option,abtain coverage c��_��atect Lender's�ightti in the Yroperrty in accurJancL+�ith paragraph 7.
<br /> w�,��Ya,_,.,.... �, • --
<br /> M�e..;T. ;,,r�,,.,, All insurance polic�.wa t;nd rene�vals shall be acceptable to lsnder and�hatt includr a stanJard niortgage dau��:. Len er ��
<br /> .,. •��•� shall havc the right to hc;�i thc pvlici.:s and renewals. If L,r�idcr rcquircs, Borro�ver�hall premptly givc t��I.endcr all receipts of �-J.
<br /> C .. ,,•. .. ��. r,,�.• "
<br /> - '`�'; .•., ;:°;. . paid premiums and renewal notir�.L:�r.t►e event of loss,Borrower shsll give prampt nu[i�ti w�.he insurance carrier and[..endcr. �-:
<br /> ��!��'~�°'''�+;}t,;-�,'•,' C.cnder may make praof of loss if na2 rade promptly by�rrower. -•
<br /> :± n .^•:'�. Unless Lender and F3arrower other�vise agree�n writing, insuranee proce�.�cis.I�all be upplied to restor�tion or repair of th� �'
<br /> ; �;;, ,; . .: ---
<br />_ p�*�+;��-�•�r•n ,�� ProNerty dama�ed,if the retitoration or repair is ecanomic:illy fwsible and I.rr.�4er's�ecurity�s not Iessened. If the restoration or :�-M;
<br /> .�'°'�"�';�^'�'1, repair is not economically feasible or I.ender's+ecurity would be Iessened,thc in�urance procecds tihall be applicd to the sums �`�,
<br /> �"��'��•'';^- ' secured by this Security Instrument, whcther or not then due. �vith any excess paid to Bnrrower. If Bi�rcower abandons thr
<br />_��r ���r��r,._•y f Property. or dcros nut answer within 30 dayti a notice i'rom Ler�tcT that the insurance rar.-ier has offereel to seule a claim.then �_
<br /> ��'-""'4"-'� L.ender may collect the insurance prac�:eds. Lender may use dae ;�rocreds to repair ot restore thc Property or to pay sums ''"-
<br /> i ` 1�qR.:•�-.Y�.h ..�/.
<br /> '�*"'. secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 3U-day period will begin�ti•hen the not ice is given.
<br />� .�'s�'"�'��'. Unless I�nder and Borrower otherwise agree in �vriting, any applicadon of proceeJs to principal shall iwt extend �ir
<br /> ' + � "r�"-_ ' s onc thc duc dutc of thc munthl a mcnts rcicrred w in ara ra h+ 1 ancl 2 or changc �I�e amount of thc paymcnts. If
<br /> .t � ,..:.. �,.� Po�P Y P'Y P , F. p � _
<br /> � ���;;;;,-; ����..� under paragraph 2l thc Property ix acquircd by L.cndcr. Borrowcr s nght to any insurance policics and pracctds rctiulting frorn -
<br /> '�'°�-". r,�.• ,.: i dama�e to the Property prior ta thr.:�:.�uisition shall pass to l.cnder to thc extcnt of the suct�s secured by this Security Instrument -
<br />__ •°,;i;-.;• - :'t;';:��:... �mmcdiatcly prior to thc:rcquitiitiim. '
<br /> '�.,a-�i��7_ ,5.Qccupuncy, Rreservat[on,hlaintenance i�nd Protection of the 1'ropert,r�;Borro«•cr's L.oan Application:LcuSehold5. ���r
<br /> • Borrower shall ocrupy.establitih, and use the Property as Borrower's principa! residence within sixty day�atter the execution�if
<br />- +��� ' ; this Securiry Instrumcnt and�hall continue tc�occupy thc Property as Burruwcr'ti prinripal residcncc ti�r at Iwst onc ycar attcr
<br /> _ . .. . thc datc of occup:uicy,unlcss L.cndcr nthcnvi,c agrc�, in writing. whirh ron�cnt tihall not bc unrcation�bly withhcld, ur unless
<br /> : . ��; • . , extenuating circumstanres cxist which are beyond Borrower'� cuntrol. Borrowcr �hall not destroy, damage or imp�iir the
<br /> •;y,�_ Property, allow tlte Prtiperty to detcrinr.ite, or rummit wa�t:o:t the Propeny. Borrowcr tihall be in default if any fur;:iture
<br /> . ^ �,,- : action or proceeding,whether civil�x cnminal, is hegun thae in lxndcr'ti�uixl ta�tfi judgment ruuld result in fortciture ol du
<br /> ' •w.•. .;� • • Properiy or othcrwitie matcrially impair the lien cn:atcd by this Serurity Inxtrument ur l.�ndcr'+�ecurity intcrc�t. Bormwcr m;�y
<br /> � cure such a default and reinstate,as pmvided in para�!raph I8,by causing the action or prora�linF to be dismitised�vith a ruling
<br /> ,� ��si�..'s�.<�':�.,. that, in L.ender's good faith detcrnunation, prcrludrs fortciturc of thr Borrower's intcrest in thc Prciperty �+r �xher ntatcrial I
<br /> '" ' ' '�' ' impair!nent of the licn crcatc� by tf�r.is Security Instrumem ur l.ettder's security intcretit. Bornoacr shall .d�o he in default if �
<br /> ' : • •�..�.'�;; Borroea�,�_during thc loan application process,gavc matcrially falsc ar inaccuratc informnlian or titatcmcntti t��L.cndcr I�r failcd !
<br /> _ ; ,�:::;_.`. ; ` �. to provid_I.�nder with any material information) in cimnectiun wiih the loan evidenccd by the Note,including,but nrn limit��d i
<br /> - +'� ••:- to,r� n�sr.nt,�ttsons c:o:�c:::rnmb Bu�ru��•cr's i�ccupa:tcy of the Property as a prirtcipal residencc. If thiz Se�urity lnstn�ment i.�n a
<br /> t �:..,,: �:�:. ; P I
<br /> - - . . Icaschuld. Iiortou�cr sir,ill compl�� with �Il thc provisiom of Ihe Ic:itic. If L�arm��•cr arquires fcc titic to tlir Property. thc
<br /> - � leaschold a�d tlie f��;tide shall not mcr�e unlc,s L�:nder agrees tn thc merger in w�iting.
<br /> 7.Po�otection of I.endcr's Ri�l�ts in thc Prn�er�y.If i3or_c•ucr fail�to pedorm thc a�vcnants anJ ugrecments runtain�i in �
<br /> �' this Security Instnimcnt, or there ix a Icgal proceeding that m.cy tiignificantly affert L.ender'� riNlus in the Prop.ny ��i.ch ati a I
<br /> - , procccding in bankruptcy,probatc, tiir condcmnation or forfcitum or to cnforrc law,��r regulation�l.t h�n Lcndcr may d��and
<br /> ..�i... .,..i..N,.r d,a Prn�AV ared I rndcr'c ri�ht� in dtc Proixttv. I.cnder'ti actiimti m,�y.
<br /> .-- --, �- • � ��ay ivi wit ti�c'vET iS n:n.:.��u:j::, p:::v....... ......,. _. ..._ .._�'.•, . _
<br /> Y;� , mcludc paying any wms s�wumJ hy a hcn wl�ich has prinnty o��cr thiti Sccurity Instrumcnt, app::z_rang in roun. payi��g i
<br /> _ 1 ;,� ralsanablc attomcys'fccs anJ cntcring on thc Pro�x:rty to makc rcpain. Although Lendcr may takc act iun undcr thiti parcigraph i
<br /> _ "• ;'.`�:;.:::--^.:,,:. 7.Lentler does not t�avc to do�o.
<br /> '� #��T:.: •, �:; Any amounts ditibur�al by t.,cndcr undcr this par:�gr.iph 7 �hall bccomc additional dcbt uf Bcttrmvcr ��tiurcJ hy this j
<br /> � 1 •_�,;;.:;;?�.- ,Y�,, Sr.curiry In�trumcnt. Unlcss BnrrowQr and Lcndcr agrcc to��thcr trrmti of paymcnt. thcsL amounts shall bcar intcrctit fram thr
<br /> s` } " ���'-�'. •�" datc of disbuncmcnt at thc Notc r.uc :mJ tihall be pay:+blc, with intcrcst, upon nuticc from L.cndcr tu Borm�arr reyuc�ting
<br /> ,�: .,••,,::,;,• •
<br /> ,,,:.,.. _,�., .�'t paymcnt. �
<br /> ' ,_4•; � � • 8.Rtort�age Insuratx�e.If(.enJer rryuired mongagc in�urance a�a conditi�m of mctking thc li�an +crun�l hy thi.Srcurity ,
<br /> ,.f '`,.�,� ' � Instrument. Borrawcr�I�all pay thc prcmiums nryuircd to maintain tlic mortgagc in�ur.mrc m rf(�vt. If, ti,r any rra+��n, thc ,
<br /> I . . mortgagc insurancc a�vcra�c rcyuircd hy L�ndcr lapsrs or rra�c+tu bc in cFfect. Bi�rmwcr sh.dl pay thc prcmimm rcyunrd tu
<br /> _f "r.,'�;���,•�' u ui�lainc���•cr.igc tiub�tantially cyuiv:Qcnt tn thc mnrtga�c imuranrr pr�vi�rosly in rltcrt.aU a cu�t�ubstantially ryui��:�lcnt to tlir �
<br /> � cost to Borm�ccr of�hc mnrtgagc insur,�n�r prcviou�ly in cffcct, trom an nitcrnatc nmrtgagc insurcr appruv�til b�• IAndcr. I!' �
<br /> �
<br /> '• a ' �
<br />- „ , ,.:�i1�,� Form 3028 9�90
<br /> � f
<br /> k � ; _
<br />