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<br /> q DF:�D 0� �RUST
<br /> - (Shc�rt Fnrm) ,
<br />-
<br /> _ •
<br /> , hereinafeer. ref.erred t� as the "'`lruetor", to - -
<br /> � secure a Note beaxing even date herewith for the principel amount o£ FORTY ONB THQUSAHD �
<br /> 5' , - FOUR HUNU1tED 'fEN AND 50/100- - - - - - - - - - - -- Aollars ($ G�.4��payable ;s-�,
<br /> . ��� •• ta the order of GRAND ISLAND iNVESTM�NT CQMPAN'Y, hereinetfter referred to ae the "-"
<br /> �{Ff "t��":. It �1 �4��
<br /> ��,.•�:'�;�' z• BeneEiciary , providing for payment of the entire pxincip�l balance� togsther � �
<br /> �t�� ���+s�Yx'��- with i.nterest at Che rate of TEN ercent ( ��•0 X) per ennum ��Z
<br /> ���•.•,. : .. + ���i�.f
<br /> .. '�q�(s�'��'���>t� '�i3y in monthly installmente of r OUR HUN F IVE AND�7TQ0=--- �
<br /> 1••���T���~'��-T � , M .
<br /> -�,,,�: '�, Dollare ($ �) each unti]. , 19 , at
<br /> �t;.:Y
<br /> •�':_=", ' which time aLl principal and interest provided for by this Note shall have been paid, -
<br /> "'� � � do hereby grant and convey until AREND R. BAACK, Attorney at Law, Che "Trustee", '��;r°
<br /> ,t..k .�r ,�,,�. , ..:�.
<br /> •�,'" � �� � � the following-described property: '
<br /> '.�,:��f.:�,.:•j��',�,��,,j� �.-
<br /> '��r'.l'�..'i�_;. .. ��'� ;
<br /> ''� �`'' � " Lot Three (3), IIlack Eight (8), Wiebe's AddiCion, Grand Island, Hall County„ Nebxaska. r;
<br /> r,:.. . - . '" ��
<br /> . • ; "�:
<br /> f. .:
<br /> ty,:��y.I • : ,} �'��:�f
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<br /> ' . TO HAVE AND TO fl0i.� the same, together with all appurtenances, 3n trust @'.`•.t�
<br /> - -- - --- 7 , c a � �, c ra u....._ �. ..
<br />-- ---"--'------- Ill.-`VC1lt1CIC.Y7� titlU lll Lc1bC tZ� uBfniStt in �atc �n�cii� Oi ontu a�va.0 Oi W'Zy (ro1.L ..-
<br /> ;.•y,, thereof or i�tereat thereon or in the perfurmance of any covenant hereinafter. ��^�`�,�
<br /> ;'�y�p . set forth, then the Truatee sha�l yave the power to se11 the above-deacribed ' ';?`�`;
<br /> propexty, and upon requesC of t�ae Seneficiary, the Txustee ahall file for record k:�
<br /> in the Regiater of Deeds' Office of Ha11 County, Nebxaska, a Notice of *t,
<br /> � Aefault, setting forth th�t a bsesch of an obligation, for wh3ch the said property n��:!
<br /> �::
<br /> , „ was conveyed as security, has oecurred, and setting forth the nature of such I�;'�`��
<br /> breach and the Truatee's election to sell the property to satisfy the obligation; �','��'
<br /> . ;..., _ . and after the ].apse of not let�s thaa one (1) month, the Truatee ahall �ive ,
<br /> written notice of the time and place of sale which may be between 9:00 a.m. and
<br /> , � 5:00 p.m. at the premises, or at the Hall County Courthouse, and particularly
<br /> �_••�}_��� � describing the property to be sold; eaid Notice to be publiahed in a newapaper of
<br /> � ` � a �eneral circulation in Hall County, Nebraska, once a week for five (S) �,,, ,
<br /> ��,�,. . . . consecutive weeks, the last publ:ication to be at leasC Cen (IO) days but nat '
<br /> � , more thAn thirty (30) days prior to the snle; and the Trustee shnll illen sell said ��
<br /> , '.���` property at the time and place deslgnated in the Notice, in Chc manner provided � ,
<br /> - by 1aw in ef£ect at the time of filing esid Noelce, ancl public �uction to ehe
<br /> � � highest bidder for cash and shull dclivcr to such purchascs a deed to thc property {
<br /> '•� sold, consist�nt crith the law in effect at that time. Additionally, Trustee shall
<br /> � '"',���: mail Trustor � copy of any Notice of DefaulC and h�tice of sale hereunder �
<br /> . , upon default addressed to them at 1923 W Louise, Grand Islaid,t� 68803 Out of the �
<br /> '.,.TM:, proceeds of said sale, t:he Trustee ahall retain and pay first all fees, charges ,
<br /> � t'�;� and costs of sale and All moni�s sdvanced in the exa=cise of the power of sale,
<br /> '���'",�� including the payment of the Trustee'a fees actually incuxred, and pay second �•
<br /> �� , • the obligations secured by this Deed of Trust; and the bslance, if any, shall be ;
<br /> � • paic� to the person or persons l.egally entitled thereto. Any person, includin� ehe �
<br /> , Beneficiary, may purchase said property at such sale.
<br /> :�: The trustor covenants that at the time of del3�ery of these presents,
<br /> ;��.. they are seized of said property in fee simple, and thut said property is free ,
<br /> �._ of encumbrances, excePt encumbrnnces, easements, rights-of-way, restrictions and
<br /> reservationa of recor�, and they will properly maintain the property, keep all
<br /> � buildin�s insured for fire and extended coverage in an amount equal to the
<br /> unpa3.d bal�nce of the ufores�id Note, with loes payuble to the Beneficiary, and
<br /> � �-- -- . . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> '— � Will pIIy all taxes ana aeaessmenLe againac auia properzy una amounca aue on prior
<br /> � � encumbrances, and if they sha�l fail to pay insurance premiumo or taxes on
<br /> . i 3m�unts due on prior encumbrancee, Che Beneficiaxy ctcty pay the eame r3nd all
<br /> amounts so paid shall become udditional indebtedness due hereunder; and in case
<br /> j ' cf foreclosure, Trustor rri13. pay �►ny rer.3onubl.e c►ttorney fees incurred by
<br /> ', , ." Beneficiary or Trustee in such foreclosure proceedings.
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