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.��,�:..: . . . n�re <br /> — ' , .. ... . . . . ...._.-- ---- - ._.------- � <br /> .� -- - <br /> . . g�^ io.�ioa�:R . . <br /> � --- a���2i�ub1� law may ,�xcil;v fur rein+t�►trmentl ►+etorr xale ui the 4'ruperty Exir.uwu to imy �x�wrr uf +ule awtri��ed in ihi.r <br /> Security in�trumenl;or(b)r.ntrv uf a.jud���riCnt r�ifurcing this Security instrumrnt. '16u+�euiKliri�ms arr lhat Burruwer: (u) <br /> pays l,etxkr all �ums which thu� wrnild-kn+ dae u�xkr this Security In�trumrn�arxl �ix N�de av if no arceteratiex� h� <br /> uccurred;�b)cures any defnult uf iiny ixhra�:o�enants or agrc�mentti;(c)pays nl;cx�enses incurrrd ln en[nrcing this Security <br /> inntrument. including,but nM�imitr�l w,tr��tiabl� �ttorneys'feey;and id)takes tiuch uction ns La►eier may rtui►i�bly <br />_-�_---- —------ <br /> reyuin tn asaure�hat thc lien��f ihin Securit�tnstrument,l.ender:rights in the Property and 8nm►werk��bligation t�pay the <br /> _ _ --- sum� securcd 'ny u�is �ClllIII.�I LIl4�ILII�.tlt.bi4�II cu+�tiuu:, ur�.h:.,-:;c3. Upon rcir.�,t�r�m�•rt t�y l��rrmvrr, �hi�; c.,���r:ty <br /> lnstrument and Ihe obligAtionx+ecurr:d tx.eebp ahcl!remwn fully effative as if no accelet�tic+r�hui occutred. Howevcr,Ihis <br /> right to�ci��wtate,hall not apply in of,ecccle.iattan underpuragraph 17. <br /> 19, Sak of NWe; C:hanqe ot I.�a tiervio�r,. "�"#�c 1Vote ar a parti�l intcrest in thc fYote (to�{ether wi�h dw; Security <br /> Inxtn�mentl may be sold une or mnre tin�cs wi1l�c�ytS pri�r nutiee to Borrc�wer. A salc may a ch�ea In tiw entity <br /> (k►x►wn as the'I.aiu�Scrvictr")thrt collt+ctt mpnlf�Ip ayayments Aur,un�ier thc Note and this 5ecurity Instrument. Therc also <br /> may be Une or more chan�es of tho Luan Sctvi�Rr unrrlated tn a ralc�f thc Note. If thenc iti n change nf the Loan Scrvicer. <br /> � Bormwer will be given written notice uf ttm chiiogz i►�ucco.danec with paragr�ph 14 abnvc and apnlicable la�v. Ths nottee <br /> will siate the namc and address of tha ne�v I.qan,Serviccr and the address to which payments should 6e made. The naticc will <br /> �Itio contain any other infonnatian rec�uired by epplicubl�law. <br /> 20. Hawrdnuq Substances. Borrawer Sh�ll nut cause or permit the presence, use,dis�asal,storafie,or cc)c�.tic uf any <br /> — linG�rdous Substanccs on or in rhe:Yroperty. Aormwer shali not do, nor:dlow anyone else to do,anything atfectins tha <br /> Property chat is in violation of any E�rvirx�nmcntttl The preceding two sentr.nccs shall not apply to the presence.use,or <br /> , storage nn the Property of small qi�nntitics of H�x:ardnus Substances that�re�cncrally rccognizcd to bc appropriate to normal <br /> -- residenu�t u�cs and to maintcnancc af th�PropertY. - <br /> — Borrawcr shall promptly givc Lendcr wdtten natio:of any investigation,cl�iim,demand,lawsuit or othcr action by any <br /> , governmental or regulatory agency or privata p�vty in►'alving thc Property and a.ny Harardous Substance or Environmentat <br /> Law of whicki Borrowcn c��s actaal kao�ale;IFr.. !f Borrower learns, or is notified by any govcmmental or regulutory <br /> - authority,th:t any rcmovnl ur other semedi��tion oF�tny HazarJous Substance affectin�the Pruperty is necessary.Burrawer <br /> ___ shall promptly take Ap necessary remedia��ctiuns in nccordance with Environmental Law. <br /> _ _. As used in this��asagraph 20,"I��nzardous•SuUet;inces•"are�I�ose substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> Environmental Law and ihe tollowing sub�.tances: c::solinc, kcrosene,other flammable or toxic peuolewn products,taxic <br /> — pesticidcs und hcrbicides, volatilc solvcrus,mn:erieil�: containing asbestos or formatdehyd�, and radioactivc materials. As <br /> --- used in this paragraph 20,"Environmer.Ta1 Lat�v"rnr�ns federal laws and laws of the ju�isdiction where the Properry is located <br /> _ that relaie tn health,safcty or cnviron�rntnl pmtectioii. <br /> NQN-UNIFURM COVENANTS. Burro�ver a�d Lender furrDiercovenant and agme as follows: <br /> - — 21. Acceleratlun; Remedies. Lendar shttU;;i�e notice to Borrower prior to acceleratlun folloµin� Aorrower's <br /> --- -- �_,__�..o.,....,..,..o......{nr uorsw�mPnt i�this S�K�i�r 5ty Instrument lbut not prtor to accelcrutlon uuder paragraph 17 <br /> . .. —=: 4ll.YHl v�w�•.1 ►...�..«..L.- � . <br /> — �--- -- unkws upplicstble 1aw pri�b ides athcrwi�;e1. Tl���ttutice shall specify: (a)the dePauit;(o)ine aciiun rryuiTCU tv cu�e t e <br /> — - — defaulh,(c)a date,not less thsan 30 duys from Rhe date the notice is�iven to wh[ch the defuult must be <br /> —'' curr.d;and(d)that feilure to curr I�re defuult on or before the date speciFied in the notice may rzsult in�cceleration of <br /> _�:..^�: the sums secured Fiy this Sceurefis[r�':rument�an�l sule of the Property. Ttte notice shall furlher Inform IIorrower of <br /> the rlght to reinstate at'ter A�crlers�.".iun and thu rlght to bring u court actlon to�ssert the non-exixtence of a default or <br /> —_ <br />