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<br /> ' � ;.� =- � _ _ —_ ----- ---
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<br /> _-�-- _- - f. i��a a■.ww.�e� ia� � an�frf�Srat tr 4M/wth�r t►wt tMt t/�wi�Tav�t�� r1y11 r�w�n 1� �
<br /> qulat •nd �e+QaM ���alon a1 t!�abiw �r�r+tsd Mid d�ICe'tbed ��wlNtl �Mf!tMto SM �rAf It� tMrao/ Ro
<br /> -- - --� i�ts arw� W� yC��l t d�fwlt M�dr /n seY My�rnt �f � InitAll�r�t dw�t�n s�li nrt� rv IN lM p�rfewarct
<br /> • a/ Mxf'if-� �t� K cand4tla+r wetalnod tOrrr�n�r t�thfs pN1�f Trwt. u�d, ri�o t�ascu� tlw
<br /> hf�w�a�t yf th� Mn�ttet�rr �r�r otMr holder qf��id wot�. tlr T►�wtMt Mr aey wMLIWt� trwtM d
<br /> «r .w atl owe. .a�ayw,w�. ��r.e. l�ciudtn� r.ara�.at. aecoe:�r�. rwa. «+ .eeaw+e o�.a�y l�e+pta� •
<br /> �rht� ,�M�r �HN Mith �q�rt t� tAt• Trwt K Mlth n�t to th� t�tM��r wlNi�l►r s�tid�. tl�
<br /> �_ -- a . ..«.+..r��...; «.t r.}..��.Y e►r !!!�e ;n�p!M!►ty Irm+�f�lwrw d��r{hwd ar tn drt��nln��Naslan of s�ld �rawrtx
<br /> �.•-----
<br /> _ _ ��ft��]r wl��h1e�wy M�as I�1n�ftK Ororld�d.
<br /> _ � 2. Upew t� full Myrnt o1 ttr Ind�Yt�dness �vtdrne�d by wfd�sts and the tnt�rat th�r�a�. th�
<br /> J _ �p��t d #11 �th�r wnr lrnte 'revtd�d fK. Rnr r��nt of all �ont�� �dv}�c�d er uy�ndrd�wrsw�t !�
<br /> � srld �ot� � tht� 1Mtetirr�nt. �d u{we th�oaf�rn+t ot �il oth�r prop�r aat�. elwr�n. earNi�slo�. an�l
<br /> -�---�---�-- � rxpsn�s. the�b�re de�cNbed prnp�rty sMll M n�uscd �nd nconw�d tu�nd�t tlr cost of tM Tn»tx. --
<br /> !, IMon default in ay ot tA� canwe+eta or Condltfomt ot tAff f�aYrY�nt or of the nob Or lan
<br /> - - �n�t s�wnd Ne►�by,, tM M�ttlefur or hfs uri�ns �y MlthDUt ieotla and r1tMa�t rrq�rd to tM
<br /> �d�qYaey ot s�turitr /or tM tnd�6t�dn�si s�cYnd. �lther person�i7y or br�tWrney or rgent rltlaut brfnytno —
<br /> airy �eNa� or Mrocwdt�. ar b a nc�lwrr to b�+ppoiet�d�r t!r cou�t. wter uoon�nd tak�passas�f�n oE
<br /> ,M{d arop�rty p. �ny �rt th�r�ol. �nd do�ny aets whieh�xfici+�ry diw Prop�r t4 proQat tht s.cu��er
<br />= lrrrpt. Md �/RMr �ItA or Mlthad trlclM oosussion of satd prop�rty. coii�ct�nd r�c�tiw tFwr re.�ts. _
<br /> re�ltias. I�r. awd�oHtt tMr�ef. Inclydtn� �snts acGrwd aed u�id. a�d arPly tM taw�. 1«a co�ts of
<br /> opratloa nwd�olt�ct:m, upon ths tnd�t��s s�cund by thls �d nf T►u�t, sald �ants, roy�itta, t�sws. �
<br /> Md �oftts. M1M Irrriy assf�d to sM �f�etary �s lurtfMe s�eurity for thr p�y�eni of weh
<br /> lwlt or nottc�of
<br /> r r 1 t n oe wiw�n de
<br /> yiMrit�ns. Eatrcis� of NOhts w�r thts 0+ ay aph sAsl no w r
<br /> d�taiult Mew�d��er 1mr�lfdrL�My�Ct doM/�wa�t in sueh eotie�6ut ahall M awut.tt,� to .�r r��n: .nd =�-
<br />`;� ��r W d�elan a det�utt and to eau� rotice of ddault to b r+ecor+d��� M�fsafter provld�d. �nd ____
<br /> euwl�tirt !a any bther Npht �nd/or rw�dy herwrder. or prrnitrcd by Iw. snd�r b�e�ercisad w+curr�tly Q,�:.
<br /> w t�tly. Ex�nan i�curnd Ey l�fieiarr l�ereunder t++cludrnp n�sanabl� �ttorney's f�es ah�ll b� ���
<br />'.,. �
<br /> saund l�enby. �«_
<br /> F`��•..
<br /> �. Tne T►wsso� cov.na�+:s and s��.a tn.e �t n� an.it ta�t eo v�y sa�a ��a�tted�+ess. or .�y wn _
<br /> � yWnof, M�en eWR, or atyil fail to perforn�ny covenaot or aqree�ent d thtis tnstruK+�t or of the pra�tssory r'�?�'
<br /> �
<br /> note Meurad h�+yby. tM �nttre indt6t�dness hercby secured st�ll M�tdiately beca�e due. P+Y+ble. and �j c�..�
<br /> eollacttbl� �t th� oPttm �f tht den�fici�ry or�ssfges. rsyardl�ts of�ttuNtq. and tex Oentfteiaryr or `�`'� .
<br /> f1:lt�'��,:
<br /> uslyns �+y �ntRr upoe ss3d praperty u�d eoilat the rents and profits thertot. Upon such default tn paywent u... ,.
<br /> ��'i or perfoer�ct� and b�tare or afLer tueh entryr. the Trustee, aetfrg 1n the exeeutta+of tMs Trust after the �t;;�::':�
<br /> nottu Of deiwit fNf b��n nCOr+d�d. slull�il �copy of tIN default to�ach otrson wfn ts a pu�ty to tMs �.• . ,
<br /> � t�stnaent. �t thR �ddrtsa set out tn thls tnstnrent. �i Mil as to anr person rl+o N+s e�@�KSt�d�ny oottee ,
<br /> at' d�fwlt and �wtle�o! wl�by naordtrg sald request tor nottee Mfth the reyi�t�r ot deeda tn t!�countr 4� �•
<br /> 1� MtieA thtt lintru�tnt is hCOrdNf. �nd�1t�� the t�pse of t1�e rhlch ts noutnd by Lw�tter �f itng the ; ,
<br /> in
<br /> mLiu. tAs Trustw �Z1 hrw tlw paer to s�il sa4d property, and tt sh�ll ba th Trustee's dutr to aell '
<br /> ` uid properk.y� (and tn u� ot any default of anr punhaser. to e�ts�ll� �t pubHe auction. to the Atphest �
<br /> pidder� {Irfiq y�rtig ftr� �wres' twt/c� oT tht ti�e. ten�s, end p)a�t ot sucb sal�. br adrartiawrn4 not ltss ;
<br /> tlrn ot�u C�ttnp �aeh of �a1d fiw r�eks tn• eKwsp�per published or dist�ibut�d tn the county or polltic�l ;
<br />-'-� wOdtrisian 1n rh1Ch sa1� �roparty is sitwtod. �nd writtm notice of sile sMil b� wfled to�ath person■ho ��
<br /> 4� •.��i,� y� � p�rtr to tMs 9na2•rowen! at tlr �ddn�s set fart'h heretn. (and th� 6er�efr.ziary or any qnm on O�A+II '� :
<br /> i
<br />'`,;�, of tM l�tlelary �y bid and purchate st sucfi saleJ. Sue1s a�le Mill be heid at a su/qbl�plac�te be ,•
<br /> s�1�et�d b}� �fit lMNtlClary rtthtn s�id tounty ar polittu! suEd9�9s/on. Th� TrustN ia heraDy �uthortisd to i:
<br /> �cute and d�7lver to th purcAasar at auch r�le a aufftclent tanveymce ot sald property, Mhfch conv�yance !
<br /> -=�=•`:- sMll caetNn nelt�ls u to th�A�ppeMny of default upon Mh1ch tM ex�cutia+of th� goiw�of sal�hert111 �,
<br /> ,�, �r,�ntW d�pends0 �++d the satd Twstor herrDy constttutes �nd�ppointf ihe Trust�e as hfs aq�nt and �ttora�y
<br /> in faet to Mlc� sucA r�ctt�ls and to execute aatd conveyance �nd herebr coven+nts and�grea ttyt t�e � •
<br /> eycft�is so �rd�sf�if b�bindin� and eonclusive upon the Trustor, and s�td convey�nee shall be effectwt to ��
<br /> ber �11 putty or ripht of redrphon. ha.estea0, do�wr, rtiynt ot eppnisaunt. �nd alt other rtghta an0
<br /> • '�
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