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� � � .:.=iCF� <br /> 9�� 1�/� <br /> -� <br /> �:�zKicmnatuxt ur Whcr�rkutg i�f uny��ar1�►f Ih�'Fn� f�K�•�mveya�nce in lieu irf ctnNkmne�icm,arc Fxrchy+ua��ned srkl <br />, ahall bc�p�id to lxiidee. <br /> !o the evem ot� hw�l takinR of �h�e Prn}xny. � p�� �i tx,�►��«� co �� +��� ,��r�a nr �n�s Security <br /> Im!trumcet.wF�ether or na thm dur,with any nzceu�pnld ta Bixrower. In►he even� uf aµ�rtial tnking nf ttx�mprrty in <br /> which the fair martet value of Ihe Property imtr�edi�oely before the t�kin�is eqwl W or grenter than the amou�u of th�swm <br /> .e�ured hv this Secwitv in�trumer�t immcdirtely txi'�xe thc txking,unfcss 6ortower arxl Lender olherwi�►e agrer in writinE, <br /> the swns aaured by 45►is Security Inurument shall be rectuced by the a�mount oi ux {n�ti�rJ,��w�.��.I�..;�� �li.: �..�4..L;. -- <br /> fraction: (rl the total anxwol oC the xums securai immedistely 6eforc the taking.divided by Ibl the f�ir trwrkrt value ot the <br /> Pnoperty immedi�ely before tl�e tulcing. Any bnlwire she11 be paid to Brxrawer. In the cvrnl o�'u p+utin) E:aing of�he <br /> pmpeny in which tt►s fdr muket value of the i'��operty�mmedistely before u`�e taking iti Irss tha�i the wrxwnt�f the::um� - <br /> u�:urod immediaiely fxfurc the laking, unlcss Bnrrowcr xnd Lencler othenvise agree in writing �r unless applicabk f�w <br /> oche�wise prc�vi�k�,lhe pmcetds shall6e applied to the sumti secured by this Security Imwment whether c►r not the�ums arc <br /> thet�due. <br /> If the Ptuperly is abaixlaxd by Borrower,os if,aRer notice by LenJer to 13ormwer that ihe c�x�Jc��uK,e uffrr,to�iwke _ <br /> an xwazd�x unlr a claim for damages,Bonower fa31s to mpcxid to L•�nder wi�hin 30 days aftcr the date thc nair�iz givrn. <br /> Lender i�authexixed t�collect and appty the proce�ds,at its option,either to resroration or repair of the Prc�erty or to thG <br /> xum�securecl by thic Securiry InStrument,whether or rat then c1ue. <br /> Unk,v Lender aixl Bom�wer oiherwise agree in writing,auy applicuaon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> paetpax the due ciatt of the monthly�yments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chango thc:unuunt of�uch paymenc.. <br /> Il. BurroM►er lVot Released; ForbeAr�nce By Lender NM a Waivtr. Extension of the time [or paymrnt or <br /> �;xr�ifiriir,a af asnarti:::tiort nf the�ums se-utc^d by Qtie Sr.rnrity In�rn�ment gmn.ed by I.enJer to any sucressor in intertst <br /> of Bcrrrower shall not operate to relea.tie the liability of t}te original Borrower or Horrower's succeswrs in interest.Lender <br /> sh�ll iwt bc rcquind to commence proccedingF against tany succes.sor in interest ar rcfusc to extcnd timc for paymcnt or <br /> otherwi,c modify amonization of tlm sunt�sceurcd by Atis Sccue�t�io�trumcnt by reason of any dcma�vS mAdc by the original <br /> F3orrower or Borroweri successors jn inlerest. Mry fort„:ar,ar�ce by Lettcter in exercisiug uny right or rc�n;cly shall not be u <br /> waiver of or preclude the exercicr,of any right�s+-c�mcdy. <br /> 12. Successocs antl Assixny 1°�+Mmd;,loint aed Se�+erstt Ciability;Co-sigaers. The cavcnants anJ agreements of this <br /> Security Instrument sh�ll binr�:u�rS!�enefit the successors and acsigns of Lender and Bonower,subject ro the pravisi��s�s of <br /> parag[uph 17. 8orrower's covr,v,ar�l.:+and agreemenGs shall ix soint and several. Any Boaower K�ho co-signs this Sr:arity <br /> Instrument but dces noi r.xer.uir.a1.,Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Instniment only to mortgnge,grant and convcy that <br /> Banower;interest in tite P�nperty under the terms of this Security Instrum�nt; (b)is not personally obligatrd to pay the sums <br /> securcd by this Security inslrurner.t;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Barrower may a�ree to exten:�,modify,forbear <br /> or make :uiy accommodati��iis wirh regard to the terms of this �ccuriry Instrument or die fVote withvut that Borrower's <br /> ccnunt. <br /> 13. I.oan �hnrnc�. It'�he 1.�1an secured Ny this Security Imtrument is subject w a law which sets mvcimum loan <br /> charges,and that law f:t tinally ir.'�:Tpreted so that the interest or other loan cl;,srges collected or to be collteted in connection <br /> with the loan exceed the}x:rtniCt�:�9 limitti,then: (a):u�y such loan charge�ha;l be�reduccd by the amount:��cessary ro reducc <br /> the charge to the pennitted limii;and(b)any�urns atrcady collectcd from Bormwer which exceeded pc�nilted limits will be <br /> n:fu�tdcd to Borcowcr. Lendr.r m.,Ty choose to make this refur.d by reducing thc principal owed und�r the Noie or by making a __ <br /> direct pa��ment to Bormwer. Ii'a rrfund rcduc•r�principwl,Qae eeduction will be trcated as a partial prcpayment w�thoat uny � <br /> pcepayment charge under the N�Ke. <br /> 14. IVolkes. Any notice to Sosrawer p����ided for in this Security Instrumcnt shall be given by delivcring it or by <br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law myuires usc of another method.TUe notice�hall be directed to the Prope►ty ,�__ <br /> Address or any other uddress Borcowcr designates by notice to Lcnder. /tny notice to Lender xhall be �iven by fint class ___ <br /> mail to Lender's address stau:d Itet�in or any other address Lender designates Uy notice to Cioriower. Any notice provided for _ <br /> in tliis Securiry Instrument shaA be deemcd to havc Ueen given to Barrowcr ar Lend�r u�hcn given :ts provided in this ` <br /> P�BroPh• �. <br /> 15. Gove�niN� Law; Severs�bflity. This Sccurity Instrument sha3) ix=govemcJ by tederal law and thc law c�f the <br /> jurisciiction in whir,G tt�e Property is located. In the event thut any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note �^��� <br /> conflicts wiQi applicable law,such conflict shal!not afCect other provisions of this Security Instrumcnt or Uie Note which can �►-.,-_. <br /> (x:Ei��en effect without the conilicting provision. Tii this end the provisions of this Se:urity Instntment und the Note:uti: �' <br /> de�:la+�ed to be scvcrablc. ��-� <br /> l6. BM'rower's Copy. [iorrower shall be given one confortncd copy of the Nate and of this Sewrity lnstrument. �=,��,�_ <br /> 17. 'Ih�ns[er of the Property or a Beneticdyl Interest i�Borre�wer. If all ur uny pa�t of thc Propx:ny or any intcrest in ��:� <br /> r•�� <br /> it is sold o:transferred(or if a beneGcial inte�^±st in Born�wer is sold or transfemcd and Barmwer is not a natura!penon) � <br /> R�._ <br /> without Lendert prior written conscnt,Lendcr may,at its option,r:.a:ure immcdiate payment m f'ull uf all sums tiecur�d by ;��:- <br /> this Securiry Instntmcnt. However,this option shall not br e:;�rcisea by Lender if cxcrcise is prohibited by federal law as of ��tE.� <br /> the datc of this Sccurity Instrum:n3. `v. <br /> r` �:� <br /> If Lender exerci�.�s this option,Lender shall�ive Borrower notice of aceelcration. The notice shall provide a period of <br /> not less th�n 30�:;:ys fmm the date the notice is�lelivered or mailed withia•�i��i�h Botrower must pay all sums securcd by this •'?=- <br /> �.,_, <br /> Security Insttument. If gotrowcr fails to p:+y Yttese sums prior to the en�iration of this pc:riod, Lcndcr may invoke arty <br /> r�, <br /> remedies permitted by this Security Instrttment without further ttotice or de:nand on Borro�ver. <br /> 18. Borrower's itight to Reinstate. lf Barrower mects ccrtain cunditions, Borro�ver shall havc thc right to Navc =; <br /> cnforcemer.t uf this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the c:►rlier of: (:U S days(or tiuch othcr period as �:;�• <br /> Single Family--Fannk MyrlFY�eddie lfac UNIMhR�1!1NST�UMENT--Uni[ortn Cuvcnams 9/96 1pu�;e 4 oJ 4 Pu�rs 1 ��' <br /> f t�- <br /> ir s. <br /> � <br /> _ __ ._.�_� _ ��:<a;.a;,.,:,;_ <br /> �--- _--..u�a_ -?';'"�:"�j^.'�'� `.`.�^T�„�'-T,...,..-...... . J:�------.. . . <br /> - ._ y'.ZL,`�kTi�., k. n71�::;''" _L-_•..�.___�___. ��'��'_ <br /> -•- - '�' __ __ __ -- ____ _- _ ' <br /> _� - �r, -� �. ..-"'- ,.r -�-. r w..�v-�r . �:. . _ _ .'_—_ _ <br /> � _ ' w z '� [r 'vt �': 'i•.l :'V3,h ,. <br /> _��_..S 3 "�-.� - � . - - - _ .` .c v+-i. . <br /> -.-Yrr ,cMCew'iSTl19fT`r�i�7';�'.�w:�viRrt r . L•.� '� -�f� r�`.cV1uYKG1� 1b.Y_'.'t.� - . - <br /> �'21�k'� C �i4 y ..t .r . � . . � - y-� I jr::' . <br /> __- ►7R-1���.c- --� -'C ' t �x '�'� Y���i � _. <br /> _�ati.. r�e.y Yti iY:�e i 'tit y„�.S-e�s. )�t�5-Fi�.1��+�, � � ry;.: .. <br /> _ - C 5���.r,�t�jT %t �.. J 1�,},. ;}�.. <br /> � <br /> � � _a �srh �1T�2v. ro r �e'ti=`, <br /> � � ..._ , �......._. ��'° `- '-?�.74�iewv Y v ert�-rrs "` �'p'��°,� '�,��i' _. <br /> ._ .. . _. . ---° -� - �lti�� - S `r�[+'V �� ' ',r"'t'C'. I �'� � . <br /> v__�.�m+us�rs¢�uu�u�u�s����� �.�4� ;`�' r�� .i�i �r. ��'d���wf" -.�'4 .. � . <br /> ""�` � JS' �,�. r,l .xr+ -x�....t� .,t. <br /> _ �.�.^'s!0[1.� ��d��'L���, '�,�j �Y ,.. _l� � ; _�r .if�• •. .. <br /> -- - �r.�r "� ,��rv.' . '• . .. <br /> =.._'� __ .,�:,...'r�.•r��F �t,.�"{ vg�' .' ' i.. ;. .. .-. .,.v;.� �i <br /> -----= <br />